>Oh look a mysterious brigand
>who turns out to be a hyper competent ranger here to save us from ring wraiths
>actually he's the true heir to the throne
>No Frodo died, wait no Mithril makes him stab proof
>oh no our wizard died
>nevermind he's back
>oh no our ranger king went off a cliff wait he's fine
>Mary and Pippin got killed by a horse wait no they didn't
>The Battle of Helms deep is the most dire imaginable wait the entire cast survived
>ok how will turn the tables on Saruman
>actually here's an ent army to do it, for a great wizard it's a good thing Saruman didn't know or prepare for them
>But this time Minas Tirith, definitely not winnable oh wait ghost army you say?
>Now Shelob that's something you don't want to bite you or you'll be fine I guess
Lord of the asspulls, am I right?
Oh look a mysterious brigand
Have sex.
Redditors of Yea Forums praise this movie to high heavens. It's a good movie but it is basically capeshit.
Sincere question. What is the official term for the medieval/fantasy equivalent of "capeshit"?
Is it sword-and-sandals?
Sword and magic
>Is it sword-and-sandals?
That would be ancient-based epic movies like Troy or Ben-Hur.
ghost army are just psychological warfare, they cant actually physically kill anything. its supposed to be the rest of gondor that aragorn has picked up and brought to the battle
>They cant kill anything
>Proceeds to kill everything
They literally ruined the best part in the book with Aragorn arriving while Eomer makes his last stand. They also stole Eomers speech and gave it to Theoden.
>Every story needs copious amounts of dying because SHIT JUST GOT REAL, just like my favorite videogame Dark Souls! I literally CANNOT experience tension unless my juvenile brain sees guts and gore every five minutes!
What did the GoTard mean by this?
>it's a children's book
hsav exe
>Yea Forums = Yea Forums
>>Oh look a mysterious brigand
>who turns out to be a hyper competent ranger here to save us from ring wraiths
Stopped reading right there
It’s no coincidence Stryder/Aragorn was at Bree waiting for them, Gandalf had arranged to that. Took him some time to do so as well.
You forgot all the writing and the plot in between that made all of that make sense.
This wasn't funny when it was posted on Yea Forums and it isn't funny now.
>have adhd
>something happens in a movie
>look up from phone
>wtf that came out of nowhere what an asspull
based zoomers
Clash of the Titans, Sinbad films, etc.
What if Aragon was actually a woman named Aragina?
fuck yourself it was fucking great when it came out and its great now
That is a lot of misdirected anger
judi bowker was a goddess and puts all capeshit slags to shame
>>The Battle of Helms deep is the most dire imaginable wait the entire cast survived
The Hobbit is capeshit
LOTR is more of an Epic
noun: epic
a long film, book, or other work portraying heroic deeds and adventures or covering an extended period of time.
At least got was popular unlike some shit hollywood pooped out and nobody remembers
This is the problem with requiring every character to "fulfill their arc".
They cannot die unless it "fulfills their arc".
Fuck that shit.
It wasn't really a speech, just Eomer screaming "DEATH" while murdering the shit out of everyone.
But ROTK should've been two movies, Pelennor Fields is too big to squeeze into the hour of runtime that it got.
Why are actual capeshitters like you so obsessed with LotR? Is it because it's not capeshit and it's better than capeshit will ever be?
>Lotr isnt cape shit
Not that user but wewlad
Kek Amazon just spent 1 billion on something noone remembers?
Stay mad thronefag
Based retard, typical lotrfag
>most awards in a saga
>most awards in a single movie
>not popular
>zoomer that did not live the absolute hype with cinemas running over capacity and people sitting on stairs and balconies to watch the RotK
>zoomer that did not play Battle for Middle Earth and Total War: Third Age for days on end at LAN parties and gaming centres
You said it wasn't remembered and it is,even the dogshit hobbit movies made a billion each.
The movies are bad compared to the books but if you're not an autist you can enjoy both while game of thrones the show has devolved into utter garbage.
One of the last lines of the show is a joke about a brothel ffs
The characters may have survived but their optimism didn’t
Helms deep is where they all accepted they were going to die fighting against Mordor. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but soon enough.
