Wow thanks government funded news
Wow thanks government funded news
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We’re getting history lessons from fake news now?
>fake news disproving ideas gained from a fantasy tv show
What a mess.
>Europe was so incredibly diverse that people paid money to see a black woman for the first time
And that was even centuries after the Middle Ages.
>Kavita Mudan Finn, a medievalist scholar who also studies fan culture.
What's her point I don't understand. She doesn't even site any sources and is just vaguely talking about how the real medieval times were more diverse?
>"I think Game of Thrones tells us far more about what we think the medieval period looked like than anything that the medieval period actually looked like."
Isn't GOT quite fairly portraying diversity and how different ethnic groups belongs to their own regions of the world? Does she wants African American northerners and just for the hell of it?
Do people think got is a historical show?
everywhere an army moved got looted and raped. it was worse than got
There were also less dragons
>real life isn't fantasy
We have saint George to thank for that.
>getting triggered by facts
Why are conservahicks such pussies?
Comments section dunking all over this shit.
BBC for mapleniggers.
Fucking hell, my tax dollars at work.
Sub-Saharan history is so uninteresting that they have to pretend they were relevant in European and Asian history
But wait, I thought a Christian influence nation would be racist and violent.
Everyone on CBC is either an old roastie, a flaming faggot or a diversity hire. The only person worth listening to on it is Rex Murphy.
Teutons were black
romans were black
sumerians were black
egyptians were black
japanese were black
educate yourself, History is a whitewash, the BBC told us so.
>Does she wants African American northerners and just for the hell of it?
Basically yes. Trying to shitstain history is one of their prime goals to justify shitstaining the current west by claiming that it has always been this way. Same shit with politicans claiming that some european countries were always immigration-heavy when that was never the fucking case.
As a 1307 year old Highlander I can confirm that Europe was not in fact diverse and that Africa begins at the Pyrenees.
I hope this clears up any questions.
lol of course
>Everyone on CBC is either an old roastie, a flaming faggot or a diversity hire
So basically, Canadians
quick reminder:
>Both before and after the 1708 passage of the Foreign Protestants Naturalization Act, an estimated 50,000 Protestant Walloons and French Huguenots fled to England, with many moving on to Ireland and elsewhere. In relative terms, this was one of the largest waves of immigration ever of a single ethnic community to Britain.
The biggest "diverse" group in the 18th century Britain were a white French Protestant splinter group.
>he talks like people actually walked the silk road before Marco Polo
Shes right to a degree. Fake history has taught people that the middle ages peasent was always, starving, brutish, violent, had no hygiene and bad teeth, that people back then were cavemen. We know this is completely false. Rich people had tooth brushes and peasents used different plants to brush. people bathed in rivers. Peasents had better diets than us today.
There was a lot of diversity too, depending on where you were. At big trade hubs obviously there was tons of different cultures, but still, there was lots of european intermingling with other cultures and areas. We have become much more uniform than we were 1000 years ago. Was the diversity black people though? Obviously not.
Wait, you're telling me we didn't have dragons flying around in Europe several centuries ago? But GoT is set during the medieval era, so it's a historic show, right? Next you're going to tell me the History Channel and Discovery aren't really showing documentaries.
The worst thing about sub-saharans is that they don't care about posterity or legacy so they didn't bother writing anything down.
Europeans had to write their history for them.
Do a genetic analysis of a typical medieval burial site.
See how diverse it is (hint: not very).
Day of the rake when?
It was actually reasonably diverse because when a group would invade a particular area they would rape all the women and have a lot of semi mixed babies.
As for violence in Medieval times the social contract still existed back then but morals were different. Only wars were violent above the baseline.
>culture war bullshit on Yea Forums again
>diverse european genetics
>doesnt count as diverse because they arent black
>all europeans are just white
amerimutt fuck off
she looks pretty white
Yeah it was pretty diverse. Franks, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Greeks, Romans, Spanish, Scots, Celts, Danes, Vikings, Goths, Normans, the list goes on. But I'm guessing that's not what they meant by "diverse".
>"If you can live in a world with dragons and zombies, why can't we live in a world where women get to do more and where people of colour get to do more?" she asked.
Fantasy isn't based on the actual middle ages but on the myths of medieval europe. It'll take some time to realize how "sexist" and "racist" the genre is, I guess. By definition.
I think the ‘historian’ consulted for that passage turned out to be a substitute gym teacher.
No, it's based on part in european myths and part in actual historical events repurposed.
>And that was even centuries after the Middle Ages.
More like up to the 90s
It probably was less violent but who fucking cares
I'll take that over pic related any day
>what if someone got pregnant
Then you'd have a group of dead niggers on your hands
>black moors of spain
can anglos stop this meme?
moors were moroccan berbers sandniggers mostly, with a minority of regular arab sandniggers
They made a plaster impression of her after her death. She was a light-skinned black from South Africa.
>bunch of people just walking
wtf pol said all pride parades are filled with nude trannies summoning jewish demons to spray semen all over the crowd and corrupt children
You wouldn't if you seen their AIDS rate
Stop posting, Justin. You have work tomorrow.
Kim Kardashian has nothing on her
Obviously they carefully frame the shot to hide the tranny demons and gimp suits
>What are optics?
They're not going to show you all the gross stuff with a politician on camera trying to normalize it.
Europe was always diverse. you had brits, frenchs, germans, romes, spains, norses, greeks, others, etcs. Weren't any black people though, that is just silly.
