Post Normie Tears from Tumblr or Twitter
Game of Thrones Normie Tears
Other urls found in this thread:
>an actual salt thread that won’t get deleted
Jannies pls leave us alone
Bran manipulated all the events so the children may at last get their revenge. That was the reason
My ex is still lying in bed and unwilling to talk to anyone, lol.
shes better in the books
You just know at least one of these people has a tweet where they mocked the fans who didn't like the writing in Nu Wars and said the franchise doesn't belong to white male nerds anymore. Their meltdowns are very satisfying.
>is literally the captain of the kings guard
>THE first female knight
Just read one of the 50 GoT threats there is on Yea Forums. Plenty of normie tears here.
>Plenty of normie tears here.
My sweet summer child, normies, by definition, don't post on Yea Forums. As soon as you post here you are an incel NEET. No exceptions.
lol, you wish. we have the occasional brad posting here
How could they do this to YAAAAS KWEEN?!
Image being this guy
>White people allow children to watch degenerate shows
Why did these retards like her? Her entire bloodline was batshit insane.
Do some of these people realize that Dany's parents were brother and sister?
>niggers give there toddlers marijuana and post it to snapchat
These make up for so many bad episodes
At this point hating on GoT has become a meme. Normies have adopted the mindset that
>what I wanted to happen didn't happen = it was shit
every is acting like buttassed catladies complaining about everything. they hate on GoT, which is the right thing to do, but they do it for all the wrong reasons while most of the legit reasons why they should hate it just fly over their heads
HAHA holy shit
>White people allow children to watch degenerate shows
My friend let his 11 year old sister watch the show when it started. She's 19 now though, so I guess it's all cool?
this is one of the better ones
She has never watched fox news in her life
lol they thought that the imperialist queen who murdered thousands of people without trial in the name of "liberation" was a hero, and not a neocon villain who's been a villain since season 1. These people are legit retarded
>wahhh Jaime now bad because he didn't Disney finale with Brienne! What was the point of his character development
Fucking women. Jesus Christ. He was redeemed the moment he temporarily left Cersei and fulfilled his obligation as human being and went North to fight for the living. The fact that he went back to Cersei doesn't change that. He NEVER said he loved Brienne. Seriously, he makes Brienne a favor so that she won't die a virgin and let her be fucked by a chad and people are mad? Of course he went back to Cersei, those two have a stronger connection that anyone in the show
>Arya leaving to the west is probably the best ending anyone got
>shits on it
Wasn't the point from the start that Arya could never be a proper lady?
Someone should make a
>oh, man... he's just like me!
edit of this
Three Eyed Raven becoming king seems like the reason behind all that stuff, people who are too dumb for GoT should be castrated and put in forced labor camps if you ask me
seems mostly reasonable
Some people on Tumblr are actually redpilled.
Does it include fixing S5-7? If not then it's pretty pointless.
>t. pure showfaggotry
>Seven Kingdoms broken up
>But there still should be Queen on the North tho
>Implying someones not gonna come around and start conquering shit
These people really are a type of sub-species.
Why do normies idolize fictional characters so much? Idolize your fucking parents, not some roastie in a fantasy TV show.
>still searching and picking out SJW shit
The reaction from conservatives and liberals (and "enlightened centrists") have been the same, that it was fucking shit. Bookfags hated it the most. The people who liked it the most are casuals who only caught a few episodes here and there so they don't give a fuck if they get to see some cool CGI dragons.
This is a weird franchise outrage because most people who were invested in it were let down no matter their politics. Yes there are some landwhales and faggots who hated it for politics but there are just as many landwhales and faggots or more who loved it because YAAAAS KWEEN Sansa was Kween in da Norf and her character and outfits are all they cared about, just like there are /pol/ who hated it because Arya killed the NK and Jon's not king and pol/ who loved it because either "SJWs BTFO" or fapping to Nazi Dany. But most people didn't like it no matter their politics.
>1 out of 4 is a woman
i could understand if it were 1 in 10 or 1 in 20, but 1 out of 4? come on
>making Arya leave
she chose to leave you stupid bitch, she could be living in a castle with Gendry if she wanted
>equating killing slavers to city-genocide
it was never meant to be equal, it was to show Dany slowly losing more and more of her moral compass. And before KL she burnt the Tarley prisoners of war too
>complaining about men when the north now has a queen
its pretty boring.
