ITT: Unfilmable adaptations
ITT: Unfilmable adaptations
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Why tho?
this has been brought up a few times over the past couple of weeks, but i don't think it would be unfilmable. if it had about the same tone as mulholland drive and writing like the godfather movies where nothing is spelled out and you have to read between the lines, then i think that would work
What year do you think it is?
Severian kind of forgot that he could remember everything
I think the issue is that the ambiguity and omissions from Severians description of the world around him give the book a tantalising atmosphere that rewards repeated reading. Whereas in a movie you would immediately clock that the tower of the torturers is a grounded space rocket, that the picture of the knight in a white suit in Ultan's library is a man in a spacesuit on the moon, etc.
BOOK OF THE LONG SUN would make a better adaptation - it has an actually likeable hero with a purpose (not just a moody wanderer), unironically strong female characters, a simple enough storyline and lots of cool shit like androids, laser swords, airships and robot soldiers
Anyone read long/short sun? I feel like they could be adapted. Nobody would be able to do them justice though so i'm glad it'll never happen.
infinite Jest
>We knew for three years that Agia was going to kill the Autarch
Book of the Long Sun would make an excellent adaptation.
Book of the Short Sun would not - it's another one of Gene Wolfe's books that relies on omission and ambiguity that would not work on screen. For example you would realise immediately that "Horn" is Silk if you could just see him on a screen.
Severian commits unhesitant violence against women and is willing to rape his prisoners at least in the start of the books
oh i didn't see this post, or maybe i hadn't refreshed the thread.
I don't know about the seeing him thing, it's made pretty obvious that Horn is in Silk's body during OBW before Silk takes over
It would be much harder than long sun to do well though.
Terry Gilliam could make a kino Napoleon of Notting Hill adaptation, however.
I just finished the Eschaton scene and saw a music video attempt to recreate it.
Honestly I think Wes Anderson could capture the ETA scenes pretty well. But we'd need a totally different director for the other segments, and it'd still probably be too long and boring for most viewers.
David Lynch for Marathe/Steeply conversations
This and most other Yea Forums memes like Gravity's Rainbow, Ulysses, Women and Men, etc.
That series made me feel like a brainlet
oh,I hate Gillian, I think baz luhrmann maybe can pull it off. The great gatsby have its moments
me too bud
especially during the war with the Ascians in the last book. I was like "what? What's going on? Which side are they fighting on?" "Is vodalus with or against the autarch? What the fuck was up with Miles/Jonas? What the fuck is Erebus?"
Most of that cleared up as I kept reading but there was a span of a good 20 pages that I was just sort of going along for the ride
Aronofsky for the drug scenes and PTA for some other connecting scenes and flashback sequences. And all endnote stuff directed by Edgar Wright.
Honestly having 5-10 directors do various scenes over the course of multiple seasons would work. But who the heck would watch that?
what about a riddley walker movie, Yea Forums? y/n
>that 3 page rant about how women torturers are illegal because they were too cruel and twisted, and literally too good at their jobs
viewing parties on Yea Forums would be out of this fucking world
annihilation is basically the same and its great
sounds like numale shit
Severian BTFO thotties on the reg
this can easily be made.
What about it would be u filmable?
>women are the best yaass kween
never read this that's what it sounded like lmao
dis nigga lovecraft acting like he never saw purple before
Lovecraft sucks ass hurr muh octopus most reddit thing ever
You couldn't do the mind bending twist at the end in a film. You would know it is the future
How is that the message you got from that post, are you retarded
But this would make an excellent HBO show
You should have picked up on that within the first 15 pages
I would imagine reddit hates Lovecraft himself because of stuff like pic related
I suspected but I did read it when I was 13 and I am a brainlet
They tried once.
Jack Kirby even did some concept/storyboard art for it when there was still interest.
But, hey, at least it did some good when Tony Mendez used it as a cover story for the Iran Hostage Crisis.
