Pizza Hut Edition
Chernobyl Gallery:
Last Disaster:
/RBMK/ - Chernobyl
>(record scratch)
>Yep...that's me. Now you may be asking for yourself how, exactly, did I find myself in this situation?
> answer that, we're gonna have to go....back.
thanks for making the thread, here a death of stalin webm
Gib Stream plz
imagine the smell
This series is unironically more disturbing than most horror I've seen desu.
caviar por favor
Thank you comrade, the Union will remember your vailiant efforts!
First for miners bums and willys
tl:dr fwoar
>Pizza Hut
Jesus Christ that melted firefighter.
were they using wind up flashlights?
has drawfag been here lately? This is the newest I have of his
What a nice shot
i thought for sure the scuba men were trying to rip their masks off after exiting the facility because they were trying not to throw up in their masks and drown in their vomit
pizza hut pan pizza is EZ best of the chain pizzas
you're being delusional
Yea and his dumbass wife that fried his baby in the womb.
>burger king
pick none
based kgb btfo thot
>Little Ceasar's above Pizza Hut
The same words kept running through my head watching this.
>you were told not to touch him but you couldn't resist
>you couldn't resist
...but really...who could?
>fat foreman miner was hard
was dude just happy to be acting or what?
>kills her baby
very good
>when you're not dying of radiation illness right now.
Things truly could be so much worse lads.
>Burger King in good instead of absolutely disgusting
She will give birth to a new generation of mutants. The next step in human evolution.
what a fucking episode, time for a 2nd rewatch
Tula is close to Moscow and was probably easier for the Minister of Coal to get to on short notice, but yeah.
Hand-crank flashlights, yeah. You pull the handle and it generates electricity for a while
Burger King is polarizing. Sucks that you don't enjoy it
How is it that Georgia makes the best fast food?
was expecting as much from russian miners
in her story she says her husband actually pushed her away the first time cause he knew about the no touching rule. Kinda wish they spent more time on them but honestly they could probably make a whole miniseries just out of her story so I kinda get it, they gotta move on.
>taco bell bad
>cinnebon good
Because ionising ratioation fucks up the chemical properties of the batteries in the flashlights rendering them useless so they resorted to mechanical energy rather than chemical
Pizza love
he's in
I'm surprised to find out that most of the commie leaders are alive and the basement of the Pripyat hospital is still radiated to this day
>Told ya, I ain't got no feedwater
>The next step in human evolution is death by cirrhosis
its just an asspained /pol/ r*dditor nitpicking now that his muh sjw baiting is falling apart
This show really drives home the point that you shouldn't take anything for granted. It's that great.
>be told not to touch husband
>touch him anyway
>ok fair enough, kinda dumb but whatever
>keep touching him over and over again
>stay in his room for days
>be told to stay on the other side of the plastic
>husband's face is now as blue as a beetle shell and his skin is coming off him like a boiled potato
>go behind plastic and start touching him again
Pizza Hut is terrible. You should be ashamed of yourselves
they were looking up reactor-kun's skirt, its understandable
so much for her baby.
have sex christ-cel
>she will take care of you even if youre a pus monster
here watch this
>over 30 years later, clothes are still radioactive enough to kill you after a few hours
>firefighters wore this stuff for nearly 12 hours
get this hot head out of here
what a chad
In this shot, the glinting lights symbolize the radiation smiting her unborn child like a vengeful sun god.
Tula is actually not a hard drive to the Ukraine, and it was soviet times, they were all soviets comrade.
Yeah, turns out thyroid cancer isn't as bad as other types.
Taco Bell has too many shitty locations to be considered good. If they were more consistent they'd be higher
>Ulana, just a crumb of caviar...
just imagine
your wife going through all of that work simply to ensure that your unborn child can also be blessed by reactor-chan's glorious light
>that fucking radiation ambiance soundtrack
we're so getting that miscarriage/stillbirth scene aren't we?
radiation is probably one of my greatest actual fears so the ARS this episode fucked with me
user its fine he's just a lil burnt, he's a fireman, its to be expected
he only got 3.6 roentgen of radiation anyway so whats the big deal
this series is scarier and intense than any horror movie I've ever watched. The sheer dread is crazy. Something about the invisible unstoppable and completely unnatural force of radiation just triggers me.
