Other urls found in this thread:
I swear these people are subhuman
And they vote.
>tfw dont wathc gayme of cocks
>watch the reactions
Why do you zoomer queers like watching people watching things?
I wish I were jewish just so I could write crap and sell it to normies
That's America for you
This whole place should be nuked.
>Cheering and hooting through a TV series
Awful Americans
>Lannister's send their regards
What the fuck
God is love to firebomb that place and hear their screams as they burn alive
They are all soulless NPCs.
fucking hate these fake normie things
>lets react to normalfags reacting to a shitshow
ok. they all look pathetic and devoid of independent thought. the green haired one looks like she has aged +5 years since last week. staying up passed 11pm and trying to drink like men really is a bad idea for women.
Reported to the FBI. Enjoy prison you freak
Not them, but *cringe*
Please tell us you zoomer queer.
they vote democrat in a blue state their votes don't fucking matter lmao
>actually clapping during the retarded chair scene
You need to go back to red dit.
What a nightmare, imagine having to deal with people like this on a daily basis
>they vote democrat in a blue state their votes don't fucking matter lmao
I live in WA where their kind dominate all politics because there's more of them so people unlike them have no political voice ever. Democracy is mob rule and it ain't pretty.
fuck off you dumb soibar worker
not as big a crowd as last week or usual. anyone else notice?
She was barred for shitting on the floor in the womens bathroom
This is why you will died alone.
If only Jon got winterfell instead of Sansa, I’m almost convinced they’d of jonestowne’d themselved. D&D should’ve finished them off with a total fuck you to all of the woman characters
You can't make threats on the Internet and get away with it.
You just talked to two different anons, user. I didn't make any threats, but I'm not upset at what that guy said either. Freedom of speech.
and everybody clapped
Dany deserved a way more brutal and violent death.
Lmao its fucking uncanny
I hate everyone in there, the big bearded soibois, the tatooed big glasses lesbians, all of them the same
Wait, the fucking dragon is called drogon? I thought this was a show for adults
does the homo in the tight white shirt have an insta?
>raising your glass to toast a fucking tv screen
this seems like such an autistic thing to do. I thought those people were supposed to be normies.
God damn, nothing pisses me off more then seeing people collectively enjoy something. Why don't they watch each episode alone in their room like I do and then spend hours shitposting about it with my friends on Yea Forums?
Your autism doesn't make you better than them
I'm tempted to embrace my inner 1/4th Jew and write for them if it means financial success.
Democrats in Texas would agree
Think of how active their diseases are inside them. What's going to be their average age of death, would you say? I bet most of them never see 40 because of drugs, the rest will become shriveled ghouls begging for spare change when their AIDS;et al has made them too weak to sling beers and booze.
Imagine thinking you should get away with mass genocide simply because you are a cute girl
Imagine being retarded
unironically kill yourself, tranny kike
That channel is going to die fast - and that’s a good thing, here’s why!
Eastern, far northern, and central Washingtonians may as well never vote on state issues because Seattle has the numbers, so same thing, yeah. Seattle controls all WA politics, not Olympia.
Their degeneracy doesn't make them better than me
Maybe you should drop the current system so reds in blue states and blues and red states get a voice.
>mfw looking at them and dany says "i know what is good " and " they dont get to choose"
>literaly telling the leftist how intolerant and insane they are, rigth in their faces on their favorite tv show
That bar just radiates corny douchebag, amazing.
Nice buzzword, enjoying a show like a normie isn't degenerate, just average. What are you really upset about?
I lack armies and nuclear weapons, so no dice, things are staying as they are with the bergs and steins in firm control over every issue until Christ comes back.
>implying that they're aware of any irony or even give a shit if they do
everyone dies alone
You first nigger
I was expecting worse.
Have sex
Have brain
>people drinking out of cans
What the fuck, Americans? Might as well buy a sixpack and drink it your basement.
have ice cream
I fucking hate hipsters. They did help bring down the crime rate in my neighbor due to so much cops protecting them (i live next to niggers). But i fucking hate these npc's more. Look at me with my fake emotions for internet fame and meme status.
die nazi bitch die die die donald trump lady wooohooo *claps*
Don't want any right now. I'm getting a beer to not drink next to precious hipster guys who think acting like homosexual lumberjacks makes them tough.