Ofc this is what men who are jealous of their professions have claimed through history. I've got a feeling Gene Wolfe himself actually believes that shit, though.
Bro it says it on the inside of the dust jacket my man
that Neal Gaiman quote why is he so cringe
I'm sorry but I keep laughing at this
>Dude did you know that in the Sixth Sense, Bruce Willis works with troubled kids
>Bro did you know that in Fight Club, Edward Norton's character is dissatisfied with his life?
>Holy shit man at the end of Saw you realize Jigsaw was the killer the whole time
On the opposite spectrum, The Black Company's first 3 books could be adapted very easily with a GoT budget and be great.
The other covers don't have it.
I mean, it's Neil Gaiman. What did you expect lol.
If anyone can figure out how to film this, let me know.
>inb4 muh book of short stories not a novel
The stories are connected. If you can figure out a way to put these stories on screen, lemme know
The real twist isn't that the story is set in the future, but that it isn't even that far into the future. You have to be into your deep science fiction lore to first recognise Urth as a "dying sun" novel - set millions and millions of years into the future when the sun has turned into a white dwarf - but then to realise the sun hasn't naturally turned into a white dwarf but was deliberately "sabotaged" as a result of interstellar warfare. The story may be set as few as five thousand years into the future.
Should I read it?
>tfw Catholics have created the top 2 greatest fantasy series of all time
How can others even compete?
It would, but most people would probably be really unsatisfied with the ending.
I just finished The book of the New Sun a few weeks ago. It was the hardest read I ever did. At least Tolkien is easy to read. But his poetry is much more dull than Gene's stories.
t. pleb
The old testament was writen by jews
Yes, that's exactly what I said, that Gene's too smart for me, you retard.
Can someone explain me this book to me or provide a good link that breaks it down?
Can't believe this is real.
You'd literally have to read at least two of the three published books that compile and boil down science papers and years of mailing lists to really get it. There's a reason academia likes the books and normal people don't even know they exist. These books were made for study and polemics, not easy break downs.
Why? The two things Lovecraft is most known for are Cthulhu and naming his cat niggerman
Not unfilmable. Just needs a kino director to finally do Lovecraft some justice. I remember watching a german film adaptation years ago and it was somewhat passable.
I've read the couple of companion books and tons of posts and even though some things can be clarified and explained, there's just so much left to interpretation nobody could ever fully explain it, except may Gene. Even Mark's take, with his hundreds of rereads, is basically head canon and I think that's part of the charm of the book. Same with Borges. It's a sort of an meta fiction where the reader can infinitely re-purpose the stories and it's all fine.
it's getting a film adaptation that's coming out next year
It's set in 1,000,000AD?
Just like the bible, its truth is true to whoever reads it with conviction
>It was the hardest read I ever did.
i'm not an english native speaker and i refuse to read translations so this series is killing me.
>how you want yo shot reverse shot f.a.m?
>just headbang my shit up
This and Exccession.
Gr could absolutely be adapted. it would probably have to be split into three movies (or a television series, but I feel like it needs to be cinematic, if only for the ending to work better) and maybe cut some of the flashbacks but overall it's be doable.
Is it harder read for non-native speaker than Dune?
It's not that hard to read as in purple, complex prose. It's just that it's a decidedly esoteric and cryptic story. It's Wolfe's design and the greatest part about it. You're not supposed to have a clear, realible "vision" of the events described. It's stated that it's a faulty tranlation of an unrealiable account of events.
I would strangle a newborn for a long form adaptation of this
Not that hard to be honest.
It just would be like 20 seasons long with parts in the start where we watch a handless old man hallucinate about some jade spirits that dont matter until the end.
But holy shit do I want to watch Karsa's origin story be an entire season.
>Unreadable books
>tfw youll never rape Jolenta on a boat
Yes. Dune is quite straightforward.
Like this user said. I had a hard time trying to read this in english (I'm not native), then switch to a translate version and it was the same.