I read that today being close to reactor 4 is about the same radiation dose as a chest x ray so Shcherbina was right, just off by a few decades
Georgia is the undisputed GOAT of fast food
for the purpose of procreation
>Sheetz and Wawa
Based and Pennsylvaniapilled
Nothing like a pissed off hot Ukrainian.
I know, I married one.
I mean flopping around like that is a measure of stimulation, plus in that level of heat there’s no cold to cause shrinkage. Conceivably he could just be getting a boner from what friction his legs give it
Burger King is polarizing but it's delicious
>Firefighter gives his son a helmet he kept from work
>Son dies of a brain tumor 7 months later
What do you mean?
Congratulations, user. You're perfectly sane and human.
Jesus Christ whoever made this has insanely shitty taste
It’s crazy that a simple chest X-ray can do that to a person.
At least they have the safety hats. Wouldn't want to go near the reactor without one of those.
how does a miner even get fat
Are you stupid?
First of all, Minister of Coal wouldn't go there.
Secondly, nobody in Tula would've known a thing about Chernobyl.
Thirdly, nobody would've told miners where they take them.
Brainlet here, what was that whole exchange between the miner and Legasov about 12 meters below ground?
retard tryhard
>At the morgue they said, "Want to see what we'll dress him in?" I do! They dressed him up in formal wear, with his service cap. They couldn't get shoes on him because his feet had swelled up. They had to cut up the formal wear, too, because they couldn't get it on him, there wasn't a whole body to put it on. It was all — wounds. The last two days in the hospital — I'd lift his arm, and meanwhile the bone is shaking, just sort of dangling, the body has gone away from it. Pieces of his lungs, of his liver, were coming out of his mouth. He was choking on his internal organs. I'd wrap my hand in a bandage and put it in his mouth, take out all that stuff. It's impossible to talk about. It's impossible to write about. And even to live through. It was all mine.
>no in and out
$5 hot and ready is extremely efficent calory-to-dollar-to-time wise.
Is it true that HBO isn't showing how much of a fuck-up Dyatlov was by forcing the reactor to stall in the first place?
>the absolute agony those guys dying of ARS
>Just slowly falling apart
Can somebody explain to me how the fuck was this series written and created by the write of Scary Movie 3 and the Hangover sequels?
>eating at some national chain instead of supporting locally owned restaurants
Well Comrade user, unless you happen to have a butter and caviar sandwich on you, you can get the fuck out of this thread.
Indeed. PA is the convenience store Mecca of the world. See also: Rutters
>First of all, Minister of Coal wouldn't go there.
prove it
>Secondly, nobody in Tula would've known a thing about Chernobyl.
quite literally irrelevant
>Thirdly, nobody would've told miners where they take them.
the flashing light showing the radiation killing the kid.
Poor actor dies horribly in Kino shows.
We need a perfectly looped gif of the core fire.
>we're so getting that miscarriage/stillbirth scene aren't we?
I wouldn't be surprised if that isn't THE final scene
Never forgetti
>it's an "americans argue about fast food" episode
Paycheck vs Passion Project.
guess that makes sense
Hahahaha that fucking pic!
Legasov was trying to show "concern" for their safety but it was all bullshit and based miner chad could see right through it.
>these men work in the dark, they see everything
well it's not great
Legasov wanted them to have a layer of earth protecting them from the core, 12 meters. The miner said that it wouldn't matter since they're not 12 meter under at this very instant. They're not going to be 12 meters under when they enter/exit the tunnel. They're going to die all the same, best not waste time on unnecessary precautions.
I think Dyatlov is appearing in the next episode
They started with the explosion and are just now getting to the reasons for the explosion. He should get ripped apart next episode.
