Arthas or Danerys. who did the heel turn better?

Arthas or Danerys. who did the heel turn better?

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Daenerys didn't even heel turn the characters just suddenly decided to sign the Geneva convention off-screen between episodes

Arthas, at least his evil actions made sense and were understandable while Dany just went full autism for no reason.

Do you even have to ask?

Arthas, he was in the right up until he burned the ships and blamed the mercenaries

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Arthas had a really good fucking reason. He did literally nothing wrong.

Dany had no fucking reason whatsoever to kill the whole city.
Arthas had to kill the whole city to stop the spread of the plague.
Arthas wanted more power to defeat Mal'ganis so he went for the frostmourne.Frostmourne used his own vengeance against himself

Would Warcraft 3 make a good tv series?

As hot and sexy as fuck as Mad Dany was, her arc writing was pure fucking shit. Worst heel turn ever.
Arthas's writing was better by miles: more compelling, subtle, eloquent, convincing, emotional, well thought out, everything. Fuck, Anakin's shit arc in the star wars prequels was unironically miles better than this heel turn arc. Fucking think about that.

That crazy greedy bitch never heel turned, user.

it was literally not Arthas's fault he turned into what he turned into

Arthas eventually got to the point where he was straight up evil but they really walked you through it one small step at a time so you completely bought into it. He didn't go straight from being ruthlessly pragmatic for his idealism to being a maniacal power hungry psychopath in five seconds.

Why didn't Arthas just listen to literally everyone else?

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Warcraft sequels still happening, r-right? Will my waifu be there?

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>Cuckidan Stormrage

Was there a more jobber character in the entire Warcraft universe?

I mean Arthas hasn't been retconned into being the savior that sacrificed himself for thousands of years like Illidan yet

Because as far as Stratholme was concerned, he was literally right about everything.

Honestly, him burning the ships in Northrend was a the real moment he went from well intentioned to just plain extreme.

>implying WoW """""lore""""" matters
Warcraft story ended in WC3: The Frozen Throne.

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>sexy as fuck
>fucking shit
>Fucking think
Easy there, friend. This is a Christian board.

>Arthas had a better fall from grace heel turn in one game then Danerys had in 8 seasons.
>Arthas had a better pay off then the Night King.
The one true king.

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I'm gonna need a rundown on this, big guy.

Less than a year until Reforged retcons Wc3 lore and aesthetic to fit the mold

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But user a slow unnoticeable transition might've spoiled LE EPIC SUBVERSION TWIST which is really what storytelling is about

>Reforged brings life back to Wc3 multiplayer
>everyone just plays fucking Dota again

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Arthur BTFO of both Dany and the Night King.

WC lore is kind of shit in general but Arthas/Lich King is a legit kino arc. Theres a reason jesus one of the most popular and recognizable characters in fiction

The real retcon was TBC turning Illidan into a generic evil dude because they needed a new big bad. Legion was just correcting that shitty lore and returning him back to his WC3 self.

they are all playing dota 2 user. Footmen frenzy bros were going home

It can be good. I feel like Sylvanas is the ultimate YAS QUEEN character, even more so than anyone in GoT - gets murdered and turned into a slave, everything she hated before, but actually owns her new indentity and becomes a ruthless leader of her people. Just writing it thoug...isn't Karrigan the exact same thing lmao?

I mean they clearly want to make WoW lore canon despite having to go back to old lore and fuck it up repeatedly since they can't come up with new ideas.

Fuck no, the plot is there to serve a RTS game, the plot on its own is weak. Someone with talent may be able to fill the gaps for a movie, but who in their right mind who isn't a hack would take on a video game movie adaptation.

They really just need to end it and reboot a new universe at this point so they stop this mess

The Naaru who was saying that Illidan did nothing wrong ended up being full of shit and was manipulating everyone so she could corrupt Illidan and use his power for herself. Illidan ends up killing her when she tries to do so later in the expansion.

Just because a character says something doesn't mean that it's actually a statement from the writers.

How would the ending have been treated if it was a literal Warcraft ripoff?

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The story is as good as videogame shit gets, obviously TV show will have to cut some 'gamey' parts, like holding a town until Uther's arrival for 30 minutes, or going around the map killing X objectives

no it ends at wotlk

Arthas' turn was by no means well executed, he just gets frostmourne then goes insane in the icy wastes with little explanation other than Nerzhul speaking to him. It's a flaw in the writing to have Arthas be someone of such resolve that he can ignore his closest allies and kill his own beloved people to try and save a Kingdom, but he breaks down when he unknowingly kills Muradin and manages to kill Mal'Ganis, or that he'd suddenly just destroy Lordaeron. There is no possible way to argue that he could be convinced to do that by Ner'zhul, which is why we get the 'he went insane' excuse. Christie Golden tried to improve things with the invincible subplot but it was laughable.

How are you even asking this, you fucking moron?

WC3 unironically had better writing than seasons 5-8

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Was Arthas B&R?

The entire burning legion

Arthas was motivated by love of his people, and Dragon commie was motivated by resentment and revenge (like all commies).

this. lore was ruined when wow was released and its subsequent expansions

He didn't just go insane from Ner'Zhul's whispering, which actually can happen, just look at people wish schizophrenia, the Frostmourne also was slowly devouring his soul, which turned him into undead, robbing him of feelings like sympathy or remorse.