Reading the Whipping Star without preexisting knowledge of the established ConSentiency universe was just bizarre.
It's been done. At least twice. Go watch it on youtube.
the animated films are good
The Navidson Record could be done, but the rest of the book would be pretty impossible.
>writing like the godfather movies where nothing is spelled out and you have to read between the lines
Would actually be kino if the whole movie was a pov shot with jean baptiste clamence monologuing to the viewer like in the book
I would love to see a megalomaniac 8h long movie of this.
I can already hear the Mandy-esque Sunn O))) influenced soundtrack. This user is unfortunately correct. Book of the New Sun is unique in that it could be adapted, it's just that visualizing it is most of the point so an adaptation would ruin it.
II love and hate this book. Some parts are so dream-like and wonderful, then there are entire portions where I have no idea what the fuck is happening. I'm almost done with book 2, just read the characters performing a fucking play that lasted for absolute ages and I was lost throughout the entire thing.
Is it actually worth reading this book? I really loved the first one, especially the start, but sometimes it feels like Wolfe is just trolling his readers to see what he can get away with.
Characters that are actually robots and teleport away!
Mistah Wolfe - he dead.
what do you mean memento has existed for nineteen years now, elly.
>And here is a portrait of a knight clad in white armor and a gold helmet
>*its a picture of an astronaut*
the texts multilayered subtext that is only revealed through later references and repeat readings are lost in a visual depiction
it could be done well, it just never would be ever. someone in hollywood knows this story could be made into an excellent series so i bet it comes out eventually, filled with nonsense.
There’s 3 more books after that, then an entire new trilogy coming out each year starting with september
This is why I haven't read it yet
I thought it was pretty obvious what he was describing the first time I read it but the fact that Severian makes a different association would still be lost in a movie adaption.
Really it isn’t that complicated of a story - stressed out overachiever genius gets hooked on drugs that set him on path to Ennet House, former drug addict runs the House and tries to stay clean
It’d be preferable to be a limited premium cable series so you could dive deeper with some side characters like Pemulis, Stice, Lenz, Kate Gompert etc but two parallel converging storylines with an obvious thematic link is not that hard
No, it’s not that hard, just do the weird rainbow- bubble colors that Annihilation used, that’s shorthand that audiences understand. Or shoot it in black and white like those German guys did, that’s a fine solution too
Okay yeah with that I have no fucking clue
The old school anime is fine, shut up
This one’s a bit tricky but I think it’s important that you don’t actually show the Navison Record except for perhaps a small fragment or dramatic recreation. The core movie should be a “Making of” style Documentary about the movie (complete with cameos by some of the mentioned figureheads like Stephen King) and Zampano’s and Johnny’s commentary should be audio tracks you can turn on one at a time or simultaneously
I got your Severian right here famalams
This could work as an anime. But there's already talk of a movie adaptation in the works at a very very early stage.
tried reading this. cant stand first person books. like children stories
>tall, dark featured, rich voice, autistic, intimidating, handsome in an ugly kind of way and chad
Never has an actor so clearly been born for a role
The culture saga is def filmable, but requires probable a series-oriented build up to really kick in. Also, requires some love, they are pretty varied and rich books, and today's sci fi series are rather monochromatic. Some nice films are getting done tho, abysmal sripts but nice visuals (Velerian is shit, but the technique is there). Id kill for a good adaptation of any of the books, Excession is maybe my fave of them.
the ending is the best part
Blood Meridian
This exactly. Current hollywood is not able to satisfyingly adapt these amazing universes, they would be unable / to lazy to advertise them and flop inevitably. They just take some of the ideas and slap them in shitty teenager / edgy nerd flicks. Scifi in film is a cancerous genre, unlike in literature.
Why do you pretend to read such a big fat brick-pile of books if you didn't even skim this thread?
Definitely filmable. A reasonably sized cast of characters + you can get by with little to no magic
More that it is intentionally vague.
pretend? wtf are you talking about fag?