You are a pretty sad man then.
Leaf country is a joke
Africa is one of the most ethnically diverse places and on the planet and they all look the fkin same.
I blame Americans for popularizing 'white' as an ethnicity leading to bullshit claims like this. It's like European ethnics have been completely disregarded by dumb anglos
if you walk around in any major european city in the year 1500 at least 99.9% of the people you saw would've been white european
outiside of major cities it was even less diverse
mfw Bernier's shitting his adult diapers while women literally touch themselves during my speeches.
>unironically preffering gay men
what the hell happened to you?
its not?
And they also didn't have dragons?
Medievalists are crazy - the conservative ones are autistic larpers and the liberal ones try to revise history with the tiniest scraps of evidence to fit their bullshit narrative.
Cross Country Checkup with Rex Murphy was great, but didn't he retire? Bob McDonald and Ed Lawrence are the only tolerable voices I hear on CBC radio anymore. Ontario Today has become torture, a couple days ago they were talking about the series finale of Big Bang Theory - what an oh so interesting and important topic to discuss on public radio.
no you retarded brianlet
Scheer may be a boring bitch and total cuck on immigration, but he still has a better chance than the libs of winning.
Well, it’s true you know? I am a historian who has studied at a prestigious university.
Obviously there was diversity and I think KLs and such portray this fairly. Just from the top of my head Norwegian king Harald Hardråde lived half his life in Byzantine fighting Arabs. Doesn't mean that the races of in the area wasn't predominantly of a different ethnic group then Nordic white. The vikings even talk about the land of the blacks (bláland) so clearly it's something very distinct and different for them.
Truth is it's fantasy so I wouldn't even mind it that much if they threw in a bit of diversity here and there that made sense, e.g some black dude in Winterfell that came there as a trader and grew to master of arms of whatever (kind of like Syrio), but this condescending moral grandstanding and virtue signalling just annoys me.
Oh I see, there was a gigantic semen spraying gay jew monster just out of frame. sort of like how for Trump press events he puts black people in front
Every time I read diverse i get nausea
Bluepilled, moors predate Arab presence in North Africa by thousands of years, they were most likely a berber a'd Bedouin mix and you havr bedouins that are black as shit with cucadian features, which is the predominant way to represent them in the medieval era.
wtf I love nogs and trannies now
>medieval era was more diverse than you think
>look at this one black dude someone kept as a pet in poland
the article is obviously just retarded drivel to get clicks.
Its retarded to compare got to history anyway. Its not even a facsimile of europe. Its like those morons who get mad about movies not being 100% historically accurate or realistic when they are watching Braveheart
How do you think they're all getting AIDS despite having prep and countless other warnings and protections
They're all shitting blood into each others mouths
>Medievalists are crazy - the conservative ones are autistic larpers and the liberal ones try to revise history with the tiniest scraps of evidence to fit their bullshit narrative.
I had to unlike the facebook page because it was all "The Secret Queer History of Medieval England" and "Take our personality quiz to see which famous Medieval Queen You're most like". All fluff and revisionism. Then I found it the page was run by Canadian women and it made sense.
Sheer's gonna get obliterated during the debates. His climate change denial and proposed removal of healthcare are gonna fuck him over.
Actually everyone was very tolerant and open regarding transexuals in the past! Just look at this historically demonized roman emperor whom everyone hated and was assassinated for being a degenerate fuckup
>Yea Forums a bunch of retards thinking theyre superior to someone who has made the actual effort to study the information because a caricature of a jew told them it was fake news
didn't this board once have something to do with movies or something?
learn to read dumbnuts. He referenced cities that formed the silk road not an actual road retard
>climate change denial
Nobody outside of Toronot or Vancouver cares about this faggot shit.
Yes, all white are just one big monoculture. Regardless of religious, ideological, and sociopolitical differences. I imagine there would be a massive outcry if one was to say all blacks are the same.
le 56% faec
no point reasoning with amerimutts. they consider white an ethnicity after all
>we also know of black people in large cities in Germany
"Schwarz" (black) as a descriptor for people's appearance used to refer to people with dark hair in medieval Germany (and up until the 20th century).
Because no one had ever seen people with black skin until they were shipped to German circusses from the colonies somewhere around 1900.
>biggest spread of aids in the US is junkies
>biggest amount of aids is in Africa
Fucking Canada.
Moor comes from the name romans gave to the numids living in algeria.
>inb4 pictures of tuaregs
Picture a riffian or a kabylian in mind not the sahara dwelling half blacks.
No you read it dumb fuck. He's speaking as if being on the silk road in Europe had any real bearings on its demographic makeup other than traders from the next German city over passing through
Little mutt getting a sneeeef
based artist did based doggo sniff sniff action
Guys, where can I join the nazi buttlicking club? Licking other men's buttholes means I'm not an incel anymore, right? RIGHT?
I am american, just self hating. We consider jews and hispanics white too. And everyone here is Irish btw.
If you said there are different groups than just "whites" in europe you will get mocked pretty hard here. Thats what you get with 90iq and the shittiest western education system.
>people literally never moved ever
christ you people are retarded
Most fags are junkies so you're not helping your case
Only, the cities he mentioned weren’t on the Silk Road
>less violent
Yeah for the aristocratic women living under the protection of their psychopath husbands/fathers.
