>we need a name for a dragon
>call it drogon
Bravo george
We need a name for a dragon
Other urls found in this thread:
>Daenerys named her dragon after Khal Drogo
>yfw Drogo was given that name so dragon could Drogon
absolutely brilliant, high fantasy/10
Drogo is Frodo's father in LotR
It's a wyvern though.
Not in his universe apparently.
Why did you steal someone else's post from another thread and make a whole new thread out of it? Are you so pathetically desperate for (You)'s, you ugly fat incel?
this convinced GURM that it was a slam-dunk knockout
Drogorys doesn't roll off the tongue as well
>I am forgotten
Did he ever describe the dragons as two legged?
>being this upset
My hobby is names and their meanings and I find Martin's work cheap. "The American Tolkien" describes perfectly how simple and straightforward naming of people and places have been and George admitted to it. He said he didn't invent his own language like Tolkien did. He didn't find it necessary to write a fun story. It's cheap as shit.
What a fraud.
But what does Essos and Westeros mean?
You and me both brother
Just want to remind you that the term "unobtainium" exists in fiction.
they called it "oldtown" when they founded it?
Have sex
no it was "Newtown", founded by Godric the Founder
Was he called the Founder before he found it?
Worldbuilding in Martin's universe is on par with something an elementary pupil would come up with.
no, he was called Godric the born because he was born
What about the rest of the Borns? They stay called "the Born" if they don't accomplish anything significant?
have sex incel
No he wasn't you bullshit artist. He was Godric the Living.
>a place with a dam near the river Amstel
>call it Amsterdam
>a place where the Parissi tribe lived
>call it Paris
>it's the capital and lies in the north of the country
>call it Beijing
>a state with a great river running through it
>call it Mississippi
WOW what world building
Tell us an interesting story about a name.
>borders of Westeros have reminaed unchanged for thousands of years
>Great Houses have survived for centuries (potentially millenia in the Stark's case) and yet only seem to have a few members remaining
>When Great Houses do change it's a completely clean transition with one House taking all land occupied by their predecessor with no consequences
>Only in the timeframe of the books does literally anything happen, Houses start dropping like flies, borders are fucked and the realm is in chaos
Westeros' history before Robert's Rebellion is fucking dreadful
What was HIS tax policy?
>muh wyvern
Dragons look fucking stupid with 4 legs, pop culture isn't going to cater to you over semantics and drawings of mythical creatures.
>place Hobbits live
>Sauron's henchman
>Gandalf wears Grey
>Gandalf 'The Grey'
That's just like...your opinion, man.
Why does DORNE not have a geographic name?
They were called "the clump of cells"
Notorious tax evader
>it looks kind of like a horse but with stripes
>It's called a zorse
- Award winning novelist and aspiring world's fattest man GRRM
Does this nigga think Saruman is called Sauronman?
Because Dorne is so coo-coo crazy and DIFFERENT to the rest. Look how they treat sex and women wow!
That was quite a foreshadowing
>first day on Yea Forums
>Sauron is an edgy Goth kid
>guess what his boss is called
Yeah, Tolkien was a hack.
King Tommen the suicidal
>have sex
have sex
>House Manderly
>lives on the opposite end of the continent from the Mander
what the fuck is their problem?
they moved there nigger
>isle of man = bear island
Just stuck Iceland on top of Britain.
Did he also found a school?
>The Night's Watch
>they also perform guard duties during the day
what the fuck sort of retardation is this
Why are you Tolkien fags always seething so hard? Why do you care so much about some fatsos inconsequential books?
Is this scene possibly a reference to that artsy french black and white film where it's just a still camera facing a window for like 20 minutes then somebody jumps the fuck out?
Actually I've been here two weeks now asshole. The guys on Reddit told me you were all jerks
Nigger open a fucking periodic table, that name would fit right in with other dumb names like Europium, Curium and Californium
I can see both Pepe and a swastika here, apophenia is one hell of a drug
its just an in world nickname
It's just a bit of banter.
>Dragons look fucking stupid with 4 legs
*sad hissing noises*
unobtanium was a term created by NASA in the 1950s
all words are made up you fucking jocksniffers
YOU'RE fucking made up
this, why do you think frodo volunteered with the ring at Rivendell? He thought it was the perfect chance for evading taxes
wow you really made that post even funnier, good job
t. financelet
No it’s not wyvern got killed by Ser Gregor
They were exiled from the reach.
Some stark have them land and they built the only city in the north because apparently those tree worshipping savages didnt know how.
>we didn't get Wyman Manderley serving human pies in the show
Damn shame
>Need a name for the title of the best swordsman in the free cities
>call it bravo
Bravo, George.