It's coming out next month. Where is the hype?
It's coming out next month. Where is the hype?
Other urls found in this thread:
>watching anything dubbed that isn't a children's cartoon
You could watch it for free right now instead of paying someone that had nothing to do with creating it
>hype for something you can watch right now
>doesn't want to jump on the normie bandwagon
have sex
I wonder how many people will kill themselves over it
It's pretty damn interesting that Eva is the most popular story of instrumentality ever told.
Imagine if everyone actually understood what the connotations of it meant.
not a single one because based zoomers wont give a fuck about evatrash
Except there's at least one thread about it here and on Yea Forums every single fucking day
Please tell, what is your view of instrumentality? I was quite confused after watching eva.
The hype was decades ago. when everyone else already watched it.
Stop making this thread, there's very little hype to be had.
When the FUCK is the last rebuild movie coming out if ever?
probably on Yea Forums you autistic faggot no one cares
This. people still think Eva is a bait and switch series and not a triple bait and switch series
They will because anime is mainstream now.
I've seen it before
Ep 25/26 and EoE will always be a normie filter.
I already watched it
>The reason people watch the show
>Normie filter
What fucking hype? I've already seen it multiple times and I don't stream or have a kikeflix account.
Will it be a hit with normies or will it raise any red flags with the snowflake crowd? I don't think they will roll with Shinji cumming on his comatose friend
Dude, we all already watched it, like a decade ago
The only reason I'm halfway interested is if it results in us finally getting official blu ray releases of NGE/D&R/EoE.
what are you talking about? I pirated them years ago
Yeah, me too. I want physical copies though.
Netflix will probably rewrite the shit out of it to make it more woke.
I'm actually hyped about the possible trainwreck they will produce.
Yeah and they've already watched it years ago
Anyone who can somewhat appreciate eva has either already seen it or will see it anywhere but on netflix
Official blu rays already exist and they are inferior to sephirotic release
Can't expect any company to put half as much work into fixing ep 16 and general color grading as this random guy did, so what's the point
Weird, I thought Anno/Khara got super autistic and particular when it came to NGE.
>he watches cartoons
actually have sex
Can't wait for JYB shinji.
Let me just post the best girl of the series
>tfw no suzuhara gf to make you lunch
Nigger I watched this shit in middle school.
First time hearing about this.
The anime has existed for decades, what is there to be hyped?
Is this a spinoff or just a redubbing of the original?
Wait, so they are doing a whole new dub, an not just licensing the original English dub? I smell big trouble in little China..
It's on Yea Forums. Why don't you fuck off back there and look for it?
The original VA for Asuka had to re-audition, and I think she wasn't hired.
Huh so it is just a redubbing then.
Fucking pointless, go watch a sub or the old dub.
Not that user, but the show’s whole thing with Judeo-Christian imagery isn’t just for “aesthetic”. The whole thing with everyone turning into orange juice is Anno’s interpretation of Kabbalists’ (and other mystics’) vision of the way the world will end. To be brief, in most mystical systems it’s believed that everything came from god (“The First Cause”) and that he kind of split himself up into a bunch of different pieces when doing so (ten Sephirot). This is why in EoE the angels form an upside down Tree of Life, symbolizing the rejoining of man and everything in the world to god. A lot of conspiracy theorists think that those in power follow mystical beliefs, and view all of humanity as one, which is why they would want to create a one world government. Sorry if my post wasn’t cohesive, I’m sick
had it 3 days ago.
Your next move?
The hype is mainly because the series was pretty much unavailable to the US in any legal way other than importing $500 BD sets. It's the first time you people can watch it in many parts in the west without pirating
Late next year supposedly
>watching a REDUB
what is wrong with you
It already came out like 25 years ago man.
They are redubbing because they couldn't get the rights for the dub but they aren't rehiring the original dub cast. I'm 90% certain they will get Johnny Young Bosch for Shinji, Netflix has the dude on speed dial for nearly all their foreign language english dubs.
just torrent the blu-ray bro, or does netflix have a new sub?
You faggots had 25 years to learn Japanese and watch it in it's original unadulterated form.
>watching weebshit
>paying to watch weebshit
Millennials were a mistake.
