Shame on you, Yea Forums. I hope you're buying at least 6 tickets for the new Batman movie.
Shame on you, Yea Forums. I hope you're buying at least 6 tickets for the new Batman movie
Other urls found in this thread:
>I never want to take my shirt off. I'd prefer to get drunk
wtf never knew he was based
Left pic is proof that genetics are all that matters. Didn't work out a day in his life, gets drunk all the time, and still looks that aesthetic.
he's not a good actor
>b-but you can't judge him from Twilight
I never saw Twilight, I saw him in other movies. he's shit.
trolling is an art
>worth 100 million dollars
>"feel bad for him"
he starved himself and the interview from the OP was him referencing how difficult it was for him to get into shape and how he never planned to care again in his life
what a horrifying fat cow on the left jesus christ
I know I shouldn't take Yea Forums posts seriously but you do realize actors kill themselves on the regular right? They get mentally sick just like any most us do, but they're not anonymous and get picked apart on daily threads on Yea Forums.
he would make a better Joker
He's just one of those brainlets that think money changes anything. Ignore him.
Wow you actually aren't lying.
He really is worth 100 million dollars.
>"Don't encourage someone to improve, improving is hard and uncomfortable, stay in your comfort zone no matter what no matter who you are"
Roasts and sois really do think like this
>still looks like a dyel twink
Good post but not the point of the picture. He's improving yet people keep saying a twink shouldn't play Batman, the post was made to show that he's trying his best.
>great frame
>I dun wan a six pack
>has one in both images
Epic, I will never pity Chad, ever.
money literally changes everything
rich people who are "depressed" can suck a fat fucking dick
>d-dude money doesn't change everything though!
No shit, but money gives you opportunities to fix your problems that many other people lack. Not even just the money though, he was literally a teen sex symbol, I just can't feel too bad for him because a small group made fun of him. It's rich coming from the fags on here that love mocking Warwick Davis and shit
What a fucking normie reply.
Being financially secure is like half of being happy altogether.
All wrong. All brainwashed.
It's Batman not Fatman
bruh it really sucks being him...
The only one brainwashed here is you, fucking idiot.
No u. I'm not saying they can't be depressed I'm saying that I won't feel too bad for them. there's people with the same problems everywhere, I can't care about everyone, man
As if we needed ANOTHER Batman.
Money past the point of giving you food, water, and a home is largely useless. You don't need to be rich for any of that. Everything a human needs outside of those necessities can all be acquired for free. Money doesn't change any of it.
He's so hot in both pics
Damn is right pic really considered a batman physique? He looks like Robin or joker at best
he ruined his perfect twink body
he's literally starved
working out is way fucking easier than eating nothing
>takes twilight role to smash pussy
>goes indie to make his bones and star in kino
>takes the gorillion dollar capeshit deal for all the fame money and girls
>will go back to making indie kino thereafter just for the fun of it
Money changes everything, you retard.Only spoiled niggers think otherwise.If i had money i would ve alot more time to do things i enjoy instead of working, cleaning the house, cooking and doing laundry which take most of my free time.I literally live like a fucking drone under a shitty corporate system but he thinks he has problems? fuck off with that shit i fucking hate these spoiled faggtos so much.
sorry i was so mad at that post you are replying accidentally burst it at you.
how do you hate lifting? i can see not finding the motivation to do it but i don't know how you could actively hate it once you've experienced it
I agree with you up to a certain point, but I'll have you know true mental disorders don't obey logic. Depression for example literally makes you NOT enjoy anything; so cleaning the house or having fancy dinner at a yacht with your harem feels the exact same.
Robert doesn't have depression, he claimed anxiety and body dysmorphia; and those also don't follow logic.
Despite bathing in pussy, there's nothing to do with body dysmorphia, it makes you hate your body no matter how it looks. And anxiety is calmed down with pills but it can come out of nowhere.
Of course he may be exaggerating since I doubt those things can be caused by mere pressure from fans, but the comment about not wanting to take his shirt off feels too real.
I genuinely hate it as I'm doing it, but feeling like an accomplished god afterwards is worth it.
Some people don't enjoy moving pieces of iron repeatedly
I can never keep the motivation to do it because I could lift for the entire length of a movie, and yet the accomplished feeling only lasts for about three to five minutes.
"depression" is literally a meme
why would you enjoy lifting things at a fixed position rinse and repeat until you get some results?lifting is boring and sucks.most people do it for the end results, not because they enjoy the process, dumbfuck.