>you've lived long enough to see even the normalshits finally turn on dany
>it's the """leftists""" that are intolerant, not the people who literally want to send blacks back to Africa and worship Hitler
i wish there was a recording of the guy recording the crowd. i want to see how in their face he is and how hard they're trying not to notice him
>Look at me with my fake emotions for internet fame and meme status.
*stares at you with crossed stick arms*
*me and my tats are wise and you are just nothing*
*no one can grow a beard like mine*
*my hair is styled as if we're in the 1910s-take THAT society!*
and apple pie and DIABEETUS
>And for no reason at all Hitler decided to invade Burlington Bar
>normalfags become the anime nerds they looked down on
The absolute state of american cities
Laughing at the thought of this dump having a bad bed bug infestation due to my vintage clothes and cool furniture I found on a curb.
why does the staircase lead to a brick wall?
It's symbolises the life of a woman and the career of a social studies major
My First Prison, by Mattel.
indeed, no one should have to live in an african country, it is inhumane. it's a basic human right to live in white countries with white people to take care of you.
So they all sit at this bar for an hour watching this shit and not one of them says "can I have a pint please mate" or "you got any peanuts?"
Is it a real bar?
is this a dorm room or an office space?
I think I found it. Costs $35 per night per person. Honestly expected it to be more expensive desu
>with the bergs and steins in firm control over every issue until Christ comes back
Great economic collapse in 2030-2040. It's the future capitalists choose, get hype.
Name 1 (ONE) reason to vote Republican besides gun rights, lower taxes, and anti-immigration policies. Go.
Fuck Yea Forums is garbage now.
These threads hit bump limit just tells you everything you need to know about modern Yea Forums.
Fuck you all for ruining this board. Pathetic little shits. You shouldn't have sex because that will fix your problems so just fucking wallow in your own fucking misery curl up into bed and die you cunt faced whores.
That’s not bennings!
I can't believe they cheered at her death
there were definite NOOOOOOs
these people are 100iq npcs
Not being a reddit faggot like you?
Name one reason to vote democrat aside from more gibs and legalising drugs and beastiality
This is what happens when you become an SJW, you become so infantile you cheer and woot at the television like a nigger
>everyone who is against leftist fascism is a nazi
Where can I get those glowy cups
>gun rights
That's all the reason I need. Soon I'll have constitutional carry in my state and I'll be allowed to conceal my handgun wherever I'm at and there's nothing you can do about it.
daily reminder fascism is reactionary and only emerges as a bulwark against socialist uprising
same shit happened with the reichstag
>takes head off
>schwarzenegger appears
>wtf are you laughing about
did anyone else hear that?
Imagine actually believing this. Back to burlingtonbar
>they're just reacting
No, they're not. They're literally pussy faggots who didn't grow out of childhood.
>they cheered for killing Danny
Free speech
>Name one reason to vote for republicans, but no not those THOSE reasons
Republicans tend not to take the name of Jesus in vain.
Wait people watch tv shows in bars? What the fuck?
It doesn't work that way, newbie. I never implied or said I was a women.
>Name 1 reason to vote Republican besides these three really good reasons to vote Republican
Name me 1 good reason not to execute degenerate demofags.
you must be above the age of 12 to post here, user-chan
>"Everywhere she goes, evil men die and we cheer for her"
Oh, I would like to see their faces when tyrion said wait...on the other hand, I wouldn't. These people have no self-awareness.
>people in america actually stand around a bar watching tv shows
I thought the point of bars was getting drunk and socializing? What the actual fuck is this shit.
Why did you waste time writing this please kill yourself immediately
are you that much of a wimp that you need a gun on you at all times to feel safe?
Letting women die of complications to save a bunch of cells or a retarded fetus gets my vote.
So then why are you posting here?
fucking cringey over reacting attention seeking faggots
>all those people smiling while Jon obviously stabbed Dany
they really are slow
They're fucking drunk.
Have you ever lived in a chocolate area?
>just get killed if ever surrounded by a pack of fine African gentleman, user
>just get raped if you're a small woman, user
jump off a bridge, please
What would you call Steve's aesthetic?
>inb4 'nice'
I mean the japanese tank tops, the ponytail and goatee, the military surplus, the dark synth
It's cozy in a way I can't describe
Fuck Jesus
it was named after the guy she married khal drogo
great comeback, little man
dont live in america
hes not a woman though, is he? just an effeminate male who overcompensates with a weapon
They aren't people, they also hate america and wish they were europeans.