>medieval era in Westeros didnt exist and didnt have any dragons, because its make-believe, says expert
>pilgrimage to spain
>end up on the other side of europe in constantinople
Pretty sure we all know who is doing the ass licking friend
Anyone that isn't an illiterate hick knows about climate change. Being in denial about a boat sinking doesn't magically protect you from drowning.
>le silk road
Shut the fuck up, goyim. Just go with the flow and let us alter historical facts.
the amount of effort required to refute bullshit is a magnitude greater than to create it.
Not in Italy or Spain
Traders moved. Thats about it. Deal with it cunt.
just friendly reminder
did you know straight people eat ass and do anal too? And all kinds of other shit. Humans are gross.
nice try
>Homos are disproportionately junkies
Prove me wrong fag
The only people who care about "climate change" are urbanite faggots and whiny injuns asking for gibs.
>a sailor shat off the side of the side of a boat in london in 1483
>that sailor was a black man
>that means unlimited africans migrating to every white country is just business as usual
There were blacks in Spain, but the majority of Moors were North Africans mixed with local Iberians.
Niggers mostly. Nice try projecting onto decent white people though
Not nearly on the same scale that fags do.
go back to your containment board brainlet
>did you know straight people eat ass and do anal too?
Literally pushed by Jews, rimming amongst heterosexuals has only become 'a thing' because of it being common in porn in the last few years
What are you going on about? jews and muslims?
because there were no more muslims in italy and the ones in spain were mostly spanish converts and jews got expelled 8 years before in spain
there werent, there werent even a lot of moors there
Didn't medieval yurop tend to expel the jews?
taking pride in illiteracy is another level of stupid. But hey, a pig loves rolling around in its own shit.
Its not like the hundred years war existed. Oh wait it did.
In my experience medievalists are either politics obsessed loonies or literal artists obsessed with minute details
>presenting my paper at a medieval history conference
>guy on before me talked about queer implications in medieval Welsh poetry
>lady on after me talked about the various different types of metals used to make candle-holders in late medieval France
Yup get ready for Fake History. I have nothing against other people but fuck liars
burden of proof morons. seeth more about muh traditionalism and jewish corruption and then go jerk off to hentai for the 5th time today
Shhh, racism only ever existed when we need to say all white people are evil
your made the statement faggot without any proof.
Why does he have to disprove a claim you pulled out of your ass retard
Factually incorrect. Villages? Youre absolutely correct. "Major cities" as in:
Were melting pots with alot of mixes of Germanic, Slavic, Moors, Greeks, Turks, Nords, Saxon...
It was actually worse, just The Reconquista put GOT into shame in terms of violence, wars and conspiracies.
When is this shit going to come to an end?
There were black people in Germany during Roman times because they fought there as auxilliaries or even sometimes in regular legions, but after the Romans left, it took until the 18th century before there was something you could call a black population in Germany.
Italians and Spanish aren't white, especially not in the middle ages
Canada should be bombed.
Its very commonly known. I'm not even going to provide a source because even the first Fag sites you find on a google search will talk about the problem of addiction among fagkind
Homos and drugs is a famous and old relationship
If Europe was already diverse back when it had 500 niggers in total why is it that every European party, even the far right, pushes for more of it
Proof is it being part of mainstream culture and being a common theme in porn for the past several years, dumb cunt
>snow nigger
seethe more cuck
There were. We have genetic evidence. 2 out of 20 samples from 8th-16th century Spain had around half of their ancestry from Sub-Saharan Africans (Yoruba). The one with the most Sub-Saharan ancestry had African mtDNA so her mother was definitely an African woman.
>Medieval era didn't have dragons
Yes. We'd corrupt the powerful with our lending practices, but when they no longer wanted to be squeezed for every shekel, they just kicked us out since it was easier than paying.
It's hard to find a white girl with untrimmed pubic hair today. It's porn that did that.
It's so recent that even the porn of the 1970s has women with full bushes.
Yes there was almost certainly always someone eating arse and shaving bush but you're retarded if you think it was always something everyone was doing.
Even eating pussy was rare: throat cancer rates are going up from all the people getting their throats colonized by HPV they got from eating pussy.
spanish people today dont have african mix in them
How do you know your mom didn't eat your dad's ass?
so you have absolutely nothing. Reflect on this retarded display and try better
Wait, what?
Are you telling me that there were not dragons, magic and zombies in the medieval era?
What a bummer, man.
>There were black people in Germany during Roman times because they fought there as auxilliaries or even sometimes in regular legions
There was only ever one legion raised in proximity to Nubia, in the third century, and they were only ever deployed to Egypt and Thrace.
so people in fact did move wow good one retard you look super correct now
>romans moved niggers from africa to northern europe because reasons
Yep, exactly like it happened.
Gaslight all you want. Don't care
Stats again idiot. You can say whatever you want but they are just bullshit claims.
Iberians are heavily mixed with North Africans and niggers, so are southern Italians, that's what happens when you're conquered by Muslims for hundreds of years
They actually do, but very little.
The only way the genetic data agrees with that take is if they sterilized all non-natives upon arrival.
Trading with other nations doesn't mean widespread immigration took place.
Good. Based nature keeping tabs on degeneracy.
>Miller is the third most common Jewish surname in America, after Cohen and Levy. Miller was in fact sometimes the preferred anglicization of a Jewish name that did not even resemble Miller.
i dont get it. westoros is based on england. i can safely say there were no large groups of minorities just "passing through" in medieval times. at a stretch i can believe it on the outskirts of europe. there might of been the odd coloured person here or there but not enough to completely blackwash an entire nation.
you made a statement with no proof and now call the burden of proof gaslighting. Get real snowflake. All the enlightened conten you watch all day from Ben "one of the good ones" Shapiro and Sargon have not helped your argument skills one bit.