No. WC lore exists in a tier below anything television has created.

>there dead for sure this time
like really Void Lords are your new bad guys?

He doesn't kill Muradin intentionally though, frostmourne does, also his pursuit of vengeance is what got the best of him and not necessarily Ner'zhul's whispers, the razing of lordaeron was not convincing though.

I'm sorry Dany, I can't watch you do this


LuL IlliFag detected.

>From being a Mana Addicted Power Obsessed beta KEK.
>To "Illidan did nothing wrong" Savior of the Azeroth

just imagine him laughing at the citizens like they did in the finale of GoT

arthas' entire plotline built up to him becoming the lich king
danys was hinted at slightly throughout the series but then rushed it out to give the final 2 episodes SOMETHING because they didn't care and just want the show to be over.

>>implying WoW """""lore""""" matters
>Warcraft story ended in WC3: The Frozen Throne.

you're goddamn right

Arthas. His journey to villainy was far better executed.

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With a decent screenwriter and budget.

he should have just waited for the city to turn full of undead and then do something, after that everyone would have listened to him

paladins can't be chaotic

As long as they don't cut this I'll be happy

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No! I'll die before I let that happen!

>Because as far as Stratholme was concerned, he was literally right about everything.
No, he wasn't. The whole city could have been put under quarantine.

They won't but all the refugees will be brown people

>paladins can't be chaotic
Have you ever played Warcraft?

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He doesn't even need feeling like sympathy or remorse for the raising of Lordaeron to make no sense at all to him, he wanted revenge and Mal'Ganis told him enough to know just who had been pulling the strings. It's not like with sylvanas who was a complete slave in undeath either, he clearly is meant to be fairly independent and has enough of his soul to 'fuse' with Ner'zhul later. Going insane or magic swords eating your soul aren't compelling reasons to turn to treason in terms of writing, when with a little effort I think they could have done it. I think Arthas should have returned and been dmeonized, with Nerzhul telling him that only he could save them and that everyone else is holding him back from stopping the undead. As more and more towns fall and Uther proves more and more helpless yet still resents Arthas for purges and using necromancy to animate his dead soldiers to fight the scourge we'd get a convincing fall. Killing the King could be a mercy in Arthas' eyes so he doesn't have to witness his sons fall and the end of the Kingdom.

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>Big City of zombies led by Mal'ganis

GG IlliFag nice bait here

they'd have turned and fought the people quarantining them
purging the city was the optimal choice

paladins are governed by rules

Purging Strathholme was literally the only option to save Lordaeron. Arthas did nothing wrong, ignore that moralfag Uther.

That's dumb. The only things that need to be rewritten are the dialogue and his reasoning for the purge of stratholme

>paladins are governed by rules
Are you an idiot? This isn't a fucking D&D.

He didn't save lordaeron though lol

>just wait until the undead army gets so massive that he has no chance to defeat them

Why they didn't remaster the whole trilogy? Lazy blizzard.

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>has an order of Paladin at his disposal which are perfect to deal with the undead

It was funny when even Grubby, who was hired to shill the game, couldn't contain his disgust with what he was seeing

because you can't have orcs being de facto bad guys, that would be racist to real world brown people somehow


>Army of Undead led by MAL'GANIS

yes, le paladins got this pal.

>has an order of Paladin at his disposal which are perfect to deal with the undead
Before WC3 paladins never fought against the undead.

Daenerys was already killing and burning people in Seasons 2&3, she was evil all along. You just cheered for her


>Writer Christie Golden, who has worked with Blizzard on multiple novels set in the Warcraft universe over the past two decades, is helping to bring “parity” to the stories of Warcraft 3 and World of Warcraft, which will require retconning some of the strategy game’s story. Those changes will bring “renewed focus to a few central characters that we thought deserved a little bit more time in the limelight,”

Blizzcon stream

>Before WC3 paladins never fought against the undead.

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This is indeed a disturbing reality

>based wc2 death knights
>"Oh they all got killed off in between 2 and 3 lol"

We should've listened...

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Blizzard makes shit choices like changing Anub'arak's voice. They can't be trusted for shit. The whole story after WotLK is a shitty shonen manga.

Oh God oh jeez, they're going to nig it up, arent' they?

What do you think?
I can help you only with a clean death.
all these niggers must be purged

or Daenerys bringer of niggers?
easy choice

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man i cant wait to play wow classic again

it is simply the plot of the current story with a convincing fall rather than 'wanders the waste and comes home and kills everyone'. In the scope of the game it was fine, but it wouldn't hold up in a movie or novel.

>Just wait for the entire city to turn and be under Mal'ganis's control, it'll be fiiiiiine

Stratholme was already fucked. It wasn't a matter of how many people you could save. They were already infected, they were turning one way or another. Uther and Jaina were too moralfag to see that it was a good decision. Maybe not the "right" one, but the best possible option. Hell, with additional support, he may not have ended up wielding Frostmourne at all.

I think it would be fine. There doesn't need to be a reason, the sword is evil and it corrupts the wielder. It's just like Gollum in lotr.

Paladins faced deathknight but didn't face an Horde of Undead led by THE LEADER OF THE "FUCKING" DREADLORS.