Why would people care about a show this much. Care about something worthwhile like gambling debts.
pretty good video desu
I pretty much stopped watching Game of Shits after Season 2 and designate anyone who keeps watching it instead of settling for the books since then as brainlet subhuman garbage not worth anyone's time or energy.
i feel like writing your own chapter in a book about knights isn't very knightly
reminder that women can be based af when they aren't poisoned by idpol ideology
>season 2
season 4 was the peak imo
It's hot garbage, sappy shit
>Jaime isn't a meanie to a woman
>muh Kelly C isn't really evil, she doesn't really die
Doesn't address any of the actual issues, which do not have anything to do with the fate of the characters, only with the execution and how it was written.
These people are just mad because their favorite feminist self-insert didn't get a good end.
Ygritte didn't burn a city to the ground
pretty solid overall
I wish I was a Jew. It most be fun trolling the goyim.
I wanna sniff her feet
Nah, Season 3 already showed signs of deviations and retardations so i abandoned ship instead of pointlessly elevating my expectations until they inevitably throw a barrel of turd and piss all over it. It's a higher peak in the books.
>White trash parents just let the tv raise their children
>they grow up to be an emotionally unstable crybaby who can't deal with a tv show having shitty writers
Sad. Many such cases.
Only stupid people need characters to look similar to themselves to be able to empathize. Really bothers me.
Danerys is a fucking conquerer. Why don't they understand this ? It's fine when she's freeing slaves but going to Westeros is pure ego. Seeing people in real life support Dany because it's her "right" to rule Westeros is unamerican as fuck
>mfw I've spent that last 8 years watching good HBO series
>killing dirty civilians in a middle eastern shithole isn't the same as killing innocent white civilians
Absolutely based Blogpost
Cry more you fat uggo, you won't meet Jaime irl
well, maybe daenerys would've had a happy ending if she had married a nice man and given him kids instead of being a single 40 year old neurotic
>look this dude up
>he argues that the lannisters are the trumps
>allmighty king: disabled person
>a person with dwarfism leads change into constitutional monarchy
>a weight challenged person suggests democracy
>the only independent kingdom ruled by: woman
>white man banished into caves across the wall
>by the sandnigger
>right-wing propaganda
>abortion enthusiast
The fact that it took 4 seasons for normalfags to realise that the writing is shit invalidates their opinion about anything from this show. Like, these people were okay with
>sand snakes
>teleporting characters
>character butcher of stannis
>making littlefinger retarded to kill him off
>giving bran that vision thing creating fuckton of plotholes
>forced romance between jon amd danny
>serious characters becoming comedic relief characters
>battle of winterfell
>arya killing the night king
I could go onand on
God the niggerspeak is unbearable.
Never thought I'd be defending fucking D&D but here I am.
>all these retards sperging out about a 18 year girl blog entry
Does this slit-jiggling thundercunt not realise that a) Brienne was honoring his memory and b) you don't get into the Book of the Kingsguard is you're not a fucking Kingsguard?
Probably not. Fucking NPC.
>internet feminist
Uhhh... racist much?
>Danny did amazing things for 8 seasons
Such as?
>grew up as an obnoxious whore because she based her personality on a tv series
thanks d&d
>He was redeemed
Takes more to be redeemed for the kind of fuckery Jaime is guilty of than doing the right thing for once in your life.
>Bet their mind are more worser than Dumb and Dumber
Literally obsessed
Fucking women. This was one of the few parts in the ending they didn't actually fuck up and women complain.
based african queen.
>Claims to have read the books
>Still thinks Dany 'earned' anything
>Still thinks Dany would make a good rules
>Still thinks Dany going balistic and killing a bunch of people is somehow out of character
Book Dany is a character ruled entirely by her emotions, which is fine and believable, she's a 14 year old girl after-all.
But the point is, she really doesn't have much of a clue what the fuck she's actually doing or trying to accomplish, she thinks that if she just kills all the "bad" people then everything will be great.
>OP asks for normie tears
>people post insane SJW tears
She types like she fucks white guys
According to Yea Forums, doesn't every normie = an SJW?
>Still thinks Dany 'earned' anything
This is the one that gets me and it's so bizzarre to see it being repeated by rationalizing Danyfags even here.
She "earned" it.
She "worked for it".
She "learned how to be a ruler".
When exactly did that happen over the six seasons she spent having everything handed to her on the basis of being le dragon heir and resolving every problem she faced through DRACARYS'ing it?
It's fine user wildlings are white and therefore privilleged it's just satire punching up.
I would change it to having rhaegal and missandei die during the attack on king's landing, thus giving a slightly better reason to have Dany fly into a murderous rage.
Also don't have them ring the bells easily, make it so they only ring after she fucks up the city a bit and then she refuses to accept the surrender.