Elaborate you pleb
12 meters down they are clear of radiation.
Miner realizes that right now they are getting radiation, so his first goal is to get his workers underground.
Eating calorie dense foods. Dude is bearmode, not fat.
If we're doing this, might as well add all the other fucking shitty gas stations that serve food as well. Sheetz doesn't get any kind of bonus for simply having a kiosk between you and the shit behind the counter.
>mfw i keep telling these retarded party career niggers that /chrnbl/ is a better name and they just dont listen
Legasov said they needed to be 12 meters below ground to be protected from radiation
The miner asked him they were 12 meters below ground in that room, in which he replied no. The miner knew that they were all fucked just by being there
Why do I have a feeling that I've seen her naked?
All chain pizza is pretty terrible, but Pizza Hut is better than Little Caesar's and Domino's. LC's was decent 25 years ago, but it's truly dire today.
Its not clear in the show what causes the meltdown yet. Show starts with it already ongoing and only throws clues as to what might've caused it.
Lets see what I can do user.
It's one of those things where if you know you were baked in 30,000 roentgens it's time to end your life with a handgun.
>thinking In-N-Out would do damage against this field
ARS is some horrific shit,
you lose your shape, everything loses shape, and your body kind of comes unwoven and unwound.
would this series be more kino if the actors were unknown and speaking russian?
I don't find the various accents too distracting personally
>mfw polfags and flawfags and WAIT CHERNOBYL WAS REAL? constantly shit these threads up
>Is it true that HBO isn't showing how much of a fuck-up Dyatlov was by forcing the reactor to stall in the first place?
Maybe we'll find out in episode 4
Yikes what a mess of a woman. Just one thing she can't do, and she did it anyways. I bet she didn't even drink gallons of vodka to decrease rad absorption.
3.6? Not great, but not terrible.
One of the best scenes in the series so far. Heartbreaking.
That depth would shield them from more of the radiation, but it would also cause the work to take a bit longer. Minerchad figured there’s no point lengthen the work since they’re already getting irradiated on the surface anyway, and the quicker they get it done, the quicker they can all leave and stop getting irradiated.
kino nuclear waste article to read inbetween eps
the US needs to stop fuckin' around
>everyone i dont like is /pol/
"nigger" is just the best way to describe you, you no life faggot
im not actually racist or go to pole
I work in entertainment and the amount of shit and ass kissing you have to put up with (unless you’re really well connected via family or school) is insane.
The elephants foot contains material from the core correct? Is that all of it or is it mostly still in what's left of the reactor chamber? Is reactor chan still glowing today?
Do not besmirch the precedent and good reputation set by /SCDP/, /SC&P/, etc.
Gimme that brilliant yellow glow. You know the image I want.
RBMK is better though.
>Protip - You can throw up through a re-breatherr. The valve is set up that you can expel water/vomit through the valve as long as you clear it and don't panic.
But they weren't throwing up.
>bringing muh deli up because butthurt that Uncle Balki's pizza shop wasn't listed
I can't think of how you'd own someone harder than fucking up their chromosomes to the point they can't make new cells.
>what's it up to?
>50 degrees
why was he so upset at the angle of the tunnel?
>not a polfag
>is a flawfag
ok thanks for your good post user
manly tears were shed 2bh
It would be a tiny bit better but its really not a big deal to me. They'd still be actors acting it out and not the actual thing.
we did everything right
Why isn't anyone taking their Iodine pills? Surely they could've got more from across the USSR
Wouldn't the radiation blind anyone who could actually see this?
Chernobyl was real? What next, titanic was real, who the hell do you take me for? A fool? Retard.
Scary movie 3 is kino tyvm
Surprisingly spooky scene, the miners look otherworldly
>Burger King
Are you fucking insane. Even Mc Donalds is better then that shit.
everything was diverted to finding hydrogen so all the iodine got left behind
I thought they were going to start vomiting blood after the applause, would have clapped.
