Any place I can stream his seasons without paying anyone any shekels?
Any place I can stream his seasons without paying anyone any shekels?
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I fucking miss watching his show after a long day. I'm glad he quit when he did because I knew he was missing the mark on things like Trump, but he at least always kept a level head during his satire.
so, nowhere?
jon stewart is heavily to blame for the circus we're in now. that's why he quit.
he knew what was going to happen.
Why would you want to though?
I recall them being on CC's website just with commercials
How so? How is Jon Stewart heavily responsible for our current situation
>Jew makes political opinion show disguised as a comedy show
>when arguments are too hard to find, just lampoon your targets and claim "it's only comedy" if ever confronted about your propaganda
>Jew makes fun of people for changing there last name
>goes by Steward for some reason instead of his real name
He created the culture of
>I'm a powerful political voice that influences the youth! But also I'm a clown, haha so if I lie or say dumb things you can't criticize me!
i don't want to dive too deeply into politics on Yea Forums so i'll mostly refer to the Jon Stewart copy-cats you see everywhere on tv.
Jon Stewart turned politics into a joke. He'd make funny faces and do funny voices when talking about bombings in Syria like a god damn clown. Imagine a clown dancing in front of news reels, that's what Jon Stewart was doing and it was entertaining, but the problem was that people were actually getting their news from him. A lot of people.
And so he developed this particular style of propaganda that disarmed the audience with Looney Tunes impressions while telling them what they should think about certain topics and when his copy-cats (samantha bee, jon oliver, stephen colbert) did his schtick, they turned it up to overdrive and the charm was lost and all you had left was propaganda with trite comedy mixed in.
ineloquent but correct
you're welcome babe
That's right. Jon Stewart created political satire.
He created the formula that everyone uses now.
Weekend Update and The Daily Show are not the same show.
i feel the average age of the posters in this thread cant be higher than 19
people like stewart has existed in the united states since forever
he's not the only comedian to do political satire
stop saying stupid shit
also, he wasnt that much into political comments, he was a comedian first and you could tell
sure some of the morons who came after are more political activists than he was, but he didnt put his own view of politics ahead of comedy
"hey barack, you smoke so much your lungs might be the only legitimate black thing about you"
he did create the "inform, tell joke, inform" style john oliver uses to death but that's about it
Of course. He created the formula of political satire as a 1 hour program and that's a problem.
>he's not the only comedian to do political satire
but he was the first comedian some people saw as a legitimate news source. that's where things got messy.
thats not his fault he always complained about that
you can blame the absolute state of the main stream media, and even they would just shift blame too
shit's fucked dude
msm breeds on sensationalism, and they need to keep bullshit going
but stewart's bread and butter was calling out the bullshit
and the cycle was made
people liked stewart calling out on the msm, and the msm can't help but being ran the way it is, it's how the business works
"how sad is it when people look up to a comedian to get unbiased news source"
>also, he wasnt that much into political comments, he was a comedian first and you could tell
then why was the entire show about current politics and him mocking his political opponents?
exactly this. people weren't watching norm macdonald to get their news.
i got this from the "political satire" wiki page: According to the findings of the 2004 Pew Survey, both younger and older audiences are turning to late-night comedy shows as not only a source of entertainment, but also for an opportunity to gain political awareness.[12] For this reason, Geoffrey Baym suggests that shows that make use of political satire, such as The Daily Show, should be considered as a form of alternative journalism.
Stewart was the msm. CNN and Fox were literally his competitors because people literally saw him as a journalist, that's why he blasted them all the time.
why watch CNN when you can be watching me?? *pulls out slide whistle*
legit? probably because his opponents gave him better material to work with
you're asking whether stewart is relentlessly active politically, he isn't
most guys who are artists aren't politics first, they're artists first, politics second
same shit with Hollywood, but that's back in the day
shit's fucked now, stewart's old show would have a lot of issues today if he ran the way he did it back then
but as far as back in the day when he ran the daily show until 2015 he was pretty solid comedian first fueled by an ideological perspective
made him fight for zadroga act, makes him call out republicans who say "blue lives matter" but actively fought against 911 first responders health care bill
those guys just happens to be republicans
he calls out the bullshit
>thats not his fault he always complained about that
it's also not Trump's fault that guy shot up the NZ mosque. it's not midwestern family oriented rightwinger's fault that some white kid shot up a black church, or that some dude drove a car through a crowd at a rally. yet they get blamed for being "adjacent" to the problem.