>Battle for Middle Earth and Total War: Third Age for days
holy fuck this whole post is based
you're either incredibly retarded or you've never sat down and watched them with focus. im guessing its a combination of both because you're a phone posting faggot with an attention deficit disorder
>Look how mainstream it was xdddd
LoTR is remember like Halo is remembered in gaming. LoTR is remembered like Gangnam style is remember in music. LOTR is remembered like every other mainstream popculture product
You retarded LoTRfags are basically shilling fortnite&Avengers, 2K edition. Please kys
>Remember Lady GaGa and mah pppp ppoker fface mmmnaaa?
Christ you're seething child.
LotR was a sensation before the movies,there were graffiti,people getting married in lotr style and that was well before the movies.
Lotr is one of the most selling books of all time. Thrones relies on cocks and tits to hide how fucking mundane it is.
>What if the war of the roses had dragons lol
>its mainstream
I get it fag
Why are you sperging so hard? Making a fool of yourself won't change that the 15 year old LotR movies have more cultural impact TODAY than the Marvel movies you shill
>everything popular is bad
ok kid
>LoTR is remember like Halo is remembered in gaming.
The rest of your post makes me think you didn't mean to compare LOTR to one of the most critically successful, commercially successful, iconic, and highly regarded video games ever made.
Well yeah otherwise it wouldn't be a franchise.
>>The Battle of Helms deep is the most dire imaginable wait the entire cast survived
to be fair, dude wasn't in the books
Is it ever explained in the movie?
Yeah the Lord of the Rings movies printed money back then and the merchandising still prints money now. Quality has lasting effects
lmao you were born after the films and think they're the be all end all of lotr, huh?
>HALO bad!!
based 15yo retard
reminder that both HALO and LotR belong to better times
good times before your whore mother spread her filthy cunt open and cursed the world with her autistic mongrel spawn
i didnt read the books and still understood that even tho i was like 10 yo
>LoTR is remember like Halo is remembered in gaming.
Halo and Bloodborne rolled into one and you got it
>ITT: LotR making zoomers seethe
Based franchise.
People don't understand that LoTR is supposed to be a "good guys win" movie
Just sit down and enjoy it
Not every movie needs rape
Millennials are incapable of holding their attention to anything that isn't edgy shit for Linkin Park listeners.
I'm still not sure why they are going through a second emo phase.
I don't understand how people could hate HCE.
pretty sure these threads are made by people younger than the movies.
it's sword and sorcery
Keith Urban wasn’t really available for filming because of other commitments so they gave it to theoden. I can’t rmwmber if they say it in the commentary or behind the scenes or an interview later on.
>everyone who doesnt like my mainstream movies is a underage
based lotrposters
what's the matter, your expectations weren't subverted?
No, millennials are in their 30s.
That's the thing, you are in the age where you should be having kids, and yet you regressed back into 10 year olds.
>millennials are in their 30s
Oh fuck, is it 2032 already?
Millennials are those born between 1985 and 1995.
>pretending to not be underage
>doesn't know what a millenial is
imagine being mad over lotr. ironically have sex
>mainstream bad
>except my marlel movies those are poopoo peepee quips so they are good
Zoomer genocide when?
seething got cuck. lotr>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>game of cucks
Even with that simple premise it still holds up. Watched it recently I must admit after being saturated with modern entertainment, it was so weird watching a movie series run that long without forced violence, sex, and minorities/agendas.
fairy tale
>puts a fucking cripple on the throne
That's the most fantasy filled schlock I've seen in recent films.
>David Bowie almost played Elrond
Would it have been kino?
>DnD are taking the fall for this fat fuck
No sir, I don't like it at all
they both fucked it honestly
It would have been more camp that's for sure.
RIP fat elf desu
>Vin Diesel as Aragorn
>Liam Neeson as Boromir
>Lucy Lawless as Galandriel
>Sean Connery as Gandalf
>Gyllenhaal as Frodo
Most of the stuff you listed is either movie-only, or had the explanation removed from the movie. Blame Jackson.
wait they didn't kill anything in the books? are you sure? I thought Aragorn freed the southern fiefdoms on the coast with them
>>David Bowie almost played Elrond
hell yes
>>Vin Diesel as Aragorn
fuck no
>>Liam Neeson as Boromir
good but not better than sean
>>Lucy Lawless as Galandriel
fuck no
>>Sean Connery as Gandalf
hard to imagine anyone but mckellen on the role but would work
>>Gyllenhaal as Frodo
Don't ever cast a movie or tv show.