In a hundred years of war each side lost only a few ten thousands of men
>5% at worst
come on man
and they shipped those spanish converts by the boat load to new Spain
that's why nearly every spic from Mexico and south that posts their dna test on /int/ has 1-3% north African sand nig dna but real Spainards dont
It never says he lived in Germany, just that he had some churches named after him in Europe.
This kind of ancestry is actually older than Muslim conquest. South Spain was admixed with North Africans since at least the Roman times.
>my takes require no evidence, they're self-evident
>your logically sound takes require stats to even be considered plausible
Isn't that a bit convenient for you?
5% is a lot in terms of genetics though
A couple Pajeets, and one is a “historian” of medieval themed pop culture. I bet she’s one of those big thinks who got mad about kingdom come: deliverance not including blacks in their recreation of medieval Bohemia.
>diversity means black people!
What a load of crock. Diversity for your average European in the medieval ages meant "those Wallonian faggots over there 3 farthings yonder who speak a slightly different dialect of the meme language I speak"
Correct, as you can see in this pic (from southern Spain), everybody is either almost black or moor, just like our cousins from northern Africa.
Literally 5 seconds on Google
Actually Kill yourself fag
>all white
when i say minorities i mean coloured people
I didnt specify so your not wrong, but I meant your retarded argument about porn and pubic hair.
that is completely baseless and I have a good feeling most women in the US are unshaved.
>conquered by them for thousands of years
>separate by them by a little straight you can swim over
>only 5%
Has this foggy idea of Diversity replaced God in the minds of leftists? They certainly seem to worship it. It's a bizarre religion. Deep shame of themselves and their history while groveling before other cultures. Making yourself infertile is a great honor. Brainwashing your child it's the opposite sex and then have its sexual organs mutilated will win you the admiration of fellow cultists. Fuck, I could go on and on. This whole thing is just sad and bizarre.
I'm married
>one egyptian not nigger
>moved up to the boarder of now switherland and italy, nowhere near germany
>it's not even a fact that he and his group ever existed
Always good to see how you retards post shit that directly contradicts what you claimed since reading it would be way too much to the pea-sized brain you call your own.
Berbers were Arabs. And the SSA percentages are tiny.
>fantasy show
Jesus , how retarded can Normies get ? .
Medieval Europe was very diverse in the dictionary sense of the word.
'Diverse', however, means 'non-white' nowadays. I wish that this was just a /pol/ meme, but the company I work for has explicitly stated this numerous times - pic related for example
>He doesn't know King Arthur was black
>He doesn't know King Henry V was black
>He doesn't know Queen Elizabeth I was black
>He doesn't know William Shakespeare was an Arab (Sheikh Pir)
>He doesn't know William Byrd was black
It's 2019. Get with the times.
This is not true, the War of the Roses it was based on was way more violent than GoT
also westoros had their version of this with the first men and the andals, again they were both white coloured people
Henry VIII had some nigger at court, meaning that every escond person in London was one too.
Literally all Germanic people, Angles, Norse, and Normans are all literally just Danes
wait game of thrones is real?
raw data is nothing friend. Again, the ammount of energy required to refute bullshit is a magnitude greater than to create, or in this case post google links. This shit is no different than control f the bible for out of context quotes to win facebook arguments.
I'm not going to waste my time on how to make a real argument and conclusion based on research.
>raw data is nothing friend.
obvious bait doesnt need to be refuted: you can let it stand on its own
Youre absolutely correct. Every single German living in Germany today is 100% Germanic. Every single Austrian is 100% Germanic. Every single person living in Madrid is 100% Visigoth.
Take your meds /pol/. This isnt your hugbox echochamber. Youre out of your depth.
>Europe was so incredibly diverse that people paid money to see a black woman for the first time
Yeah, it was called a Zoo.
I didn't think I'd even need to give you something for that. I'm tempted to give you the
>have sex
meme as a response because it's a pretty valid suggestion in this case.
As I said I am not claiming no one was trimming bush before but I am claiming it went from very rare to very common because of porn.
I only have anecdotal evidence for that.
Do you really believe this is not a plausible claim?
>a medievalist scholar
>I am a mid-career scholar (PhD, Oxford, 2010) with research and teaching interests in medieval and early modern literature. For the 2014-15 academic year, I held a Visiting Assistant Professor position at Southern New Hampshire University, where I taught introductory literature and composition. Prior to that, I served as a lecturer for upper-division literature classes at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. and the University of Maryland in College Park from 2010 to 2012, and as a lecturer in history and women's studies at Simmons College in Boston from 2013 to 2014.
So she is literature prof? Not that what she says is wrong, but why not ask some history prof or historian?
And what does she mean with diverse? Because you could argue diverse means you have slaws, germans, francs, italians, middle eastern, iberians, jews, huggenotts, moslems in balkan and iberian peninsula.
But i think thats really good presented in GoT of thrones already. So i dont believe her and the article!
fantasy isnt based on european history but on european myths
Saint Jordi actually had an orgy with the Dragon and the Princess and they became a three-way romance .Learn true history , user .
What was the methodology? What was the sample size? How was "sexual minority" defined.
Im not going to waste my time reading about this study. The burden is on the moron making the claim.