>everyone has anime hair
What the fuck is this clown world even.
>dont live in america
That's not an answer if you live in europe anymore. Hasn't been for a few years.
Have fun burning forever in Hell, retard user.
>hes not a woman though, is he? just an effeminate male who overcompensates with a weapon
Why do you want weaker males to get fight-raped? Can you democrat idiots just admit that you're pro-crime?
Imagine genociding is not a normal, effective and acceptable thing to do in the medieval ages.
Well I like to have a gun on me when I go innawoods. Im not an urbanite so I don't have to worry about niggers I never see them.
>t. /out/
>call out leftist bastard scum for what they are
>heh, you're just a little kid, kid
>no u
>heh, master of comebacks, almost as good as me
You must be above the age of 12 to post here, faggot-chan.
>name one reason apart from these three good ones
They thought he stabbed her with his cock.
>implying a man would use to refer to a third person he doesnt know the gender of.
show tits
1) the music was telling them to clap
2) drogon still looks cool
you have to understand these people were desperate to find something to enjoy amidst the shitstorm.
>people actually cried over this shit
Man I must be out of touch because I thought this show always sucked.
>everything is about my politics
Sorry about your brain damage, user.
may I remind you that I tried teaching you a lesson about fascism and your vocabulary consists of immature words made popularized by marxists
you sad puppet
this is what your average americans look like
okay. I live in a 100 white town in europe dumb fuck.
can you just admit you’re a seething manlet afraid of teenagers so you need a gun to make your penis feel bigger?
>fucking sheltered retard sitting in her subway riddled jeans on a pillow
>this level of fake attention seeking in one person
i'm seething honestly, what a cunt
oy vey *glug glug glug*
The bar is in canada tho
>drogon torches the throne, something that makes no fucking sense for the dragon to do other than muh hamfisted symbolism
>thunderous applause
this is truly the target audience
>Not enjoying the clown world
Get a load of this HONK
>can you just admit you’re a seething manlet afraid of teenagers
lol I'm 5'10" and teenagers aren't a problem, nor is anyone because I don't look for trouble, nor do I look or act weak.
What does reacting to a tv show have to do with political knowledge? I swear, you guys are literally no different from them. Tribal to your ideology and you have very little knowledge of politics besides basic bitch stuff that is easily digestible
is the bar owner fucking the green hair girl?
he always seems to focus on her and she likes soaking the camera in
either way its attention whoring at its finest and the average tolkien chad looks like a greek god compared to these people
They all look gay. It IS a gay bar, right?
It's the symbol for patriarchy. That's why they clapped.
He can never have access to a firearm. He's a European. He has to risk being stabbed or acid attacked every time he rides his bicycle down Somali avenue to the market.
kek why are christcucks so paranoid. Do you really think Jesus would care if you told him to go fuck himself?
The girl in the left of the green hair girl is fucking the bar owner
>I swear, you guys are literally no different from them.
I can get guns, hunting rifles or shotguns are easy to get here. And the only foreigners I see are the polish
No that's just what the average man looks like now. Welcome to the clown world.
What's this expression meant to convey?
this, so fucking much this. call me a fucking incel or anything you want but i CANT make it from start to finish witht these videos. the amount of fake, over the top bullshit virtue signalling is OFF THE CHARTS. THANK FUCK THESE FUCKERS HAVE LOST THE 15 MILISECONDS OF "FAME" NOW.
t. have sexer
Tears of a clown
You can be as tough as you want a nigger with a knife or a group of them will fuck you up. I live in a safe area and so do you, but if I lived in an area with blacks I'd want some protection as well
Cans in a bar? What kind of poverty shite is this?
Yes, he'd send me straight to Hell, where you're going. Remember that you're going to beg His forgiveness, but He will then explain such an offer was valid BEFORE you died and now you'll be tortured in Hell forever for your insolence Btw. we know you attack Jesus because you're evil.
You just spewed some irrelevant interpretation with the sole purpose of trying to defend leftism. Something you probably didn't even realize until right now.
t. 5'6" Cunt destroyer
so you want a gun because you're racist?
>I can get guns.
Okay with what kind of permits/licensing/courses taken? Where can you legally bring those guns? What do you have against me concealing a firearm legally under my constitution? Especially when I'm in the forest 20-50 miles away from the nearest town?