>implying you watch movies at all
Good one.
How quickly we forget Avicii
>bruh how can you hate lifting bruh
Because you gym queers are a bunch of projecting fags and think lifting weights is the end all be all to everything. Lifting weights is not only boring but largely useless unless you're some autist supreme, who wants to be mr olympia or some shit. Dieting and cardio will get the average person farther.
FUCK CAPESHIT. He should do a remake of Barry Lyndon.
depression is a meme and its caused by being spoiled since you cant accept yourself for you really are.people with depression think highly of themselves but their shortcomings get better of them every time but instead of accepting things that cant be changed they try to change them that is why they get depressed since they know they will never become the ideal individual that is in their heads.
I want his lips wrapped around my dick.
Based "I want his lips wrapped around my dick." poster
He was a massive drug addict and alcoholic like every rich retard. Dude killed himself with a broken wine bottle.
>instead of working, cleaning the house, cooking and doing laundry which take most of my free time
So if you had money, you’d just pay some “drone” to do all this for you because you’re such a lazy sack of shit that you can’t be bothered to wash your shit-stained panties once in a while?
I think I see why you’re raging at people who are more successful than you. Does the word “ambition” make your skin crawl at all?
cursed image
You have to ignore the brainlets user.
I am not a lazy piece of shit, you totally missed the point, fucking faggot.Its just the desk job i do sucks the life out of me which takes away most of my freedom and i have to deal with some petty shit with the remaining of my free time which makes me demotivated as fuck.Worst of it is there is nothing i can do about it.On the other hand this nigger thinks having arbitrary problems make his life harder.I would love the exchange his problems for mine.
As gay as this is I’ll stand by it only because it’s actual equality in terms of banal body shaming.
I’d rather this than hypocritical feminism
>that chin and jawline
Can I get this if I mew?
Why do you have a job you don't want? That seems stupid lol.
>some reddit-spacing cuckold bloviating about "muh ambition"
>because everyone gets to choose how they live their life
you need to be 18 or older to post here
>V-shaped low fat naturally muscular ottermode talking about his struggles with a body image
Literally me guyz
Sure bro
Are you mocking me
Left he still had to work out and they painted in his abs.
T. guy who seen twilight a million times.
so am i destined to die an incel freak?
not really, unless you're fat I guess
Only novice lifters or people who never lifted hate lifting.
>you don't need to be rich for any of that
you kinda need to, you'll never have your own home if you earn $10/h
I can do it because I worry about getting hurt. Seen too many webms. I do strength training without gym equipment though.
it's boring and it costs money, but that probably don't bother you, you closet fag
Holy fucking shit lol.
>don’t wanna lift because don’t wanna get too muscular bro
I've been lifting for about 5 and a half years, so not really a novice. Is it really that bewildering to you some people don't like doing it but do it anyway?
All of this for what? Fame and millions of dollars? Easy pussy? He HATES going to the gym!
I've been lying on my back and doing pushups with tins of beans, will I get buff soon? I do it for like 5 minutes every day
Don't take the role then, dumb fucking faggot
uh, this title is wrong. he isn't cast as batman. he is cast as THE batman
>not rich, but make enough to pay all bills and rent and still have plenty left over
>buy literally any videogame I want, or have ever wanted
>have every dvd/bluray I've ever thought about
>monster PC, don't need any more of that stuff
>buy every book i've ever wanted
I'm not a rich person by any means, but I can certainly see where being 'mega wealthy' can lead to problems.
I'm just a slightly well to do guy, and i've already hit that point where I can afford pretty much anything I want, any time I want, and I still get bored and melancholy.
I can only imagine how hard it hits people who 'really' have stacks of fucking cash everywhere.
Jesus this post is like a dinner bell for emasculated numales
This is prob b8 but you're doing it very wrong m8
Sounds you're fucking lying, dude. There's literally a chemical in your brain that makes you feel good that activates once you've been lifting after a certain point, not to mention the added hormones you get as well. Lifting after a year should be a fun, meditative experience. Post your fucking body, right now.
you can send some this way user
>Money past the point of giving you food, water, and a home is largely useless.
Because you have literally no hobbies, passions, or interests and choose to just watch television instead. Some of us would like to be able to travel the world or get our hands on a grand piano.