He basically scared the corsairs into fleeing and leaving their boats behind.
he used the ghost army to scare the fuck out of the pirates and jump ship, then freed the slaves on them and filled them with soldiers from the southern regions to sail up to minas tirith, they didn't physically kill anyone. it's an army of ghosts, making people piss themselves and run away is effective enough.
>David Bowie as Elrond
>Tilda Swinton as Glorfindel
>who was Tamerlane
>What is reading comprehension
They attacked the fleet and walked over the water it's never made 100% clear if they killed anyone or just scared them so much they all jumped ship, either way it's pretty much the same outcome. The way the movie did it had to be done because if you adapted it 100% from the book it'd be hard to fit in the already huge runtime
Those were the originally planned actors though.
man, the stars really aligned in the end then didn't they
they were all in the frame for casting at some point, along with a huge list of others we don't know about obviously.
My dad calls it goblins and sticks. Really annoys my mum.
the casting ended up being so perfect that I literally cannot imagine anyone else playing any of the characters. My brain rejects the notion
Maybe some of those choices would have been fine, but everything is too cemented
for all the rumours of who might have been and who auditioned for it, the actual amazing one is viggo coming in after they'd already started filming, having cast stuart townsend in the role.
I fell asleep when watching the last part and then woke up to the end when all those gay hobbit things were happening. Looked like midget soft porn desu
They did
Watch the appendices, Viggo I believe said yes because his son overheard the phone call about the Aragorn role and went apeshit
Bloom was picked up on a theatre where Jackson and one of the Hobbits went after sealing the deal, he liked him and went and found him backstage to offer him the job
The list goes on
Assblasted coping /got/ faggot detected
Is this a LOTR character? Probably an elf or something.
based Viggo
Lotr fandom goes way back though, from Norweigan black metal, Led Zeppelin cultism and even further back to gen one D&D and magic the gathering fags
Based Viggo also talked Hackson out of this nonsense
Retard, you have shit taste and embarrass yourself on a daily basis, mute yourself you eternal pleb
>12 hour movie trilogy where the big badass villain never even comes down from his lair
Surprised they were able to find the restraint
>>Oh look a mysterious brigand
>>who turns out to be a hyper competent ranger here to save us from ring wraiths
>>actually he's the heir to the throne
You would expect the heir to the throne to know about the ring wraiths and their target, wouldn't you?
You would expect him to have at least heard of the council, he would be interested in such infromation, especially since Sauron is currently waging an actual war.
There is no other reason why he disguised himself as a "mysterious brigand".
>>No Frodo died, wait no Mithril makes him stab proof
You'd expect the dwarves get something right, at least their armour.
It's not like there are many of these invincibles, especially because their is so few Mithril, because it's fucking hard to mine Moria-silver these days.
You'd expect the bearer of the One Ring to get the best armour available, wouldn't you?
>>oh no our wizard died
>>nevermind he's back
You'd expect an angel (Istari) to be able to have some actual powers, wouldn't you?
Nothing wrong with resurrection, especially when Eru wills it.
You know, he would care that the one last Maiar that is left to serve his cause, would get some divine intervention, especially when creatures led by Morgoth-worshippers are about to storm a castle.
>>oh no our ranger king went off a cliff wait he's fine
You'd expect hyper competent ranger to survive jumping into water.
>>Mary and Pippin got killed by a horse wait no they didn't
If you're stupid enough to believe that every fucking time a dangerous situation comes up, a character ought to die, you should switch to Game of Thrones.
You'll see how much of the original main caste is left after multiple hours of watch time.
You'd expect Hobbits to be intelligent enough to survive a horse-"attack", otherwise they probably wouldn't give them the task of protecting the One Ring.
