What films follow this graph?
What films follow this graph?
Tropic thunder
Van Helsing (2004).
Fight Club
joe dirt
Mortal Kombat
Passion of the Christ
Freddy Got Fingered
Kung Pow
GOT season 8
Donnie Darko
Yea Forums
Blade Runner 2049
League of Extarordinary Gentlemen
Based. Hilarious movie
you're on the upper left of the spectrum
The Fast and Furious movies
Game of Thrones season 8
...weird how that works when you think about it.
If you cut the graph in half you get every movie made for Americans.
Your favorite movies all came from Hollywood you gigantic fucking faggot.
>Prove me wrong so I can laugh at your shitty taste.
The show Lost. The bulk of people watching it were tards. It people who didnt like it were fairly reasonable. The thousands of Easter eggs per episode kept autists busy. When I was in college an episode came out where there was a hieroglyphic clock, I remembered i bought a book on hieroglyphics in middle school and realized it was too difficult. Got the book out and spent like an hour or two looking at it to figure out the image from the show said. It was something pointless like water rises or bad water coming. hieroglyphics are fucking difficult, they can be letters or symbols and can be read left to right or right to left, depending on drawing.
no one with high intelligence will excuse leather lorica segmentata
take your delusions back to plebbit
The Burbs, ironically
Have sex
this, especially the 8th installment.
Only correct answers
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Ultimate Edition
Basically any Kung Fu movie
I dont think that is entirely fair. 98% of our stuff is shit now, but there used to be good ones. Also its not like the U.K. and the Big Black Cock or any other north euro country makes anything worth watching. Germans have like one good show that I have seen, and they are incapable of putting humor to film.
I watch a lot of Korean or Chinese shit now, because even though they have cringy tropes, they are still capable of interesting story telling without massive progressive garbage in everything.
the room
Yeah, great. Doesn't change the fact that America is a cultural wasteland where avengers is the greatest thing to happen in the past decade and our lives revolve around when we'll get our next burger.
The good the bad and the weird
You mean you actually like watching Chinese Communist Party approved propaganda? Come the fuck on.
Look at the foreign box office before you talk shit about Americans being the only ones who love capeshit.
So the entire world is just becoming an americanized cultural wasteland?
Unironically Lord of the Rings (Books at least)
Globalism killed everyone's culture.
Well thank fuck America has guns so we can die with a bang rather than Europe which will die with a whimper, right?
literally the opposite
Starship Troopers.
>when it turns out half the capeshit crowd is actually high IQ and you're the try hard average normie for hating it
Most Hollywood films are chock full of US propaganda so why not
Is english not your first language, or are you just stupid?
The Star Wars Prequel Trilogy.
Dark Knight Rises
>ree ree reee
the sound of the triggered American
Spring Breakers
Anything by Korine, really
>just greentexts what I already said
>u must be triggered
Are you op just trying to bump your own thread, or are you that dumb?
Lord of the Rings
Kingdom Hearts
Every Spongebob episode.
Lord of the Rings is the opposite
Brainlets and patricians don't care for it, only mid-level plebs
lotr is the inverse of this graph
capeshit isn't actual trash like the room though. it just sucks.
the movies follow a formula to feel "fun" "exciting" and "action packed" but they're so devoid of soul that it just comes across as pathetic.
>t. Low IQ
Stargate Universe.
Debate me you fucking ignorant nigger kikes, born to the slaves of underworld niggers of Somalia. Fuck you and die, that ending was glorious.
A Clockwork Orange
I'd take shit made by trash artists over formulaic garbage made to keep plebs like you quiet about how you're getting fucked by kikes with no vaseline. /got/ is over, now go back.
Clockwork Orange unironically
Die Hard
not a film, but The Holy Bible
Got season 8
The Jerk
That planet of the apes movie from 2001
Garfield’s Thanksgiving Special (unironically)
>Movie I like:
This graph
>Movie I dont like:
Inverse graph
if it's the opposite it's still the same thing though
It's funny how it drops the absolute truth bomb in the first 4 minutes and rest of the movie is just normie comedy mocking normies that enlightened viewers can watch ironically
Chinese Communist Party approved propaganda is not actually pervasive or Communist if you watch a TV show from there. Also I was referring to China broadly, because Hong Kong makes a ton of film and is also consistently rated the #1 capitalist place on the planet. Main land China stuff seems to mostly be screened for degeneracy, and they cant show much graphic lewd or violent stuff. Their film approach is very different, in that its somewhat basic and they almost treat film as novels in terms of content and pacing and what is focused on.
I also like a some South east asia stuff like The Raid and The Raid 2.