Don’t respond to bait, you don’t need to justify yourself to anyone either
>for a show I saw in the 90s
>and have been shitposting on Yea Forums about since 2004
>btw, Rei is best girl
>for an anime that's been available for over 20 years
What do you mean it "comes out" next month? It "came out" 20+ years ago. Where is the hype? Non-existent, because it's a show anyone that isn't a newfag has already fucking watched.
Rei will lie there like a dead fish and make bizarre yet somehow condescending comments while you fuck her.
100% they will edit out all the questionable parts like the shot of shinji's semen crusty hands
Oh no no no
>the show’s whole thing with Judeo-Christian imagery isn’t just for “aesthetic”
>The whole thing with everyone turning into orange juice is Anno’s interpretation of [anything said beyond here is irrelevant]
>This is why in EoE the angels form an upside down Tree of Life, symbolizing the rejoining of man and everything in the world to god.
You're claiming this elevates anything above being merely an aesthetic? fucking lol
Good she was like nails on a chalkboard even when she wasn't being a bitch.
it's subs + a redub
they're redoing the garbage ADV dub
>implying it's not a children's cartoon
He's completely wrong anway the judeo christian stuff is purely aesthetic life was seeded on earth by ayyliums in the show.
Misato being the way she is: drinking and being generally useless as a housemate makes me wonder just how stinky her boots must be.
>drinks beer and eats fastfood
>most likely only washes her clothes when they smell bad, much less clean her footwear
>barely takes care of herself since she's most likely drunk the moment she's at home
Rei probably smells damp, but clean
Asuka is probably the best smelling girl
For me, it's Rei.
Should I watch Evangellion
I've never watched the dub the Japanese cast is pretty perfect imo
Imagine the smell though
I really hate Mari so much. Rebuild is straight garbage.
It kind of isn't. If you removed the underage nudity and otherwise accurately adapted it to live action it would still easily get a hard R rating.
She seemed like she could have made things interesting at first in the second movie, but she turned out to contribute literally fucking nothing to the franchise. Anno has admitted when they put her in the preview at the end of the second movie, they wanted to shake things up but had no idea what they would be doing.
>when they put her in the preview at the end of the second movie
*end of the first movie
I'm more annoyed at all the useless spinning, not to mention the aaa-wunder.
what the fuck anno? Do some other anniemay if you want to push your fanfic
the old dub fucking sucked and got shit literally wrong you dumb poser
Is any movies other than end of evangelion worth watching?
I'm 60% sure Anno just made it to push his yaoi time travelling fanfiction onto the screen
After the withdrawal of troops from the Iran insurgency aka Bolton's folly
The first of the rebuilds was okay.
Better animation, but goes through the first episodes and then introduces Mari.
Rebuild 1.0 is basically a high budget remake of the first third of the show, but then throws in a ridiculous nonsensical cliffhanger at the end. And then it all goes off the rails into fanfiction in 2.0
I dunno, Asuka is really depressed and sat in a tub for an entire day once. She probably smells like mothballs and Germany.
1.11 is a prettified abridged remake of the first handful of episodes up to Operation Yashima. 2.22 is basically fanfiction with all the characters acting the way anime characters typically do, instead of themselves (including Shinji finally "nutting up"). 3.33 is basically a middle finger to anyone who liked 2.22.
ITs not going to be in nip?
knowing whiteboi kabbalah isn't impressive
it will probably have both original audio and dub, basically every anime on netflix does
The frustrating part is 3.33 is visually gorgeous while the first two in comparison are fairly bleh-looking the majority of the time, being in the tail end of the 2010s, the decade that had Japan trying and often failing to wrap their heads around digital animation, in the weird uncanny valley between bad and good
>1) clearly, almost amateurishly digital looking
>2) digital but trying and failing to look not so digital, resulting in bleary looking garbage with poor colour choices
>3) successfully manages to replicate the look of film -or- embraces being digital but has an awareness of what looks good and what looks bad
1+2 = glorified TV animation with a higher budget
3 = actually resembles the quality expected in a theatrical release
Having both Toshiyuki Inoue and Hiroyuki Okiura on board for the animation, practically solidifies this fact
I had no idea for the longest time that she was offering to fuck him there.