Hatch 3 beasts that were extinct for hundreds of years and were formally used to conquer the seven kingdoms, raise a sizeable army, acquire ships, sail to the west and literally help save the world.
She may be a bitch but denying her feats is outright moronic.
>Dany is ruled by her emotions
>Dany is an entitled narcicist
>The Targs are colonizers that no one in Westeros ever actually wanted
Pretty based
Though it's funny that I've been making these arguments for the past half decade but when I say it it's only because I'm a fucking white male sexist piece of shit.
Give me the tl;dw why everyone is upset I don’t watch this shit but everyone is butthurt
Never watched the show but read most of the books years ago.
I remember Daenarys being a petulant little cunt who cried and stomped her feet and got everything handed to her every time. Everything she did in Slaver's Bay was retarded and should not have worked. Hated the cunt desu, so it's nice to hear about this.
Her chapters are so boring I still haven't read them all.
And when i said "she did" i mean that very loosely, she simply told other people to do things or was handed them by virtue of her birth.
It's not even as if she was an inspiring leader or a brilliant tactician.
What was the Red Wedding of recent politics?
This. I hated Dany chapters because it would just be inane bullshit that didn't have anything else to do with the rest of the story(at that point). She would just be mopey and fuck her mercenary boytoy.
>Get some dragons dropped in her lap entirely because of her heritage
>Everything else is accomplished entirely through those dragons
Very impressive.
She has no charisma, she's not a good ruler, she's not a good statesman, she's not a good tactician. She's not good at anything
She has dragons, that's it.
Finna st8 yeet a nigga! Yeet yeet yeeeet!
Bad writing.
Her later chapters reminded me of when you're playing mount and blade and you declare a kingdom too early so you spend all your time sitting around and using cheat codes.
>think of the children
Based boomer
Niqqa my parents are fuckwits, I idolise other people for legitimate reasons
She means Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun
alternatively based posts which trigger normies
>talking to your ex at all
He's not a sand-nigger, he's an amerimutt nigger. Amerimutts cant even tell their own anymore. Most Americans are mixed with blacks and vice versa.
What makes normies pathetic is that it took them until NOW to realize that she show had turned to dogshit when really it'd been shit for more than half a decade.
This person is just straight up delusional.
But they're right though
When something is so universally hated that it can unite whole political spectrum across the world in its hatred, you know it's bad.
Memes aside it's still weird because people hate it for different reason, yet they all hate it
Why do people keep saying that Jon being a Targaryen didn't matter at all? It's common here too. Dany only went nuts because Jon had the better claim and was adored by everyone around him. I'd say that's important. It also emboldened the treachery of Tyrion, Varys, and Sansa in their schemes against their queen.
They’re right about Jon though, his ending was a disgrace.
If you hate white men, I unironically want you exiled to a hard labor camp in Pakistan for life.
>Danny did amazing things for 8 seasons
This is how you know these niggers are brainlets who didn't actually watch the show and pay any attention. I stopped caring enough to keep watching it live when it went to shit in season five but even I know that every city she "liberated" eventually went to shit one way or another. I think the only one that isn't a complete shitshow is the one where she leaves the med daario guy in charge.
Good you fucking bitch, now go clap for Star Wars. I didn't even grow up with Luke Skywalker as my hero but the way these Godless niggers reveled in people who did being hurt by the character assassination was sickening even as a bystander.
The actor is British, you fucking retard
eggs were gifted
>Raise sizeable army
Mary sue-ting
>Sailing to the west
"Muh destiny"
>helping people to save the world
I give you this. But believing Iron Throne belongs to her is straight up retarded.
based negress
>Greek, Italian, and Desertniggers are all le pure white aryans when it's something good and "not REALLY white" when it's bad
>Groups Catholicism together with the Scandinavians when one of them literally held the other back by murdering fat monks in monasteries and stealing their valuables
stormfront shitters eternally asshurt that they only managed to infect containment boards
Wrong. The show turned to shit in last season. Other season were great.
Have sex incel.
That's not a good post though. The dynamic would be different since she'd be directly connected to the main plot in Westeros. Stuff in Essos could drag at times because it seemed distant from the rest of the story and her enemies were people no one cared about
No, she just raided innocent villages and murdered kids and civilians. She only had a bow and arrow but if she had a dragon it'd be the same shit.
>jew name
>post-wall age
>pronouns in bio
>le quirky jokester
I see no reason to read this faggotry
>Bookfags hated it the most.