You like to take it up the ass, don't you?
Also the Rhoynar, which made the Dornishmen into swarthy sandniggers like the Moor rapebabies they're based on
The North African admixture map quite clearly shows nearly 15% in some regions with a close to 10% minimum
Old Spanish population (mostly from the South). North African Spaniards were present since the Roman times.
Here's a couple of Selknam natives on their way to a European Zoo in 1899.
>He doesn't know William Shakespeare was an Arab (Sheikh Pir)
>still claiming that shakespeare wrote his shit himself
Stop mansplaining and learn your true history for once.
beside the point, you're arguing history not myths
and on that one fucking spain has the same color as finland
king robert had this dude jalabhar xho an exiled prince living with him. the show is somewhat accurate
>What was the methodology? What was the sample size? How was "sexual minority" defined.
>Im not going to waste my time reading about this study.
*Honk* *Honk*
Romans did move legionary far away from their homeland on purpose as a way to avoid desertion. Can't make your way home as a Lybian patrolling Gaul without raising eyebrows
>statistics that run counter to my imagination are not true
Leftism is a goddamn religion.
no, they were shipped to castille after they rebelled because forced conversions
then they were expelled back to northern africa 150 years later
only decent people were allowed to migrate to the americas, unlike english colonies it wasn't a dumping ground for criminals or religious fanatics
>Blacks trying to steal Arabic accomplishments
A neverending story.
>Again, the ammount of energy required to refute bullshit is a magnitude greater than to create
>nd what does she mean with diverse? Because you could argue diverse means you have slaws, germans, francs, italians, middle eastern, iberians, jews, huggenotts, moslems in balkan and iberian peninsula.
they usually mean that but then they are like look at this one black dude someone kept as a freak so you think they mean blacks
Yes I believe you are wrong considering roughly 55% of the US is over 40, many people dont care, and personal preference. I do not claim, but I do believe you have no reasonable claim anecdotally that the majority are shaving their pubic hair.
you base this all on the young sluts you see in porn.
Have you noticed that autists that would tell you fields like anthropology are bullshit compared to STEM suddenly claim they are ROCK SOLID when you suggest there is politically motivated bullshit going on?
dorne is the one exception, its more based on spain and thus has an arab influence much like how spain was conquered by arabs
>large masses of people just abandoned their lives to venture out to exotic lands before modern transit
I mean, we kind of know all the great human migrations throughout history because they were exceptionally big fucking deals. I don’t recall the million man march of 900AD.
You joke but the Atlantic recently put out an article that said Shakespeare was a black Jewish woman, unironically.
arabs migrated to the new world too
over 10 million lebs went to south america
Very good arguments, I have now changed my opinion. Truly you are master debaters
>I believe you are wrong considering roughly 55% of the US is over 40
You're being obtuse and autistic to bring this up.
It's quite obvious that I would be talking about younger people. I don't think you are arguing in good faith.
The one where Portugal is 17% Moorish? No it doesn't, The map that shows North African IBD? No it doesn't
>someone getting pregnant out of wedlock
>in the medieval times
nigga these cunts dont know how brutal history was
in this scenario the africans would be hunted down by the local watchmen and judged to hanging by the local constable
the person who got pregant would be taken into custody and judged to hanging by the local constable or put in a pillory and forced to suffer public humiliation
her child would be put in a basket in the woods for the wolves
her family would probably also be lynched by fellow angry villagers for spawning a black skinned devil child or just hanged as well
they did not fuck around back then
we only stopped doing this shit some 150 years ago.
Is he insinuating that black people are rapist?
Have you noticed that retards incapable of building an argument try to BTFO their own strawmen and pat themselves on the back for doing so?
>more diverse
Thanks "expert".
Im beginning to see the problem here. /Pol/ thinks that "diverse" means "black". Noone is talking about medieval "racemixing". Were talking about the fact that every single major European city had entire districts that to this day are called "Saxon quarter", "Jewish district", "German district", Czech district"...
Diversity in medieval cities is best explained by Konstantinople. They had various big groups of peoples, whom rarerly intermingled, except for business, but mostly kept to themselves.
Noone here is talking about a society where a rich German noble would marry a black Sephardic chamber maid.
this shit is obviously for clicks than it is politics. They just disguise it because it lets them get diversity hires that do horrible work, giving them revenue and political brownie points.
>all europeans are just white
That's exactly nigger think
>Fake history has taught people that the middle ages peasent was always, starving, brutish, violent, had no hygiene and bad teeth, that people back then were cavemen.
But this is 100% accurate you fucking pleb.
true, even clergymen were routinely run out of German towns and cities for impregnating a woman
Why do you not believe the state's version of history, comrade?
the one where portugal is 17% is using data from the whole country which still has islands in africa like madeira brainlet
Not any of them, but you really are a fucking hypocrite
>gib stats
>gib methodology
>get called out for hyoocrisy
>haha nice arguments fags
Fucking moronic hypocrite.
It's both.
eg. The Doctor Who show-runner admitting that they fill historical Britain scenes with diversity to make Brits think it was like that so they aren't threatened by the multiculti project.
You're right of course, the issue is that when your average GoT viewer reads the headline they assume that the rich German noble was marrying the black Sephardic chambermaid because they're room temperature IQ mouth breathers who probably couldn't even find Constantinople on a map.
>Noone here is talking about a society where a rich German noble would marry a black Sephardic chamber maid.
Everyone is talking about that, except you.