That's just everything Herbert did other than Dune.
First time I finished this story was on audiobook. What a fucking mistake that was, kept having to rewind because I thought I missed something.
Too confusing until I actually read it.
>too good for their jobs
Nonsense, you twisted that to have some weird pro woman posotive spin. They werent "too good" they were so bloodthirsty and had no limit that they would often kill people instead of just torturing them. They werent "too good" they were awful at it
Inb4 someone suggests that edgy comic crossed that moves at a fucking mile a minute
>But there's already talk of a movie adaptation in the works at a very very early stage.
I know about the movie but I don't think it's going to work as a movie when it has so much going on. At the same time I want it to succeed so we can see the conclusion of Oathbringer put on the big scene, that shit would be tight.
I read the first book of Amber and it was dogshit. Zelazny is on my blacklist forever.
read it decades ago but it’s basically Berserk without the tiddies
>why is this guy always the only survivor of his drops
>well we’ve analyzed it scientifically and according to our calculations, he’s apparently too fucking angry to die. he tries to save the others but they always get killed anyway and it just makes him more angry
this or most of greg egan's books really.
He writes scifi for people into hard math and physics. 90% of the population is too brainlet to get it.
That's my general experience with audiobooks. I like to read own my pace, and not following someone else, worrying the I might not pay attention to an important sentence, etc.
but the anime is kino, what are you talking about
it was already mentioned in the thread faggot
It's been done already, and excelently so.
ok, now explain how that equates to me pretending to read it?
You're asking what the insult means? It's the implication that if you're not capable of reading the thread to see if others have already mentioned that work before posting it, it implies that you couldn't have read a several hundred page book.
I read it it the same way, sounded like basedboy shit
I'll ask here since I assume any place other than Yea Forums will give a good answer. I just finished reading The Second Apocalypse, and I need a new series to fill the void.
Right now I'm looking at First Law and Book of the New Sun. I know nothing about either, so which would be better to get into?
Imagine being this much soi, holy shit. Women have no appreciation of the arts. They're wholly consumed by social positions and given a position where pain and torture are the law the bitchy side in women which men lack corrupts her and turns into an intensely sadistic bitch to show she's on top of the food chain. Female social hierarchies are harsh and a woman given complete power with only one other person under her present is a disaster. Your "fair maidens" aren't fair at all. You're either too much of a cuck to see women as they are or are a retard drooling over perfect virgins.
you are retarded. im not even shitposting, just stating a fact. you are literally retarded
>gets shown why he's retarded and has to have an insult explained to him
>still doesn't understand it
>no y-you're retarded
okay buddy
your insult didnt make sense kid. if you have to explain a joke ITS RETARDED
You not understanding the insult doesn't make it not make sense.
>Pringles on the fucking bookshelf
Do Americans really eat crisps whenever they read books? Do you not care about getting the pages dirty and greasy.
>tells retarded joke that doesnt make sense
>n-no you r stupid
Hint: Reading requires attention span. Think about that for a while.
>I don't know who Gene Wolfe is
Read the first book. What a mess
Book of the new sun. First law reads like Rian Johnson decided to write a fantasy series.
Women are some of the most toxic people out there.
I’m at a ufc gym right now, and everytime we have local fights all the women combatants don’t have a lick of professionalism. They take each hit personally and try harming each other as much as possible.
Of course it’s laughed at because it’s “acceptable“ for women to act out now a days; but to people who aren’t morons, I can tell that they take anything and everything personally, even if it makes no logical sense to do so.
People allow them to get away with a lot more despite the fact that they should know better because they don’t view them as people; only as opportunities for them to potentially get laid with. Sad, but true.
Book of the New Sun isnt standard fantasy schlock, it has actual artistic merit.
All of them
Anything negative towards women, minorities or gay people is intolerable in our close minded society. Even if it makes for a compelling story/character, the masses have such little self awareness due to the aforementioned close mindedness that they would never accept anything that doesn’t prop up their precious “protected classes” of people they’ve accessorized to make themselves feel morally superior.