>anons were saying the show would get worse
Oh no no no
it's all pretty true to the wife's account of things to. her story is legit the saddest thing I've ever read.
Doesn't really make a big difference for me, personally. Keeping English accents is definitely preferable to having the actors all do bad Russian ones. With that said, sometimes the cadence and intonation of their sentences is very, very, British and could probably have been toned down a bit imo.
wtf is a flawfag
you are just a fag
Who the fuck is that. He looks and sounds so familiar.
It's another third worlder acts superior because he's secretly jealous of based Americans episode
reminder that the Simpsons contributed far more to the distrust of nuclear energy than any of these accidents have ever done IRL
>burger king better than wendy's and papa johns
>I think I'm getting the black lung, pop.
TB.H you'd have to be a retard if you did not kill yourself after being exposed to a lethal dose of radiation.
they all live, the firefighters were just pussies
Jesus Christ. This episode was so brutal. Absolute horror kino.
I have had many God-Tier fast food meals at Sheetz
The actors are doing a good enough job to justify it I think. If they were fucking around then yeah.
As a Ukrainian, the Irish actors in this could easily pass as our people. Not the English ones though, they are too smooth and girlish.
I really like this romance subplot
so they had to have researched what ARS victims look like right? where can I find such uncensored images? I only have ouchi related material
Something like this?
you turn into LCL
He literally did nothing wrong though, the situation was never less than nominal, not great, not terrible.
to steep an incline for his fat ass
>this post
Flyover detected.
A more accurate description would be forced decomposition.
ARS doesn't damage you. It just stops you from healing, in the most brutal, direct way. It prevents every cell in your body it affects from being able to properly reproduce.
Your cells have a lifespan of 90 days - any cell that doesn't follow this rigorous schedule is cancerous, and therefore dangerous. Cells must die so the body can live - but only if they are suitably replaced.
ARS kills the replacements.
So the cells continue living, not realizing there is no one to carry on their work. And then they die, one by one, as they are required, and little by little the body realizes it has been damaged in a way it doesn't know how to repair.
Pain comes, and doesn't go. Symptoms appear, and don't disappear, stacking on top of one another as every single system in your body slowly and inevitably falls apart.
You are rotting. You are literally a corpse. The only problem is corpses normally rot AFTER they die.
>pita pit
My fuckkkin nigga
*throws up
Pizza Hut is garbage. My rankings reflect the chains impartially as I have zero loyalties to any national pizza chains
we didn't know that given the timelapse between the valve shot and the exit
didn't know rebreathers worked like that though, thanks user
>boris and valery clap even harder
>soldiers start cheering
>someone brings a table out of the temp office so boris can start slapping it
Other then with a fish, you haven't.
to be fair, if she got naked it would be cool. Not like when Eleanor Tomlinson went nude and I impregnated my wife
It is all ran by Jews too. And shitty millennial women.
I lie to people and claim I'm a bleeding heart liberal and that I don’t own guns.
Sucks senpai
What a vacation pic
Keep your cardboard fries and transplants to yourself.
t. Arizona
fookin northern donutfag
UNF, nice.
But not exactly. I was thinking more one of those gifs where you can't find the beginning or end. For a shakycam image like that you'd need to run it through a video stabilizer then blend the beginning and ending frames.
I don't have the software, otherwise I'd do it myself.
fuck sake that's scary
i'd get them to scalp out my brain and spinal cord and put it on ice so i'd be resurrected in 1000 years
>All chain pizza is pretty terrible
Ayyy bitch comin' through.
/RBMK/ is better desu
Could someone with access to an HQ stream or version of episode 3 replicate this screenshot?
basically anyone bitching about any moment that isn't 100% exactly historical in a FIVE HOUR series or any moment where any party member or civilian does anything not 100% in line with pure soviet hierarchical order
>My rankings reflect the chains impartially
That's what somebody who is all muscle looks like
do they even have caramelized onions
the only reason to ever get pizza desu
>lmao let me just drop the power to save water against written orders, blame the crew when the reactor stalls and break protocol to re-start the reactor
your right he dinndu nuffin, the sub accidents he was connected to in Siberia that lead to his son dying from leukemia were pure coincidence.