How about that they are all a buncha idiotic flaming faggots?
Pure truth, i have a proof.
Who gives a shit nigger?
I'm gay and don't do drugs or have random sex.
You're a brainlet.
no its because in articles like that the ''expert'' loves to point out ''that one black person who lived somewhere'' right after it says diversity
>raw data is nothing friend
You can't expect every presentation of every research to include every study methodology.
If you give a shit about it and are ready to dismiss information because of it
it's your choice, but no burden on anyone but you
Why are leftists so dishonest? That’s exactly what people are claiming, you tranny faggot. Don’t @ me.
even if they were, they played no significant role in the (northern) european legends that fantasy draws from
This. I call out anyone who uses "white" in a European context. At least such thinking hasn't invaded Hungary yet.
Ok so lets shift the view to younger people, I will not define it explictly because who cares. I think then it is possible the majority, 51% or more, of women have shaved pubes. I think it would be a toss up.
Again though, I dont think this is because of muh big jew porn industry. Blame fashion models and film and tv, sexual prudishness of the US, and horrible female focused media for teens thats all about how they need to be sluts or they will be forever single. I dont think shaved pubes is bad, if a shaved vag is making you eat it out and get hpv simply because of hair, you have issues.
I believe pd you were saying everyone around the west is now shaving their pubes because of porn.
Did it ever cross these peoples minds that the reason for the number of accounts of black people is precisely because how unusual/rare it was to see?
Not him but you literally didn't provide any methodology.
This study is flawed as fuck.
cite one fact the bitch writes
>Diversity in medieval cities is best explained by this one and only example
No medieval city beyond a couple had any diversity.
Do I have to add that these cities represent an infinitesimal % of the total population at the time?
Yeah because you're the gay equivalent of an incel. I'm talking about actual gay people
>more divers
>less violent
maybe, "define" violent
it was still more violent, compared for modern times
>Everyone is talking about that, except you.
Where? In this thread? On your facebook feed?
Those people dont read. They come home from a soulless job and turn on Netlfix until they have 2 minute starfish sex and then go to bed.
>this study I did not bother to read is flawed as fuck
lmao why would I provide you with a copypasta of something you can find in two clicks but literally refuse to do?
>said Kavita Mudan Finn, a medievalist scholar who also studies fan culture.
>It would not be hard to re-imagine that world, she told The Current's guest host Piya Chattopadhyay.
>exceptions prove rules
iberian myths have no prominent influence on the fantasy genre; it's basically based on german, english, skandinavian and irish myths, tales and legends
>Im beginning to see the problem here. /Pol/ thinks that "diverse" means "black".
That's because that is what is intended by all this bullshit, dickhead.
They want white people to believe the quantity and quality of diversity in major European cities is not new - that it was ALWAYS just like that.
No one cares if some slavs lived in London two hundred years ago. They are using that true fact to back dishonest rhetoric.
Good thing this is a fantasy story in a fantasy world instead of an adaptation of history, then.
The lesson is... never have sex
game of thrones would have you believe there were lots of ice zombie violence, but that was hardly the case irl
>Yeah because you're the gay equivalent of an incel.
lol how?
I'm just monogamous.
>something you can find in two clicks
Show me then.
I'm not going to mentally fatigue myself researching how to prove you wrong. You can post a link off google and say you won because "number i like bigger than one i dont" but it is only a self perceived victory. Go get an education somewhere other than PragerU
not really
the women will just called a whore, and the child a nigger
>the Moops
Everyday leftists be like
what is your point?
what do you want to accomplish by posting this data?
neither did the europeans for a long time, to be honest
If anything medieval times of political struggle and instability were a lot more violent than anything described in GoT
This fucking article is retarded, yet another example of an idealistic beatnik in love with medieval dresses living in her make believe world where everyone is brown and nice to each other.
Clown world.
ReadAgain, your problem is that in your mind "diversity" is equated with "blacks". Diversity in medieval terms means:
>Saxons and Northmen are different
>Greeks and Bulgarians are different
>Bajuvarians and Swabians are different
>Slavs and Germans are different
Just because you see 2 blue-eyed men and think theyre the same, doesnt mean they wouldnt see each other as different tribemembers in medieval Germany, where to this day tribal origin is brought up in casual conversation.
>Im Frankish
>Im Hessish
>Im Westfalian
>Im Saxon
>Im Lower Saxon
>Im Bavarian
>Im Swabian
But you wouldnt know this, because youre uneducated and probably never had the luxury of a quality education.
You are just making shit up again. Lots of gays are monogamous, or virgins even at the same age as your fellow users. Mostly older gays and a smaller group have insane ammounts of promiscuity, while a quiet larger group keeps to themself.
One in five gay men have HIV. They're dirty perverts who you don't want to be around
Greeks aren't white either. We are better than white. We're Greek.
that people realize faggots for the degenerate sodomites they are?
>Where? In this thread? On your facebook feed?
In this thread, and whenever the word diversity is mentioned in relation to past times. Not because anyone here believes that there weren't Germanics in Spain or Slavics in Scandinavia, but because leftoids will almost always interpret "diversity" in past times as confirmation that African migration to European lands actually works without much societal consequence. I don't know if you're just too dense to realize this, or purposely dishonest.
>Lots of gays are monogamous
[citation needed]
>Again, your problem is that in your mind "diversity" is equated with "blacks". Diversity in medieval terms means...
Brown academics aren't putting out stuff about how Greeks lived in Bulgaria because they want you to accept that historically some Greeks lived in Bulgaria.
