>has the look
>has the money
>will die chidless
What’s the point?
>has the look
>has the money
>will die chidless
What’s the point?
Other urls found in this thread:
he's had a rough life cut him some slack
he probably doesnt care
hehe he immortal dum dum
Grief. He mentally checked out in his early 20's.
In some ways, we're all his children now.
a strong urge to have children is just you compensating for your own failed life
Once, a boy called richard came to school. He said "I can cut off penises". So we said "yeah right." So at playtime we all went out on the playground and he made me lie down on my back. He pulled this knife out of his pocket and cut off my peeniss faster than an electronic rabbi
Its not fucking fair bros..... they should've been together
Incel cope
sad keanu is sad
why is winona ryder in a pic with every actor in his youth
He's a man, he still has time
He may die childless, but his memory will live on.
He actually had a kid but it died.
thinkgen of life
They starred together in the 1992 movie "Bram Stoker's Dracula"
You know there's not one.
Literally as meaningless as any other worldly pursuit. Especially if we just end up wiping out the planet.
>you lived long enough to make your children suffer through the apocalypse
They could have saved each other
Pain of another loss is too much to bear.
spot the actual faggot
>oven dodger
he was dodging bullets years before the matrix
>you were asleep weren't you Michael? Were you "Sex-ua-lly Re-ass-igned?"
>only thing that happened was I got a rotten crotch ache
I want to live in a universe where they are married
>bad things happen
oh well, i shouldnt have kids so they dont have bad things happen. good thing my parents and their parents had me so i can be a selfish little shitbag and probably has nothing to do with brainwashing and low natural instinct
good thing nature culls your kind
I wish I could meet keanu reaves on a parkbench somewhere and just talk about life
I think its really bad news, they dont let trannies in our school loos. If you want to rape her, you have to ask, right in front of everyone in class. You may think i'm a bit of a fool, but thats why i work for the school.
Keanu had a hard life
He needs some time to rest
keanu is based
He made a deal with Satan to gain immortality if he sacrificed his ability to have children. At the time, he didn't know he was meant to father the second coming of Christ.
I thought everyone knew that.
He can nut in some thot real quick. People forget Mick Jagger had a kid in his fucking seventies
> having dinner with somebody automatically means you're dating
gossip rags are all trash
We'll never know him
>m-muh meaningless
We should have genocidef ebery single German philosopher that ever lived
>wipe out the planet
Planet will be okay you little weakling.
I met keanu in 2001 when I was 10. I wish I was older to understand and appreciate him more. I only knew him from Bill and Ted. He was in my town playing with his band Dogstar. He was in the back behind a fence having a smoke break and I went up to the cage asking for his autograph. He said sure thing and asked for my name. I said Kai and he looked at me for a moment silently then wrote his name and said take care. It was only years later that I found out his son that was to be born was to have that name.
Vampires can't have kids
Did he really go his entire life without any type of girlfriend/fiance/wife?
Mad bc you won’t have cool kids
What was the anime song during the chef scene?? Any weebs know?
she got around if you know what I mean
she has nice tits and probably sucks a mean dick
thanks jannies, ill repost it
Didn't Coppola legally marry them by accident during the filming of Dracula?
goddamn, I don't need these feels.
literally 2 seconds
>implying not having children is a bad thing
>he doesn't know
He had a pregnant fiance. Lost both her and the child in a car accident.
It's not his fault that almost no available woman is good enough for him.
Actually seems like a chill guy. I’ll bet he’d be a good friend.
I hope you're lying, fren. That's too much.
yeah this op is fucking weird
shouts out to keanu for breaking apart from the collective delusion
thanks man. I am pepeja
We need decent people like him to have kids though.
>He took the red pill in real life.
I hope this is bullshit.
Kids are a meme and for losers or narcissists
>will die chidless
implying he isnt 300 years old
>>will die chidless
Is Keanu 70 now?
Explain, anti-natalist.
I'm sure he's made many spawn over the millennia.
I'll take things that didn't happen for 400, Alex.
>brainlet seething
>no meaningful reply
Touched a nerve there sweaty?
>meaningless drivel and bald-faced denial
You do know the planet is going to be a cosmic cinder long after humanity is a biological footnote in the fossil record, right? But you keep raging bro! I know you can beat inevitability!
