What does Yea Forums expect from the Sopranos prequel movie

what does Yea Forums expect from the Sopranos prequel movie

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Gonna be shit

passable at the very least

Garbage trash

This. Every reboot has been shit. Just let it die.

absolutely nothing

nothing. i loved the sopranos, but this doesn't interest me at all.

how so? David Chase will be directing and writing

are you sure you about this?

Wasn't Tony supposed to be a Chad when he was young? He looks like he would post on Yea Forums here

user that is a chad in the 70's

well his kid is half chink, so of course he'd be an ugly mong

80s gabagool?

I never give myself grand expectations for things so expecting it to be passable is reasonable imo

Chase is writing and producing but not directing, he didn't do a ton of directing on Sopranos though. I think it'll be great (compared to the trash we get these days) but it's gonna be missing the supernatural/dreamy element that really elevated the show

>David why are you filming my scenes first?

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didn't read the article. there's a riot scene with tanks and stuff.

Will it show what happened to Tony? Allude to his death/he lived?

>wanting to be spoonfed

>I ahh... uhhhh... old man... the cat....

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do you really think chase would do that?

It's a prequel

Chads in the 70s were generally just ugly tough dudes

The 80s started the whole 'Upper Class Pretty Yuppie' Chad thing

I said allude not reveal brainlet

this better have the comedy tier writing from the original

The script will be good, everything else is up in the air. Bernthal is great casting though/

Jesus you're retarded.