The smart bookfags quit the show when they made Robb marry some STRONK WOMYN for TWUE WUB instead of reasons that actually make sense and play into his character.
Every bookfag with any credibility checked out around season 4 when shit went completely off the rails.
Yes please
surprisingly redpilled, even if it's couched in boo hoo muh gibs niggerfaggotry
Of course season 8 receives harsher criticism because this is how it ends. There won't be another season. There is nothing to improve upon. Of fucking course people are complaining more now that we can see the whole finished product. How are you faggots this retarded.
Yea Forums suddenly likes this shit season because everyone else hates it for legitimate reasons. Keep sucking the smegma off D&D's micropenis' you contrarian faggots.
>Dany giving up her claim to the throne
Dany is like the fucking phyiscal embodiment of the concept of entitlement, if she doesn't get to be queen she'd rather burn the whole world down.
There was actually a point in time she just wanted to fuck off happily ever after with Daario but she didn't because she thought he wouldn't like her if she wasn't a queen.
So this Darth Dany who lives and dies for the throne exist purely as means to make her look insane and kill off one of the biggest contenders. It was to set up a nice and clean ascension for Bran to become king after all the dirty work of of seiging the city had already been done.
how come a woman be so fucking based?
>As soon as you post here you are an incel NEET. No
-le ebin internet hate machine ;)
-le internets last boss :0000
-le ebin wizards with pissbottles XD
-le sekrit haxxorz club B-)
fuckin newfags, Yea Forums is mainstream
racist people need them too. The dumbs tend to be racist. Hella white dudes can watch a will smith movie and feel for will smith, but black women are racist as fuck.
He's right for all the wrong reasons
>normies, by definition, don't post on Yea Forums
Don't I wish
This isn't fucking 2006, normies have been here for more than a decade.
It's fine if you're still dicking her
these are all feminist not normies
worst thing about this normies is that I've seen at least 10 people make this identical post
Why do people STEAL Yea Forums?
Why are people THIEVES?
>anons laugh at normies for saying exactly the same things under their real names
>normies hate it so that confirms its terrible
sub 80iq post right here
gods this post was made by a retard
Why do women feel like they need to be represented as heroes in every form of media despite their gender doing pretty much nothing of note ever?
the last post by the retard was pretty entertaining comedic wise.
here, now it's readable
this was a good season, prove me wrong
>normies are hating on it because there wast capeshit enough like S7 (higher rated than S1-3 on IMDB)
>Bookfags are hating on it because the show spoiled the ending they have been waiting to read for a decade
>Tumblr are hating on it because muh Dany
Its just a perfect storm of seeth
>women feel like they need to be represented as heroes (in fantasy)
>their gender doing pretty much nothing of note ever (reality)
you answered your own question
Sex, have it.
It's been funny how the contrarian manbabies of Yea Forums have constantly been changing believes and opinions in reaction to what normies and liberals think.
First they hate Dany because the there's no character development in her turning into the Mad Queen.
Liberal start to hate the YASS MAD QUEEN
And suddenly /tvpol/ love the episode, the show and. based D&D
>Two eyes, two ears, a mouth.
>Just like me!
I'd be more upset that my surname was the sound effect that Goofy makes... for no fucking reason.
This is stupid, it's not at all clear whether which order it should be read in.
Why does everyone on twitter post gifs or pics of black people reacting to everything?
>Sex, have it
Dilate, my dude.
Of all the normie takes I’ve seen this is the only one I agree with. I’m fine with them not addressing everything, but the least they could have done was used precedent to conclude the series instead of just pulling a bunch of shit out of their ass.
were you born with or did you acquire a vagina? only thing i cant decipher from this post
>tumblr memes
Take that shit to Twitter. This is no place for you to refugee to just because your preferred social media platform banned porn.
>only other thing writen on a page about a guy who knighted a woman is that he killed his king
Millenial women are just a special kind of retarded aren't they?
>Monkey make the funny face
We've been laughing at that shit for eons.
kill yourself, Ahmed, you fucking illiterate brainlet
Literal bugpeople to whom the concept of things like love and honour are unfathomable.
Imagine losing an argument so much that your autism drives you to be samefagging this hard
>that image
Nukes. We need nukes.
>People do a lot of stuff in their life which usually turns out to be useless
My life desu.
No, she isn't, books just better describe the dire consequences of her thoughtless action. She literally destroyed the large part of Essos in them.
>wahh wahh i decided to watch a show for 8 years i lost my time fuck you D and D!! someone with a penis killed someone with a vagina! give me back my time its your fault!! im gonna start a useless petition! you forced me to watch your shitty show, karma is a bitch mfs!