Stewart always fell back on the whole, "well I'm just a comedian! who is actually taking me seriously?" but then he would show up and debate O'Reilly, Tucker, etc. on legitimate platforms that frequently featured political analysists, politicians, etc.
you can't have it both ways. either you influence people or you don't. despite the negative or positive outcomes.
>most guys who are artists aren't politics first, they're artists first, politics second
It's not one or the other. You can consider yourself a comedian first and foremost at the same time that you regularly engage in making propaganda.
I don't think he means he orchestrated it so much as he was the substrate for it.
>stewart was the msm
lmao what
the msm and stewart couldnt be more different, neither could their jobs
stewart's work goes through a comedic process of the new's report
the news report the news, but they thrive on being sensationalism
it's the nature of 24/7 news channel, they can't survive outside of shit like 9/11 going on all the time so they have to make it work some way
stewart just worked with material that worked best for him
the thing is a lot of people can't really grasp the mind of an artist that well
does stewart have a political ideology that drives his comedy? yeah
does he do it for the purpose of political ideology rather than comedy? no
he wouldnt be making "propaganda" if there wasn't so much material for him to work with
stewart never says "im just a comedian lol", he says "im a comedian first", and yea if people decide to take their news from him they are dumb but then again the whole system is fucked in which people saw themselves flocking to him out how ridiculous the whole thing was
>jon stewart is to blame for the political circus we now have because he made fun of based oreilly and hannity and that is not ok
What a joke.
The problem isn't him being influential, it's him being an idiot with said influence. Stewart knows pretty much nothing about the real world and sold an entire generation an idiotic worldview
>(((Jon Leibowitz)))
>the thing is a lot of people can't really grasp the mind of an artist that well
oh user
reddit spacing like a goddamn retard over here bud
Dubs of truth
Who would you say knows something about the real world?
>does he do it for the purpose of political ideology rather than comedy? no
He does it because it's a good gig, jesus christ kid. Get real for a second
Best part is when they make a report that appears real but is completely fabricated. If caught they claim it's "comedy".
>the msm and stewart couldnt be more different, neither could their jobs
Very bluepilled. All news outlets are profit-driven entertainment ventures based on the theme of current events. Read Manufacturing Consent
>tfw I used to love Colbert in-character as sarcastic O'Reilly clone but ever since he broke character on his other show I've thought he was an insufferable unwatchable massive pompous faggot
John Yoo who coincidentally brutally facefucked Jon into a barely conscious state of deliriousness on his own show. If you really want a perfect example of how much of a fraud Stewart is go watch it. But shit, let's be honest, even O'Reilly is a geopolitical juggernaut when compared to Stewart
tell you guys one thing, that's before trump
msm was never really that partisan, outside fox
fox was always the most actively partisan channel, and on the left side msnbc trying to copy fox's model
the rest of the msm was always sensatio nal, seeking corrupt ion while being la zy
the msm can't really help it, it's how people's mind works
you have to run a 24/7 cable news network, how the f are you gonna do that when there's nothing to report on?
your business is with psychology, just look at how magazines run their shit
senational, corruppt, lazy
lot of times it cames off as partisan, but they're really trying to make ends meet first
after trump...
trump is literally the definition of those three things, the media knows attacking him brings ratings
it comes off as partisan, but they're just doing what they know will bring in viewers and trump just plays into that
stewart also fed off how the msm was built to run
if you get your mind off /pol/ for awhile you'll see that there's a lot of truth in what im saying
my money is that i probably lurked Yea Forums longer you were even alive bre
user, I understand that you're feeling personally attacked because you grew up with Jon Stewart, but you're wrong and that actually is the problem - a lot of the kids I grew up with also exclusively watched Jon Stewart. He most certainly molded the political views of many millennials.