And you keep your Mexicans and billion degree summers.
yes this 100%, really funny similar they looked and acted
tattoo ruins everything
What I find scariest about it is that it is a form of death invented by humans.
Radiation sickness doesn't naturally occur. It is only possible because we found this fire, deep in the earth, and brought enough of it together to burn ourselves.
I wonder if that's the universe's way of telling us that we should take it seriously.
How can you eat a McDonalds burger and tell me that it's better or even close to as good as one from BK with a straight face?
When is episode 4 airing in USA?
I just pirated episode 3 because here in latin america it airs this friday
Yeah, I do not have stablizing software, sorry.
>the these endoscopies probably weren't even needed as fatality was assured and they just wanted pictures for medical research/textbooks
>your last few weeks alive you get cameras shoved up your ass just so doctors can satisfy their curiosity for a rare condition
to be fair I havent seen anyone take a shit in the show yet
are we supposed to believe no one took a shit from the time chernobyl started?
arse of a 14yo, fantastic, absolutely fantastic
Next Monday
Barrel-chested. Built like a tree. The body of a miner.
Imagine opening up on those coffins. Probably be like the fridge from Cowboy Bebop.
Tula is renowned for iron and coal mining, blacksmithing and weapons manufacturing.
They are a forsaken people, but necessary.
There are no Wawas in flyover states you stupid boon
Somebody repost the picture of the wife woman's account of how he was coughing up pieces of his liver and lungs that she would have to pick out of his mouth.
Do you think it makes more sense for someone who does a labour-intensive job to be skinny?
pic related
But is there a price on water savings, i would argue saving that water was well worth it. A human cannot live without water for more than 5 days or something, so it's pretty important.
how is she physically unharmed in this episode and the next episode? literally impossble
Ah yes, a canned breath of slow, excruciating death.
Fuck yeah
That whole plot of renaming the company so that the only thing it changed was the D becoming an ampersand, subtly erasing Don out of the company's name, was brilliant, as all Mad Men was.
he begged for death but they kept him alive just to see what would happen. these are what his chromosomes looked like after the accident
>USAnians ruining yet another thread with their fast food shit
is this fucking /ck/ or something?
yeah, my moist nugget comes from a Tula factory. good gun
Her baby took most of the radiation
Lads, how did they view the plant from the bridge on the right of pic, when the town is on the left. Did they walk past the plant to the bridge or some shit?
Don't forget samovars.
>SJW and kikes ruin yet another show
i'm about to fucking snap
can't even have anything that isn't garbage nowadays
Got you senpai
thank you i love you
She isn't...
Not directly exposed to significant amounts of ionizing radiation. Long term low dose won't produce any immediately visible damage.
and the worse part is his name was Ouchi
The forecast was they'd have thousands more rad poisoning cases coming in, they literally had to keep them alive and learn all they could to save future lives. They were unwilling heros even in deathbed.
This feels like science fiction, there is no way we fucked up this bad.
Honestly being a stillbirth is probably better than being raised by a single mother.
>are you telling me dyatlov didn't get punished for throwing up on the bunker desk
no he wasn't
it is possible to survive ARS, I mean not if you get like 1000+ rads but at like 400 you have a 50/50 chance, maybe better than that with modern treatment.
My nigger. Do you know what year it was manufactured? I've got an entirely original pre-war 1937 and I couldn't be happier with it.
Why is Legasov such party pooper?
>tfw you realize radiation QT was in the building all those years ago.
did you know Chernobyl's nuclear disaster actually happened? i shit you not lad
He has such a weird face
Wrong bridge. I think it was an overpass, a railway passing over a road or something.
