>watch GoT finale
>yawn and disappointed
>watch AoT episode
>emotionally overwhelmed
>shed manly tears for these fictional brave soldiers
>watch GoT finale
>yawn and disappointed
>watch AoT episode
>emotionally overwhelmed
>shed manly tears for these fictional brave soldiers
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck out of here with your animu shit, nigger!
>watching AoT instead of reading it
The adaptation is a joke
i shiggy any of you call them the scouts instead of their correct name, the Survey Corps
AoT and GoT are both absolute shit.
more white men in japanese shows than american shows lmao
I wonder what celebrities think when they lurk and see themselves in these memes.
Ban evasion and spamming is against the rules OP
Sex gifs
Basement kino soon
True basement kino comes at the end of season 4
>See people saying AoT is good now
>Did what GoT should have done
>Go watch s3 ep15 and 16
>It's still typical weebshit
>Two whole episodes but basically only 10minutes of content
>Wow we killed him
>Oh no he signaled his friend
>Let's try use power of friendship to talk our old friend down
>Waaaah it didn't work
>Oh no he transitioned
>We can't do anything I don't know what to do what do we do captain ughhhhhh help me guy
>Next episode
>Ok let's do something
>Let's run at him to try take him down
>Ok look it's the monkey guy he's throwing rocks
>Okay let's charge at him so professional slayer can jump Titan to Titan to try kill him
>power of friendship
Nice bait, got me to reply
It is because you are 12
>skip all the episodes and buildup
>wtf why am I not getting into this
Age of Thrones?
*the Yeagerist
But that's literally what Armin tries to use on bearholt
I think Attack on Titan only has one asian character, and she's a hapa. It's a bit weird tbqh because the show is set in Madagascar.
He was buying time for Mikasa to cut Bert's head off, did you even really watch it?
Tell me how AoTdelivered on anything?
Aot manga>everything
He was doing no such thing, he was just lucky Mikasa followed.
Armin did not plan for Mikasa to come, he's a cowardly fucking brainlet
Be honest with yourself, AoT is one of the largest failures of anime in he past decade.
Literally nothing happens FOR YEARS
>2d reddit garbage vs 3d reddit garbage
the ed song of season 2 is goat though
Enjoy it while it lasts. It turns to shit later just like GoT.
Holy shit you fucking incel he even tells Armin that he knows what he's doing
Like in the future? idk mang I haven't read the gay manga yet
What really struck ME was the huge gulf in tactical thinking between the two. Going from the Battle of Winterfell to Reiner choosing between Eren and the horses was like night and day. In AoT the characters are thinking several steps ahead of the viewers, in GoT it's just facepalm city.
Well, Dany explaining to Tyrion exactly how Jon betrayed her was good.
for real though S1 of attack on titans was unexpectedly brilliant and I was on the edge of my seat.
S2 had crummy artwork, bad editing (if that's the right term for a cartoon) and was just a sort of mooshy supernatural soap opera. As soon as they introduced a bunch of other titans it became just another giant robot anime with meat suits instead of robots.
Yes, bearholt knows he's trying to talk him down.
Armins literally crying like a bitch because the altercation with renner happened too quick for Armin to try negotiate peace, so that's what he was trying to do with bearholt literally trying with the power of friendship angle
Typical that an AoT fan can't even understand their own fucking show
Actual superior anime adaptation incoming
Did you miss the part where Armin is a psychopath
Let me spoil it for you because I'm up to date on the manga but haven't kept up with the anime cos it's so boring.
Nothing happens.
Timeskip, all the main cast still alive, people playing politics when they could literally nuke the places with transitions instead.
Utter garbage.
Are anime-only normies even prepared for Eren "Punished" Jaegar?
you don't even know what 'power of friendship' is
power of friendship is when you magically get a power boost from your friendship to overcome something that was impossible before. this is just them trying to appeal to the friendship they had, i mean they used to live and risk their lives fighting the titans together for fuck sake.
It's been shit since the main character got titan powers. The fact that they are jews on madagascar is secondary. It doesn't matter, it's just been cascading shitty decision after shitty decision.
They've already dropped it in droves. When they realize everything they've known is a lie and not even a good one, a boring shitty one they'll all finally stop watching it.