>all these bootyblasted weak faggots replying to this
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I expect nothing less of fa/tv/irgins
Cause lifting weights is fucking boring, you’re stuck in a fucking room repeatedly doing artificial regulated exercises for a small hormonal rush that wears off till you start getting considerable results anyway. I’d rather be playing soccer or any other sports game for that matter. I don’t know how could I cope with going to the gym if my interest in music didn’t somewhat survive past hitting 30s and JRE didn’t exist.
I like lifting but squats will always feel unholy to me. FUCK squats.
Triggered as fuck gymcels mad that no one copes like they do.
maybe switch from high bar to low bar?
No you are not, you chose to be.
>he's so low-test he needs to lift to resemble a man
Oh bro there's a chemical so obviously everyone that's lifted for a set amount of time has the same perception on lifting weights. I'm not waltzing out of bed to prove myself to you, dumbfuck. Take this as a win for all I care.
is it true that going to /fit/ will make me develop body dysmorphia?
you just need a hobby. You listed a bunch of activities but you didn't even make a hobby out of any of them because they need goals set by you to actually become hobbies. If you can't set them yourself what always works is getting into an activity that builds things. You'll find meaning through it, and once you pop that cherry you'll have a hard time being bored again.
he and christian bale are both based like this
i choose to have robert pattinsons jawline now what?
good for him, that he at least isnt hopping on juice like zac efron
dumbest thing i've read all month
I don't care that he's working out for a role. In fact it's unnecessary. Just put on a muscle suit or use cgi. Why does batman even need to be shirtless at all?
You're fucking retarded and you should actually kill yourself.
Yes avoid at all costs. Other than the qtddtot thread, you might actually get some useful info in there
A young batman. Hmm... could be interesting.
coping /r9k/ autists
depression is very real and all those normies you see complaining about it on social media are likely actually experiencing it
the reason its so prevalent is because its literally just fucked up brain chemistry thats caused by the degenerate lifestyle, but these normies have convinced themselves, likely since they were dumb teenagers, that their way of life is correct and good and even that it has some sort of moral high ground, so they never make changes and it just gets worse and worse as their brains become more and more dependent on certain outside stimulation like excessive drug and internet use and such
Yeah, yeah, that's nice. Who's gonna play Gordon?
this^he needs to expand his horizon with variety of hobbies.all i got from his post is he is a massive hyper consumerist that thinks that is all there is in life.
I guess it's good you don't like cars, I'm a richfag, but the cars I like are still out of my pay grade.
that is exactly the reason why i said it isnt real since they are trying so hard to achieve this unrealistic standard that is inflicted on them by the media outlets and the social pressure from their environment they think by achieving that they are going to become the ideal person that everyone wants to be but no one is perfect and they should accept who they are before improving things that they cant improve things that you dont have just because you delude yourself into it
Whoa, when was this taken?
Dude looked like Chris Pratt here.
now you know the importance of creating a family unit and being part of a greater united social community, both of which you obviously have to actually care about
the fact that you are lacking one or both of these things is probably why you still feel you have a void in your heart that you need to fill
as long as "excepting who you are" doesn't mean "lowing your standards for yourself" like so many today think it means, otherwise it will just continue if not hasten your downward spiral and not fix anything
>reeeee stop bullying chad
>"depression" is literally a meme
Only because most of the retards who claim they're "depressed" think that just because they were sad one time recently.
Working out gives him anxiety? Who makes up this shit?
it doesnt mean lowering your standarts but accepting the reality of yourself and improving yourself based on you are not who you think you can be or you are
Literally this. If I was financially secure I would have almost zero worries. The guy could quit acting now, but a small country, and pay for his own internet web and never read anti twink tweets again but instead chooses to do it. Fuck retarded rich people.
Does Yea Forums think he's a good fit for the Batguy though?
He's one of the best actors working, better than anyone in the MCU by a sea mile. He'll be fine
>bales meltdowns and rage
Hard to say, but I'd prefer him over the other guy tbqh.
All you have to do to be Batman is a kino jaw and a costume. He’s perfect.
He'd be a better Nightwing. Seriously, why does Nightwing get no love?
>damn these genetics, forcing me to eat all the time! It's so unfair, why couldn't I be born with genetics than enable self control???!
Because Nightwing name is quite literally Dick if I'm not mistaken.
People will laugh and won't ever take him seriously if they hear the word Dick, sadly.