More like the Jobberlords lmao

>Renewed focus to a few central characters that we thought deserved a little bit more time in the limelight
>especially central characters like Jaina and Sylvanas
oh no no no no bros...
It's BFA part 2...

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>Arthas actions LITERALLY doomed the kingdom
>edgelords online still justify him because dude only choice!

>Jaina and Sylvanas
>Characters that have sizable portions of the game for them already.

>LITERALLY doomed the kingdom
And how is that a bad thing? Terenas was a faggot anyway


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but the whole point of Arthas' story in warcraft 3 is that you at some point realize that you just may have crossed a line be it at stratholme or in northrend

arthas is still alive

no, warcraft 2 would though

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>Killed by the Rune Blade Arthas
>Killed by Gul'dan Skull Doped Illidan

Killing i mean respawning in the Twisted Neather

Why wouldn't the evil human accept some poor Orc refugees?

I legitimately love arthas' WC3 voice actor and even to this day he's the canon voice for me. The WoW version sounds too deep, his WC3 voice sounds like a mature, strong yet still young and "prettyboy-ish" if that makes sense. Also his inflections are really nice, you can hear the desperation and spite in his voice.

"I staand for the Light" into "Frostmourne hungers!"

I dont justify his character, he was a Jock with Anger Issue.
I Justify the purge because it was the only choice in THAT Critic moment.

>No Dalaran support
>No Silver Hand order avalable

What would YOU do in these disperate condition.
Quarentine the leader of the LEADER of the DREADLORDS together with an horde of Undead?

Kill Malganis

Unironically this, because Kil'Jaeden is the only confirmed Legion lord dead. Sargeras is imprisoned so they can use him in the far future, Tichondrius and Mannoroth are still around as they didnt got killed in Argus, and Archimonde fate is still unclean because nobody knows if the twisting nether mythic fase is canon or not (in the cinematic he dies on Draenor)

Would have the best climax, the battle of blackrock spire could be turned into true kino.

From this
To this

Arthas is probably one of the best "good to evil" character arcs in media.


Try to kill the LEADER of the DREADLORDS without the RUNE BLADE.


and the LEADER of the PITLORDS MANNAROTH 1 vs 2

Arthas did nothing wrong, his downfall was tragic.

Dany just decided to become Stalin out of nowhere

Based schizo loreman

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What the dreadlords gonna do nigger? Sleep him? The silver hand would btfo that fag in a single sweep of cleansing holy light throughout stratholme.

Arthas' only mistake was when he lied about who burnt the ships. Up to that point everything he did was a necessary evil.

To be fair Arthas prolly could defeat Mal'ganis if he went full "muh light" autism.
Runeblade was just a shortcut.

Mannaroth lost that fight. Also, Pit Lords are known morons, this is why Sargeras needed the Eredar, because they were smart.

Mogged by Slavthas

even if they lost the city they could have retreated and waited for the magic city to come up with their anti-undead field

Too many moving parts for normies, and with the eventual turn of Arthas and formation of the alliance we'd just end up with a WoW tv show.

This is why reforged exists. Blizz are mad Valve took a mod of their game and make millions off it each year. Onlt 1/4 of what people spent on goypendiums goes to the prizepool, so its 75% easy cash for valve.

They are re-releasing vanilla so private servers cant argue 'they dont offer the service or sell it anymore' and they are re-making WC3 so they can get into eSports finally as their other attempts have been awful. They've already stated that all mods will port with the re-release.


Worthless Paladins being worthless


Literally the strongest paladin right Now is a Fucking Light Drugged Elf

>The whole city could have been put under quarantine.
Meaning everyone in the city will still die and turn into zombies, creating a giant army of undead.

What's your plan here?

Burning ships you say?
Kinslaying you say?
Say no more, I'm in.

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Not anyone has the Turalyon " muh Light "
Now the "next muh" Light poster boy is Anduin "Wannabe Light Jesus" Wrynn

Pleb opinion. Wotlk story was trash

Watching Lordaeron and then The Alliance Die.

Paladins are mortals. The only exception to this appears to be Turalyon who has been granted extended life by the Naaru. Even then, the most powerful Paladin right now is actually Yrel as not only did Maarad buff her, so did Velen.

If we're speaking about WC3 lore, the most powerful paladin was Uther, closely followed by Arthas who had greater potential.

Paladins have, literally, the power of gods at their fingertips if they just have enough faith.

False. It's Yrel. Anduin being used as a conduit by the light to raise Calia scared him. He was aware he was in no danger, but he also knew he was being used. He doesn't like that.

Arthas. It's not like Uther and Jaina had a better plan. He did what needed to be done, Stratholme was fucked anyway.

Orcs are based on the peoples of the Eurasian Steppe, and on some Native American groups, they've nothing in common with Niggers.

God this sounds fucking trash. Sylvanas had shared her campaign with Arthas, how is that not enough.