>go to a bar
>drink from a can
americans dont really do they?
Hail Honkler!
because 13 52
Not him but 5"10 isn't tall mate
Calling me a racist does nothing. I hope you get beaten within an inch of your life and then get lectured on the evils of guns when you then try to buy one. You'll lose friends, but you'll be alive.
the face of a woman who will never have kids, says she doesn't want them, but will commit suicide at 45 because she realized she failed as a woman. feminism not even once.
Sure, buddy. With shoes I'm nearing 6ft, but yea yeah such a manlet, I know.
they are the reason its a blue state dude
>dat expression
You can already see how she'll permanently look like when she's older.
I'm willing to bet 80% of them voted for AOC and planning to vote Bernie in 2020
They're soihuman.
You're not a major manlet but it seems like every generation is getting taller than the last one. 6" is becoming average. Still just lie to chicks about your height if they put emphasis on it, they can't tell the difference anyway
>just give up your gun and get killed by a pack of basketball-americans bro, you're not a racist are you?
I really can't blame Americans for holding on to the guns as much as they do desu. If my country was 1/10th as diverse as theirs I would too.
He's omniscient you retard, what is it with Americans and poor understanding of their religions/language and virrtally anything important in their lifes.
> seems like every generation is getting taller than the last one
Hormones in the food.
>Still just lie to chicks about your height if they put emphasis on it, they can't tell the difference anyway
My state is 90% white. I still want to be able to carry a gun if I feel the need to. I couldn't imagine being forced to ride transit with nogs in a big city like LA or NYC and have no ability to protect myself from them.
>He's omniscient
Yes, he can see in your heart and mind that you are an asshole who deserves Hell.
And Canada is in America :^)
No muggles allowed
God I want to have sex.
>can't even come up with a counter argument
>muh sex
I'll skull fuck your dead mother you little bitch.
>Have Sex
laughing is the only response to true comedy
Worse they are normalfags.
This is considered good and normal
Wouldn't the lords just make a new throne, they'd have to make one for the next guy after Bran?
>why do you care
And it counts just as much as mine.
>horshoe theory is an argument
not a brainlet enough wojack
>sex solves all your problems
spoken like a true virgin
the average is degenerate
Not when they live in a giant city outnumbering you. It's why my state always send its electoral votes to a Democrat runner, and why every local issue goes left 95% of the time. Voting is a waste of time if you're in that situation.
You sound very angry and miserable. You should try having sex
I will dilate your neovagina with a barb wire pole
>yep, this is what i call bash the fash
>they fucking cheer when she dies
Eighties action star.
>reaction videos
yikes! glad the show is over.
You sound like a lower vibration reincarnation, try thinking more.
Not like I really care but why did they kick out the fat one??
dat hooked nose
>My state is 90% white.
American midwest? Looking at some pics from there it seems extremely comfy.
I bet the fat one got jealous because chad the barman decided to fuck the other 2 but not her.
>everyone starts cheering when Dany dies
My expectations were subverted.
>all the niggers cheering when the throne was melting
I've only ever seen Stiegl Radler Grapefruit in a can, myself.
Dude in the white shirt looks like he can fuck you up.
are those people standing the whole time?
His eyes say he can't defend an opinion nor can he take a hit to the face. His choice of clothing says he's the gayest man there, so no. Not unless sucking guys off in the bathroom gives him super powers. That would make for a funny comedy.
I see Ben Affleck finally decided to convert to Islam.
>Green hair girl insists on La Croix
>wish they were europeans
European here, you can keep them.
That one dude screaming "THE LANNISTERS SEND THEIR REGARDS!"...
I admit, i chuckled. Tho it disgusts me how fickle this creatures are, two weeks ago they were all YASS QUEEEEN, now they go apeshit with joy when their idol gets skewered.
who says you aren’t?
huh it didn’t work
Leftists have no loyalty to anything but their orgasms.
His wooden chair is his throne, goy.
Just as the Horse was Stannis' throne. No real king needs Iron for a seat.
Or should I say... the Dragonstone throne of Stannis Baratheon, the One True King.
Are you that much of a wimp you need a seat belt every second you spend in a car to feel safe?
Sorry this is a SHITTY post. I will be PLUGGING your ANUSHOLE with my COCKADOODLE-DO, no worries m8, your worldview and asshole will soon be expanded!!
heinously underrated dubs and post
The staircase is how they get to the top bunk.