>what is metabolism
mk ultra to the extreme
most braindead demo shill ever
>Rob as Bats
>Jim Parsons as Riddler
>Conleth Hill as Penguin
>Pic related returns as Catwoman
But Dick is an Alpha name
Something that can actually be changed through diet and exercise, a fact which you evidently weren't even aware of.
COLONIZED, no wonder that Beyonces children are whiter than her.
Full retard
Also regardless of what you 'think' your metabolism is, humans were not meant to eat more than once a day. The only thing forcing food down your throat is your own fat fingers, and slow sloth like intelligence.
Most people named Dick I knew got made fun of because of their name.
I don't know what the parents were thinking when they gave their child that name tbqh.
I imagine all the kids won't buy the toys because the hero have funny name is also a possibility to think about as well.
Says the FAT retard. Go ahead and blame your 'metabolism' the next time you finish a whole pizza by yourself.
No, Richard is. Dick just means penis.
well he'll look good if they use new52 bats on him
well thats how you build a strong foundation
starving yourself is easy as hell, way easier than working out. your chad is showing user
not the same user but low bar is still terrible
do normies still see him as "that guy from Twilight" even though he is probably one of the better actors around now and has a decent portfolio of films
What is body frame
Knew this cat was secretly based after I seen him in The Rover.
because it's boring as fuck lmao
>just do it with a buddy bro
or I could do something actually pleasant with a buddy
i spent a year and a half getting fit when i was younger, and even back then i would still just recommenced buying a gun
He;s got a gay face, like an anime character
yes and it's not exclusive to him, most actors are remembered exclusively for one character or two. Usually their big break.
Just like Tobey Maguire will forever be Peter Parker.
Who the fuck calls people cats? Are you a jazz singer or some shit?
like gay sex lmao owned
loooool based
I'm trying to lose weight, I eating 1800 cal a day in a 4hour window and then nothing for the other 20 hours, is this gonna work or is their a better way, I'm a bit of a noob at dieting, also high protein low carb, not really having any hunger issues and I'm getting to the point where it's a struggle to eat even that much
It's both funny and quite sad that fatties try and blame their OWN bodies for something they're physically doing to themselves.
Newsflash, your body doesn't create new fat cells out of thin air without you enabling it in some way. You will NOT accumulate fat unless you're being a lazy piece of shit and eating for no reason. Stop. Fucking. Eating. Your body does not need food every 3 or 4 fucking hours you lack of control pieces of shit.
Next step, get outside and go running like your bipedal body is fucking meant for.
getting strong Affleck vibes from this one are we sure Robert doesn't have a back tattoo as well?
Buy my dumbass a monster pc, friend.
Uuuhhhmmm, what???
I want him to fuck me now. Yeah, I'm a femanon before you ask.
I'm a nigger
Good for you, I've been intermittent fasting/OMAD for 10 years, but I'm also a runner, so when I do eat I dont really bother counting calories or carbs, as I have a pretty basic and restricted diet of meat, dairy, fruits, vegetables. Basically I do not eat junk food of any kind, nor desserts. Nothing that I wouldn't consider 'fuel' for a workout or run. I also cant actually stand the taste of sugar either, so that helps.
go OMAD my nigga and soon you will be a 10%bf chad like me
>if only you knew how noided things really are
a art*
Get a load of this absolute FUCKING staff sgt.
I resent Twilight and the bitch who made me watch it but I've watched his other films and he's literally perfect for the role. I know these NPC zomboids are literal sex-and-drug-powered niggerbots who get their marching orders from their slavemaster "tastemakers" and "influencers" but for God's sake how can you be so retarded as to not see that he's a good pick? These are the same people who would've cheered a nigger pick because their twitter slavemasters would've told them to be happy about it.
This. Where the fuck is the dysmorphia? What's he talking about? I have actual kyphosis and I still go to the beach.
You are fucking A right I am.
Yes, it should also be noted that OMAD is simply the diet you should have, on top of the lifestyle of being a runner, like our ancestors and modern day tribal relatives who still run down game by tiring them out before killing them, because humans are the greatest long distance runners on earth.
Yeah man science is all bullshit and shit
He still has months until the actual role, it's not like the classic hollywood "exercise regime" can't get him there.
Actually reasonable take guess this board isn't just redditpedos, waifufaggots, and tumblrniggers.
He's literally fucking perfect
Why the hell did people even consider that other Riddler-looking literal homo? Fuck Hollywood and the retards that work there honestly. A rabbit-toothed dweeb like that shouldn't even make the cut for the shortlist in a Batman casting call.
