literally what the fuck did they fucking mean by this?
Literally what the fuck did they fucking mean by this?
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This shot should be studied in film schools. Absolutely breath taking.
They've awoken the dragon
This shot should be studied in film schools. Absolutely breath taking.
This shot should be studied in film schools. Absolutely breath taking.
Ahhhh... it all makes sense now. I understand that she is Dragon. Bravo. Many claps to this kino
This sentence should be studied in posting schools
Absolutely piss taking
what's wrong with tumblr gifs? why can't they ever last longer than half a second
What did they fucking mean by this tho
Anons wtf are they trying to tell us maybe its a sign that women are ruling over us in the future?
How can people praise this and then say Zack Snyder's Superman Jesus shots are too heavy-handed?
>wooo demon girl! :o
This shot should be studied in film schools. Absolutely breath taking.
This shot should be studied in film schools. Absolutely breath taking.
talking about pic related of course
This whole season I got the impression they played Dark Souls 3 and wanted most scenes to feel like a boss fight cutscene.
Foreshadowing for GRRM's collaboration with From
what the fuck did they mean by this entire season you mean
shits a fucking dumpster fire
Can you burn her body?
People are going to freak out when they find Brienne's angel wings shot when she's writing.
Future film students will study this last season. purekino
She's a demon, etc.
They're hacks
if you haven't realized this yet you're completely lost
what a shitty use of Gregorian
> "And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer." (Revelation 6:2)
>The rider on the white horse is the Antichrist. He will arrive on the world scene at the beginning of the Tribulation and work to unite the nations. He will be a charismatic leader that presents himself as the savior of the world. His power and authority will come from the dragon (Satan), and like Satan he is a great deceiver. The symbol of him on a white horse aptly illustrates this quality, then, for Jesus returns to earth on a white horse (Revelation 19:11-14). Satan's purpose has always been to counterfeit the work of Christ. By the second half of the Tribulation, the Antichrist will break his peace treaty and wage open war against believers.
This shot should be studied in film schools. Absolutely breath taking.
>tfw you wake the dragon
>tfw Drogo warged into Dany and burned down KL because it's a dragon
incase you kinda forgot she evil now
Literally anime-tier cinematography
It's just symbolism user
damn. i guess man was the real monster afterall
Nah. Anime is usually much worse.
Nah. Anime is usually much better.
film buffs are leftist atheists
Everyone seems to be praising the fuck out of this shot (including Yea Forums) but it's literally film school students first visual metaphor tier cheesy.
What gives?
Normie retards who've never seen anything at all, and want to believe that they're watching art or some shit to justify their little "world" falling apart in a way that disagree with.
>wheelchair accessible ramp in the foreground
>Winged shadow in the back
Literally F O R E S H A D O W I N G
t. brainlets
go watch a nolan film
What about this metaphor?
Maybe in the 90s or high budget films otherwise its close ups of faces or boring forest/room settings.
That's not the mesaage here.
She is Lucifer not a dragon.
>you're a drogon, be a drogon
>-tywin bannister circa 1992
This shot should be studied in film schools. Absolutely breath taking.
Leave, never come back, and have sex. If you think this shot is in any way good/competent, re-examine your thought process, find a nice, sharp icepick and fall onto it eye-first.
It kind of implies that she has a warg relationship with Drogon. Maybe she intentionally made Drogon give her dragon wings so Jon would be in awe of her power.
50 years fron now the new Mozarts and Michelangelo of cinema will be saying "I didn't go to film school to become a genius, I went to Burlington bar and watched Game of Thrones"
It was good. Not amazing or deep.
pretty much anyone trying to unite the world is a small peon in satan's attempt give a false sense of security?
the much stronger shot was jon over dany's dying body and drogon flying by and ultimately approaching from the rear
another brainlet? *sighs*
this ones going in my cringe collection.
women are evil demons
no it isn't the antichrist, it's simply death who comes for the rapture to end the suffering of mortals and take their immortal souls back to God.
>ultimately approaching from the rear
I thought they were going to have Drogon rape Jon as a callback to Drogo raping Dany shot from the same angle with Jon's agonized expression.
holy cringe
Wrong horse bud
When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.
>thinking Nolan is any good
It's very unsubtle, but a bit of a "gotcha." A lot of writers try very hard to make Paradise Lost Lucifer figures, where over time they seduce the audience into rooting for them, despite evidence, foreshadowing, and often blatantly TELLING the audience that they are the bad guy, and then pulls the rug out from under them in the third/fifth act, forcing the audience to look at the darkness in themselves that made them get seduced by the devil. Corporate Lex Luthor does this well in many superman comics (comic books' lack of consistency aside,) Richard the Third does this, and naturally, Lucifer in Paradise Lost does this. Judging from the reactions to her heavily foreshadowed, well warned, and ultimately inevitable heel-turn, for all their other faults, D&D succeeded at crafting a Paradise Lost Lucifer figure who does his/her job of seducing the audience. This is them very unsubtly rubbing this fact in the audience's face, with almost childlike glee. They're laughing at you for falling for their trick and rooting for her.
