it's pretty based that media companies are becoming more woke
It's pretty based that media companies are becoming more woke
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Why is a teenager running the official twitter of a billion dollar company?
That's not a teenager, that's us. That's our current generation. We're the white-collar workers of the modern tech industry and our memes and mannerisms will reflect that.
Mickey will take care of them, don't worry
cultureless trogladytes commonly run these kind of social media profiles.
the same reason a woman tanked star wars and gets to keep her job
the two replies are plants, just so netflix could get some brownie points
>there isn't a war against white straight mal-
Because Netflix is a dramatically overvalued company on the verge of bankruptcy.
That's literally because Disney couldn't give the position to anyone else. No one wants to be in charge of that sinking ship so she's stuck with it.
Because we live in the End of Times.
>Being btfo so hard you make that image to cope
Yea Forums is hilarious
Imagine getting triggered by a fucking homo lol
I wonder what's going to happen to Netflix when consumer spending starts falling considerably across the board.
you will never be a real woman
I wish that was a teenager
it's more like 2% which is still suspiciously high for such a deleterious malformation. i think industrial chemistry might have changed our species a lot over the last 80 years
It really is absolutely mind boggling that they are just letting her keep that job.
>Everyone against me is a tranny or a basedboy!!!
Nice persecution complex, Elliot
Does Netflix have a single series with only straight people? Didn't think so. If gays are at most 5% of the population, shouldn't they be in only 5% of shows?
leave it to me,I will fix Disney with ElsaxJasmine porn scenes
thank you gohan
t. subhuman
did he lied?
can u be a woman?
maybe in America, in normal countries it's 1% MAYBE 1.5%
Reminder that netflix shoehorned deaf people into one of their tv shows, but the sign language was very grammatically incorrect and they got BTFOd so hard they haven’t had a deaf character since.
That's why I'm glad minorities are outbreeding whites. Soon sharia patrols will murder all of the faggots.
>seething this mich
Keep it up, Tranny
just unsub and join your forgotten pirate brethren
Why do they love the phrase 'it's almost as if', seriously I only ever hear a very specific type of person use this IRL, and likewise only ever see it posted by very clear basedboys. There must be some underlying psychological explanation for why this precise phrasing is so popular.
literally nothing, they will just keep borrowing until the heat death of the universe and it becomes legal for 8 year old children to become tranny prostitutes
nothing just like the dozen other tech companies that don't have a profit either
because its condescending.
like they are a kindergarden teacher and you are a short bus kid and they are helping you along something that is so easy to see but you just cant get it.
its because they either are women, want to be women, or speak like women in the hope of getting rancid feminist gash.
its because the only way women know how to feel poweful over others is to play the role of a mother.
they dont do it irl because unless they overhelm you numerically they would just look like immense arrogant assholes.
on twitter and reddit tho people who point out their bullshit get banned so its only them spouting their bullshit to each other and patting thelmselves on their fat backs.
and then one day, for no reason at all
So much for inclusion.
Lmao why are you here
Uh you do realize these are common speech patterns for those people, right?
I mean RIGHT?
It's almost as if they have no self awareness. Yikes! Let that sink in.
It's more about the lack of masculine thought these people have
Condescension and passive aggressiveness is a way to attack others without compromising yourself, because you're never engaging officially with anyone
>watch netflix series
>it has a BMWF couple
>literally no other combination of interracial always BMWF
I would love to see netflixes response to this. I’m sure it would be sickeningly cucked.
That sounds like a typical millenial.
Hey, they're being condescending towards a minority
You can't do that
Dont worry about Star Wars, they hired DnD to write a trilogy, maybe Rian Johnson will direct it too! :^}
Jewish media companies are intentionally erasing visibility of white people/families to support the myth that non-whites have always lived in white nations.
Netflix isn’t entertainment, it’s propaganda
Millennials are human garbage and Gen Z will eat you alive
Based Paki
Ironically it’s only white people who support Israel
It's intentional.
White males putting their penises in anything other than white females = "Colonialism".
Black males putting their penises in white females = "Justice" (in their estimation), and serves to humiliate white males.
Meanwhile, white females are actually the least likely racial group in any Western nation to race-mix. White males actually race-mix at higher rates than white women, but it's never shown. BMWF is also the second least-likely combination. Hispanic/Asian male-White female is statistically much more likely. The MOST likely interracial relationship is Black male-Hispanic female. That combination is the majority of interracial relationships. You also nearly never see it outside Fast and Furious movies.
They deserve this destruction for being brainwashed Christcucks. Their religion literally demands a racial genocide in order for their fabled Jew god to prove they're right in the end... somehow, after they're, you know, already fucking dead.
not until they stop eating tide pods.
>wow its almost as if
They just can't help themselves can they?
That person is probably in their 30s, fren.
Based as fuck just subscribed.
>Mohamed BTFO
>small dick energy whitoid BTFO
God damn it Netflix is based
Because Yea Forums is hilarious
Where else can I find such lukewarm takes
Yes the Britstains have an actual professional acronym that just means "no whitey"
Exactly. They want to be women and have no notion of masculinity.