The current arc is pretty fucking good, but most people will probably be put off the lack of mindless action in favor of character development.
Pic related, new best boy.
Stop replying to the obvious bait.
you summed it up pretty well
now in the manga they have started eating eachothers titans to get powerups and theres big hints of a mcguffin for more titans from space
typical weebshit
I really reallllyyy hate the censoring they are doing this season, fucking cucks
>Reminder that Isayama is revealing the entire final chapter at an art exhibit, despite it being far away
>Even manga-only fags will need to avoid spoiler now
Buy the BD goy
The end of SnK is probably like a year away
>we'll never get scenes like this in the anime
Spoiler warning fyi.
Yeah and the exhibit is in a month or too unfortunately.
I thought it was set in an alt version of germoney.
would a braindead anime only even know what character that is supposed to be?
so good to be a jojo fag right now
Jews. On. Mada. Gas. Car.
so he actually does it?
but zeke is still alive in the manga, what happened
They should I think? I haven't kept up with the anime, only the manga.
>projecting suicidal trainwreck with every mental disorders known to men
>best anything
Didn't he get put in a Titan stomach or mouth to help him heal faster?
>finally got to part 3, the thing everyone says is the best thing ever
>it's boring, jotaro doesn't do anything except win no matter what, dio has none of his part 1 charisma where he was the only interesting character
Part 4 is fun so far tho...
>Anime only fags don't know how fucking complex AOT is.
Commit hero you fucking faggot.
Reiner had a hard life.
It doesn't matter. The main characters are literally post WWII germans.
Nah if you look at the world map in the manga, Paradis is clearly Madagascar.
>Literally have german names
>Tried to exterminate everyone who wasn't "eldian"
>Literally the entire world worked together to bring them down
>Threated like shit even if most of them are innocent
How does it feel to be so fucking retarded?
It helps that Isayama is miles ahead of the show, and SnK is way less complicated than ASOIAF.
Holy fucking shit onion how fucking stupid are you?
Shit i didnt know part 2 came out thanks for telling me op
>Tried to exterminate everyone who wasn't "eldian"
That's obviously Marleyan propaganda, though. They claim the Eldians carried out genocide against the Marleyans for 1700 years, if that was even remotely true then the Marleyans would have died out long ago. The eldians weren't good, but it's pretty clear that a lot of what's said about them is bullshit.
Just finished season 2, goddamn this is a great show
Is Survey Corps the most badass fictional military force?
you're talking like he knows what's an 'eldian' and know anything about the AoT world.
he's probably animeonly-fag who haven't experienced the basement-kino and know nothing past Maria Wall
Survey Corps is mostly composed of jobbers who exist to make the Ackermans look good
they are all just so fucking brave
A lot of that is his own fault, like when he remained a soldier knowing his father will never recognize their family or when he forced his friends to perform the mission
if you didnt like part 2 then jojo's isnt for you
but i consider part 1 and 3 to be the weakest parts, followed by 4
here, have a sneak peak of a good fight in part 5
Isn't the Survey Corps mostly made up of people not good enough to make the top 10 of their class (and get into the MP) and too stupid/suicidal to join the Garrison
Nigger what? The Royal family escaped because they got tired of the war. There is literally no evidence that it was only propaganda but every evidence that it wasn't.
They are fucking germans post WWII, not fucking jews.
>some esl retard is trying to assert himself above anyone else
Why are you even here?
this kinda reminds me of the red wedding for reasons
>Ackermans are unbeatable in battle
>killed(?) by some random shit
It kept getting better as it went on brainlet
there german
>Imagine not seeing VILLAIN Eren for years to come
Anime only fags are God's mistake.
I never said I didn't like part 2. In fact, my post didn't even mention part 2. It's just for years I was told part 3 was the best thing ever and I hated reading through it.
he was always the best character
>Nigger what? The Royal family escaped because they got tired of the war. There is literally no evidence that it was only propaganda but every evidence that it wasn't.
That war was started by infighting within the eldian empire and then a marleyan rebellion. If the eldians had genocided the marleyans, there wouldn't be any marleyans to rise up. I can buy that they were a brutal expansionist empire that oppressed other peoples, but the notion that they were flat-out exterminating all non-eldians is ridiculous given how long this should have gone on.
>not fucking jews.