>Northern donutfag
I ranked Krispy Kreme way ahead of Dunkin Donuts and Tim Hortons dumbass
radiation mutations are a wonderful thing
>the divers emerge
>Don't even decontaminate
>Upend an entire bottle of vodka
This was in relation to an incident in Japan in 1999. Everyone already knew what was going to happen to Ouchi
To be fair, it took a long series of stupid choices for this to happen.will list them out in a moment.
Don't care. This is a labor of love
Ah so probably the railway bridge on the left passing over the main road to the plant, got it
Yeah but this is TV. They can turn the tire popping on an airplane and it throwing a few sparks when it lands into a drama.
I remember that fucker, too.
Super-science lady was pretty calm this episode as well, and did a bit to move the story forward. The miners are fucking great, especially their king.
Nigger what the fuck can you even do if you sustain cell damage of that caliber. This is not a broken spine, which we cannot repair anyway. This is way worse than a broken spine.
I dunno maybe if you consult the right vedict texts you can vibrate to a plane without corporeal forms. I guess that could save you.
Those BK triple stackers are god tier.
>hugs him
>hold his hand for days
>kisses his deformed skin plenty of times
>little to no radiation
I'm not entirely sure, but it was before the huge ramp up for the war considering it has a hex receiver
and were totally fine.
How the fuck does radiation even work, guys?
>tfw you recognise Finchy from the UKs The Office in Chernobyl
turns out water is a bretty good radiation shield
For me?
It's Tula Bakelites.
vodka was the decontamination
I ship it
You just need to copy the clip, paste it at the end and then reverse the second one, so it makes a loop.
News flash pal, radiation is not real. Get with the times. See the light.
The BB got the rads and when she pooped it out the rads were gone.
Why don't they just pop them in the head with a Makarov or something? Are they still trying to keep up the >muh 3.6 roentgen shit?
her baby dies 4 hours after being born, she later suffers a stroke and generally poor health for the rest of her life. how much of that is from radiation and how much of that is from the massive amounts of stress this must have cause her idk. in her real life interview she sounds like she has ptsd or something.
Some actual miner-Chads footage from the "1986.04.26 P.S." series:
radiation is alcoholic
1370 calories is pretty impressive
Because people who have been irradiated aren't actually radioactive.
Wouldn't that result in the smoke going downwards?
I guess it's better to be only exposed to the radiation in the few centimeters of liquid surrounding you than all the dust having a direct line of site to you in a given area?
Redpill me on Graphite.
>3 episodes in
>still no niggers, chinks, faggots or other undesirables
Um the light is blue user, what's up with that???
graphite is concrete
that too. breathing in the particles is what will fuck you up long term because it burns you from the inside out.
Build reactor using graphite, when basically all the serious disasters involve graphite reactors (Windscale, chernobyl, both Saint-Laurent-des-Eau meltdowns.)
Run a stress test on a reactor, and not follow instructions.
Instead of 700 MW its at 200 MW after being pushed up from 50 MW so it is xenon poisoned.
Remove almost all the control rods.
Shut down the pumps at this low energy state that would never exist in a reactor in normal operation.
Ignore that the computer is dropping all 12 rods it controls in quick order.
Have it go into a massive power spike, then scram reactor.
Forget that Scramming causes a additional power spike due to the design.
so you get two booms.
no one saw it
Germinal Zola
Unironicly yes
There's this story of a maintenance diver in a reactor in the US, he picks up what he thinks is a piece of broken metal, and when he surfaces all the radiation alarms go off. Dude actually picked up a piece of uranium rod and was unharmed because of the centimeter or so of neoprene wetsuit and water between him and the uranium rod
I think that depends, if you've been breathing in radioactive dust then you're going to be radioactive
Fuck. I don't want to look at it but I need to see more rotting living men.
what graphite comrade
You can't see it on the roof because it's not there
Tula is entry-level pleb shit,
Sestroretsk is where it's at.
Izhevsk isn't even in the running so don't bother mentioning those Johnny-come-later's
maybe,it's not so bad
it encases core-chan to get her hot and bothered.