Just stay fat and pathetic then lmao, your choice lad but dont whine about it
If he's half as good in this as he was in Good Times and The Rover we have a serious case of capekino in our hands
I don't know what they were thinking mate.
Hoult or whatever his name is, looks too stupid to be Batman. If the Twilight dude bulk up a bit then he'd be one of the most perfect man for the role ever.
They plan to give him his own movie one day
Take a shower and have confidence
This fucking guy
Only if you're already insecure and let their shitposting get to you. For example if current Pattinson posted his body their half of them would call him a twig out of jealousy even tho he looks good. Also so many of them are coping fatties who have never lifted.
>Hey remember that guy who fucks Mystique in the new X-Men movie?
>Fassbender? He'd be a great choice
>No the other one
>The guy who played the nerd scientist that gets cucked by Magneto?
>Yeah ring him up
Jesus christ these are levels of based that shouldn't be even possible
My suspicion of him browsing boards here only gets stronger
seems like 99 million is enough for him really.
the spare 1 million could be held in my care until such a time that i want to spend it.
fat people and alcoholics are sub human.
find a job you lazy piece of useless shit
but i dont have his bone structure.......
damn i'm both fat and an alcoholic
shit sucks man
anyone who takes drugs, drinks, smokes, uses social media, regularly carries a mobile phone, is a vegan/vegetarian, or regularly watches television is subhuman.
fatties too.
>I eating 1800 cal a day in a 4hour window and then nothing for the other 20 hours,
Yeah i just did one meal a day. And would eat like a king for dinner. Not a care for what I ate(Though I do eat relatively healthy meals).
And lost 10kgs in like half a year. If you do it properly you can lose 2kg's a month easy.
It's literally just don't eat like a pig. It's the easiest weight loss plan out there.
If you feel hungry the first few days ignore it cause your body will adapt and you won't even feel hungry.
stop drinking, beer/wine has a lot of calories.
>not getting drunk, removing your shirt, and do drunken push-ups and chin-ups on /fit/ roll threads
You dont know how to live
>regularly carries a mobile phone
Needed in this day and age
>is a vegan/vegetaria
Nope. Better for the environment and no burden on the health system.
The rest is right.
>high protein low carb
You're gonna fail. You might lose some weight but you'll put it all back on again. Low carb diets are a fucking meme purported by retards who don't know the first thing about human biology. Go with a low fat, no oils wholefoods plant based diet and you'll lose weight effortlessly.
veganism kills you mindless puppet
search for 'vegan baby dies' and you'll have news articles from half a dozen different countries.
italy has made it illegal to feed young children on vegan diets.
but keep on derping
by leaving long periods between meals your body's metabolism will change and begin to try to store fat.
you'll lose weight faster by eating small amounts regularly.
Epic. You didn't do any research beyond reading the title of the article. You're a fucking moron.
Heart Disease:
American Dietetics Association Position on veganism:
Longest Living Population:
Low Carbohydrate Diets and mortality:
Plant foods have a complete Amino Acid profile:
A vast array of studies from top universities and independent researchers has found that eating chickens, cows, and other animals promotes cancer in many forms. Large studies in England and Germany showed that vegetarians were about 40 percent less likely to develop cancer compared to meat-eaters, the most common forms being breast, prostate, and colon cancers.
Decades of scientific study have linked dietary cholesterol to cardiovascular disease — Americas number-one cause of death, killing nearly 2,200 people daily. Saturated fat is present in all meat and fish, even chicken and turkey cooked without the skin.
Eating meat also puts you at a greater risk for food poisoning because animal products are often tainted with fecal contamination during slaughter or processing. Fecal contamination in chicken, especially, is a major problem. According to a Consumer Reports study, 97 percent of raw chicken in U.S. supermarkets is contaminated with bacteria that could make customers sick. So if you eliminate animal products from your diet, you'll also be eliminating your exposure to the most common carrier of these bacteria.
A serving of chicken contains just as much cholesterol as red meat. And eggs contain three times that. Cholesterol is linked to clogged arteries and heart disease.
Grilled chicken—a popular alternative to fried—commonly contains PhIP (2-Amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine), which may contribute to the development of certain types of cancers including breast and prostate.
A common industry practice involves feeding chickens arsenic in order to make them grow faster. It’s highly toxic to humans and can cause cancer, dementia, neurological problems, and other ailments.