>you now remember the mission with killing this cunt Uther and his infinite invulnerability

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Uther was a saint

pic related is somehow forgot, that was their intentions and probably what they did in stormwind

idk if Lothar sacrifice for a chance for parley/truce would be better than the 70 year old fighing the warchief that was later retconned

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Maybe you dont remember W3, before the Purge, Arthas fought the entire city of ANDORHAL being infected; Then He tried to SPEED RUSH in Stratholme with the HOPE to save the city; the he witness the kickstart of the infection in the city; then He got BTFO by his beloved friends for "muh morallity".
How could a Jock with Anger Issue have LIGHT FAITH in these condition?

It's rather what faith is, right?

TBC didn’t retcon Illidan, it just had him go batshit insane due to the twin impact of getting cut up by the most evil artifact in the world, and the knowledge that he was on the personal shit list of the second most powerful demon in existence. That would knock a screw loose out of anybody.
Kael was butchered, but Illidan made sense.

Remember when Illidan straight up murdered a Naaru in front of like three of the highest ranking paladins and suffered no (zero) consequences for it

I haven't played WoW in years, why is Sylvanas super evil now? Why is the Alliance and Horde in open conflict AGAIN? How the fuck did they even burn down the world tree?

Arthas had no choice, he was chosen to be the Lich King's champion.

>, why is Sylvanas super evil now? Why is the Alliance and Horde in open conflict AGAIN? How the fuck did they even burn down the world tree?

Reminder WOW is not canon

Orcs are just going to be normal black people with no additional makeup.

He fought the warchief AND his retinue, Doomhammer was a pussy maggot.


>spend ages conjuring a vast army of undead
>fucking pallies spam exorcism and rape them in a matter of seconds

Arthas “I would gladly bear any curse to save my homeland” Menethil did

Legion Retcon TBC with the "Illidan did nothing wrong " Bullshit making him from Power Hungry KEK to GREEN MESSIAH

Ahem* Desideratus Fatum, Desideratus Bellum

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Sylvanas really was always evil. Not a Daenerys "oh this character is a huge dumb bitch but played like a protagonist" either, I mean Sylvanas was always a villain and the Forsaken and Blood Elves were the straight up evil villain Horde races while the Tauren were shown as good, the eventual Goblins amoral mercenaries, and the others kind of ambiguous. But in WoW it was just color and world building that she was evil at first because she was pretty insignificant.
I would say the burning the World Tree was similar shitty writing as burning King's Landing but it was incredibly stupid for the characters to do in Universe, they had no coherent motivation for those particular acts specifically, and it was obvious the writing had it happened just as a really ham-fisted clunky way to forward the shitty plots they wanted to rush into. Also, WoW just had the "Warchief goes too far" plot so it's crappy and repetitive. It's a video game though, you kind of expect that level of "writing."

Bolivar Fordragon was the Alliance leading commander in the Argent Crusade an also a paladin.

Still got LICH KINGED because WOW cant afford Tirion being LICH KINGED.

Garrosh was done a lot better. I miss him.

that probably explains why he is basically enver mentioned past classic wow

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Cute cat

It's Bolvar you gay nigger, and he was the highlord of the Alliance forces, he was in no way related to the Argent Crusade.

>WOW cant afford Tirion being LICH KINGED.
no instead they just kill tirion by some random as pit lord bitch

>I haven't played WoW in years, why is Sylvanas super evil now?
Maybe you played wow but probably never read any of the quests of the forsaken for or against them so that's why you're asking this question.

Garrosh did nothing wrong

>Didn't want to be warchief
>Green Jesus make him because he has to "SAVE THE WORLD"
>Vol'jin hates him for no reason
>Cairn dissrispected him
>Has to deal with Undead Bitches and Drug Addicted Elves
>Trashed his character for dicksucking "muh toyboy Varian"
>Didn't want to kill Cairne
>Dalaran "neutrality" not respected
>Civil war in the horde because Green Jesus Said so.
>Using Old God heart to end all this Bullshit.
>Bailing Out through time travel to MAKE THE HORDE GREAT AGAIN.
>Dying in the Mak'gora because GREEN JESUS CHEATED using magic.

They cut him out in LEGION because you only need GREEN MESSIAH ILLIDAN to beat the Burning Legion.

>gets his vengeance against the Dark Titan locked in eternal combat
>not a mention of turbothot Tyrande in his final moments
In the end Illidan was truly based

>Wants the horde to be great again.
>Kills innocents to prove his power.
>Murders anyone that stands in his way.
>Corrupts himself with old god magic to get more power.
>"Dindu nuffins"
Gtfo retard.

Dany never turned heel, this is what she always was but the audience were fine with it until she started burning white people

Fuck Metzen and fuck Thrall. Worst character ever. And now he's back.

All Paladins in Warcraft need is the fervent and unshaken belief that they are right in what they are doing. If they steal the power of the Light like the Blood Knights used to, they don't even need that although doing so taxes the soul

Well, Yea Forums. What's you're favorite custom game? To keep it Yea Forums related, that film maker map was pretty fun.

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Mercenaries are a menace to feudalism, they had it coming

still, the purge was the right thing to do.

fuggin Dark Deeds 6

>character is a complete different one because of retcon
oh and being stuck with sargeras for ever isn't really that based.

where the fuck is Pest Control? where the fuck is EOTA?

> Yea Forums has a better Warcraft thread than Yea Forums or /vg/

those boards are full of trannies who don't even play the games they argue about

>Kills your god with an eye laser.
It may have been dumb but Illidan dabbing on lightfags for an entire expansion was funny to watch.