That DOES make her a better character.
The show frames her as being basically flawless, it tacitly approves her actions and urges the audience to root for her by glorifying her actions and not showing what she's actually doing.
In the books it's clear to the reader that she's a morally grey character like almost everyone else, she very obviously means well but the books show that good intentions can lead to disastrous consequences.
> equating Meereen S3 with King's Landing S8
That's not "equating", that's showing Daenerys' descent into madness.
> laughing at democracy
This show is inspired by Medieval Europe and the war of the roses and back then YES, DEMOCRACY WAS AN ABSURD CONCEPT. This is one of the few things that D&D respected from the lore.
> the North will never bow
The point is that the North, as a whole, is independent, and the Northerners only recognise the king/queen in the North as their sovereign - and nobody else. That's what "the North will never bow" meansm Has this shitposter even seen S2 and S3?
> Wall
The Wall has a huge hole, it's useless and Northerners and free folk can cross it whenever they want.
> Arya leaves
She made it very clear to Gendry that she isn't "a lady", she won't do what is socially expected.
> men in King's council
It's not like there are many noblewomen left in high positions, and yet, Ser Brienne overcame a millenia-old sexist tradition.
> Bronn is under-qualified
t. definitely didn't watch the show
>that image
Oh the irony.
based schizo
have se...oops sorry ;(
This desu
i like how you cant make an argument
>settling for the books
oh no no no
I have to say as dull as the ending was it was fantastic instead of just having dany smiling on the throne.
If they actually redo game of thrones I hope they have cersei execute everyone as a get fucked
20 replies and none of you even noticed the funniest thing
the issue isn't was her turn justified, the issue is how poorly paced her transition was into the mad queen. Was condensed to a couple of episodes of actually turning, took her father way longer to start burning innocents
Not him, but it appears to me you aren't very good at subtlety. Basically the comic also works backwards, that's what user meant.
the ending was good enough, normies deserve the rope
i hope they stay the fuck away from the lotr prequels
Notice how all of these snippets of little mental breakdowns are of Americans, the most mentally ill 'people' on the planet. You never see this phenomenon across Europe.
I hoped for Jon to kidnap Danny, leave with her to some remote place in the north and tame that crazy beast with some vitamin D. Sadly he didn't even thought about this
it doesnt work backwards
leftists actually care about the things the bitch about, they get mad, cry and do shit about social justice and equality in real life, do u think honk-posters really care about anything, they arent crying because of trump, they arent trying to create a better world, they arent emotionally invested. do u really think they are the same?
It’s the same reason I can’t understand why people get pumped up about superheroes in movies doing some sort of incredible feat. It’s not real. Who cares?
You went too indepth or I was inept at explaining what I meant. It's ironic in the sense Yea Forums behavior is often dictated by their hate towards these people the same way theirs is.
It's not uncommon to see sjw, anti-feminazi/brie larson threads on here, despite being shit we keep bringing it up, having them be relevant
I don't know what y'all niggers are talking about but thanks for mentioning my waifu.
Top cheesefu people!!
>That's not "equating", that's showing Daenerys' descent into madness.
Danny had a clear goal and reason for what she was doing in Meereen. Sight of the one burned baby was enough for her to chain her two "dragon sons", Show never showed how exactly she got from there to burning women and children herself.
Are you really so desperate to shit on lefties, you'll defend D&D shit writing?
This is the sole reason why I will defend S8 to my grave. EVERYTHING they mocked and attempted to humiliate SWfags has now happened to them and they are tasting their own bitter medicine.
>those horrible eyes
>mans hand
hair is fine
Brie Larson has a cute flat ass!
Oh yeah, if you meant 'better' as in 'better fleshed out' then yes, I take it back, I thought you meant morally better.
>people that literally identify as their characters
>people that know its just a show
incel autists have sex
That's how it would've happened one way or another though. Daenerys story arc was literally the only one which was remotely justified.
She's also kinda morally better simply on the account that she's so much younger in the books so she can't be judged by quite the same standards.
That and she isn't so relentlessly fucking smug.
She wasn't a member of the Kingsguard though, how can she write about herself there WTFFF
It absolutely works backwards
no, i explained thst before.
But black people don't look alike that's some uncle Tom bullshit right there.
And because I disagree with you I directly replied to your explanation
A cute!!
1) start in top left corner
2) read right
3) then move one row down when right end is reached
4) repeat from 2 until nothing left to read
>basic rule that serves as the foundation of reading comprehension in the western world is not at all clear
you didnt, feel free to make an argument, dont be affraid
give me a (you) when youre ready
Are you strawmanning a strawman post, you fucking retard?