Thanks, anons. I'll check it out.
Book of The New Sun feels like a second rate Borges or Nabokov doing a self conscious, metalinguistic Dying Earth narrative. Now, don't get me wrong, a second rate Borges or Nabokov is miles and miles ahead of most of literature, specially in mainstream fantasy / scifi. Some passages are truly truly great and the world it builds (and the way it builds it) is wonderful.
First law is grossly overrated and mediocre at best. Due to it “subverting” expectations, it’s hailed as a masterpiece by those that play it safe follow crowds but lack the intelligence to realize how much of a drone they are
Basically the same people that like “nu-star Wars” would like the First law
Lord of light is in a whole different level imho
I do like Rian Johnson / TLoJ. Would I like it then? How are they similar exactly?
Not possible live action. The costume (especially the different races), CGI effects, locations, actor contracts would cost lots of money.
I could see it adapted animated or full CGI. Some of the books are messy where you just didn't care what happened and the second and third book is the best in the series.
Why is their hair so long? Are they trannies?
For the same reason Rian gets memed on tv.
How was the Second Apocalypse?
thank god since those books are garbage
It’d be right up your alley then
It’s the best grimdark series out there currently.
Space Trannies
malazan is a pleb filter
They're working on it
Erikson's idea was 2-3 film per book
>in a movie you would immediately clock that the tower of the torturers is a grounded space rocket, that the picture of the knight in a white suit in Ultan's library is a man in a spacesuit on the moon, etc.
You didn't realize this immediately?
Everything happened in what, 3 days? And by the end of it you've got characters acting like they're lifelong friends.
this was my thought. they blatantly say there are people on the moon.
Grimdark kino
sanderson would need anime adaptation
The 4 Long Sun books span months.
are you kidding or is this actually true?
i just want the Chain of dogs storyline as a film or series
that sounds annoying as fuck, like the literal dark souls of literature
I can't understand why they are trying to adapt Way of Kings first and not Mistborn. Mistborn is perfect movie material and the ending of the first trilogy is begging for the silver screen treatment. Now I know I'll never get to see Ruin because Way of Kings will be too "weird" for the normies and flop.
Google Gene Wolfe pringles, he worked as an industrial engineer before becoming a full time author.
I remember the picture precisely because I caught on to it as it was beung described and thought "huh, neat"
My favorite is where Jorge X McKee acts as a lawyer on frog planet.
Most people are like myself who use audiobooks, where we listen to the books while commuting or doing a solo task like grocery shopping.
What would be nice is a way to follow the book in audio and have its place on a soft copy as well. So you can both real and listen and set an electronic bookmark.
Because they're not sequels and the connections between worlds are superficial and can be treated as standalone or at the least chronologically interchangeable with some tweaking. Makes sense if they want something on a grander scale with a larger ensemble cast
>women are honest, good and capable of anything!
>they were amazing at inflicting pain at others, and the only reason they were held back in their dreams of hurting theirs is because of evil, sexist men!
You people are so tiresome. Go get laid.
>everyone on Yea Forums calling Glokta a cuck for marrying a woman who's pregnant with another man's baby
That is cuckoldry by definition
>that bitch Dushku playing the part of the Lady
Fucking hell, the Lady is supposed to be attractive.
It feels like the DC vs Marvel approach to me. They should start small with something a little less out there than Way of Kings and then progress to the wilder shit as it progresses. Mistborn is generally the perfect place to start in the Cosmere because it introduces the Shards very slowly.
This would make a pretty great anime. I hope it never gets adapted in live-action though. I have never loved a book series like I loved this one and I don't want it ruined.
That is indeed the definition brainlet.
they would have to tweak it too much to make sense as a standalone
The Revolutionary is an absolutely terrifying device. What the fuck does it even do in the grander scheme of things? I know it pretty much makes the victim try and kill themselves but, how?