Yea Forums consistently has better threads about music, vidya, history and pretty much any other theme than their respective boards.

on the other hand, those other boards have better threads about movies and t.v shows than Yea Forums does


Now they killed him cauz they finally realized how awfull this character was.
And nobody cared.


I was literally on bnet yesterday
just go there and play nerd

I liked his quest in Vanilla. But in LK he became retarded. I'm glad he died, people only cared about the sword anyway.

You weren't paying attention. Arthas was a hard-working prince almost asphyxiated with the burden he carried. He wanted to protect everyone, but couldn't, and suffered for it. Look at the human campaign, look at how his character's tone shifts. Friendly at first with hints of wrath, shaken by each atrocity, and pushing himself harder and harder to stop each one. This kept going until he was isolated, and hit breaking point. Frostmourne is only symbolic of that

There's a reason Ner'zhul tells him "You no longer need to sacrifice for your people." By that stage in the story, that rest is all he wants. And that continues in the undead campaign too, even TFT, where he talks far more loosely and carefree. It's not simply because he's now literally soulless - it's because his experiences made him into this person, as is clear by the contrast between them and the path he took.

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Most chad Sigma does what ever he wants


Even then, he's not an idiot, just compelled. If the army retreated now, Mal'Ganis would just strike again later, and he'd have to cull another city in a year's time from now. He didn't cut down the fleet out of madness, it was a highly rationalised, extreme drive for vengeance.

'What are you doing nephew?'
'Succeeding you auntie...'

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Oh yeah, warcraft stories will never be good as long as Metzen is "in charge". I mean wtf had hippie orcs had to do with dark portal story? That's skipping ahead of subverting expectations, so that they cannot be subverted anymore in War3 story. War1/2 should be about fucking badass orcs invading human lands.

People forget that human campaign is arthas trying to help civilians while civilians keep getting btfo (by the gnolls, the orcs, then the undead). Arthas is fed up from not being able to protect them, and is even forced to kill them (stratholme). No wonder he went crazy.

Muradin survived

Arhas go way too easy death. They should have fed that betrayer to pigs

Classic WoW doesnt ruin the lore at least. Can't wait to play Orc tank.

AAEEEGRGG. This fucking shit. Utter shit

It does a bit for the night elves and the faction thing. But it's not really annoying.

Vanilla already kinda ruined a lot of things, but it was tame compared to what happened later.

>Killed innocents
NEVER done it would TARNISH the Horde HONOR even when he bombed Dalaran "aka SWIZERLAND in WOW " even when he LET ANDUIN LIVE.
>Carne death
It was a SET UP, he didn't want to kill him and PUNISHED the one who POISONED gorehowl.
>Horde bad managemen.
It's hard to deal with Blue terrorist Trolls, Drug Addicted Elves, Psycho Undead Bitches (who wants to use the scorge but got DENIED by Ork Hitler ) and Pacifist COW ( who got butchered in Camp Tujalo )
>Civil war.
It staret because Vol'jin shitting him from day one because he's not " muh Green Jesus Buddy WARchief "
>Using Old God Heart
He was sick and tired to deal with GREEN JESUS buddy party Bullshit with the ENEMY ALLIANCE.

Daenerys: Glad you could make it, Jon.
Jon: Watch your tone with me, girl. You may be the Khaleesi, but I'm still your superior as King of the North.
Daenerys: As if I could forget. Listen, Jon, there's something about the Others you should know. Oh no. It's too late. These people have all been infected. They may look fine now, but it's a matter of time before they turn into wights.
Jon: What?
Daenerys: This entire city must be burned.
Jon: How can you even consider that? There's got to be some other way
Daenerys: Damn it, Jon. As your future queen, I order you to burn this city.
Jon: You are not my queen yet, girl. Nor would I obey that command if you were!
Daenerys: Then I must consider this an act of treason.
Jon: Treason? Have you lost your mind, Dany?
Daenerys: Have I? Lord Snow, by my right of succession and sovereignity of my crown, I hereby relieve you from your command and suspend your northmen from service.
Tyrion: Daenerys, you can't just...
Daenerys: It's done! Those of you who have the will to save this land, follow me. The rest of you... get out of my sight.
Jon: You've just crossed a terrible threshold, Dany.
Daenerys: Tyrion?
Tyrion: I'm sorry, Daenerys. I can't watch you do this.

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Reminder that the horde has never won a war. Fuck Hordeniggers

Won the first one by Garrona betrayal and the fall of Stormwind.

They lost the battle but eventually sent those horde niggers back to the dark gate. Man Fuck BFA, dont understand how Alliance doesn't just curbstomp Horde, they literally have access to a fucking spaceship with a deathray, Dark Iron Dwarves and Void Elves, BoD was a fun raid tho. Fuck Uldir tho

>Uther: "I'm surprised that you kept things together as long as you did, lad. If I hadn't arrived just then--"
>Arthas: "Look, I did the best I could, Uther! If I'd had a legion of knights riding at my back, I would've--"
>Uther: "Now is not the time to be choking on pride! What we faced here was only the beginning. The undead ranks are bolstered every time one of our warriors falls in battle."
>Arthas: "Then we should strike at their leader! I'll go to Stratholme and kill Mal'Ganis myself if I have to!"
>Uther: "Easy, lad. Brave as you are, you can't hope to defeat a man who commands the dead all by yourself."
>Arthas: "Then feel free to tag along, Uther. I'm going. With or without you."