They're all white
Every single one of them.
Because us millennials are fucking stupid, vapid, ignorant, and shallow. MUH HARRY POTTER HOW FUCKING COOL!!!! Was the only thing that went through their head when they designed that.
>Lannister's get killed in season 7
>They cheer
>Lannisters get killed in season 8
>They are appalled
>Dany kills thousands of people in seasons 2-7
>They cheer
>Dany kills thousands of people in season 8
>They are appalled
I made the mistake of thinking that they were all zombie followers of the modern liberal agenda. I see now that they aren't even that intelligent. They simply adjust their emotional response depending on what the tone of the music and surface level plot of the episode is telling them. They are seemingly incapable of independent analysis. They will simply coalesce to whatever narrative has the shiniest coat of morality paint in the moment.
To be fair, she did not kill as many people in her campaign of Slaver's Bay as she did on her assault on King's Landing.
the fact that these fucks will have no more GoT viewings gives me pleasure and the fantasy of smashing miss hipster green hair.
Have sex
red pilled
the community housing the leftist wanted
they'll just move on to whatever show is popular and ruin it. Imagine Witcher viewings
will miss hipster green hair & betsy's tits b there?
service guarantee citizenship
My point is that the rabid Dany fans have always glazed over every morally dubious action she has ever done, simply because it wasn't shown on screen, or was presented in such a way as to make it appear justified.
>Marching her people across the desert to Quarth resulting in hundreds if not thousands of deaths by dehydration, starvation, and dysentery
What choice did she have? the other Khal's wouldn't accept her and she had to go west to her DESTINY!
>Her dragon burning a child alive
Well she offered her dad some gold and locked her dragons up, what more do you want?
>Crucifying hundreds of nobles along the road to Meereen
Well they crufied some slaves first, and fuck them they are slavers!
>Killing the Tarly's
She gave them a chance to bend the knee! they chose to die!
>Burning the grain harvest of the reach
She was just preventing the food from getting to kings landing! obviously she couldn't bring all that food north with her!
There is always an easy response to avoid thinking about the consequences of her actions, and the audience has eaten it up the entire way thanks to D&D's presentation. and the moment that they take away that favorable presentation, they reform like amoeba's and don't even acknowledge their dogged support of her for nearly a decade. They just "cancel" her and pretend like it never happened. Sansa and Arya were the real feminist icons of the show anyways. These people have no spines.
NPC malfunctioning, kek
I don't disagree her methods are questionable, user. I was simply saying that her death count in KL doesn't come close to the numbers from seasons 2-7 at all. She has always been a cruel and unreasonable ruler since she hatched 3 dragons in that pyre.
jesus it took the faggot long enough to upload it
The most unnatural reactions I've ever seen
Was Tyrion right when he said that her body count in KL is more than Tywin and Cersei's lifetime totals combined? Tywin has killed a fuck load of people via coups and the rape of the riverlands was pretty massive. is the population of KL that big compared to all the other areas?
also they react to things very late
>Drogon is burning the Iron Throne
>none of them realise why until it's almost melted
this is cool
braincell in fighting
geez, white women age like a fish
This but unironically.
Probably had to do a second take with all the bar patrons because the first one they weren't doing enough Soi faces or clapping.
watching a character driven drama with a ton of loud people is fucking retarded.
that being said, season 6-8 has been Hollywood tier shlock and is perfectly suitable for viewing with an audience.
They pull those stupid faces but insist they’re just acting natural? No.
King's Landing had more than 500k during Cersei's body shield attempt during the Dragon Queen's attack. Way more than 500k, which was the normal population of the city before the Last War, occupied the city during the attack.
She destroyed the entire city, you think even a decent fraction of those people were able to escape in that chaos seeing as the dragon and the entire Army sacked the city?
it's disbelief. they are having to wait for the music to tell them how to react because the story is completely empty at this point.
>literally $1500 per month
My question was whether Tywin's lifetime bodycount was lower than that. I assume by your response it was. How many people do you think he offed with all his coup's vs the starks, the reyne's and the riverlanders etc?
hey look, it's doctor Murdoch from Murdoch Murdoch
it's pretty unlikely that Tywin's lifetime body count was lower given the Reyne's genocide, and the fact that the Lannister army also sacked King's Landing.
kek that’s why it fucking spooked me at first.
literally china
There must have been less than 5k men at that wedding that were completely loyal to Robb, I bullshit that number because I know Robb had less than 10k men at the end of his war, and at least a solid portion of those men, which made a huge bulk of Robb's army, were either Boltons or were else where defending territories loyal to the Starks. Tywin's lifetime blood count is nowhere near the count of that dragon, even with the sack of king's landing, which must have had a population less than that of current day king's landing.