They're putting out this pro-diversity stuff to browbeat you about how you're evil and stupid for not wanting unprecedented waves of African migration into Europe.
why 50% of americans have the herpes when gays are 1% then???
hmmmmmm is everyone having the sexuals??? oh no it must just be the niggers and jews yes
>Game Of Thrones
>actual history
Gee. Next thing ya know they're gonna say there were less dragons and magical fire witches.
but it's not just random anything goes. it's fantasy derived from european myths; myths that are pretty much free from people of colour
A certain group loves when white people say other white people aren't white
Divide and conquer
Keep your allies don't hate on them
Okay fine, just as long as you accept there are plenty of decent gay people out there as well as the fucked up ones.
I'm pretty right wing actually.
So you're saying the vast majority of gays don't have HIV?
Okay then.
>medieval era
Too broad of a term. I don't think Time of Troubles in Russia was more diverse or less violent than GoT
undead are part of the medieval european myth canon, sou you're just demonstrating your ignorance of the fantasy genre
>/Pol/ thinks that "diverse" means "black"
Yeah, it was "/Pol/" that started this. If look for "Black Panther cast is hella diverse" you will see it was published in "/Pol/".
Martin said that he was also inspired by the war of the roses, and the 100 years war, didn't he?
prove they are wrong
History doesnt change, just because retards from both ends of the spectrum try to politicize it.
Thats tv series like "the kingdom" or "vikings" are trash, because they try to bring in currernt bullshit.
>Vast majority = 80%
Yeah I'd sure eat a sandwich if it had a 20% chance of having AIDS
>right wing
oh great hes self hating too. You realize the right hates you right? A lot more than the lefties who want to take advantage of you for diversity points.
>Yeah I'd sure eat a sandwich if it had a 20% chance of having AIDS
false analogy
If ya say so. I just don't want to associate with AIDS infected faggots and won't be taking any chances
Not to the same extent as homosexuals. Plenty of straight couples will never go near anal or oral-anal stuff, and those who do tend to be far less promiscuous than gays.
That's another issue: dangerous sexual activities combined with a large number of partners is a breeding ground for STIs.
yes he drew on various historical instances but that doesnt change the fact that the genre itself is based on myths, not actual history
>One person gets pregnant
>Producing one child
>In a time with high infant mortality
>This means half the population was black
what does the free market has to do with hating gays?
>oh great hes self hating too.
lmao how am I self hating?
the left wants to destroy every single thing about my life but is okay that I'm gay
With the right I get homogeneous white communities and free markets.
>You realize the right hates you right?
Some of them do.
Most of them simply don't care one way or another if I don't shove it in their face.
They don't care about the past they care about the present and future.
There are real people walking around thinking England was historically 40% black because they watch Doctor Who.
Normies absolutely take this stuff to heart. Think about all the times you have seen them talk about Harry Potter like it's not only a serious morality play but semi-historical.
this found 86% of homosexuals were in or desired monogamy. Everyone is equally promiscuous when compared in stats
Most gay people don't have HIV.
Would you really give a shit if you had a friend that wasn't a flaming faggot but also happened to be gay?
>I'm not going to mentally fatigue myself researching how to prove you wrong
If that level of comittment classifies as mental fatigue then I got bad news for you
If you know something, you should have a source
All you need to do is a quick search on google scholar to find it again or something similar and you already have more than him
normies are the worst
we're course correcting.
>tfw circumcision is banned
>because they'll need that tissue to help make your son's vagina
I'd prefer my friends not to be mentally ill yeah
i'm sure you're going to ask the big questions like "why is everyone except the rich paying a carbon tax?"
>muh trad christian white people will totally accept me as a gay
>just have to hide it and maybe get forced to marry a beard to keep up appearances.
>the left wants to destroy every single thing about my life
You are delusional. What the fuck are you even talking about? Gays/minorities on pol are the dumbest of all.
Most gays don’t, but they have it at something like 5-6 times the rate of normal people.
>There are real people walking around thinking England was historically 40% black because they watch Doctor Who.
holy shit you're right
>be in feudal europe
>be a filthy casual farmer like 90% of the population.
>be bound to serfdom on the land of your liege
>probably wont travel more than 10 kilometers from you spot you were born
>die from famine or disease. From wars, from a fucking splinter that starts to become infected l.
>know an average of 100 people, all from te village. Probably related to eachother
Wow so diverse
I think you would be happy having any friends desu famalam
it's true, i eat my wife's ass out all the time, and she does the same for me. 0 parasites between us. it's almost like fags are disgusting.
It does if the sinking boat is merely misinformation stemming from alarmism.
>having only anal is the same as doing it every now and then
Black people can't rape. Rape is a power and privilege activity so, it's only a white thing.
>I'd prefer my friends not to be mentally ill yeah
Okay but if you had a friend who you found out was gay you wouldn't hate him just because you thought he was "mentally ill" right?
>>muh trad christian white people will totally accept me as a gay
What do you mean christian? A ton of right wingers aren't overly religious.
>>just have to hide it
I never said that.
The funny thing is though even if the right forces me into the closet it's still a MILLION times better than the poverty and massive authoritarianism of the left.
>You are delusional.
You're delusional.
>A large portion of the homosexual population are mentally ill due to childhood sexual abuse
>Therefore natural homosexuality does not exist
Natural homos who are able to live their lives without having to shape their whole identities around the one single fact that they like cock are alright. The flamboyant faggots you see in the streets or in the media are the guys who were molested as kids, and now their whole lives revolve around consuming cock. Big difference there.