>The Battle of Helms deep is the most dire imaginable wait the entire cast survived
So you want the protagonists to have casualties, Mr Ad Hoc?
You need some pounding
Post top 5 movies
Wasn't it Christopher Lee who always had the book to hand and reminded him about a lot of stuff? Still didn't matter most of the time.
you seriously wrote that and thought what you understood was what he said
What about Return of the King on PS2
>having a top 5 movies at all
>trying to cuantify fucking ART
Capeshitter zoomers, everybody
Daily reminder that Nicolas Cage was going to play Aragorn
Zoomers literally can’t understand lotr because they’re so hopped up on autism meds
Aquire taste
There is no equivalent. Maybe the recent King Arthur and Robin Hood movies, but that's all I can think of of. Capeshit is marked as
>High budget, but poor special effects
>Conflict is between super hero and super villain
>Below average fight choreography and editing
>Low stakes played for high stakes; it's the end of the world, but you know the hero is going to win without too much trouble
And for MCU specifically
>quips used to alleviate dramatic tension that might otherwise make the film's interesting
>The Battle of Helms deep is the most dire imaginable wait the entire cast survived
Usually it's the common soldiers, especially the attackers, that die during an assault, which is why you wouldn't commit one, unless your troops were easily replacable, which was perfectly portrayed. It all fit together very well.
You'd expect the commanders and most important people to have lower casualties, right?
Especially when most of them are skilled fighters.
Again, shock value is worthless unless well-placed and appropriate.
Haldir died and the Galadhrim got annihilated.
How much more death do you want?
>>ok how will turn the tables on Saruman
>>actually here's an ent army to do it, for a great wizard it's a good thing Saruman didn't know or prepare for them
Stop nitpicking, you seething GoT-fag, stop coping that your final has been shit, stop nitpicking.
The Ents only entered after they were convinced by Merry and Pippin, though they were already sympathizing with the fellowship already, the orcs ended up getting slaughtered by some huorns near Helm's Deep afterall.
>>But this time Minas Tirith, definitely not winnable oh wait ghost army you say?
Are you a legit Sauron supporter or just a butthurt faggot?
For comparison, Legolas slaying the olliphont was pretty cheesy, while the Ghost Army made some sense.
>>Now Shelob that's something you don't want to bite you or you'll be fine I guess
>Lord of the asspulls, am I right?
Says who?
Yes your commanders who charge into hundreds of enemies multiple times but survive cause they're on the back line as commanders that's what you'd expect
Great arguement you absolute retard
>He didnt support Sauron
>One who brought industrialization, uplifted the orcs and told Elves to fuck off
reddit's opinion has no value to the matter and capeshit /=/ mythology you fucking pleb
explain the numerous commanders who fought on the frontlines like Alexander, without particularly good equipment, and survived? And Helm's Deep is a siege where the defenders have a huge advantage and can safely retreat.
Seething tourists.
Would have made a great Galadriel.
I understand his ideology, I can sympathize, that doesn't change that he is the reason for Númenor's end.
Most Sauron-fanboys are edgy teenagers.
>Yes your commanders who charge into hundreds of enemies multiple times
One cheesy moment is cheesy, I won't defend that.
Still you shouldn't expect uruk-hai to be too powerful.
Killing half the defenders was their best performance, they would not be able to hold a small bridge against a cavalry charge, especially when they have the disadvantage of a tight formation in a close-column.
The Uruk hai aren't as tall as humans, they are 2 feet shorter, which reduces their range, meaning they aren't as god with pikes against mounted men. Since the tactical competence, discipline, individual courage and coherence of Isengard orcs is about that of orange juice, don't expect them to casually beat back riders, coming full-tilt.
It's cheesy, but they would actually fall of the bridge, realistically.
Cope harder
reddit's opinion has no value to the matter and capeshit /=/ mythology you fucking pleb.
Fuck you, fuck deddit, fuck capeshit and jannies.
Thanks for including me in one of your mass-replies, retard.
Sup actual redditor how's that spooderman flick coming along?
Life is a fairy tale, tho: a marvelous, incredible, immaginative and almost absurd voyage, full of nonsense, myth and discovery, where Man is but a speckle within the greatest pattern ever weaved by the most mysterious Artist of them all.