>still the majority
>still whining like a child
fuck wendys for starting this gay shit
Remove y'all please
>tfw my first name has become a meme term that pretty much means incel
I read an article about gallop polls in the states and people polled greatly over estatimate the the amount of gay people and also black people. This discrepancy was from like 1970-today. In average people tend to guess there are nearly twice as many black people in the us(avg guesses ~25%) than there actually are (~%13) and over ten times as many gay people (avg guess ~10-15%) that there actually are(~1%). Really makes you think.
It's a certain type of person doing this kind of work
Define "masculinity" in this context.
What does it mean to be "masculine" on the internet?
>99% of media covers that
No, he just explained to you that 100% of shows have homos in them.
>Saw my first tranny in real life today
Yes it's odd that people who are the majority in the country they've founded and lived in for thousands of years wants to remain the majority.
99% of media ever is exclusively about straight people
ugly or pretty?
they had beard stubble and were fat
No. 100% of all shows produced in the last decade have featured homos. And considering 99% is pretty close to the actual 96% of straight people that exist, your point doesn't even make sense. You're presenting that little factoid as if it's indefensible.
do you get angry when you get the flu and people suggest a cure to make it go away?
>Post yfw Disney+ kills Cuckflix for good
What kind of turbo-NPC are you
how much to blame is twitter for the utter degradation of communication skills and propagation of hysterical infantile obliviousness like in the OP?
the default method of interaction for most people is a medium which established itself through a character limit insufficient for even the average Yea Forums shitpost.
Don't give SJWs even an inch. Attacking grammar was the first step.
That second comment is dumb as fuck though
>Straight people exist too
No shit? I will be fucking shocked if you find me a film with absolutely no straight characters in it. Even LGB-centric movies feature a handful of straight characters. What the fuck is that retards point?
So you saw multiple trannies?
So what should 4% of Netflix shows have gay people in them? That doesn’t even make any sense.
They are living on borrowed time thankfully
Ah yes the flu of not having sex
Sam Harris(kek) said that if jack could sonehow patent twitter so it could never be replicated and then shut it down forever he would win a Nobel prize.
Based, he or she needs to rethink his or her grammar
He or she wouldn't want to sound dumb or convoluted or anything.
It was more of a power couple thing with Rian. She has the responsibility though, "head" positions like hers exist so that they can be decapitated.
Why is netflix even bothering to respond to "literal who: i have an opinion" would be the correct question here.
woke, but still with an aftertaste of My Fellow Kids to it
Gender neutral he, cuck. Especially on the internet. No girls!
How about overrepresenting the Asexual population instead and stopping to inject your shows and movies with pointless and dumb dumb romance/sexual sidestories instead?
muh true love feels
muh lust
fuck off with that shit, I want STORIES not ultrasoftcore porn.
men and women express themselves differently, that's what it means. do you deny this?
Because the movies and shows are supposed to be popular and make money. It's not the soviet era where movies are state funded and don't need to be profitable.
Why does Netflix even have a fucking twitter? What faggot do they have managing it? Is it a bundle of faggots managing it?
Very true. It's the fault of roasties because they love that stuff, unfortunately. But why does every piece of media have to cater to them? Can't I have one good thing?
>Can't I have one good thing?
You're probably poor and pirate most of your media so your opinion on what gets made is worth nothing really.
>Gender neutral
That doesn't add up
This but unironically
Not everything needs a romance arc, the entire reason why I dropped Superstore
I don't deny it:
Men are violent and demeaning in their online interactions
Women are catty and condescending
Both have a propensity for excessive hyperbole
>haha i'm a bigger and better consumer than you
the state of 4channel
Touché. Except that I don't pirate, I watch mostly public domain stuff. I like old things.
No. They should make up 5% of every cast of every show if that's the approach you're taking. Gay people don't exclusively mingle with other gay people If a show is specifically about a gay person it's likely they know more gay people than average though so you'd see a higher percentage. If the show has nothing to do with gay people there might be incidental coverage or none at all.
>doesn't like to consume things
>complains about how the consumer market isn't tailored to them
I wasn't exactly ironic. The romance thing can be good if done well. It usually isn't though.
John Wick 3 just came out
The correct answer would be "because you're still watching". I would never pay for a service that has become the biggest producer of gay and feminists shit
It's probably some intern with a worthless liberal arts degree that makes him/her otherwise unemloyable.
It's usually the most cost effective solution.
>multi billion dollar companies are loved and defended by lefties and hated by right wing supporters
What a time to be alive.
What would be the reaction to Donald tweeting "Happy gay month!"?
It just depends on the billion dollar company. We're just in the most boring possible dystopian cyberpunk future right now.
The truth, bared.
Lets play a game
But that's where you're wrong. This shit is hilarious.
>You're probably
No evidence. I'd buy a product if it was good, such as BvS.
Just make background character #746429526825 gay and then when asked about lack of inclusion say that they are bigots for not noticing.