I think it'll look exactly like Guy Ritchie's King Arthur, it's literally overblown Japanese LN.
Is The Black Company worth reading today? Does it still hold up?
I wasn't posting that to say they were in the wrong, simply telling how it would be.
First three books? Sure, it's a great read. I wouldn't recommend reading past it.
Please. It was the best Glokta was ever going to get.
why didnt the wizard heal glokta?
Say one thing for Logen Ninefingers......Say he's a cunt.
Same. Reading urthicon lexus and solar labyrinth was a supremely painful experience.
>duel with flowers
Because the ancient mystical wizard is actually a gigantic cunt who makes everything worse. Gotta subvert your expectations.
Because Bayaz is a cunt.
With book 1 I don't think there's too much that would stop it up if the budget was high. I'd imagine the major focus of a film would be bridge 4 and the shattered plains, and that wouldn't be any harder to animate than most fantasy stuff we've seen.
>time travelling visit to the botanical gardens
>movie stops for a 20 minute scene revolving around a play
I'd watch it just for the giantess brides of the sea. Shit was hot.
>all those manga tier books
What could possibly go wrong? Make Whiskeyjack black?
>expecting Bayaz to do something like that
More likely, if Glokta was a healthy man, he could try and leave the shitpile he's in, whereas crippled fuck that he is, he's dependent on Bayaz for authority and power over others, thus lacking the option to ever rebel or go against his plans. He's a known quantity to Bayaz.
I think it can work, but it'll be a very big dedication and to make it work under budget constraints of live action series it would need to shuffle things around and really make epic battles like battle and Moon's Spawn a rare and standout occasion.
I buy it
There is was a sadist women in charge of what would become the torturers in the fifth book. Everybody was happy when severian killed her while trying to flee.
Women are Narcissistic.
>gene wolfe died a month ago
right in the feels
Oh, I did enjoy the ending. I'm just saying, most people who'd watch the show would go "... is that it? That's what happens?!"
Fucking epic.
It has to be an anime I feel, I fucking love it, but it would look silly trying to CGI that in a way that looks good.
I'm a pretty novice reader but from the stuff I've read, I've found the most enjoyment from George Orwell and Michael Chrichton. Anyone have any suggestions on what I may like based upon that?
Quick Ben and Kalam already got token POCs covered.
There really is no need to tweak any shit to fit SJW narrative as Steven Erikson is an SJW and there's no sexism and racism in world of Genabackis, or at least according to him and it's not, I guess, "normalized" as SJWs perceive it.
The proper term is “ÜND FOKEN ÉPÏÇ”
>it's actually true
imagine saying sjw three times in one sentence unironically
Yes, 15 april.
I never claimed to be an accomplished writer or even smart.
"Its the story of Jesus in a fantasy setting!"
"Hmm is a wizard or something?"
"No! He's a professional torturer and executioner!!"
Absolute plebe, you will never truly grasp the full throbbing shaft of epic ness that is “ÜND FOKEN ÉPÏÇ”
Who drew this artwork and where can I get more? Google reverse image search isn't helping.
Could be done as a 1 season show
They reported it. The New Yorker iirc dedicated a pretty good article to him and his work.
The tower of the torturers is a WHAT
Thank you. These are beautiful. There's so very little fanart of the series.
Why does Yea Forums have better taste in books than Yea Forums?
Why does Yea Forums have better taste in television and movies than Yea Forums?
Why do ANY of the boards have better taste than their actual board subjects?
It is a mystery
>That one user who rightfully berates "Yea Forumsnons" who still haven't seen Gundam 0079
Truly something you'd never see in /m/
Because the original Mistborn is shit
They even say during the first pages that the ship communications still work.
The fact is that for me they are unpredictable, and could change things even with the agreement of Erikson (I hope not)
I remember that people from Capustan never enlist women and they were like "wtf man"
so its a story with a medieval setting where there's rockets :DD?
