Uncle please shit down, and have sex

Uncle please shit down, and have sex.

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>"shouldn't you be busy getting raped Sansa?"

why did his character get so dicked on in the show? hes one of the biggest secondary characters in the early books

>Radmure got laid bitch

The phrase 'have sex' is only used against those who lack physical attractiveness or social skills necessary to initiate such act. It's as stupid as telling a short man to 'grow up' or an idiot to 'get smart'.

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so did they not like each other before this scene? was this a call back or something? has he even seen her since she went to Kings Landing in season 1?

also, didn’t Radmure spend the last few years producing kid after kid for the Freys?

>not sure I get a vote, but aye
I love it when even writers realise how contrived their shit is.

I don't know, but he was fucked from his very first appearance. They turned a scene of a grieving son heartbroken by his father's death into a slapstick comedy routine.


Nah, he only had sex that night of the red wedding, but he did end up with a son, so he’s got that going for him

>believing Jaime

I laughed at that line
Then Brieanne has to say that solemn serious 'aye' after that zinger

Jon is literally condemned to be an incel.

Jon volunteered to be an incel in episode 1. His punishment is to do what he volunteered to do in the beginning.

An incel can't be voluntary, that completely goes against the meaning of the term

Night's Watch had a whoring house even before the war, now that it's a glorified daycare for the criminals and wildlings girls everywhere, he's going to pop a dozen bastards a year.

have sex incel

>hes one of the biggest secondary characters in the early books
no he isn't. he is also portrayed as an idiot who ruins Robs strategy because he can't follow simple commands.

He volunteered, so it wasn't INvoluntary celibate.
Now he's been condemned, although hopefully he'l get another wildling gf.

Literally have sex.

that was completely robb's fault for not telling edmure that his plan relied on him failing

yeah there where a lot of redheads to cheerup jon for his dead gf

he's a volincel you retards

>his dead gf
which one?

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Deep in the turbid waters of the Red Fork.
The Blackfish lies in wait biding its time

Edmure...Uncle... please have sex

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alright bend over whore

>It's Edmure's fault for protecting his lands and people when Robb didn't let him in on his masterplan at all

I don't think so Uncle. All your orgasms belong to me now.

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get unraped

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What was that sidequest about Jaime and the siege of some Tully castle, that guy called Black Fish whom I don't really remember whose relative he was, please someone refresh my memory.

was getting stabbed part of his masterplan?

Dany, I know Jon won't do it...but have sex

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Edmure was called out to cuck his own people and family for the Freys and Lannisters, and was put back in his cagie. Where Black Walder raped him, and Roslin continued to tease him again. Edmure has had 0 orgasms in near a decade from a woman, and really needs to have sex

Imagine making the God-King Brann angry and be cucked by him systematically warging into you every time you try to have sex with your wife for all eternity. Shit's outright terrifying.

have you tried Having sex?

>Anime pic
>Super cringey post

Yeah, checks out

all incels are volcels

>ugly face
Tell me how much of a volcel I am

>Sansa gets raped by Ramsay
>increases her iq to 300, she's basically Rick level mad scientist
>Edmure gets raped in Frey dungeons
>turns into a fucking retard, his iq drops bellow 70
Does it work only if you are female? Or does it depend on who rapes you? Ramsay had very high iq and Bran(who is autistic) was warged into him. Edmure was just raped by a bunch of inbreed yokels.

volcel if you wouldn't

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Are you voluntarily taking no as an answer, or does someone have a gun to your head?

Develop cheekbones

Edmure, lol, please sit down before we make you fly.

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> He volunteered, so it wasn't INvoluntary celibate.
that describes every single "incel" ever existed.

Because he DIDNT KNOW, it was all Robb's fault. Edmure wasnt this stupid

et tu Brute?

Why is he making that stupid face?

Based Chad Robin is going to town on that Stark pussy while Jon is at the wall

>Robb plan involved Edmure falling
>He dosent tell this to Edmure
>Edmure wins the battle
>Somehow Edmure is to blame and Robb is not an idiot

He's trying not to look at Arya since he just ate dinner

Because Edmure was talking again. Fishmen exist to get mogged.

have sex

Uncle, I was there. Please, don't speak ill of Robb, or else I'll steal all of your orgasms with Roslin for a year.

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>for the Freys
Not sure what you mean by that. It's all Tully children. Or did you think the lord of Riverrun would name his sons Frey instead of his own dynasty?

have sex

Why does the queen of an independent country get a vote?

Doesn't really matter. All of the other voted aye as well.

is that a rape thread?

fuck me daddy

No it's a have sex thread Uncle.

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Last time with you and sex you didn't get to decide did you?