This show and Deadwood are by far the best shows HBO has ever had.
The Leftovers
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>best shows HBO has ever had
Not with that third season and series finale ending.
Go to bed Lindelof.
All the promotion images I see for this show is that guy shirtless. Are you a fag OP?
>he didn’t believe Nora
I feel bad for you
Yeah i wish they would have stopped at se2. Kevin Garvey is my nigga
this. also why didn't they expand on the guy shooting dogs in season 01
Fuck you nigger, Nora is my waifu. but that entire ending was just a massive cop out. more unexplained bullshit where the writers pretend they intentionally left it to your imagination instead of giving people closure.
s2 was goat, but not enough amy.
lindelof literally said from season 1 that the mystery would never be explained lol
if that mystery is all you got out of the show then you're just a brainlet, there's nothing more to it.
Carnivale would qualify too had HBO not cancelled it. I’m still mad
Is this a meme? I always see people dislike it here for no reason. 3 season might be the best last season of any show ever. 1st season is the worst
That's the fucking meme you little shit. S1 is peak and the best season
Pleb opinion. Fuckin Peter Berg teenage bullshit, black jesus and DUDE IT'S IN YOUR HEAD. Only Matt and Nora episodes was kino, rest is forgettable.
He fucked off after 2 first episodes
Patty getting her face smashed in is one the best/messed up images in the series.
HBO rushed it as well. The road to Alamogordo should have been a five year journey.
Once when I was poor I watched both seasons of this. That truly was going places
How? It's got more iconic moments than S3. Kevin entering the house on fire was kino
Are you trolling? The ending was flawless. No show has ever ended as perfectly as the Leftovers.
Quarry did
So you have no actual reasoning or arguments? Okay then.
honestly i think season 2 was more perfect, i wouldve been fine if it had ended right there
i dont dislike season 3 at all though, its a great season and i liked the ending a lot
Opinions don't count? Everyone has a hard on for the 3rd season, I just think it deserved better
A show like The Leftovers was never going to really wrap up in a neat little bow. When you base your show/movie/etc around such a huge and supernatural kind of mystery, explaining it too much is always a mistake. Look at the difference between Lost and 2001: A Space Odyssey.
The episode before the finale is the perfectending with kevin on the roof.
I dont even consider the finale as real
explain how the finale is bad
>you are now remembering that main music they kept playing over and over
To shit on season 3's finale is to expose yourself for fundamentally missing the point of the show.
And how beautiful it is.
what's the point?
Seriously OP
Loved Carrie Coon's performance in this show
Season 1 >>>> Season 2 > Season 3
I loved her ass in S1
The music is so melancholic
>pseudo-intellectual: the show
lol fuck off
Fuck no. Everyone was raving about Leftovers being the next Lost, i watched the 1st season and it was just ok. I'm thinking the next oens will be better. Second season so bad i dropped it halfway through.
Maybe i'll try rewatcing it. Or maybe it's for art house faggots who knows?
plebfilter: the ending
my favorite show
>When Nora took all the beads from the goat it represented her carrying the secret/sins with her, and lying to Kevin about the other reality. She backed off last second from the machine and decided to live rest of her days on the monastery. Matt knew about it all along. The end was just Nora giving closure to Kevin.
At least we can all agree Deadwood is kino right?
Ye. The movie is here in about 9 days
Justin Theroux perfected the sad and confused look in this show desu
I can't pinpoint why but I felt much more invested during season 1 and it had the most powerful ending as well. Season 2 was alright, but not really as interesting, and 3 just felt so detached from what it used to be. I don't know, if anything I almost feel like they showed a bit too much rather than too little. And too many miraculous things were happening for it all to just boil down to "COPE". Season 1 felt the most grounded and real.
Season 1 was the book in its entirety. Everything after that was done from scratch.
Dude just let the mystery be
The idea is to move over even if you don't know what happened. It was something that could not be explained by their scientists. The fact that we don't know what happened either is for the sake of immersion. It is cheap, but it works for this series.
From what I could bare to watch, it seemed really dumb. If I wanted to watch slice-of-life+Melodrama+Mild-Shock, I'd watch a slice-of-life anime, and at-least that wouldn't be pretensions enough to think it's high art.
holy shit maybe stick to Yea Forums
I don't like anime either, especially slice-of-life (I like a plot dammit.) I'm saying this garbage show was nothing but a plot-less slice of life anime with some mild shock value, albeit this one had the gall to call itself high art because it's live action and in a prestige TV time slot.
Agreed 100%.
Especially this:
>if anything I almost feel like they showed a bit too much rather than too little
Heavy handed fan service. The guy is ripped.
What was the whole point about the main character being the messiah / new jesus? It was completely useless. There was no flood, for example.
No point, just random threads
sorry sweety , but GOT already did the wings thing, so please delte dis
says on imdb that it's fantasy mystery, fucking sign me up. downloading it rite now. i hope it's really a good one and not op being a gay homosexual.
imagine being this much of a pleb
I regret wasting hours of my life to watch the shit that was The Leftovers. Who the fuck keeps giving Lindelof money for new shows, it's the same fucking Lost shit, where they introduce new mysteries and never, NEVER deliver a satisfying payoff or actual fucking answers.
They did and made it a joke which was honestly annoying. I didn't like the decision in season 3 to start off by giving "alternative" explanations for the magic stuff previously established.
Peter Berg does Americana-Tragedy kino. Literally the perfect guy to kick off the setting of The Leftovers.