Quite fantastical, if you ask me.
Almost fantasy, I dare to say.
amazing, thanks user
>300 miles
I could ride a bike through that shit in a week
>>The Uruk hai aren't as tall as humans, they are 2 feet shorter
That's regular goblins and Orcs. Uruks in the book were only a bit shorter than men. Uruks in the MOVIE were all mostly played by brawny 6+ foot Polynesian stuntmen.
My fave anecdote about the production of Lord of the Rings, is how the actors for the Uruks would taunt the pretty boy actors playing the elf warriors cause they weren't getting in character enough for the battle.
>using bicycles instead of a horse
I recall that they got twinky, pale college guys for the elves.
You try too hard user. Like REALLY hard here.
Based. Conflating meaningless super heros to mythology is peak Reddit.
I wasnt wrong
Yea Forums hated him because he told the truth
Where in Lord of the Rings does it say that Gandalf is some magical god-man who is invincible and immortal?
>duuude just read the similarion
Ok but where does this happen in Lord of the Rings?
>>Oh look a mysterious brigand
narrative device to keep the reader guessing at Strider's intent towards the ring
>>who turns out to be a hyper competent ranger here to save us from ring wraiths
who else would gandalf entrust this task to?
>>actually he's the true heir to the throne
narrative device to make Frodo doubt his own worth in being the ring bearer with a chad like Aragorn nearby
>>No Frodo died, wait no Mithril makes him stab proof
Bilbo literally gives Frodo that shirt earlier in the movie
>>oh no our wizard died
he isn't allowed to go super saiyan in front of humans, so he took the L
>>nevermind he's back
his job wasn't finished
>>oh no our ranger king went off a cliff wait he's fine
I think this is movie only shit
>>Mary and Pippin got killed by a horse wait no they didn't
literally no one ever thought this
>>The Battle of Helms deep is the most dire imaginable wait the entire cast survived
because no one fights on the front lines except in the movie for rule of cool moments
>>ok how will turn the tables on Saruman
>>actually here's an ent army to do it, for a great wizard it's a good thing Saruman didn't know or prepare for them
the entire ebb and flow of the story hinges on the unpredictability of hobbits
>>But this time Minas Tirith, definitely not winnable oh wait ghost army you say?
the ghost army doesn't even come to minas tirith in the books. aragorn just wanted boats
>>Now Shelob that's something you don't want to bite you or you'll be fine I guess
research spiders, you doofus
each and everyone of those moments has a perfectly valid explanation. Every pathetic attempt at destroying these movies in /tv ends in embarrasment.
>narrative device to keep the reader guessing at Strider's intent towards the ring
Keep em guessing when everyone knows the plot lmao
>who else would gandalf entrust this task to?
Himself or literally any elf that already resisted the temptation
>narrative device to make Frodo doubt his own worth in being the ring bearer with a chad like Aragorn nearby
Aragorn should have had done the job. He never showed any signs of falling for the ring
>Bilbo literally gives Frodo that shirt earlier in the movie
Yep, a nice copout by Tolkien
>he isn't allowed to go super saiyan in front of humans, so he took the L
nice copout by talking. "BB but the wizards cant use their awesome powers because X even though enemy doesnt give a shit!"
>his job wasn't finished
Like that isnt a fucking superpower
>I think this is movie only shit
>literally no one ever thought this
Even worse, they tried AND failed
>because no one fights on the front lines except in the movie for rule of cool moments
So the strongest trio didnt fight? Bunch of heroes they were
>the entire ebb and flow of the story hinges on the unpredictability of hobbits
It was always predicted for Hobbits to throw the ring into lava or not to die
>the ghost army doesn't even come to minas tirith in the books. aragorn just wanted boats
Even worse
>research spiders, you doofus
Spiders bite silver?
You actually have the brain of a 4 year old.
>Himself or literally any elf that already resisted the temptation
>elves doing anything ever
>mfw just realized it was Viggo in Green Book
yeah, I don't think he really needed the book to hand though he probably knew it word for word, he was a hardcore fan that was said to have read it once a year since it came out.
based lee