The First Law books are really entertaining in my opinion it has good and interesting characters at least. I don't get why everyone need Yea Forums quality with everthing is just an easy nice trilogy. You could do lot worse, just my humble opinion. Just finishing it now though so i don't suppose its the best one.
It's 10000 years in the future, and those things are long tower like space ships, not rockets like today.
Also the Ea-Cycle by David Zindell is an amazing read
Wouldn't get past American censors.
Besides it would be a total casual filter.
It's so much more than that. The setting itself could be classified as Dying Earth.
The ultimate blackpill
memories of ice would be the best to see on screen. toc the younger getting hard sex choked by the k'chain matron. gruntle hacking up hordes of sickly cannibals. moranth munitions blowing up thousands of cannibals. moon spawn rising from the ocean. cannibal witches raping the corpes of the fresh dead. pannion walking into the sunset holding his little sister hands. its made for hbo
>too much science fiction
>too much complexities
>too much going back and forth in multiple realities
inception was already too complex for normies to understand
Literally any comic book
Inb4 watchmen and 300
The main part was a couple of days. Then there was a timeskip while they chilled on the zeppelin I guess?
Movie adaptation when?
Akka had a hard life.
It's not in the future, it's in a different reality that comes after many cycles of the universe being born and destroyed but it's long, long after the collapse of their initial spacefaring civilization (equivalent to us) in their respective timeline
Wrong, several existing authors are cited, there is also a painting of a NASA astronaut. Paris is mentioned, also a contemporary airplane. I think even wolfe said it's supposed to be our future.
>tfw no sci-fi documentary on the mars trilogy
>Tfw no justice to the robot trilogy since irobot was a flop
>mars trilogy
It's shit, you should be ashamed.
Can't believe it hasn't been funded already.
He also fucks his zombie grandmother and eats the flesh of a women he loves.
There are plenty of woke themes in his books already, but his characters are still interesting and the whole thing is completely unimportant when reading it. Imagine all the forced "yaaas kween" and "muh blue skin racism" they'd throw in if they were to adapt it on tv. Eriksson manages not to make it seem forced, but there is no chance in hell some SJW screenwriter will do the same.
Overrated book
why do you think shadow of the torturer cannot be filmed? is walking in a straight line a revolutionary concept for film?
Much of the appeal is the faulty recollection of events. Someone telling you a story is not the same that showing some events. The non reliable narrator works worse in a visual medium. Also, most of the things a reader suspect while reading would be pretty fucking obvious if merely watched. You're supposed to infer a lot of things taking Severian's ignorance of the past in consideration.
>Vin porn
Hm, then peoples perception of the book is simplistic. half of the book is misdirection, yes, overtly. but the other half is quantum decoherence. I can understand non sequiter in film. every 13 year old room temperature iq who watched family guy could as well. the book is written for the reader to visualize explicitly therefore it can be adapted somewhat easily.
>tries too sound smart
>misspells a latinism
Every single time.
Picked up
pull yourself together and respond to the substance of a post
Ur a fag.
Do you have one single legitimate criticism other than political screeching? Give it your best shot.
>the book is written for the reader to visualize explicitly therefore it can be adapted somewhat easily.
Good night sweet prince
>political screeching
You must be a bugman.
Read the moon is a harsh mistress instead.
Exactly what I thought.
Nothing you do qualifies as thinking.
Dichronauts would actually translate to film quite well in terms of story at least because there's almost no big brain math bullshit, the problem would be %100 in the cinematography because of the bullshit physics.
book of the long sun would be perfect for a series
What's that?
No Man's sky.
I asked you a direct question, and the best response you could give was a canned three-year-old buzzword insult followed by a full-caps reiteration of your original statement. You don’t get to accuse me of being stupid when you can’t even articulate your own opinions. I could probably write a hundred pages about why I like Red Mars; you couldn’t write one sentence.
Looks like four-dimensional (or perhaps higher) objects projected into three-dimensional space.
