Why do people think they're special and unique for not watching certain popular TV shows, or films, when in fact most people in the world haven't either?
Why do people think they're special and unique for not watching certain popular TV shows, or films...
the diff is this nig lives in the usa
the majority of ppl who've watched the show live in the usa and are 14 to 40
so for his age group and the country he is in, it is of worth to say he's never watched it.
i've never watched it either and im not a nigger or mutt so fuck off
>i've never watched it either and im not a nigger or mutt so fuck off
I'm white as fuck and I've never watched a single episode either, despite literally every single person I know trying to get me to watch at least one episode.
Like fuck off. I read the books before the tv show was even thought of and they were trash. The show is normie, lowkey porn bullshit and I resent every single person who has tried to tell me it's groundbreaking. As if HBO hasn't constantly pushed limits to get their shows push to pop culture stardom.
If I want to watch rape and gore I'll watch a fucking horror movie.
Everyone just wants to feel good about something.
I grew up as a comic book nerd. Back when being a comic book nerd actually meant being an ostracized smelly fat guy. Usually white, sometimes asian. And nerd culture was just some shit nerd guys did because they had an actual interest in certain things
Then being a nerd™ went mainstream. And now im a grizzled old john wick man who doesnt give a shit about what normalfaggot retard consumer whores like
who cares, faggot
Dude you’re so fucking unique and interesting
do you wear one of those trenchcoat thingys?
Trilby or fedora?
why lie, on here of all places?
I saw few first episodes, after it bough 3 books and read them. After it i couldn't watch this shitty show anymore, they can't even shave head of dayneris.
if you stuck with the show until:
>never watched it
>the end
Because annoying peers can't stop talking about you and any time they find out you don't watch it they start questioning why and wondering what the fuck your problem is like you're on the wrong side of culture or something. Most people didn't go around declaring it but now that it ended with what is widely regarded as a shitshow they just enjoy the schadenfreude in a 'told you fucks I was right' way.
I stopped watching towards the end of season two. It felt like melodramatic soap opera about medieval politics and I just lost interest.
Game of Thrones is just Lord of the Rings in a Fedora
i don't know about you OP, but i'm pretty glad that i didn't waste literal weeks of my life on some pointless dragon soap opera. i believe i made a good choice.
I haven't watched Endgame praise me Yea Forums do you know how hard it was?
God what a cringe thread
It’s time to go home reddit!!!
Cringe and incredibly butthurtpilled
Going by Probably wears a fedora
basically getting ignored when I warned everybody this has happened a million times
Some tv series blow up, and writers stretch it to it's limits with an added convoluted plot, new characters and arcs.... Once it stops having a growing audience and it gets stale, it abruptly ends, ignoring all the padding subplots, and showing the real ending that was written before the thing blew up, leaving everybody unsatisfied
X files
Twin peaks
Game of thrones
Breaking bad did dodge the bullet because the original story was solid enough, but it also included massive padding throughout
A tv series is a con by design, because they can alter the story based on ratings
Once you are invested, you're basically shown filler until they have to contractually end it and show you the original end. It always feels abrupt and too simple, because it was written for a 6 episode gig, not 75
And yet, you post same as everyone else. Glad you spending that time right
Yeah I only watched the pilot when it came out, I had no idea about the books but it looked high budget and there was a lot of anticipation. I was appalled by how boring and insignificant the first episode was. There was nothing to incite you into watching the next episode. It looked like it was made to please those who had read the books by introducing every single character one after the other. And then at the last minute you have a sex scene out of nowhere. I felt wow, I came to watch heroic fantasy, not porn. it was lame and I figured the main target audience was edgy teenagers and women.
>of worth
Frankly Breaking Bad was disastisfying as well, the finale leaves a sour tatse. But at least, it didn't drag as long as the other series
That's a fantastic word to describe the phenomenon
A tv series drags once it is well-stablished, to the point of creating false expectations that are never met in the end
Yeah that's why I don't invest in any TV show unless it's a small unique season of 12 episode with high quality production.
I watched it from season 1 episode 1 with no idea what it was, then read a few of the books after the first season. I have no idea where the fanbase came from or when, maybe I was just oblivious to it until like s3
>dude thr first episode of the show was gay
>all they did was introduce the characters
Are you fucking retarded? Seriously.
Wise words to live by
Season passes in videogames are also the same con
If the game is a failure the season pass content gets basically abandoned
No I'm not retarded, talented writers/directors wouldn't waste the first episode just to introduce every fucking character. Interesting things should happen involving those character who don't have to show up all at once in the first episode. I think you could immediately detect the hackery in the pilot. And it turned out that it was entirely reshot and main actors were changed. You can tell it was a mess that costed a lot of money
this is like the time that user shared no-fapping as a hobby to his co-workers
Insecurity leads to highlighting something that sets you apart(no matter how isnignificant it may be) as something superior in order for you to cope with being unhappy with yourself
yikes and cringepilled
dude we met the Stark’s, the king and the Lannister’s in the first episode and it was all completely relevant to the plot. Just admit you’re being a fag and trying to act superior. “I hated it from the start because I knew then”. The formula for the show was the same throughout
>check in with this/these characters and see what they are up to
I think he should have explained why he didn't want to watch it. I personnaly gave it a try and moved on because it was trash. Maybe he doesn't like any medieval fantasy at all
>Why do people think they're special and unique for not watching certain popular TV shows, or films, when in fact most people in the world haven't either
Consume my media if you like, if you know what I mean ;)