Now that the dust has settled, how does GoT's final season compare to others?
Now that the dust has settled, how does GoT's final season compare to others?
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It's on par with the previous 3 seaons.
Yep. Wire S5 and Lost S6 are kino
The show was awful by Season 4. Normies just didn't notice because nothing bad happened to their Qween
Mad men was the greatest finale
dexter was the worst
breaking bad doesn't count because it was reddit the show
Lost S6 was retarded, Wire season finale was kinda forced but pretty kino.
Man was HoC really that bad without Spacey?
You have fucking no idea
House of card's last season average was 4.0 with the last ep being 2.5 or something
Must be the greatest dip ever
It's way way worse than S5 and comparing it so S6 is a joke.
S7 and S8 kinda on the same page yeah, though S8 is still probably worse, because it went from painfully dull to so bad it's unbelievable.
Probably on par or even lower than Dexter and hour of cards
TNG's All Good Things takes a bit of beating.
Wonder how it will look for Supernatural next year. 15 seasons holy shit
It’s as bad as season 7, season 5 and 6 are half as bad
Anyone who rates s8e3 high and the remaining episodes low is a pleb.
>House of Cards was so shit it fell right off the graph
That show should have just been 1 season and it would have been hailed as a masterkino
Love it when twitter throws a tantrum
>Wire S5 rated higher than S2 and almost consistent with S4
>24 somehow being rated that high the entire way through
Why didn't GoT's ratings start dropping after the end of S4? Isn't that the point most people agree the show went to shit? Do normies really not like S7 purely because neither Dany or Jon get the throne?
It was alright. Here, let Slipknot explain to you why user reviews are pointless:
Yes, they had their expectations subverted and the character they identified with turned out to be super Hitler. Saved the show at the last minute tbqh
It went FULL obnoxious grrl powah SJW.
How did dexter manage to be so high rated for so long? Only S1 was somewhat interesting, S2 was okay but the rest is pretty much procedural soap with a 'special' character