>brown people = automatically good because uhhhhhhhhh
>using NPC meme wrong
The left is a product OF multi billion dollar corporations. Quibbling over sex and race distracts from economic issues. Progressivism was pushed to dissolve Occupy Wall Street when they actually gained a modicum of traction.
Why can't newfags read replies?
It's intentional.
>Black man depicted as tall, fit, alpha, confident.
>White man depicted as short, skinny, awkward, shy.
>White man's girlfriend agrees to cheat on him and instead play with the alpha black man
>White man can just stare in disbelief
This reads like something from a sam hyde bit
>do well at a job
>neets want you to step down for need reasons s
>h....have sex
umm... mister? dilate.
No. 4% of the characters they write should be gay
There's nothing Cosmo wont have a meltdown about. Chris-chan talking about the color of Sonic's arms is more mentally stable.
Kinda glad Disney is going to destroy them in the next few years.
please stop doing your faggy fortnite dances and get it over with already
You should be worried when they stop "whining", you really should.
He talk about a transvestite so it's "he"
obviously. by default I assume almost none of the controversy I see from twitter is organic.
it’s all plants and false flags for the purposes of writing clickbait articles
Could be an Italian chick.
if you really talk like that, you should kill yourself. don’t forget to dilate first though, you wouldn’t want to heal up in the mortuary
you’ll still never be a woman m8
No it's just that past generations of faggots married straight to avoid the social stigma. This is why guy men have a slightly higher IQ then average incidentally.
excellent analysis.
keep up the good work user
based boomer hivemind
>rainbow colored
I’m so confused
not sounding like a pathetic passive aggressive faggot.
they can’t help themselves. they need to live vicariously through fictional romance. it’s a cool wine aunt thing.
Is this 4% shit a meme?
Recent studies show that over 90% of the populatin are either gay or bi
straights are a minority, it's just that most of them won't accept that they are bi
Unironically this. Romance is a cancerous tumour on stories. It steals time away from the regular story and stomps over existing, more interesting relationships in favour of faggy romantic drama
I'd totally take the SJW position on it, except they just want all the relationships to be gay instead of straight.
Not even worth a you.
It's the appropriate response to such a dumb question.
Don't worry in 5 years the tranny shit will be old news and people will realize they were actually just bisexual and jerking off to shemales is at least semi-gay.
>Really makes you think.
It makes me think that people always overestimate stuff like this. The guy is complaining about every new show having *a* gay character in it. And yet, the desperation of his complaint would have you believe that he's being deluged by gays.
They're right though. You have 100 years of straight dudes if you want em. Who cares if a character sucks dick
>has a billion dollars in fluidity
This is embarrassing
The sad thing is that most people think communicating like this means that they’re right
All it’s doing is affirming how many mentally ill people there are that love sucking corporate cock to feel special
We hear time and time again
Get woke
Go broke
Awww this triggers the alt right babies wah wah wah why can't everyone be white and straight shut the fuck up
>in their hubris they expose the truth
Lmao literally everything in the west has fags now. The 1% is media without gays now
tell them horribly disfigured three armed midgets also exist in this world
>implying zoomers are redpilled.
Hah, you will miss boomers when they are gone.
What’s even more hilarious is how you come here and still identify with a “community” that loves censorship, can’t draw a conclusion unless a minimum of 100 people share it and loved sucking corporate cock and still somehow think you’re not the loser here.
Also, in terms your weak cuck mind can understand: {DOWNVOTED -1}
They already succeeded in england. The average person there is so stupid as to have already been gaslit
Fuck Twitter screencappers.
The first one wouldn’t be a muslim wiyh broken english if this were true, they would be maga hat wearing whites
You just doing it now, do you realise it? :^)
I don't like gays as much as the next, but you'll find most things in society don't reflect the actual % of different groups in said society. In fact asking for everything to be represented equally is pretty gay.
That's literally a 27 year old woman.
user why are you saving picture of mexican jerking of his dick in your computer?
>tfw I use half of these ironically
The Left's primary language is passive-aggressive. They're too soft to go full aggressive unless they have the numbers to back each other up (Antifa).
It's netflix. They are like a billion in debt already.
that first comment is pretty islamophobic
shaking my head netflix, i thought you were better than this, buit you might as well just be called trumpflix at this point #murdernetflixforbeingintolerant
Yours post is kinda passive-aggressive
*blocks ur path*
>that like-dislike ratio
there is still hope
its from cartoons and anime like most of these gay speech patterns you see on here and reddit
It’s almost as if mocking a post with the same style of aggressive drives a point across, but I’m sure it might be something else maybe
>why do Hollywood Jews like subverting family values and promoting sodomy
>almost like they hate Christ and all that is good
>It’s almost as
Lol passive-aggressive again
This reads like they were following a script
It is stuff like this that make me hate gay people.
Based Netflix
Fuck sodomites. They’re all pedophiles
how much money do gayfaggots have?
every company is pandering to them
or is this another way to pander to white women because they love gayfaggotry?
anybody got data on this?
Just speak up already, nerd
Gain some self awareness first, my guy