He was never the same after he lost the love of his life. I can relate, it just isn't the same anymore, there is always a void
Do you really need children if you are immortal
Did he get a dog?
Well, I did nothing of relevance in my life but at least I had kids!! I did something!!
Please be fake
If you think life and giving life is so insignificant why don't you fucking kill yourself? Oh because you're scared and you ENJOY living even though you bitch about not getting your way handed to you.
>the world will be ash guiz, i just know it!
Fucking delusional vain jabroni, you seem to know everything.
Good thing you won't have kids to pass on your dead end genes, you're an imbecile.
I'm actually Nobel Prize winner James Watson and I had kids.
>all these retards ITT spewing philosophical shit
People like having kids because kids are cute and sweet and nice and good to have as you get over. The reason you, and me, won't have kids is not because we are more superior/smart/woke to such people, but because we are incels. Get over it.
He's so fucking based that he knows his corrupted hapa seed shouldn't be spread. He probably volunteers on foster homes during his free time teaching white kids to shoot niggers like John wick
this but uncringeworthy
people have kids because they are mindless drones following basic biological imperatives
wrong. I think very little of myself
>omg guys i HATE children and HATE life
>b-but thanks mom and dad and all of my grandparents for letting me have an opinion at all, h-heh!
Stop breathing then, everyone else is doing it
>bro everything is meaningless because eventually the universe will end
Only losers and autists unironically think this way
I'm glad that there's a childfree movement gaining momentum. Parents who feel pressured into having children when they don't raise sociopaths and narcissists. Let these enlightened folk who understand the futility of human life self-select out of the gene pool; the sooner the better.
>Keanu Reeves
*dont want to
>only people with a brain think this
>has the look
>has the money
why the fuck would he burden himself with a kid then?
Checkmate, OP.
I would if I could
Smells noice
>you'll never play videogames with Keanu
I have a feeling there are more unempathetic people than before though
>let me ask you a question
I am killing myself living every day. So are you. So is everyone. Is has nothing to do with being afraid of death and more to do with the people who would be worse off without me. That's right, unlike (You) I have people in my life who give it meaning. Because having a point and having meaning are two wildly different things.
Though I don't know why I'm trying to meaningfully discuss philosophy with a mental defective.
post the autograph
Imagine being capable of feeling love. You meet a person you like and they like you. You fall in love with each other. You have passionate, romantic sex. The result is that a person is a born. A person who is a combination of the two of you. Two people who love each other. Man, that must feel good...
I'd like for you to engage your brain and find where I even referenced the word "meaningless".
Isn't that a plot of the movie Replicas? How the fuck did he star in that without a mental breakdown.
It is really hard for celebrities to have stable marriages. Because of the 24/7 flooizes around willing to cheat with him any time of day or night, sometimes I think it is better for them to go the childless route.
Even if he doesn’t want to fuck around the 24/7 papazzii is hard on kids and wife. If the wife is a non celeb, and if she is a celeb she has her own career and fun to be had. Some one has to stay home and do all the arranging from the home and kids, even if just overseeing the nanny
mmm... shemales
Love isn't real. Grow up.
The problem is only well off smart white people do this while the shallow end of the iq pool has 5-8 kids before they are 30
it was on my mind when I wrote it
Do you have a billion dollars?
Nah, the child was stillborn
His wife died like a year later
The only meaning in life is to procreate and pass on your genes. Its the only truth
He probably has tons of bastards, I bet he spreads his sperm around more than a normie could ever bealive
Meaning is a human concept. There is no "meaning" to reality, you can give the one you prefer to your life.
>this is what brainlets and NPCs actually think.
I know Keanu IRL from work and he doesn't care. He's donating all his money to animal rights and cancer research causes when he dies. If he had children, they'd have miserable lives due to climate change-related famine. Fuck that. I don't blame him.
The love of his life died 20 years ago in a car accident with his unborn child. He's not going to get married and have kids after that.
He still has his bro's
Anti-natalism is pure COPE for incels and poorfags who are afraid of having a family or unable to provide for one, or just losers whose life is so shitty that the pass the blame onto their parents for bringing them into existence. They have a childish, reductionist view of life that strips all the nuance and experience away until the human condition can be stuffed into a pathetic little box.
