Can we all agree that after the last season this show should be rated as pure shit?
Can we all agree that after the last season this show should be rated as pure shit?
it was always fucking shit
it was just competently made shit
why is everything so extreme all the time? I think everyone enjoyed the early seasons.
we all agreed this at the end of season 6
to anyone paying attention, season 8 wasn't particularly worse than 5-7, really just more of the same crap but condensed
normies just realised they hate it because they didn't get their fairy-tale ending (the ending was still rubbish either way though)
Next season will be worse
First 4 were good.
It's fucking fan fiction what you did expect
They had nothing to go on book-wise so they just pulled something out of their ass that would make an okay screenplay
Better than Helm's Deep my ass tho.
the last episode was good but boy getting to it was a fuckin mess
There was a dip in quality from season 5 onwards, but honestly seasons 5 and 6 were still enjoyable give or take a few scenes. Season 7 is when it did a nosedive in everything. If you didnt have any problem with season 7 then you shouldnt be complaining about 8 since it's the same quality.
What is that confirmed?
A Chinese counterfeit of Lord of the Rings
To me, the stink was on the fish when Sam found the "cure" for Grayscale, which was to just cut it off.
Stannis got the best medicine men in the world to save Shireen and it still left her scarred.
Well they weren't terrible but there was a clear drop in the quality.Season 1 to 4 was the best of this show.
A based post if there ever was one
haters gonna hate
>the show didn't end the way I wanted and now I'm butthurt
>Ultra Contrarians
S1 is good >rest is pure shit
>Regular Contrarians and Bookfags
S1-4 are good>rest is pure shit
S1-6 are good >rest is pure shit
>Everyone alive
S8 is pure shit
I can never consider this show a favorite of mine because of that ugly fucking goblin. If Arya hadn't existed I would love it, even despite the last season. Thinking back to all those Braavos scenes and her becoming the ultimate assassin just kills all my interest in ever re-watching this show.
t. plebbit
Most accurate itt
Keep seething faggot it's one of the best shows to be made. Along with a nicely wrapped up ending.
Just because faggots d wrote 3 or a few bad fucking episodes doesnt make a whole series trash you delusional fucking faggot
The ending was fucking fine faggot. Everything was explained logically you moronic pleb
8 had great moments. Fuck your faggot delusions. I swear faggots think just because of 3 episodes it makes the whole series utter shit fucking morons
Yeah GRRM posted about it here
there was nothing logical about everyone agreeing to have two starks ruling everything with no issues
Nah, just pretend that the finale of S4 is the series finale, and you're all good.
>Sansa is safe in The Vale
>Arya travels to Braavos to be a Faceless Man
>Jon and Stannis go on to save The North
>Bran eventually becomes the Three Eyed Raven
>Danerys decides to stay and rule in Meereen
>Tyrion escapes to Essos after killing Tywin
>With the loss of Tywin, the Lannisters are essentially defanged
>Tommen and Margary become decent rulers of Westeros
>The White Walkers are stuck yanking their puds on the far side of The Wall