Except quality writers can pull it off, while dumb and dumber rushed it and it just feels stupid. She went hitler over night, and only in her speech. Her actions weren't any worse than other rulers, lords or knights. If you judge her by her actions, that makes even Ned a satan. Not to mention Bran who should be killed on the spot when admitted he wanted the throne all the time. He knew what would happen and still let it happen, because he wanted the wooden wheel chair for himself.
> rushed it
It's been blatantly foreshadowed and warned-of since at-least season 3
>She went hitler over night
Other than the foreshadowing and warning signs, that's usually how a Lucifer heel-turn works. It's meant to shock the audience into regretting their support for the crazy.
>Her actions weren't any worse than other rulers, lords or knights.
Immediately after the city surrenders, she begins murdering civilians wholesale.
>Not to mention Bran who should be killed on the spot when admitted he wanted the throne all the time. He knew what would happen and still let it happen, because he wanted the wooden wheel chair for himself.
If you actually paid attention to Verys' various conversations with various characters about what it would take to be the right person to sit on the throne, Bran's ascension has been inevitable since he survived the true north and returned to Winterfell. I've been saying this for seasons. Does he deserve it after all the deception he did and the death he allowed? Probably not. However, part of GRRM's entire point is that it's not about who DESERVES to rule, but what the qualities actually are for a "good king." Bran is the right king to rule wisely, not the man who deserves the crown.
I'm not saying that D&D are great writers... they're mediocre to okay at best... but they did indeed succeed at creating a Lucifer figure that did its job. You can either appreciate the character for what she accomplished narratively, or stay mad that you got duped (we all did... that's the point of the character.) In all fairness you shouldn't be any more mad at Dany turning heel than Rick Flair inevitably betraying his tag-team partner: it's just as inevitable.
die mad about it, virgin.
It’s especially striking for its subtlety.
The angel of death, the true enemy of humanity, humanity itself.
You know the drill.
This shot is unironically based. Y'all are only shitting on it because it's a cherry on top of a pile of poo
Plebbit is that way newfag
Its means nothing, they just thought it looked cool.
kys retard nigger
>opposing cool imagery in high fantasy because "It's obvious hurr"
>not a single starcraft reference
you guys suck
Liberalism run amok
Nothing. It was a good shot by pure accident.
> cgi
> accident
Pick one
That's kino though
>Dany was a dragon all along
It looked fucking cool.
It's not deep symbolism like twitter seemed to think it was, it certainly doesn't need to be studied by anyone since it's not novelty, but it looked cool and you can't deny it gave weight to the scene of her arrival.
This. People thinking they're superior for pointing out obvious symbolism in something that's just supposed to be cool and was obviously made for that reason are so fucking cringe.
It's dragon hitler. user. The writers are Jewish, you know where their minds go.
>it gave weight
It looked cheesy as fuck and made me laugh.
it was just a michael bay moment
no deeper meaning, just looked neat
can we stop pretending Hitler wasn't evil and get rid of the notion that he in any way would be able to keep a stable rule?
Nigger, Hannibal did this ten times better without shoving it all over your face.
Because you didn’t see the legitimate narrative purpose it fulfilled.
>shows Dany’s vanity and desire to inspire awe in her followers
>subtly suggests that she shares consciousness with her dragon (like warging)
>was quite possibly a deliberate move to make Jon intimidated by her power
No retard, fuck off. Foreshadowing is not character development. It was foreshadowed that Arya, Sansa, Jon and most of the characters in the show are also murderers, who seek revenge, and can kill without emotions, or with smile on their face. You are inompetent and stupid brainlet, Daenerys is probably biggest character assassination in visual medium, they turnet her into EPIC EVIL PAPER character in literally one episode, its shitter writing that what they did to Anakin Skywalker, its everything what GRRM stand against, its good vs evil, its black and white, and GRRM loves hid shades of gray, they fucked up badly, end of story. Watch some videos u fucking retard if you are not smart enough to acknowledge this.
Let's dispel this fiction once and for all that Daenerys doesn't know what she's doing. She knows exactly what he's doing; she's undergoing a systematic effort to change this country and make Westeros more like the rest of the world.
>muh simbolism
it didnt mean nothing, they just thought it looked cook
She looked awful in T Genesis but here she looks very good. Right angles and make up work great
This shot should be studied in film schools. Absolutely breath taking.
>Everyone seems to be praising the fuck out of this shot (including Yea Forums)
Yea Forums has done nothing but shit on it
I don't think it's even nearly worthy of so much disdain, it was fine
>game of thrones
>High fantasy
That's not narrative except the last one. But the last one is fucking impossible because the symbol relies on the angle from which you see her. The camera and jon occupy different space you loon