>or desired monogamy.
kek alright
>supporting government funded propaganda
Why do you neetsocs believe jews are responsible for every social ill?
You can't be this retarded, can you?
White people have done degenerate sex stuff without jewish influence, so have asians.
>Isn't GOT quite fairly portraying diversity and how different ethnic groups belongs to their own regions of the world?
my thoughts exactly. what the fuck is that crap?
Cute black cock?
Imagine being so stupid that a political party gets you to vote against your own interest because they vilified the other side so bad you are convinced that the lesser evil is a group that wants to send your kind to the ovens.
Anecdotally I hear if you go to China and go down on girls they are massively thrilled and/or disgusted because eating pussy is incredibly rare there since their media has not popularized it.
anecdotally I hear your mom has a dick and you let her penetrate you every nite or else she block 4channel on your laptop
Jews are literally responsible for the vast majority of pornography made in the modern era. This isn't even controversial
Joke's on you: it's your mother that penetrates me every night.
burden. of. proof.
just because some kike named exec owns a few porno studios doesnt mean the jews run porn and this is an accepted fact.
>that a political party gets you to vote against your own interest
But they're not making me vote against my own interests, dummy.
They're the lesser of two evils.
If I voted against my own interests I would have to vote for the left.
>because they vilified the other side so bad you are convinced
LOL That's not why I'm right wing.
I'm right wing because I understand basic economics and basic biology/genetics.
That's nice.
Doesn't change the fact that jews aren't the main source of degeneracy and whites and asians have constantly done degenerate shit throughout history.
>burden of proof
>by the way if you have proof this doesn't count because I say so
Ok lad
Provide data showing jews are in control of the vast majority of porn.
You neetsocs have very weak data.
It's based on both
user you must be iver 18 to post here. Learn from someone other than the quarterpounder and armored skeptic
I get it, the tiki torches are just too gay
We can do this all day
this proves the jews are behind all porn to make the white man subservient so the negroid can overtake him as the main jewish profit cattle making world domination that much closer for the tribe.
Check these books out. You might say it's a dick move to just give you these books recommendations than to specifically break down everything in them in easy to digest posts but I would say it's a dick move to say "burden of proof" and want a study to back up every observation of reality people have made.
This is actually not wrong the problem is being diverse don't equal more blacks.
Medieval Europe was diverse as fuck. Tons of different cultures living together, city districts being affected by the culture of people living there etc.
But there were not many blacks in medieval Europe and claiming otherwise is complete fucking bullshit.
Faggots writing shit like this also forget to mention that those cultures often hated each other.
>one jew and one guy that probably isn't a jew owns one internet porn company
>this means the jews are behind the vast majority of all pornography
Come on nigger you have to try harder.
hey rabbi watcha doin'?
>but I would say it's a dick move to say "burden of proof"
No, it's just someone asking you for evidence where you provided none, like you are doing here.
Asking people to read a bunch of books isn't evidence.
It's like pointing to a library and saying "THERE'S YOUR SOURCE ASSHOLE"
>2% of the population
>happens to most of the largest porn sites
All just a coincidence goyim!
>parent company that bought up all a bunch of porn sites
>wants to focus on jews controlling porn to weaken the west when its jew buying up companies for quick buck
Can't possibly be both right
>user you must be iver 18 to post here.
Look at this little zoomer that probably came here from reddit after the election.
You leftists are so fucking brainwashed it's unreal, you honestly have no idea.
If I had a few hours with you I could explain why your beliefs are all wrong as I have done with countless other anons on this website in the past 12 years I've been here.
Eat shit you brainwashed leftist.
>being asspained at the quartering
lol I bet you watch contrapoints and hbomberguy
Kill yourself please.
>one jew and his friend own 4 porn sites
>this means all jews control all porn
Nigger do you realize how much goddamn porn and porn traffic are on the internet? that shit, while big, is not even half
Yes they did actually
This is one fucking person that happens to be jewish that owns ONE large company.
Holy shit you're not actually this stupid are you.
you neo-nazis are fucking pathetic. who the fuck cares? go fight your windmills in outer space and spare us rational people from your schizophrenia. go talk to a mental healthcare professional, please.
>he actually watched quarterpounder
Im not a lefty either, Ive not even stated my politics. I am just against the parties we have and especially the neo mega tard alt right like you that are stupider than even the country hick republican stereotype.
anyone posting shit like you is obviously an election retard. project more.
It just keeps happening. So many coincidences!
Im not a nazi, I was comparing his schizo jewish mind control theory of porn to the obvious joke of a jew buying up all the porn. If you dont understand what I meant you are mire retarded than the guy you are arguing with.
Jews are rich because they controlled European banking due to Christianity forbidding it for Christians except few Italian families.
Those rich jews escaped to USA when it started and backed the young country with their money.
It's no rocket science that they control a lot of stuff in USA. Christians did this to themselves.
Yes you're right. A long history of moral indifference is the root of Jewish wealth. Thanks for pointing that out
>Those rich jews escaped to USA when it started and backed the young country with their money.
>behind the founding fathers were jews
>the jews have been planning the US to take and defend Israel for them since before electricity
>mire retarded
what did he mean by this?
also my bad if you weren't saying that. I'm speed-reading this thread because of how idiotic people on Yea Forums are.