The ne have cenarius as well.
WoW lore is just stupid but it makes sense that the ne were btfo since they in WoW canon the weakest race.

The horde dont want to win the wwar, they want to fight forever, they want to have skirmishes over land and resources, thralls horde is not the real horde.

>Dreneii spaceship
Powered by Crystal souls plus They were fighting in the Burning Crusade to Retake Argus.
>Iron Dwarfs
Busy Doing mining shit to gain Azerite
>Void elves
They are 0,0001% of the elves population.

The only powerhouse who got Shitted was FUCKING MALFURION who can YOLO FIGHT both Horde and Alliance forces if he wants.

Don't get how Cenarius was alive in Legion also still pretty sad they killed off Ysera. WowLore is weird but people go foaming in the mouth when you criticize it, had this one guildmate give me a lecture during a raid break how forsaken did have free will. I mean what does Horde even have anyway, Brown Orcs which should be canonicaly weaker than regular Orcs, Nightborne which who are basically methheads and Moose Tauren.

They should introduce Half Orks with Fucking Rexxar as a leader.

>who can YOLO FIGHT
He can't.

still mad that he was in WoW. I killed that fucker in WC3 and he should've stayed dead.

Thrall coming back tho.
Lightforged are basically Paladins on steroids and they can keep making them also they have Dranei tech like the mechs and shit
DI Dwarves are also pretty much technologically advanced too and I do agree with VE, doesn't help most of them are dancing naked in Goldshire. I dont like how they gutted Malfurion, also fucking Tyrande is now an Avatar of Elunes rage and she got shitted on. Also theres alot of night warrior NEs now yet they still get shitted on

Yeah they should have just used Half Orks instead of Nightborne since the Alliance were also helping them in Legion but I think Half Orcs are rare also FUCK DALARAN, SHOULD BE ALLIANCE ONLY

>Don't get how Cenarius was alive in Legion
all the ancient druidic gods came back to life during Cataclysm for reasons that I can't remember

Even in D&D, that shit stopped being true in fourth edition and paladins.

Arthas, his fall was reasonable, forshadowed, and pulled off well. Dany's turn was only foreshadowed by not reasonable and not pulled off

Malorne too?


Then why the fuck did they get anally ravaged by Sylvanas.

The writers said that if something goes against the plot they want to tell, they ignore it.

Christie Golden sort of forgot that druids would have a problem with Teldrassil getting burned

>BTFO Sargeras and his Elf WAIFU in the first Burning Crusade.
>BTFO Emo Cuck Power Hungry Brother with 10000 jail time.
>Fights the Old Gods corruption constantly in the emerald dream.
>ReBTFO the Burning Legion and kills ARCHIMONDE with the Power of infinite whisps.
>ReBTFO his Emo Brother army in Sargeras tomb.
>Put in sleep because WOW writing the "muh Xavius and his emerald nightmare"
>Being Xenophobe, he doesn't give a fuck about Green Nigs until he Shreks them because they killed his Master.
>Holding Darnassus against the Whole entire Horde.
>Losing to "YAS QUEEN" Undead Bitch because "muh Honor Wannabe Broxigar "
Suck Punching him In a FUCKING DUEL.

Malfurion saved Azeroth like 4 times already.

Wc3 night elves are not the same as WoW night elves.
That's why you are wrong, half of the thing you said didn't happen in WoW lore.
Malf is perhaps the biggest cuck in WoW, i don't know where you saw that he's a xenophobe considering that he allow the Horde in Hyjal (even in Cenarius circle), and is bff with Thrall (even attending to his wedding right at Hyjal world tree).

>not a mention of turbothot Tyrande in his final moments
Actually there's a quest where he sends a farewell letter to her and she and Malfurion read it together and laugh at Illidan.

Tell That to ILLIKEKS who "support" le GREEN MESSIAH

it was cool to have like 40 ghouls tho


Bolvar was truly second only to Uther.
He was an actual badass.

HAHAHAHAHAHAH he used the Horde forces only to give him time to use le magic Horn and kill ARCHIMONDE.
Since he is the Druid Pope, he has to "like"
Horde shamans and druids.
Both He and Tyrande are Hardcore Xenophobe since the Troll wars.

Yeah but now hes the LK whos been forgotten but not really since noone should know that Bolvar is the LK but lets not talk about that in BFA

Keikaku killed by Sylvanas minion.


Dont worry, he will crash in the marriage beetween Anduin and his new WAIFU

Think hes referring to when Bolvar and Saurfangs kid goes to Ice Crown and gets fucking blighted.
Surprised they didn't make Anduin a fag

>Since he is the Druid Pope, he has to "like"
Then you admit that he's a cuck and not a xenophobe.
Furthermore if he was a xenophobe AND so powerful, why didn't he do shit against the Horde invading every night elf territory except Night Elves? Why does he accept to submit to humans? Why is he attending to a nigger wedding happening in the most sacred place of the Night Elves?
Tyrande isn't xenophobe at all in WoW. She's even obsessed over an Orc warrior. Jesus christ get your lore straight.

why didn't he do shit against the Horde invading every night elf territory except darkshore*

That. And yes Wrathgate got retconned, it was all a Sylvanas Plan.