>this schizo reddit spacing long winded drivel
holy fuck please go back and never return
so what youre saying is they're making our kids transgender cause it makes them money? you're way off the mark dude
You type like a fucking dipshit.
>muh comedy
Be honest, do you really think the majority of his audience didn't get their news from him?
I remember knowing nothing about politics but still just knowing "conservative = bad guy" from all the media like TDS I grew up with. I just took it for granted. Wasn't til like 18 that I ever even watched Fox cause I knew it was "the bad dumb dumb channel for big fat dummies"
i want to knock you down out of nowhere and step on your face so your head twists painfully. but you realise what you though was the attack was just the preparation, when you feel a sharp strange pain in the front of your neck and your throat fill with blood. I will laugh while you try to wriggle away because my whole weight is on the side of your face and from there I'll spit on you
>John Yoo who coincidentally brutally facefucked Jon into a barely conscious state of deliriousness on his own show
that's not really an argument, lol
stewart's job is different than the msm's, it doesn't mean anything other than that
his purpose was to entertain in a way, the msm entertains in another
you tell me to read, we'll give each other an exchange
read "amusing ourselves to death"
people are driven by what is entertaining, fascinating, more than what is intellectually stimulating, and that has been a trend since the start of tvs
stewart's work depended a lot on who gave him material to work
whether he was making fun of CNN's 24/7 coverage of the malaysian plane shit
or whether it's making fun of O'Reilly
now count how many times a guy like Chris Wallace has been on his show? there's not a lot of material he gives him, so he's not gonna be there
he's definitely artist first
i study stewart, i did not grow up on him
i have watched a lot of his stuff recently making a study of his comedy for some work im doing
read this yeah they got his news from him, a lot of reasons for that, stewart never endorsed that though, it's why he said "it's so sad people look up to comedians because the msm is so disappointing"
and im saying and we understand that the msm is ran on being disappointing, they dont care, they need to entertain in the way of bringing you news
how is that? sensantional, conflic t, lazines
newsflash my dude, this is a mongolian image board for topics about real-human cartoons on television
we dont owe each other shit
Yeah it's not so easily available for obvious reasons.
Won't play for me right now but maybe a region thing. Another fun fact is Stewart apologized to the audience in the next show for getting dunked on so hard. Srs
>reee it's not his fault
Yes it is. The show is structured to cover all news stories. If you think he's prioritizing comedy over news you're dumb
he's a poor man's Bill Maher
poorfags gonna poorfag
thank you
I think you might be surprised that a lot of us used to be fans of Stewart. Personally, I watched him every single fucking day. I even watched John Oliver for a hot second before smartening up.
Stewart led the minds of more people than any modern politician or writer and that's a fact. If you don't think Stewart was the msm then you're either delirious or lying to yourself.
I don't pay the electric Jew as a matter of principle.
>yeah they got his news from him, a lot of reasons for that, stewart never endorsed that though, it's why he said "it's so sad people look up to comedians because the msm is so disappointing"
His intent doesn't matter in this case. He had the responsibility to recognize what he's doing each and every day, but he didn't and honestly, I don't buy that he was unaware of his power. He was fully aware and didn't care.
>it's so sad people look up to comedians because the msm is so disappointing
That doesn't exactly sound like he condemns it.
No problem agree or disagree it's an interesting interview
Bill Maher is a piece of shit honestly
>"it's so sad people look up to comedians because the msm is so disappointing"
mainstream media predictably becoming propaganda after the removal of the fairness doctrine does not make Stewart's propaganda not propaganda
and yet you post another zionist stooge :^)
And today redpilled Yea Forums unironically watch Paul Joseph Watson or some other dumb fucks.
>refuses to pay for anything
>thinks shit should be free
>pirates all his movies and games
Tell me, who's really the jew?
nobody watches fishlips anymore
to defeat the Jew, you must become the Jew
what was he supposed to do, stop making his comedy show because some people are stupid enough to get their actual news from it? he addressed it more than he reasonably should have had to, but again it's more indicative of how bad the likes of cnn or fox had become that people were looking for other sources to cut through their heavily agenda driven style of reporting.