>Flying Castles,Dinosaurs with Swords and Thick Bitches
Yep,i'ts kino
Your bugman ass started to imply political screeching, because that's probably your MO whenever you face opposition concerning things you like. You don't deserve a well reasoned explanation, eat shit.
This poster is correct, The "Books of the Suns" as written are set in our own future. Gene Wolfe has since attempted to retcon the solar cycle, when talking about it in interviews, to be set in "another universe" due to complicated religious reasons - essentially he said that God would never do Noah's flood twice in the same reality because God only does things once (or something along those lines) therefore Severian's world, in which the world is cleansed by a flood, can't be our own universe and must be another iteration.
There are hidden and not so hidden references to our world in his books - language names historical references and most importantly, the artificial religions of the Long Sun generation ship are bastardised versions of Christianity and Islam, and if there was Christianity in Severian's world there must have been a Jesus, etc
>essentially he said that God would never do Noah's flood twice in the same reality because God only does things once
That might be the most convoluted reason for a retcon I've heard of.
Illuminatus trilogy
I think God said in the bible he won't flood earth again.
It's not really god doing it in the book of the new sun though.
Ultra Kino
it was like a paragraph
but it took me out of the book for a second too. who cares, though.
This conversation is so predictable because I know exactly why you don't like the book, you just refuse to admit it, whilst constantly implying it. You hate it because it portrays a functional society that isn't a corporatist oligarchy. You're probably an American, and you hate the book because it acknowledges the possibility that your political philosophy might not be the apex of cultural evolution. Now, you know you can't openly admit to hating a book for simply disagreeing with you politically, because that'd make you look closed minded, so now you're trying to put the burden of proof onto me, as if I started attacking you when you harmlessly mentioned not liking the story. No, dumbass, we can all scroll up, and see how this started. You rudely, and antagonistically, insulted someone for mentioning their enjoyment of Red Mars, and now you're back-peddling with all of your might, because you know you can't defend your actions without looking like a pathetic easily-upset child, who can't handle the existence of competing schools of thought. Please, for the love of god, stop posting. Nobody wants to hear you screech about how much Red Mars triggered you, which is all you’ve been doing so far.
You don’t get to tell somebody that their opinion is so atrocious that they should be ashamed of it, and then refuse to explain why. That is practically an admission that you are just posting emotionally, and are incapable of reinforcing your words with rational arguments.
It is worth reading all four books once and definitely worth reading them twice.
The second book is the weakest, I'd say
It's character art like you'd see for an anime show more so than it is porn.
I'm sure we're all friends in this fantasy thread and nobody will be a faggot that calls for the jannie.
But who plays Dorcas and Balldanders?
I'm glad to hear it's the weakest. The ending of the first book where Severian has this drug-like vision of Master Malrubius and Triskele was so enthralling. I don't know what it is that drew me into that scene. Again, I think it's the dreamy quality of the story, how it all feels so surreal.
Not sure if you're still ITT but Claw is the worst of the four imo. Sword of the Lictor is probably the best one.
an art
>points out how user is dumb while pretending to be dumb
Wow, your a genius
I never clammed to be smart
I always mussel up the conviction to claim I'm intelligent
Yeah, I am. Thanks for the info, I'll keep going.
For some strange reason, this.
>O my unimaginable horror
>unfilmable adaptations
Pic related would be unfilmable because of the cost to do a proper adaptation. I doubt Barker has a large enough fanbase to warrant making this into a movie.
Honorable mentions:
TGaSS and Everville
The Damnation Game could probably be made; it's fairly succinct.
>she struggled to contain her awesomeness
who is Gene Wolfe and what is his greatest work?
a dead american sci-fi writer
>and what is his greatest work?
Can't really draw fanart when you're on your 5th read of the books.
Whiny little fucker, aren't you?
>Every fantasy series recommendation I get is like 10 books long
Anyone know some good series on the shorter-medium length size?