>isnt showing how much of a fuck-up Dyatlov was
>literally saying he deserves a death sentence for what he has done in first minutes of the first episode
Fucking hell you guys are fast
bro Dayatlov lives for another 9 years, the chad who held the big metal door open for the unfortunate souls who looked into the core also lives.
they got sick as fuck but they ultimately survived, they didn't get 13,000 R like poor vasily but they still got enough to get ARS they both got around 400. I'm just saying having the symptoms of ARS doesn't automatically = certain death.
It's not that it's "little to no radiation" it's just not enough to make visible burns or significant necrosis from severe genetic damage. In low doses radiation is a slow killer you don't see coming.
Can't do that since there is steam/smoke
Time to fire off a box of Tula.
remember to thank glow niggers for bringing us this kino
Graphite is one of the two moderators were you can get thermal neutrons to be able to maintain a reaction with unenriched uranium. the other being Heavy water. It has to be super pure and free of Boron.
Elaborate, please
I want to see their willys
You can get bone marrow transplants if it works you can survive.
Is "not great, but not terrible" one of the best lines of 2019?
What makes heavy water heavier than normal water
spend a lot of time thinking about naked russian miners, do you?
It's really good at moderating (slowing down) fast neutrons to thermal neutrons (neutrons in thermal equilibrium). These thermal neutrons are the spark for each splitting of a Uranium atom.
Unfortunately for the RBMK, graphite actually is a better moderator than Water. Relative to water, graphite moderated more neutrons while water absorbs more neutrons, relatively speaking. When they SCRAM (AKA push the AZ-5 button) the shutdown rods that are tipped with graphite displace water in the channel inside the fuel rod. Ironically, this effect has an emergency shutdown INCREASE power for a few split seconds.
Who doesn't
The too lines are:
>not great, not terrible
Dyatlov's line
>not great but not horrifying
Brykhanov's like.
Get your shit straight, comrade.
gay nigger
the radiation
he was not, lol. Spreading misinformation, at a time like this, disgraceful, really
one of the best things about this is that if anyone tries to deny it happened, they can go there, see for themself and still die of radiation poisoning.
my god i am so hard right now
what are you talking about?
Heavy water is jargon for Deuterium rich water. Deuterium is like a normal Hydrogen, but with a spare neutron.
how does a babi absorb radiation for ze mother
>Radiation sickness doesn't naturally occur.
except where animals happen to burrow into naturally occurring uranium deposits, many of which are several degrees hotter than the surrounding ground, because of fission.
>there is no way we fucked up this bad.
It won't be the last time.
babi seeds stem cells throughout mama bodi, babi die from radiation because delicate, stems cells help keep mama living with new cells
The taste of Wendy’s meat has really gotten bad in the past ten years. Ever since they booted all of the great values from the 99¢ menu they have been in a tailspin
There's nothing gay about wanting to see a miners willy user, i'f you wanted to see mine then I would call you curious or overly forward, but certianly not gay
So, how about it, wanna see my willy?
no but i'd like to see the soles of your feet. or is THAT too gay for you?
>babi seeds stem cells
no way
The fact that it's not symmetrical triggers my retarded OCD
It doesn't "absorb" anything from its mother. It is exposed to radiation and radioactive particles that the mother has in her system. A small amount of radiation over a long amount of time wouldn't kill the mother but it would practically destroy the developing embryo's ability to form properly. Zygotes are incredibly vulnerable to genetic damage and have practically no protection.
Even your epidermis provides some level of protection from radiation. That's the perk of being covered in several layers of dead cells. Anything in the mother's system is going to fuck an unborn child up big time.
I hope they at least asked him why the fuck he decided to dump a literal bucket of 16 kg of uranium directly into the precipitation tank when it could only safely hold 2.4kg of uranium.
I can't help but to think these values are based on a misinterpretation of a description of the event. It would sound more likely they were using a bucket designed to hold 16kg uranium, not that it actually had 16kg uranium in it, or that they would put the whole fucking thing in.