See It's actually about $1000 per month. Still expensive enough that only hipster trash living off their parent's bank accounts would live there though.
>they react to things very late
some people do this with jokes too
not sure why
like their noggin's running at half speed or something
this guy definitely hasn't watched a single episode and is just there to enjoy the chaos
>dragon burns a chair
>[clapping intensifies]
These are the people I must call my countrymen... I'm never leaving my house again...
is it in like New york city or someplace?
$1000 for a bed and heating sounds reasonable in nyc
lmao what. that's expensive as fuck considering that accomodation. you could rent a studio apartment for that price.
move to eastern euro
they were desperate for something to like. it was the same last episode with cleganebowl.
No need to wait, bitch already hit the wall at 30
>reasonable in nyc
such a situation is easily remedied without having to live in a hostel
just don't live in nyc
>Looks like a cult.
When are they going to pass out the kool-aid?
At least they get out
>wait inside a bar for 5 hours so they can get the best seat to watch a tv show
>this is what qualifies as going out
>be me, working late on a Sunday
>want to fucking kill myself
>finally finish work
>walking home
>need a drink
>walk past some shitty hipster bar
>shouldn't be too bad in there, it's Sunday night so all the greasy hipsters will be in bed for work tomorrow
>walk in
>fucking 500 people crammed in there
>mostly fat bearded men and women with blue hair
>barman turns on the tv
>everybody starts clapping
>some kind of lord of the rings show is on
>fucking sigh
>push my way through the crowd to get to the bar
>these people fucking stink
>they're all talking about the show, something about how some dude called Danny is literally worse than Hitler now
>make my way to the bar
>order a beer
>barmaid reaches under the bar then hands me a warm can of some shit i've never heard of
>"$10 please"
>think I misheard her, but she assures me that it's $10 for white men
>pay the woman
>theme song ends
>everyone claps
>barman gets his phone out, starts filming everyone
>wtf is going on?
>a bearded midget comes on the screen, looking sad
>the place fucking erupts into cheers, everyone's going crazy, the barman is sticking his phone in people's faces as they scream and clap
>a grown man starts crying hysterically
>"i just love this show so much"
>everyone turns to him and claps
>down my shitty $10 beer as fast as I can and get the fuck out of there
>he doesn't want to spend hours severa nights a week drinking bad beer in an underlit room making inane chitchat with retards
haha get a load of this recluse.
it's called "socializing" and it's so much better than spending time reading books or watching movies.
>in a blue state
t. colorblind
>tfw drogon aims for the throne
>sex is banned
What ? But that's the whole point of those things.
>constant anticipation on Yea Forums of the Burlington Bar being angry because YAAAAS KWEEEN DAAANYY is dead
>"kek those SJWs wil be BTFO kkkk"
>instead they fucking clap and cheer her death while grinning ear to ear like in every single fucking OMGSHOCKING or OMGHYPE scene in this entire fucking series
>screaming and cheering with glee as Dany dies
Now you realize:
it was never fucking YAAASSS QWEEEN or DDIIIEEEE PATRIARCHY or anything else
They just fucking cheer at everything they're supposed to cheer at. Character murders a bunch of puppies? WOOO YAAAY D&D!!!
Same puppy murdering character killed by other puppies? WOOO YAAAY D&D!!! Puppy takes a big steamy shit on the camera? WOOO YAAAY D&D!!!!
>mfw everyone in this room is allowed to vote
Just take a moment to let that sink in.
That green haired whore is such a drama queen. You can tell she's faking the weeping when the dragon nuzzles up Dany's corpse.
>wanting kids with green hair
>all those trips and dubs not commented on
It's almost as if the people in here aren't actually Yea Forums posters...
>"Dracarys"- Missandei
>nothing happens
>Missandei dies
>projection, the post.
Finally you losers can stop posting this threads and clicking these vids.
Imagine watching reaction vids unironically. All those faggots in the bar are pathetic, they all sit and drink fucking sodas and sparkly water brought from outside to be in a youtube vid.