>haha so wacky and silly it's just and jokes were all friends
>*turns to camera*
>Look, seriously, here is the opinion you're allowed to have or you're out of the group
The term for this is either the 'Clown Nose Defense' or literally the 'Jon Steward Defense'.
The problem with your thesis is that Stewart is too intelligent to not see all of the intricacies of what he was doing. He knew all of this was the truth about his show and what it was, regardless of how he spoke publicly about it.
>what was he supposed to do, stop making his comedy show because some people are stupid enough to get their actual news from it?
Yes. Don't pretend like he didn't know what he was doing.
it really isn't if you think about it
i dont think conservatives can ever understand that stuff lol
they also went after stewart by saying the same things you do
its also why you'll never understand the msm
but i guess trump does understand the msm so well you dont really need to
here's the difference in how you and i see things
the msm gives incomplete reporting on a conservative, you call that "partisan"
i call it "lazy for the sake of sensationalism"
you'd call stewart a propagandist
i'd see him "comedian using absurd material to drive his show"
people like stewart existed in america since way before tv was a thing, and they always did the same shit "call out bullshit"
he's not nearly as relentlessy partisan or activist as you make him out of
well, you have a huge shtick with stewart, but for some reason you don't go after the msm for being the way it is
why would you condemn him so badly when all he did was run off absurdity from materials others gave him?
he's not supporting people to flock to him for news, he's just sad people have to do that in the first place because the whole system is so f'ed up
you being mad at stewart for "influencing people" is misplaced rage when you should look into the reasons of why people did that in the first place
as i said my man, stewart may have played some role in it
but putting the blame of that in stewart is misplaced, you're forgetting a lot of context
for one, you got bush
that administration gave stewart so much material to work with, it was hard for people to support it
we're talking the 2008 banking crisis, the 2003 iraq invasion
there's a lot you gotta go through before you start pinning anything on a comedian
ive done that since before reddit was a thing
deal with it nigger
stop being this easily triggered
>seething capeshitter
just a remark, msnbc has been even more politically activist than they were in the past, so were other news media
thats def. due to trump
but they're still on the same business of making money first by playing the human mind
shit needs to be entertaining, captivating
for that they seek what is controversial, and sensational
a guy like trump, for the msm, is like crack
they can never get enough of the guy and the guy knows it and plays it to their advantage
remember when trump had that announcement of "putting to rest birtherism"? remember what happened?
the media was glued to him because they knew the subject was controversial and it would drive viewers
trump played that to his advantage and introduced a bunch of generals that endorsed him and did some advertising using the msm's free coverage
after he announced the issue what did the msm did? they left
if trump had announced the birtherism shit first, would they have stayed for his endorsements? no, because that shit's not entertaining lol
the reason why stewart and colbert ended in 2015 is because they saw this shift of political activism increase and change, colbert himself said "he quit the colbert report because he could never be a mock of republicans that could surpass trump"
they both ended their plays in the show at a really good time
trevor noah is much more activist than stewart, but that's just how things are nowadays
things changed, and stewart went in the right time
Jon Stewart turned millions of people into liberals with his fair but harsh criticism of conservatism. Trevor Noah is turning millions of people into Republicans by being a disingenuous asshole.
Stewart could have not said a word and a lot of people would have been turned into liberals. There's truth in what was said. Obama's victory, and the later transformation of the country in to a PC, SJW hellhole that engulfed the nation since 2012. All that shit can be traced to Bush being such a shit president.
So many fucking wars he got us in, and we're still in them. No one can defend that turd. Stewart only played a small inch into making people want to vote liberal.
you can see how amazing it is when trump counts on msm's lazy reporting in order to drive more views, and trump uses his own laziness so msm can create conflict out of his words
hats off to him, no matter how, the msm cannot fight him
it's just not possible
2020 he'll likely get more coverage than any other candidate