Rocketman getting censored in Australia to try and get less restrictive rating

Rocketman getting censored in Australia to try and get less restrictive rating

>The Classification Review Board has received an application to review the classification of the film Rocketman.

>Rocketman was classified MA15+ (Mature Accompanied) with the consumer advice ‘Strong coarse language’ by the Classification Board on 5 April 2019. A subsequent modified version was submitted and was classified MA15+ (Mature Accompanied) with the consumer advice ‘Strong coarse language’
by the Classification Board on 16 May 2019.

Attached: Rocketman_%28film%29.png (250x370, 177K)

It looks fucking awful to begin with

Australian media ratings are mind-bogglingly retarded.
>too graphic?

You're not wrong

Someone must have a vulgar mouth in the film to get MA15+ on language alone

It's not that, they just didn't say it was rated like that because of the gay sex.

Then it would have said :strong sex scenes"
Probably someone said cunt a couple of times.

For context, the King's Speech only got a M (Mature Audiences recommended) even with Colin Firth yelling fuck a dozen times in quick succession

I just don't get the appeal. I didn't get the appeal of that Queef movie, but knew it would be a minor success due to shithead redditards. But Elton John?

Wouldn't be as bad except it's not even EJ singing; it's Taron. At least with Bohemian Rhapsody you got the actual Queen songs.

Thats because its fucking Colin Firth. Its impossible for the man to be profane.

It was enough to get an R in the States, though

I've listened to Peter Schickele's lecture on Elton John and have some musical appreciation for him; his lesser-known works are actually quite good. But everything anyone associates with "Elton John" is fucking ghastly

MPAA is a baptist nutcase

Hopefully they handle it better, and more tastefully, than the Queen movie
>heres how Freddie turned gay
>few minutes of music
>he was gay, by the way
>few more minutes of music
>did you know that Freddie Mercury was gay and had homosexual relations with men?
>more music
>..did we mention he was gay?
>musical ending

Attached: 36.jpg (355x400, 46K)

Even better, it's 'voluntary' except you can't get anything into a theatre in the States without an MPAA rating

At least in the UK and Australia it makes more sense since film classification is done by a government body, hence legal ramifications if cinemas showed unrated stuff.

So an accurate portrayal of a fag musician?

Doesn't Elton literally get raped in it?


>Yet another movie about a washed up flamboyant faggot singer is going to be a big hit

Why doesn't a meteorite just kill us all?

who gives a fuck about elton john?\horrible idea for a movie
i guarantee they'll heavily underplay Bernie Taupin's role in the music. not only that, but it's going to be the same cookie-cutter bullshit that starts off with Elton John playing a hit at some gay ass red piano Las Vegas show, cut to Elton's face.*record scratch* well you're probably wondering how I got here.
Then we get some bullshit childhood story about his parents and how they wanted him to do other stuff and then he plays a show and magically finds out he's got "it" but doesn't quite have "it" enough until he meets his songwriter at which point cue the touring the UK montage...
Yes I'm mad.

>Aussies can't claim they have the bantz

wait a tic, since when did spoilers not work on Yea Forums or did 4chanx eat cock


When I was in Australia in the late 90s they used to swear on the the news.