Will goblina get her spin-off ?
Will goblina get her spin-off ?
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>What's to the West of Westeros?
Bravo David(s)
Jag sbarro?
Yes. With Andy serkis as body double.
Stop right there criminal scum
I swear the ending montage with her was just a teaser for her spin off. Why the fuck did we need a gearing up montage of a character we followed the entire series at the end!?
This map does a horrible job of depicting provincial borders.
butthurt Nord detected
Skyrim is and will always be Empire clay
She's pure anglo dude
She's clearly more Irish/Welsh than Anglo
That makeup is actually kino. It's funny how everyone working on the show did an excellent job except the writers and some actors.
now the comparison is unfair to the hunchback
Would be better than the Children of the Forest one. Who gives a shit about them anymore?
Never should have come here...
>divide and conquer
stop pretending that there's only one white or else you'll be left with no allies against those who wish to divide you
Has a spinoff of a show with an ensemble cast focusing on one character ever been successful (besides Fraser)?
>kills Dagoth Ur