HCAs (heterocyclic amines) are found in meats cooked at high temperature, including chicken, and have been linked to an increased risk of cancer.
A Consumer Reports analysis found that 83 percent of fresh, whole broiler chickens purchased across the US had high levels of campylobacter or salmonella. Campylobacter is the leading cause of food poisoning in the U.S.
Detectable levels of E. coli were discovered in as much as 65 percent of broiler chickens in a USDA study. This comes from fecal contamination during processing, making organic chickens also at risk as well as the more common conventionally raised chickens. According to Consumer Reports, more than 1 million Americans become ill each year as a result of undercooked chicken.
Avian flu may have dropped out of the mainstream media’s attention, but it’s still a very serious illness that is transmitted through poultry. The mutating nature of the disease means more cases of pneumonia, multiple organ failure and death are likely as a result of too many chickens living in crowded and unsanitary conditions where the disease spreads.
With more than 9 billion chickens raised for food in the U.S. every year, the environmental impact is nothing short of astonishing. Highly toxic animal waste ruins land, seeps into and contaminates water, makes air un-breathable and devastates a tremendous amount of dwindling resources, all of which take a toll not just on chicken eaters, but everyone else on the planet.
Le broscience man baiting newcomers again. Intermittent fasting is a thing with scientific facts to back it up.
Literally all you have is some fucking dailymail article. Kill yourself, retard.
Debate rebuttals:
Did you not see his Twilight interviews?
Q - How can you tell that someone is a vegan?
A - They'll tell you within five minutes of meeting you, and remind you about it every single fucking day after that.
First page of the search engine under "vegan baby dies":
have you heard about the latest craze, it's called permanent fasting, you should try it
>that spacing
You need to go back, also, enjoy your shitty skin, veganoy. Not whoever is in your post chain. You also seem to have had these links saved - oh for perhaps, an internet fight when someone calls out vegan nutjobs.
Also, spamming\flooding the thread.
>it's another militant vegan snaps up and start spamming his retarded propaganda episode
Really can't ever have a normal conversation with these indoctrinated morons
people who pay attention to their diet vegan or not, live longer and healthier and I don't need 200 articles to figure it out, more news at 11
All you have is (((studies))) which are all paid for by someone.
What I have is reality, real events that happened. Babies die from veganism. Even the governmental health advisors state to not feed young children on vegan diets.
I bet you think toddlers smoking your weed stash is a good idea too, you fucking zealous cultist freak.
You linked one without looking you faggot. As in, the one stating babies die from veganism. Because vegans are fucking lunatic cultists that need to be burned at the stake.
>seen twilight a million times
>thinks he's a guy
I have some bad news for you.
how old are you
mewing only works if you're under 18 years old, after taht you're an adult and your fucked up face is for life
whats it like being a braindead religious conservative
but your bones are a living organ that changes shape throughout your life
>doesn't have a 9-5 job or mortgage or car repayments or bills to worry about
>can spend every day lifting weights with a personal trainer
>can have his meals prepared for him by a nutritionist
of course he will bulk up for the film
>I don't have a sixpack
>in the 2009 and 2018 picture his abs are clearly visibly defined
what did he mean by this?
What the real madrid player has anything to do here?
Its fun. All these fags need to try it
Are you actually a mouth breather
The baby died because the parents were retards and didn’t give the baby real nutrition
The vegan parents just tried to get the baby to live off just certain fruits
The baby didn’t die from veganism it died from malnutrition
Why isn’t there one death attributed to veganism? Why do you keep lying?
Why are you projecting Jewery when you are the one lying, or giving non arguments (the studies are paid for DURR)
Answer me
Correct, thanks for not shitposting
He's 33 years old, user.
It's boring desu.
Any other sport is more engaging than lifting
That's young
>wahh wahhh why are you mocking me cant you see my pampered hollywood star life surrounded by endless pussy and mountains of cash is SOOO HARD AND ANXIETY INDUCING?!?!?!
>yeah I just do a few miles walking on the treadmill
>don’t wanna become a muscled monster you know
>no bro, I’ve got no idea why I can’t get any at parties. I’ve got no idea why they like those meatheads over me, I’m so much smarter than them
sounds like a personal story
dude hangs out with death grips and did the guitar strings on birds
i have nothing but love for the guy
he's a decent actor too, just got caught up in twilight and that typecast nearly killed his career.