I never said they were jews.
yeah, just saying that because your post made it sound like you forced your self to part 3 and endup dissapointed
i mean part 3 is a nice journey whit an epic finally that is totally worth it, but people do hold it too much like the best of jojos, when is only like the top 5 (for me at last)
AoT is so fucking stupid and i mean the manga also
tell me why, these great tacitions who think so far ahead thought that it would be a good idea to blow up double the number of walls neccesary to enter?
Why dont they go through the way in pic related, only 3 walls to explode instead of 6, also because its away from the inner towns it will take longer for military reaction
>literally a race of people who made a pact with the devil who put up a wall around their shitty little nation
>correctly persecuted by every other nation
>"omg you guys they aren't jews they are germans!"
the fuck is wrong with you?
>Imagine still being so absolutely mad about losing WWII that you attempt to self-insert into the crystal clear expies of your victims
tell me about the basement
this shit is so gay
There are like half a dozen attacks through the walls during the series, you're going to have to be way more specific about which one you're talking about.
Again I need to point out that even the japanese empire admits that the entire world hates them for what they've done.
At this point the only thing you can bring up is "ok but maybe it's bullshit"
>I never said they were jews.
Oh, sorry user my bad. I guess I confused you with that faggot.
Attack on Titan has also seen a terrible decline. The current arc is boring as fuck and deals with subverting expectations as well.
The art is pretty shit in the manga to be fair.
>Again I need to point out that even the japanese empire admits that the entire world hates them for what they've done.
I'm not saying people shouldn't hate the eldians for what they did. I'm only saying that the shit about them trying to exterminate everyone who's not them is obviously bullshit. You can be a brutal, evil empire and not try to exterminate everyone. Japan being a pretty good example, they had no problem slaughtering millions but it's not like they were out to exterminate every Chinese/Korean.
not a devil you fucking idiot
the king wanted to get his family and people AWAY from the constant warring that was caused by political jews tryingto cause constant infighting to profit off the war machine, the king wanted OUT
Are you retarded? There are colossal titans through the length of all the walls EXCEPT in the gates, which is why they were targeted by BRA.
If its the MCs ancestors are the ones who made titans to begin with and the attackers are just using what they made, I guessed that after season one, and thought it was basically confirmed end of s2
>he didnt watch/read the anime/manga
Because you failed to understand what the mangaka wanted to write. AoT isn't a "walking dead survival" story, but a story of a secret war between an isolated country and the entire world who hate the race of this country MASKED as a walking dead survival story.
The mangaka literally inted everything since chapter 1.
im talking about from the very fucking start
they could have used the collousus titan to breach a hole in the middle of nowhere and potentially even kept the element of surprise
then they could have done it again on the other side, letting more random titans in
then again on another side, spreading the surey corps far and wide
then when they are spread, make a beeline straight for the capital
1. The walls are literally made of colossal titans
2. The warriors aren't attacking to destroy the people behind the walls, they're trying to recover the coordinate and the attack titan
they are dormant, they dont do anything
The walls were created to cage the people inside until they are eventually exterminated, not to protect them
>One fucking member of the race sold her soul therefore all the others must have done the same just like the fucking jews
>Implying Germany didn't want to do the same thing minus the walls
>Implying that even in manga anyone would dare to paint the nazis as the real good guy who never did anything wrong
Now faggot how about my points:
>Literally have German names
>The whole world persecutes them for something their ancestors did
>Literally most of them are fucking aryan
>They fucking look like germans and look nothing like fucking jews
>Literally created the fucking Ubermensch
>Literally worshipping viking related Goddess
At this point I will comfortably say that you are a fucking retard
Because of picrel.
>the coordinate
muh mcguffin
The city's door are the only place where the wall is not filled with the colossal titans, plus they needed to bring chaos to find out where the king was (or better the FT shifter)
For what purpose? Say they make it to the capital, what then? They still don't have what they came for. The warriors were meant to infiltrate. The initial attack with Bert and Reiner was just cover so BRA could sneak in behind the walls.
If you're trying this hard to make real-life parallels, do you have some explanations for why everyone in Marley seems to be white even though it's just Africa?
But they would be awaken by sunlight and act as regular mindless titan, father nick literally said that back in S 2.