That's right, you intellectually superior bongtards just get wasted and beat and kill each other in the street over god damn soccer. That's right, soccer. I said it.
Guess I'm racist so. Might as well embrace it.
No, they're complaining because they wanted the YASSS QUEEEAANNN to win in the end, and not because they care about plot consistency or internal logic, good dialogue, etc.
You seriously want an explanation on how "you let the people you hate dictate your behaviour" can be applied to both political sides? Come on man
Holy fuck so a person who looks like you on tv dies so you feel sad? IT'S NOT REAL DUMMY
wow the triggered normies came to us
he cute
Reminder that this is the reason why normies are upset. The writing has been in shambles since season 5, and they only hate it now cuz muh Dany queen got butchered.
no they are complaining because their person didnt win in the end. You stick danny on the thone even after torching an entire city and they would say the people deserved it and that it was a 10/10 masterpiece.
You won't see people getting upset about how they did my boy radmure, the true king, absolutely disgusting.
>it's funny how the one person that Yea Forums consists of kept changing his opinion
bruh, everyone with an IQ of above 75 dropped GoT after they dropped the books. The writing became atrocious.
And now the normies are waking up to what happens after you have 4 seasons with terrible writing: the ending is absolute dogshit.
I have no sympathy for you.
These people make up the "Q rating" that dictates how the series is written.
pathetic shop lmao
Completely agree, I hate all this bullshit about him having "a circle not an arc xD" I find his decision to go back to cersei far more realistic and interesting than if he just did a typical TV redemption arc and went on to kill her or some shit.
And this is coming from someone who hated season 8
heh, well Nathan, it sounds like all of your expectations were truly subverted!
>implying that life has meaning
Overt political/factional mass murder hasn't been trendy for some time. Idk if there are parallels in real life at all. I can't recall anyone attempting to extinguish an entire lineage and allied houses in a single event disguised as benevolent. Maybe in mafia politics.
>blah blah blah... for no reason
shitty normie argument
Bronn is literally the second best choice(the first is Tyrion) to be master of coin. In all these years he learned from Tyrion and the other Lords. He is also a self made businessman in the context of the show. And also is the man that singlehandedly ended thievery and murder when he was in charge of the city guard.
Shitty writing and all he did everything that little finger couldn't do in all these years.
imagine thinking d&d can teach anything
Clearly she’s talking about Rhaegal.
this so much
>Pfft You want me to back up my horseshoe theory bullshit.
>Q rating
What's that, user?
literally just type it into google retard
>f..feminism doesn't mean whe hate men!
God, I can't stand nigger speak.
what the fuck, this is so annoying
read it like a book you dumb cunt
>black got fangirl = based
>white got fangirls = crazy feminist bitches
not good as trump would point out
>All Dany wanted was a family and a home
That's pretty conservative breh
Unironically perfect. Marry me bitch!!!
Saddest thing of all is that these people define themselves and form their lives around an hbo tv shoe.
Actually worse than what we got. Women are really mental midgets
Season 3 was the beginning of the end.
Bookfag here, I actually sold my books after being done with Dance. The fourth and fifth books, and especially the fifth, were a big fucking mess to be honest. Also Robb marrying some random woman and thus causing the Red Wedding (which was going to happen anyway, the North hated the Starks) is there in the books, not only in the show.
Also, if we're speaking of fixing seasons, then start with season 2. But in the end the salt is making me happy, because it is true that if this is the book's ending, since GRRM said he gave an outline of the plot to D&D, then the story did repeat itself with almost the same protagonists. Also bookfags hate Dany, even if the books make her arguably more sympathetic if only for the sole reason that book Dany actually shows emotions.
is it worth it to read the books?
ive only watched the show and it was so disappointing
the books are much better?
is it worth the time?
>the North hated the Starks
she really said this? link
Lel, this. Normies hate the show now, but they hate it for the wrong reasons.
>mfw the finale was about as good as we were gonna get, with the state of the writing since S5
I was in like four threads yesterday trying to defend Edmure. The dingus brothers fucked that character over so hard.
>giving bran that vision thing creating fuckton of plotholes
This happens in the book too. The reason it's so bad in the show is because they didn't explain anything about how it works because they don't really know how it works, nobody but the original author does. But they stopped working with the guy very closely for some reason.
this board throws a fucking fit when the hero isn't a white male.