Nah just generic basedboy talk, it’s probably how most of the fags in this thread are like.
But one of my mates did get cucked at a party by someone far fitter and did say “but we were having such a deep conversation, I could feel the connection” whilst being a skinny fat faggot
what a fucking CHAD
It's impossible for rich people to experience depression. Depression is isolation + poverty.
it's definitely not
if racism is prejudice + power then depression is isolation + poverty
checkmate nazis
shut the fuck up classcuck.
nice comeback
you sure showed me
yeah I did, get owned.
Christian Bale was younger than that in Begins.
Kirsten Stewart as catwoman please
I'm ready for another British Batman.
Pattinson as Batman, Hoult as the Riddler.
It's a bit more complicated. Depression is isolation + poverty - rape
And since rape is power + forced sex that makes depression equal to isolation + poverty - power - forced sex
Rich people can't have forced sex nor can they lack power. Ergo they can't be depressed. However there is an exception to this equation - sheboons. Since sheboons can never have power, they satisfy the requirements to be depressed. The fact that no one would even consider raping a sheboon doesn't really matter since they can't have sex consensually either. Yet there is another consideration left to be made - the fact that sheboons possess no brains. Therefore, a sheboon, despite meeting the requirements for depression, can never truly be depressed. She can merely chimpout when the circumstancs compell her.
I bet you thought this was smug and funny as you were typing it
rape has literally nothing to do with depression, since men cannot be raped and women cannot experience depression.
No, isolation and poverty suffice to equate depression as depression cannot develop without isolation (ergo why women cannot experience depression) and wealth can always be utilized as a means to escape isolation.
>And lost 10kgs in like half a year.
What the fuck you've been doing for half a year, you glutton? I lost 14 in 100 days. You were either shit at counting calorie intake or sat on your lazy ass for six month. Shame on you, fucking hippo.
>I'm a richfag, but the cars I like are still out of my pay grade.
Then you're not a richfag.
I did the math and it works out.
It's official, he's now and forever known as CHADMAN
Did the study control for the fact that vegetarians and vegans are more health conscious and would likely exercise more and not be obese like the average omnivore?
Show me the studies of cancer rates between fit vegetarians and fit omnivores
Have sex, emcel. This is a serious issue and the big xers are talking.
>since men cannot be raped
Woah there big guy. You better correct that to cismen.
>No, isolation and poverty suffice to equate depression
That depends upon your definition of "isolation". One could perchance define isolation as "niggerdom" and then your framework wouldn't really maintain its integrity anymore.
The point is that to lose weight, you literally don't have to do anything. In fact, gaining weight requires more effort, since you have to be actively stuffing your face with shit. Of course you can go on a proper training regime, or you can go lazy with lesser results.
>define isolation as "niggerdom"
shut the fuck up you well-poisoning faggot, depression has nothing to do with niggers. Niggers are often too fucking stupid to even experience emotion to be depressed themselves.
Uhh men don't care about body shaming? What does this retard think lol
Learn to read, waifufaggot. Maybe then you'll stop chimping out on ghosts and be able to keep up with what's being said. And have sex. Dumb brute.
How do you explain /fit/?
That's not body shaming stuff that's just obsession.
>gaining weight requires more effort,
Gaining muscle mass sure does. To get all the required protein you have to eat a turkey a day and don't forget your whey milk shake!
t. Poorfag
t. middle class temporarily embarrassed millionaire
poor people aren't allowed to post here
have you tried mountain biking
what site is this from I've been trying to find it forever
nice you booty blasted these retarded vegans
>when you're """"""""""rich""""""""" and you spend your free time on a vietnamese mom blog discussion forum filled with NEETS
lmaoing at your life
He looks the same in both pictures.
one of the blind item websites
just type the text into google yourself and search for it verbatim
He's going to fucking die young abusing his body like that.
If they are going for a 'young Batfleck' then I'd say they are dead on with that casting. And given Affleck is probably going to come back for a death scene and to get dumped in a Lazarous Pit then I can see it.
>don't like to take the same road twice
Explain to a europoor, does that mean he has banged her before and doesn't want to repeat the mistake OR that he has banged similar whores before and doesn't want to repeat it?
An excuse.
the latter
Lifting is boring as fuck. It's nothing you hate or enjoy. It's just a thing to do.
It means he's had enough of American women.
Bale's on a whole another level. Actually has passion and dedication.
Puts his body through hell and back and back to hell and back.
Nice digits.