>Submitted to human Alliance
He joined because he was fighting the SECOND BURNING CRUSADE ALONE and he needed both Ally and Horde help to stall the spamming demons.
Then they joined the Alliance but don't answer its autority.
>Night Elves Xenophoby
"These dirty Orks" were the first words spoken in game by Tyrande.
Night elves hated trolls because they were Ugly.
Plus "Broxigar" sex fantasy cmon man was that Canon?.
>Cuck for being "Druid pope"
Both Ally and Horde druids Cock sucking "his highness" because he has to be NEUTRAL.
>Thrall marriage
ofc he was the Host being "Druid Pope";he also give assylum to HumanDoggos out of sense of guilt because of the "Emeral dream" druid curse.

You know Fucking well why, to make the YAASS warchief a legit threat.
>From killing demons to Losing against a Banshee through Bullshit writing.

>Then they joined the Alliance but don't answer its autority.
Not only this is wrong, but you still move the goalpost : Why a racist leader would join other races?
>"These dirty Orks" were the first words spoken in game by Tyrande.
She never says that, and as i said Wc3 night elves are not WoW night elves.
Broxigar is 100% canon btw. She even cries when thinking about him. So much for your racist elf.
>Both Ally and Horde druids Cock sucking "his highness" because he has to be NEUTRAL.
And? It's still a proof that he isn't xenophobic. He's the boss of the druids.
Lmao that mental gymnastic man.

It wasn't even yaas warchief : Horde in WoW invaded all the nightelf territories except darkshore way before bfa.
The Night Elves are so weak that they have to ask the humans to save their ass in Ashenvale on multiple occasions.

>Glad you could make it, Uther
>Watch your tone with me boy
What the fuck was Uther's problem?


>Not mentioning intonation with wich Arthas said that.

>have sex uther

Maiev is gonna die while Illidan is being useless like always

Arthas was sounding irritated and harsh, no way to talk to his boss. Uther basically said 'remember your place'. The sad part is, Arthas probably didn't intend to sound that way: he was just tired and frustrated after so many people died in Hearthglen

>Blizz are mad Valve took a mod of their game
Icefrog literally went to Blizzard first but they laughed at it because its just a mod and won't give shekels

How has Malfurion not impregnated Tyrande yet.

Arthas obviously. The writers made sure he was making increasingly harsh 'grey' moral decisions, with his final decision involving picking up an evil sword that knows how to speak and killing his dwarf friend in the process.

Good writing for GoT would have Dany firing at stingers located in civilian locations, possibly after Cersei ordered them to fire on her after the Bells started ringing.

she has nothing on Arthas.

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It's hard as fuck to defend your territories if your leader is write off by "Comatose Emerald dream ".
btw they made night elves weak because of Ally Doggos questLine.

>WOW night elves different than W3 one
Thank god you noticed the shitting on the former most powerful race in all Azeroth, bravo user.
i just quoted when Tyrande encontered for THE FIRST TIME the Orks in W3.
>Le Tyrande wet dream.
Quoting a book made After W3 and Retcons the first Burning Crusade to an Broxigar and Rhonin time travel adventure shit.

Had to have sex with someone if the writers put you in a Comatose state because you are too OP.

Emerald Dream is dead yet they haven't fucked breh

>wanting another god like being
no thanks, Malfurion is enough he is way too strong

Here’s the real question this thread should answer; who’s more retarded Jon or Jaina?

>Malfurion state.
>Emerald dream
After Ysera death
>Injured by "muh Honor" saufang.

Its an Hard life being too OP and getting write off for the sake of gameplay/lore writing.

He's not OP at all during WoW. Again you don't get that Wc3 night elves =/= WoW night elves. Not only they have been retconned but it's a different time laps.

Are you not sadisfied by the existence of Arator the redeemer?

wc2 death knights are actually some of the liches in warcraft 3. Its why some have orcish names.

>a video game from 2003 is written better than most expensive TV show that ever existed

I followed WC story for quite a while without even playing anything past the frozen throne. And when I became reasonable old to understand, the story isn't even that good and the dialogue is fucking cliche.

Try Portal.

He's a retard from start to finish

Flip Flops retardation since W3 from the cunning to the Dalaran Nuke dropping .

Writing is all about the love and effort put into it by talented writers. This game had a lot of that, most shows don't.

>even in canon uther btfo arthas and was going to finish him off before frostmourne drove itself into his chest.
Rip lightbringer

>Try Portal

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only if they make it dark like got. no wowfaggot fan service or cringe inside jokes like the movie

Literally hurting with nostalgia, why brehs

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What? Is my taste bad? I'm not very smart, so it really might be. But my honest opinion is that Portal 1 and 2 has the best story (if not story, then at least dialogue) ever written for a video game. Fucking J.K. Simmons as Cave Johnson and Steve Merchant as Wheatley? GLaDOS in both parts, the Rat Man comics..? I honestly think it works reaaally good, and it doesn't take itself that seriously either.