It's all she knows. She can't understand why that wouldn't fix the problem.
Only took them almost quarter of a century to air this outside of Japan
She understands why it wouldn't fix the problem but she still does it.
Netflix is not remaking this, are they? Please tell me they're not remaking Eva.
You are a millennial, retard
literally less than 10 seconds in google would tell you that it's not a remake
I never really got the whole "Misato's a slut as a coping mechanism" thing. I mean, I get that it was the intention, but you never really see that in her behavior. All we ever see from her sexuality is with Kaji, and that seems to be a fairly healthy long-term relationship.
I could see if maybe they had a running thing with her showing up at the apartment with a different guy all the time, or have a scene where she doesn't go home, and Shinji/Asuka say something like "she must have met somebody at the bar...again.", but nothing like that happens. Hell, outside Kaji, and maybe the occasional moment with Shinji, she seems borderline asexual.
>watching children's cartoons dubbed
I don't have 10 seconds
not yet, anyway
She isn't really technically a slut, she just projects some slut behavior. So it's not with everyone but only those she is close with. It's the only way she knows how to be intimate or just close to someone. And why it's specifically being a 'slut' or dirty is explained in her segment in ep 25 pretty much when she spells out her daddy issues in more detail.
>Not that user, but the show’s whole thing with Judeo-Christian imagery isn’t just for “aesthetic”
Pretty sure Anno admitted that the religious imagery was purely for aesthetic reasons.
I don't remember this character, is this some spinoff?
i've already seen it million times and i dont have netflix so why would i be hyped i mean wtf
no, it's the original TV release, obviously
think these things through, user
why would you watch childrens cartoons?
The sad thing is these retarded manchildren do have sex.
>just very bad sex
>watching it dubbed
even americans wouldnt dare go this far, r-right?
Pretty sure he never did that. He only said that the name was chosen for a similar reason when he was talking to middleschoolers in a reality show. Not to mention anno and most of the crew have given multiple interviews where they contradict one another or even themselves. If you listen to any of his interviews you will probably notice he's the type of guy to give some Jaden Smith answer if you ask him what he ate last night. I honestly think it's safe to disregard most interviews or statements he's made about eva as clearly some a lot of them are bullshit and it's pretty much impossible to discern which ones are not.
first anime i watched and it broke me in two. haven't watched it again since but i might as well now
>paying for kikeflix to watch a show I can watch right now for free
He's just the type of person who doesn't like having to explain himself, and people constantly begged him for explanations.
>being a paycuck
ooh marone
Can you explain the symbolism of the cross in Evangelion?
KT: There are a lot of giant robot shows in Japan, and we did want our story to have a religious theme to help distinguish us. Because Christianity is an uncommon religion in Japan we thought it would be mysterious. None of the staff who worked on Eva are Christians.
>There is no actual Christian meaning to the show, we just thought the visual symbols of Christianity look cool.
If we had known the show would get distributed in the US and Europe we might have rethought that choice.
If you believe this, I've got a bridge to sell you.
are you saying he's lying or ?
It's not even Anno answering the question
I'm saying he's a jokester.
>blushes when Karl grabs his
I just realized Karl is the Chad of young insecure boys
yes. and?
There will be an option to watch it subtitled, you absolute ameritard.
what's withvall these fucking Mari Sue characters?
>could watch it for free for years
>decide to pay to watch it with several cuts
Rei and Asuka are boring little cunts. Misato is where it's at.
Ive seen it back in 1995 and forced it on every aingle yahoo group then Yea Forums Yea Forums so hard, many copycats went on to prove NGE was actually deep. This bandwagon shit is reddit tier. Fuck
She exudes sex. Or maybe that's just my constant boner whenever she is on screen.
>hype for something that's been out for 22 years
>hype for a dub
>given that a dub already exists
What's the point?
I'm honestly a little jealous of all the zoomers who are going to take their first trip on Mr. Anno's Wild Ride.
I've had it on DVD for 20 years now. Where have you been?
She's voiced by Maaya Sakamoto, so she's alright in my book
Brie Larson is Rei
I've already seen it
is this the kinoest scene in evangelion ?
how old are you grandpa
Both wrong.
Shinji is best girl.