I know, thats what makes it so great
if there is anyone who would paint the germans as the good guys is japan
i mean, im pretty sure they are the only ones that denie the holocauste more than this site
>comparing anime to tv show that solely exists to give normalfags something to post on Twitter about
frankly I haven’t watched either show and just got bored of Yea Forums but after seeing this I’m going back
Only good parts of JoJo is part 1 and part 2
The 3 of them only have enough stamina for one attack after losing Jaw
>Imagine being such an onion fag that you live in denial because you don't want to admit that the main characters are literally the nazis
Fucking yikes back to weddit with you faggot.
>do you have some explanations for why everyone in Marley seems to be white even though it's just Africa?
It's almost like there is a place called South Africa.
I mean that's a fair point but Isayama isn't that 2 dimensional. Eren just literally committed mass murder for example.
>mfw skipped 1 and 2 because no stands
>frankly I haven’t watched
I love when a Yea Forums critique of something has this line in it
Kill yourself you fucking nigger
>chinese cartoons
Read a book, zoomer nigger.
>Jew written shit is better I promise
Fucking neck yourself faggot.
For the love of God stop posting AoT on this redditnigger pedoboard. These waifufaggots will only make the Yea Forums threads even worse if they migrate. There's enough lunacy in those threads as it is. Slit your wrists or stop.
>unironically watching this deus ex machina fest
Everything post the betrayal has been shit
Hamon was way cooler
stands are just glamorized pokemon bullshit
>tfw based narrator disappears from the show
I really hope they bring back the over the top voice acting if/when SBR gets adapted
Scouting Legion came before "Survey Corp" in the early translations before all the official stuff came out so it's the real one
This show jumped the shark when Erin suddenly got titan powers out of the ass. He's also retarded thanks to the retarded author.
>Erin suddenly got titan powers out of the ass..
so you know absolutely nothing about the story and the world. gotcha.
The civilians were deliberate sacrifice by Marley to begin with. Eren would be retarded to not kill the VIPs gathering there and get the first strike
>It's almost like there is a place called South Africa.
South Africa was never even majority white, let alone 100% white. Everyone in Marley looks European.
The story has the same tropes as thousands of other animes, the most common being the MC gets super powers. In case it isn't obvious to you, the screenshot I've posted illustrates how retarded the MC is. Anyone who continues watching the show after this scene has room temperature IQ.
Nigger do we have titans in our fucking world? Just because the races are basically the same it doesn't mean they need to be located in the same place.
Besides, we only saw a small portion of Marley thus far.
like i said, you know nothing about the story and the world.
stop replying to bait you fucking redditor
>superpower for MC
>explanation of the origins of the titans is underwhelming and couldnt live up to the hype
>the MC is still a faggot who wins everything trough asspulls
>everyone is now a titan
Its fucking shit
Git good in battle =/= win trought asspulls.
Eren literally became stronger due a massive training, than he got the warhammer titan after literally eaten the previous shifter after a long and difficult battle.
Also everyone can be titans? Only 9 people have the power to shift into titan (7 since eren eated the WH and his father eated the Founfing)
The mc in the manga is literaly the weakest of all the 9 shifters , than after 4 years he became strong and smart to actually win a fight alone
>just read a synopsis about everything else that happens in the manga
Holy shit that’s retarded
>shit quality 10 fps CGI colossus with shitty unnatural animations
>3 minutes of closeups of people with their mouth open and their iris shaking
>3 minutes of flashbacks to previous episodes
AoT is even more reddit and gay to be honest and you should kill yourself. And this is coming from someone who never watched a single episode of GoT.
You're gay dude
>about to get blown the fuck out by the hammer
>oh no deus ex mikasa is here to save the day
>got better at fighting
So ever day we have a hunter x hunter, snk, or Evangelion thread
You're way too invested in this imageboard. stop roleplaying as the janitor and have sex, incel.
hahaha that fucking dopey english
I think Erwin’s speech before the charge and his death was the best part of the manga, did it air? I haven’t seen the anime yet
That user is probably south american, shonen anime tends to be crazy popular among latino weebs.
>the MC is still a faggot who wins everything trough asspulls
Eren mostly gets his ass kicked though, the only fight he actually won 1v1 was the second time he fought Annie.