"The part where he kills you", lol. C'moooooon

So is Wrath a spiritual continuation to W3?
Was Cataclysm the expantion that makes non canon W3?
Was it Maybe for the sake of retconning the history to justify gameplay content?

Jesus you weren't event baiting. You confound story and dialogue. And you can't compare a game focusing on the dialogue on ONE fucking character to a game with multiple character with a main story, etc. Half life 2 is what you get if you wanted portal to expend.

>Classic WoW doesnt ruin the lore at least.

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is this bait, or are you as reddit as this post leads me to believe?

The timeline from WoW and Wc3 isn't the same for starters : Before WoW vanilla happened, some time travel OP characters went in the past and therefore modified.
Even with that, the lore of WoW vanilla retconned Wc3. For exemple Night Elves went from the first "civilized/awaken/magic learner" race, to some Troll mutants. Then TBC retcon more stuff, etc, etc.
WoW is meant to be the sequel of Wc3 of course. But they it retconned it.
>Was it Maybe for the sake of retconning the history to justify gameplay content?
Yes completely. The two mega factions, the fact that Draeneis went into spaceship witch crashed into Azeroth cauz we can't have a starting zone in Outland...

Turalyon IS the most powerful paladin right now

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i've seen up to season 6 of GoT and quit
I've played WCIII and Frozen Throne campaign at least 20 times

Someone should make an image like this one but with Arthas and Daenerys

Attached: jamescameron.jpg (1215x1920, 215K)

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>not a mention of turbothot Tyrande in his final moments

You know you have a quest after he goes jailer mode where you go to her and Malfurion right?

Oh, I confound story and dialogue very often, so you're right. It's not one character tho. You have GLaDOS and Wheatley talking all the time, and have a whole Cave Johnson bit which adds to the story of what happened and where you are a bunch.
Half Life might be better, I'll admit that, Portal is just a spin off of it anyways. Never played Half life in my more sensible years, so I can't judge.

But the fact is, most of the video games have a shit cheesy dialouge which is supposed to feel deep but is actually really shit. WoW trailers look good, and a bunch happens sometimes, but the dialogue is a bad joke made for children. Made to be and sound profound, but is as profound as Dragon Ball Super.

Try rdr2. Or pst

At the beginning of the Undead campaign, one of the dreadlords basically tells Arthas that his agency was taken from him by frostbourne. In this regard, Danerys does the heel turn better, even though it was retarded.

that wouldn't even make sense. warcraft isn't avatar

Lol you guys need to stop being obsessed with reddit, it's getting fucking embarassing. Every third post is mentioning that horrible retard excuse of an interface for a site. It's gotten unhealthy and seems jealous.

Half life story is pretty much inexistant and not that good, this is what i meant : Portal did a good job because it was contained.
WoW dialogue is a joke, there's no debate here.
But Wc3 dialogue is quit good and there's a reason why it's so memorable. I'm not saying it's perfect but for a vidya they did a good job.

Are you autistic? Or am I for not realizing you are trolling me?

By Surviving in Le Burning Crusade only to get KEKED by the High Master of KEKERS Illidan "i really want to be my CHAD brother who FUCKS the love of my life " Stormrage.

Oh really? Yea Forums was fucking obsessed with HF 10+ years ago so I just assumed it was worth something.

>for a vidya
That makes me so sad tho. Why are video game writers so bad/lazy..

Arthas Keikaku kills Tichondius by snitching the DREADLORS plans to Illidan.

You're stupid and you don't get his character at all.

it'd probably be shitty but there's some truly kino moments. Arthas btfoing his dad as a season end cliffhanger and starting the next season in full death knight mode would be great.

None of these are good games unlike WC3. PST is a fucking visual novel with some unnecessary gameplay tacked on.

But Legion forces you through several scenarios showing you explicitly that Illidan did a lot of wrong things. Am I the only person who played the game?

I'm not interested in discussing that. That's not what I was replying to.

I used the Garrosh meme to justify his "muh sacrifice,muh scars to defeat the Legion"attitude.

They have to make sylvanas the raid boss for the next expac somehow.

god the war3 box art was so fucking cool

now this user is a ball-swining thick-dicked chad

the most psychedelic experience I've had in my life was playing footman frenzy and getting so into it it seemed like I had entered another reality, that shit was wack

Arthas realized that he just was a tool for his corrupted people, tired of that, he broke up, surrended himself for madness, and found the reign he wanted to lead...he basically just wanted to be alone.

He even reunited with his beloved horse. It was truly a happy ending.

Jaina was right to exile the Horde from Dalaran tho was his happy ending.
But not a happy ending 4u

Warcraft III is the end of the lire. WoW was complete trash


>current year Blizzard
just let go, Blizzard north is dead


cool little detail, i doubt many people know this

Arthas lol

Got is a joke

Cant wait for reforged to fuck up the lore.

>isn't Karrigan the exact same thing lmao?
Correct. Blizzard rehashes the same stories over and over again even though I love the SC and WC3 stories.

Watch the WC3 cinematics and try to come up with even one scene from seasons 5-8 as good as any of them.

Nah, video games are better than a lot of TV for sure. The writing is not as commercialized in video games since it can live on the gameplay.

Why would it tho?

the goat

Be ready for the new version of this cinematic with black Terenas and female guards.

well done lad