In the U.S and U.K almost everything has to have a cuckold plotline, women are mad at men and going to show them that they have big dicks too, some gay or minority plotline that seems ramrodded in to meet a checklist without making the minority or gay person a good character. The gay dude in The Wire was a good example of it not being forced. Luther is an example of something i could not get far in, with its cuckold plot, and bizarre female antagonist.
Yes, daddy would like some sausage
Came here to say this. First time I saw it I hated it. But after I learned a bit more about film theory and how Kubrick coded his films it became one of my favorites.
Any movie by this gentleman, the ultimate pleb filter.
Van Helsing
Starship troopers
Idiocracy (just watch this clip if you haven't seen the entire movie: youtu.be
all the jackass movies
The Shining
Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice
Just to follow up, I learn some interesting shit watching China stuff. The guy who started the Han Dynasty was legit in real life a shitty towns watchman for a tiny hamlet and the prior dynasty entered civil war, he was conscripted to die in battle and deserted and people kept joining his gang. He eventually became leader of a large rebel army by accident and took the capital. Other rebels got pissed and tried to kill him but he won. Name was Liu Bang
i loved van helsing
Starship Troopers
Muh niggas
stargate universe had a bad first season though, second season it started showing promise and it got canned
Revenge of the Sith
Bambi, Lion King, Pinocchio, any Disney classic
Conan the Barbarian
>Starship Troopers
Pretty much anything by Michael Bay.
the prequels, prometheus
Fast & Furious 6-8
Starship Troopers
Top Gun
I don't understand this graph. The more equipment the main character had in the movie, the less the viewer injoys it? Maybe because it is not as challenging. I feel like this is tantamount.
No. Fuck you dumbshit.
>leather loricas
>Romans speaking Ecclesiastical Latin
fuck no
Good choice
I literally don't understand this graph. Does it imply a movie is not entertaining when the audience is utterly dumb?
yes. it's despised precisely by cinemasins-type midwits who cry about "unrealistic" space exploration procedures.
Unironically this
Prometheus was a sack of shit
Ridley should have kept the slasher Alien shite far far away from it. Also the meme crew was badly cast, very dull characters apart from the mains.
Retards think the movie is good, normies think the movie is bad, brain wojaks think the movie is good
What's not to understand?
thanks for proving my point by writing like a stereotypical midwit.
Dude where's my car
Out of curiosity, why do you consider Prometheus good?
>What films follow this graph?
first post most correct post
Fury road
The Last Jedi.
Pumping Iron
Michael Bay's filmography
National Treasure. Easily
Would be true if the graph went down again at the end.
upper left thinks it's comedy
upper right knows it's not
normies don't understand it at all
>Germans have like one good show that I have seen
which show do you mean?
this is almost everything for me, not sure I have low IQ or high IQ, probably not the latter
I doubt I'm high IQ
Please stop shitposting.
The Gray
Rotate the graph 180 degree w.r.t X axis faggot
now this I can agree with
Makes more sense if you go normies Yea Forums, Yea Forums's elite
unironically these
>Fury road
The exact opposite of this graph actually
It was listed in cahiers du cinema top 10 of 2015. It's high iq. Raw kinematics.
This works for when the graph is reversed too. Lots of middle brow films that get praised as masterpieces like There will be Blood fit that.
>Prove me wrong
Hi twitter
low int people enjoy it because it's got semi-naked women and action in it
med int people dont enjoy it because they mistakenly think that the semi-naked women and action is all there is to it
high int people are capable of picking up on the worldbuilding and the true depth and purpose of the characters and the very real drama between them
seriously the amount of people who criticize fury road for being a big car chase is staggering
and they're also all med int who think of themselves as intellectuals
not related but posting this vid on Yea Forums allow me to look it without connecting to jewtube
forgot the link lol
freddie got fingered
the fifth element
if the graph took another huge dip as intelligence continues to increase:
no country for old men
Your whole post prove my point
>"capable of picking up on the worldbuilding and the true depth and purpose of the characters and the very real drama between them"
Just think about the absolute cringefest you just wrote typical midwit
>cahiers du cinema
I'm french and I read their critique they only liked it because they are a bunch of marxist so "muh feminism and yas queen slay destroying the patriachy"
am i wrong though
300 and starship troopers is the correct answer
Forrest Gump
BR 2049
Lmao you just listed yourself. Nobody intelligent would be caught dead watching the fecal output of that mentally handicapped hillbilly, you consummate pseud
The objectively right answer is Starship Troopers
The Counselor
Batman V Superman
Good Time
i don't give a flying fuck about how realistic it is
I just honestly feel like the new direction Scott took the franchise in, completely ignoring what made the first Alien so great, and turning it into a crappy gore/shock value fest with some pseudo "ooh look how mysterious" origins horseshit
this total retardation is amplified in Alien Covenant which is why the dislike for that movie is a bit more universal