Only in the anime, in the manga he just managed to survive in that fight
Im italian you burger morons
Literally the latest episode, which aired yesterday
End of the latest episode
Having people turn into titans is retarded even by shonen standards.
>Eren literally became stronger due a massive training
Lol, just like the Saiyans in Dragonball. Anime is a fucking joke, man.
What is wrong with the "island" plot twist?!
I tought it was great and one of the best plot twist ever, it was inted since the very begging and have literally opened an entire world and a deep progression of the entire story , marley arc is literally the best arc right now!
>transforming into a giant monster is not a superpower
Training for 4 years as fighter and control your power is different from "muh sayan genes and muh ki/chacra"
It's the same shit. The Saiyans trained in the hyperbolic time chamber where one year in the chamber = one day outside.
They train in dbz too
Only 9 people can use the powers, and only after eat the previous shifter alive.
GoT sucks dick now but there's no way i am watching some animu. I rather shoot my face with a shotgun than listen to all the screeching and badly acted and written melodrama.
>screeching and badly acted and written melodrama.
So, GoT?
>>shed manly tears for these fictional brave soldiers
This is realistic training where you became good in regular CQC and strategy, not impossible phisical attacks or laser beam
I fucking hope Eren dies for saying he hates Mikasa.
Turning into a giant isn't realistic.
AoT is horribly overrated. And it doesn't even go as edgy, Gantz and Berserk did that better.
It's pretty much Attack on Reddit at this point.
The Island isn't really the twist, it's the fact humanity is alive and flourishing elsewhere and is at a WW1 level of tech
the newest season has been a very close adaptation of the manga chapters actually if you ignore the ps2 era cgi Colossal Titan, that is
It's pretty damn good. But I'll agree that the manga is worth it, specially after this arc
It would've been cooler if it stuck with the tone of the first few eps.
Meaningless buzzword
GoT is calm and subtle whereas in AoT you can't go a minute without some character shrieking till they damage their vocal cords.
the titan power will soon be obsolete. that's the reason Marley sent the warriors to retrieve Founding Titan power from within the wall to buy a time.
Marley relied too much on using the titans as a weapon of destruction and this caused their technology to develop slower than the rest of the world.
The rest of the world now has far superior air technology and artilleries that can easily get rid of the titan.
There's nothing realistic about the combat in the show, especially the 3D movement crap.
Just turn the volume down, I know autists are startled by loud noises.
Dont expect incels to know what friendship is
t. Araki
Anime was made for autist
He is rescued by the Cart titan, or whatever its name was. The one that was carrying shit and bringing him rocks earlier.
you can't understand the show if you're an incel sorry
Honestly you have to be pretty much brain dead to enjoy a game of thrones episode
You can't appreciate anime on a deeper level if you aren't an incel, sorry.
pretty sure that was the second fight, Zeke got away after pic related happened.
fuck off netflix shill, take your capeshit anime back to le ddit
Giant people, which are the premise of the fucking series aren't realistic either, and the post was about realistic stuff you can do on top of fantasy, so what's your argument here anyway?
Stop being so pedantic, the method of becoming stronger by doing real life training of martial arts is perfectly reasonable, this is meant to make (You), the viewer, understand that this isn't a setting where you can just rush into danger unprepared and hope for the best, as shown by Eren getting his ass kicked over and over again until he steps back and approaches situations more methodically.
My arguement is shifting is dumb. Giants being created isn't.
Both the anime and source material are shit.
But only 9 people can shift, since their titans were part of the original one. The titan shifter power is unique and unreaplicabke since all the 9 titans (cartman,colossal,armored,beast,attack/advancing, female,warhammer,jaw and founding) are unique and part of the original entity.
Their weapons were giant box cutters...
>potentially even kept the element of surprise
They didn't want the element of surprise, they wanted the FT to show up and stop them. It was meant to be a snatch-and-grab mission.
Because that kind of blade are perfect to slash the nape, destroing the core/eldian shifted and killing the mindless titan in the process
adolescence is denying the necessity the mcguffin
They can only break through the gates.
>I don't like X because it's popular
Overrated doesn't mean you hate it because it's popular, it means you hate it because it doesn't live up to the hype.
the hype is the popularity
100% CORRECT. Still the best show on television.
what, are you afraid of being a little bit fabulous/fierce?
>top 10 characters women will never understand