People who are happy, who enjoy life, who find success and leave legacies, do not concern themselves with the moral quandaries of reproducing. Life is too short to concern yourself with the heat death of the universe or rules of right and wrong that fat men who call themselves philosophers or "thinkers" made up.
there is no meaning to life, the best thing you can do is enjoy it (which is not the same thing as hedonism)
Maybe when we were living in the fucking stone age. Now, it's all about individualism and living the most satisfying life you can.
What we can all take from this thread is that nihilism and depression are ghey and aren't conducive to living happy, fulfilling lives.
Yeah, I left it right there by th-
Maybe until we get off this rock but the meaning of life is to colonize the galaxy, become a type 3 civilization and colonize other dimensions.
Humanity was not meant to die on Earth.
Gee, it's almost like somebody realizes unrestrained procreation is an unsustainable way of life. Hmmm.
What an empty and ignorant statement.
Do you have the non-modified picture of this cat?
>dude just turn your brain off!
Good. Don't have kids.
Nihilism and depression aren't the same thing, let alone necessary for each other's existence. The only people who think all nihilists are depressed schizoids are those too simple to live free of the shadow of their mortality.
Please don't have kids.
>now excuse me while I continue to indiscriminately contribute to overpopulation and unsustainable climate change
>bringing a child into the world in the age of donald trump
You're right. Don't have kids.
What an intellectually coherent rebuttal. Enjoy your existential crisis.
Lol why do you think??
Insiders say her nickname was "Wynonna Ryder? Don't you mean WANNA RYDER?"
Rumors are that she was a humongous cock hound
We already know she has poor impulse control because she was caught stealing shit for fun
Do with that what you will.
>muh climate change
and i thought you claiming to know keanu would be the biggest lie in your post
I agree with you. Don't have kids.
Of course, I am not a psycho forcing suffering and consciousness on other people.
>NO U: the post
not here
>unsustainable climate change
not my fault, I don't even have a car and I buy very few things (still not a fucking breeder though)
But you're still wrong. Don't have kids.
Good. We've reached a win-win situation. Don't have kids.
You're an idiot retard if you don't believe in man causing the climate to change at an unprecedented rate. It's a shame I'll be eating bug protein bars straight out of Snowpiercer because you faggots want to drive gas guzzling cars and eat hamburgers for every meal in twenty years.
I'm already working on it. You won't though, which we both agree is good.
>not here
Overpopulation is a coming global catastrophe. Enjoy mass migration and the upcoming water wars.
>not my fault
Still everyone's problem.
To that drugged up sleazy cock hound?
Nahh he could do so much better.
Based and truthpilled
At least you can acknowledge how retarded you are.
>Life is too short
yikes from me, this shit just drags on tbhwyf
Let's see:
Africa 1950 - 240 million
Africa predicted 2050 - 2,400 million
Ten times the population in 100 years.
During the same time period, Europe's population has remained more or less stable, the US only increasing slightly.
India, population 1,200 million
China 1,400 million.
Are you saying that africa, china and india are the problem? Are you a racist.
Figures show that the open fires alone used in india and china cause more pollution than the US.
Are you saying china and india should starve to death because they can't cook their food?
Ok Al. Weren't we all supposed to be under water by 2012 or something?
That's actually the best part, that no matter what happens, you get fucked either way
That's okay as long as you don't have kids.
Why cant all hapas be like based keanu instead of being whiny cunts bros?
You're right, we should neutron bomb india, china and africa until nothing is left moving there. It is the only way to save the planet.
Good to meet another eco-fascist.
I'm sure he secretly has children.
>keanu thread
>will die
stopped reading right there
>Enjoy mass migration and the upcoming water wars
how am I responsible for that? I can't do anything about it
>Still everyone's problem
that's where you're wrong, what the fuck do I care about it?
I've known Keanu for 20 years and as anyone around him knows, he has three kids with a woman he hasn't married. He doesn't want to expose them to a media covered lifestyle, so he has kept them quiet.
He doesn't give a shit about the climate and laughs about it. He runs a motorcycle business and loves it, motorcycles have the highest carbon emissions proportionally of any vehicle.
Grow up you fucking idiot.
More pics of this cat please.
