what happened? she was so cute
Starts with a J
Bitch is so butch she wears underwear with dick holes in them.
Turning dyke and losing her niche roles caused pre-emptive wall hitting at 31
it's so depressing
we have to go back
what did you expect her to turn into? she's a dyke, she probably only eats lettuce and box. she needs a hamburger and some dick.
based hamburger and some dick poster
Days of Future Past was great on the first viewing
However, when you think about it, what the fuck kind of mutant power allows you to send the consciousness of -someone else- back in time, instead of sending your own consciousness, and doing it by yourself?
Why didn't the writers immediately discard that as stupid, and come up with a different means of time travel?
No other superpower works that way
isildurposting is the best fad on /tv right now
what went wrong? looks like her jaw muscles grew somehow
Forehead so big you have to kiss it 3 times. The absolute state of Ellen Page
you're pretty dense if you can't tell she's a dyke already there
that aura is probably a big part of the reason you liked her so much in the first place lol
Maybe I'm retarded, but Page's character probably could send herself back, it's just that why send a twink when you could send an indestructible tank?
>that aura is probably a big part of the reason you liked her so much in the first place lol
nothing funny about that
Dunno if she couldn't technically send her own consciousness back but IIRC, she could only send back someone's consciousness (that is, they'd have to be in their own body at whatever time they're sent to) and logan was by far the best candidate for this.
This is why Into the Forest was a disappointment, the book includes a scene where Ellen's character does this with her sister, played by Evan Rachel Wood
But the movie failed to include this
Go to bed Dave.