When you read the books, it becomes quite clear that the original plan for the thing was for it to be a trilogy. The narrative is coherent even if it's nonlinear. However, the thing became a hit for fantasy novel standards and GRRM felt like making the series longer. However, the success of the books also meant he kinda Lucas'd it, meaning his editors can't tell him no because he makes big money now, even more with the show. He never had that much involvement with the show btw, and the episode(s) he wrote were the ones that felt more "ASOIAF" of the bunch.
If you only watched the show, I can tell you only season 1 sticks to the source material faithfully, and even the filler is interesting. But with the first episode of season 2 you'll start seeing deleted/replaced characters, lost plot lines, meaningless filler, etc.
I'd say read the first two or three books. Leave it there if you feel like it's good enough.
I do remember characters talking about how unpolular the Starks were in the North because they had been put there by the Baratheons. The only friends the Starks had were in the swamps. Most people in the North regarded the Boltons as true northmen and worthy of being the leaders of the region.
It's because the story in the books is turning into a "too much cynicism is killing us, we need more faith", which is why magic and mythical creatures start popping up everywhere. You're supposed to LISTEN AND BELIEVE.
IIRC the author is christian, if that matters.
>The North hated the Starks
The fuck are you talking about they loved the Starks because of Ned. Only the Bolton’s didn’t like them.
Getting pissed is fun, bad footy hooliganism ended a few decades ago now it's just comfy swearing at other.
Did you even read the books? The Starks weren’t put there by the Baratheons. They’ve been ruling the North for centuries since before the Baratheons even existed as a house.
The North loved the Starks. So much so that even after Robb's death they fight in honor of their memory, and they all fucking hate the Boltons and only serve under them because they're forced to and most of them have family that were taken hostage after the Red Wedding. I have no clue what books you read dude, this analysis is the equivalent of walking away from LOTR claiming Frodo was an Orc.
She's not wrong, that's actually how it's spelled in the books
>incel neet
Starwmanning is a cheap tactic, try arguments
Normies are bexoming antisemites
We like bad girls that play hard to get and dont throw themselves and over-attach
Sue us
>I do remember characters talking about how unpolular the Starks were in the North because they had been put there by the Baratheons.
you wot m8
This legitimately looks like something out of The Thing
>teleporting characters
This was a season 7 with the legendary beyond the wall episode issue. If you talk about Varys you are a normie because time can pass between scenes. Do you need a Spongebob like transition telling you whenever a few minutes or weeks have passed? If you honestly complain about him "teleporting" you should also complain about Caitlyn traveling between Winterfell, King's Landing and the Vale all in a few scenes over 2 episodes. The rest is true doe.
Damn Jamie is by far the most Chad Chaddington in game of Chads.
I knew a person like this that had a reddit account irl. We all got drunk at a work function and my bro who worked out a ton and hated people pleasing soii straight up told her
“You’re not special. Nobody is, but most especially you”
Good times lol
>tomboy haircut
>You are especially not special
Based bro insult
I have a strange feeling these "wo-men" not only supported Nu-Star Wars but mock and humiliated the old fans who didn't like the subversion, character assassinations, and cynical impression that advocated new always being better. Well, now it has happened to a franchise they love by a character they've been supporting for years. Do you think they finally understand how SW fans feel?
They're just parroting basic bitch stuff that's going to lead to some average schlomo getting jumped every week or so for a few months until the laws come in to protect the ones that are actually pushing it all from top-down. Normies get gankes, some low-class kikes get ganked, the ones at the top come out ahead.
This one's aggravating. The Brienne stuff was one probably the only good part of the end.
Tv is not reality.
It is to these people because they live sheltered, fairy-tale lives where they are the center of everyone’s universe and therefore must be the underdog to fit that narrative.
I bet most of the soye-mongers of reddit who spend all day trying to fulfill their upvote/validation addiction online by posting there think the exact same thing too.
Getting pumped and dumped by chad triggered flashbacks for them. Pay no attention to the shrieks of the roast beef.
Oh it is so satisfying. I didn't like how GoT ended either but that was because it was shit not because it dabbed hard on feminists and niggers.
But it's what they do. They cried about Obama for years and he wasn't even so bad
I will never understand people who idolize and emulate fictional characters as examples they should follow. These characters are not real. Writers can dictate their fate and prove the choices of these characters were correct because these characters usually only exist as a stand-in for the writer's cherished beliefs and perception of the world.
It's like seeing my fellow black people using Wakanda as an example of black excellence. Wakanda is not real. The people who inhabit it shouldn't be taken seriously. Writers can make NK a first-world superpower that conquered the world. Should North Koreans act high and might because they referenced a fictional work?
