Is it just me or is AJ going bald?
Is it just me or is AJ going bald?
Who, exactly?
Angry Joe, prominent YouTube gamer
dude blankity blank lmao I love onions
Ass-pained Alejandro
past a certain age a man who still makes videos about reacting to video game shit can be a bad thing
That's what a poor diet on American-made processed shit does to you.
why the fuck did he make a chad version of himself a co star? I like chad joe far more than I ever liked Angry Joe.
I can't believe I watch this spaz and tbqh am glad I'm Anonymous while admiting I do.
Not trying to be funny but has joe ever even had sex? It’s hard to imagine, he’s in his late thirties reviewing games and still hasn’t settled down? I’m honestly feeling bad for the guy
uhhhhh the jews?
Thats his hair status for a couple of years. Its short hair plus using hair gel that lets see you his skin.
Most settled down. This is why they make reviews. You dont have to go to the company but are there to care for the household.
he had a norwegian girlfriend.
AJ Styles aka the face that runs the place
he can have her
7 dollar sanchez.
are you implying she is ugly?
Ill-tempered Iago
have sex
cucked compadre
Furious Fernando