Why are these considered to be “normal” people here?
All my close tight-but group of friends lift weights, are semi-redpilled on stuff like women, politics, social media, etc and are good people.
What’s being portrayed here are the typical people pleasers you’d find on reddit who have a superiority complex from following a large crowd that they are too afraid to stray from due to being individually inferior. That’s not even “normal” in the slightest. That’s just pitiful.
Stannisfag x Radmurelads crossover?
>do u think honk-posters really care about anything,
For the most part they do. You only mock something if you don't like it. They aren't faggot nihilists like you they actually believe in something.
His AIDS infested ass just took away 20
Dude i watched RoboCop with my dad when I was like 9 and I turned out okay
Cringe but redpilled
memes gradually evolving into literal art. I look forward to to seeing Spurdo in the Louvre
have sex
>tight-butt group of friends
is this a thing now
Leftists are zomboids who follow marching orders. Right has these people too but what sets leftists apart is that their shit is sanctioned for all the favors it does for neocon/neoshitlib corporatist niggerdom. Professors, corporate world, media, tech, intelligence agencies, every fucking sector gets fucked over by their termite-like behavior. Why do you think Occupy Wall Street went from starting out as a decently well-organized information campaign with momentum and suddenly turned into ground zero for the deployment of the progressive stack for the airing of sheboon and dyke grievances when none of that shit had diddly fucking squat to do with economics?
The things you need for a healthy, strong, moral society have all been systematically degenerated for decades. If you say a boy is a boy and a girl is a girl you can be digitally unpersoned to the point of not being able to use your bank account. This isn't the result of a representative government executing the will of its people in a fair manner after meaningful protests. Literally everything is a made-up proxy-war tier bullshit bit of propaganda and anything that isn't gets quashed. Leftists throwing bitch fits and protesting might seem like it has an impact but make no mistake, it's the institutions and the people using them that propel everything forward. The protests are for show. You know this is true because these fags and all other kinds of protestors get thrown off of roofs in countries all over the world. They have no power but what institutions want to allege.
>I have no words
>writes a whole paragraph of words
women are so awful
>I do remember characters talking about how unpolular the Starks were in the North because they had been put there by the Baratheons. The only friends the Starks had were in the swamps. Most people in the North regarded the Boltons as true northmen and worthy of being the leaders of the region.
>I have no words
>Getting pumped and dumped by chad triggered flashbacks for them.
her twitter is just a huge pile of YIKES
but she got fucking told
her replies are basically "I hate men"
>memes gradually evolving into literal art. I look forward to to seeing Spurdo in the Louvre
Wouldn't hold your breath. Every art institution has been subverted into Satanically dishonest bullshittery for ages. I'll link another image about an incredibly prominent art schools degradation from the perspective of a classically trained alumnus in another reply.
hey thanks hoe, you too. tell your daddy all about it while you're at it.
Here's the pic. Very worthwhile read. These niggers and fags need to be dragged out into the streets and beheaded on livestreams.
>no reason
>two of her children
>Her best friend
>Her father figure
>Over half of her armies
>"What exactly did she sacrifice for him?"
People are fucking retarded
Absolute Queen
>>two of her children
pitmoms should be fed to their own dogs
GRRM types with literally one finger, slowly, hunt and peck style. He uses a more arcane spelling of sir, ser. No one complains because s, e, and r are next to each other on a keyboard and that translates to saved time, and when a man writes atrociously slow every second counts.
Why is the word "Ygritte" censored?
wtf I have jungle fever now!
memes aside, she actually is very intelligent for a woman/POC. she has my respect.
lol why are niggers so stupid?
That said, many Americans lack religion or family, and live empty lives devoid of meaning and try to fill it with anything. The end result are unnatural people for whom things like sports, politics, or television shows are their religion. They eat, sleep, breathe some banal piece of culture.
>so basically a victim of abuse perpetuates the cycle of abuse
Yes, basically that, unironically
have sex, incel
she didn't get the W word pass
This is the best one
Such a succint and based post.
Based. Now if you'll allow me I must pray to the magical sky man.
100% autism.
Not even joking, lack of empathy is a dead giveaway.
but who are they saying that too?
your momma ain’t shit
your daddy ain’t shit
then you realize that life is a bitch
with a dirty white tee and some dirty ass kicks
bookfag here
I liked where everyone ends up and will be happy with that ending in the books because it won’t be rushed at all and Gurm can takes as long as he needs to make it all happen organically.
please don’t lump everyone together, it makes you look stupid.