I think people have kids because they're lonely and know that family has an obligation to talk to them.
That's how it works in my family at least
Yeah, people should have stopped having kids thousands of years ago, it's so old fashioned and lame.
>life is too short
>so let me commit 20 years of mine or maybe even more raising an ungrateful shit who will never thank me for anything I did for him
Just because Al Gore was wrong about the date doesn't mean the concept is wrong. The science clearly supports it but I'm sure that doesn't matter to you because you're a shitposting retard.
Not him but I myself don't think it's for everybody.
Don't have kids for your selfish fulfillment with any random cunt just because you're afraid of dying without having kids.
Do you think children of divorces, who often end up as fucking criminals, live a happy life or would it have been better if their dads had a little more fucking sense?
>My parents were low IQ and married/reproduced with people who they weren't compatible with
>nobody should ever have kids again
Are eugenics the only answer?
not him but
1.) there's no source
2.) you really think the industrialization of global superpowers isn't having a dramatic change on the environment?
3.) even if you don't think so, why not operate on the assumption that we do have an impact on the environment and work towards better, cleaner and renewable energy sources instead of going with the ones that require trillions in subsidies and wars overseas where we gotta slaughter a couple hundred thousand sand niggers every decade?
they hated him because he spoke the truth
Have sex delusional npc
lmao your ancestors suffered through more than anything you or your kids likely will
>The only meaning in life is to eat, sleep, breed, and die. You get to choose what you do with the rest of your time.
Why should the west have to give up its industrialization while the developing world doesn't?
wow maybe you should kys urself 14 year old if le nothing matters just like in rick and morty
This. Man the fuck up until we colonize space, you pussies.
So niggers shitting out 5 to 10 kids are more meaningful than say someone like Issac Newton who died a virgin?
I'm not saying we should. We should just be responsible when it comes to clean energy given that we have the means to do so. For the amount we subsidize the oil companies every year, we could literally build machines that suck out the pollution from the air (at the rate of $100/kg of emissions) and we wouldn't have to worry about pollution at the current rate that 7 billion people produce
my great grandfather started having kids in his late 60s with a 16 year old. not a good thing for the kids when their dad dies so early in their life and he’s more like a grandfather to them. he was also rich but was drained of his money by my great grandmother
have sex
be careful you don’t hurr yourself on that edge
having kids is the ultimate cuckoldey imagine devoting 18 years of your life and resources to raise some parasite that will mostly likely give you nothing in return or even further continue being a parasite past 18 just for some retarded concept of “muh genes”
with who?
He would be perfect to do a MGS movie damn
Pics of autograph or it never happened faggot
like tears in the rain...
I'm sure your parents apply a lot of meaning whenever they remember they will never see you with a woman let alone with a child of your own for as long as they live.
Having a kid for your own selfish hope that it will make you happy is just throwing shit at the wall hoping it sticks. It's for the best you will never procreate so everyone wins in the end, other than you that is.
This is true of a lot of people (you're probably working class), but I meet a lot of couples who have great chemistry and have really great kids and that makes it all seem worth it. Eugenics. Maybe.
Get a load of this cuck
What’s the point of children?
To continue the suffering of existence.
Kys. Why do you care what others do?
I'm enjoying life. Speak for yourself.
doesn't mean your children will
We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
You're right but at the same time you're wrong. Some people are left out better if they don't reproduce.
This fucked up mentality is precisely why we're fucked. A culling is coming and I hope you and your stupid fucking family are first, faggot.
You won't have a family to be culled.
>in an interview, Stephen Colbert has the actual fucking gall to ask:
>what do you think happens when we die, Keanu Reeves?
>the audience fucking laughs, Keanu takes a deep breath:
>I know that the ones who love us will miss us.
>a brief titter from the audience before they realise be's being sincere and let out a patronising AWWWWW
this actually happened the other day, Jesus Christ just kill me
Why not just convert everything to nuclear and spend that money on boiling-salt reactors and other such systems?
I'm totally for nuclear until we get fusion reactors going. That being said, wind and solar is pretty fucking awesome too.
The ni99er gets to pass on his genes and memes to the next generation and the next ad infinitum, and ensuring that his ethnic group still exist. The virgin nerd gets his name immortalized in history if he’s lucky. And he failed in passing on his superior genes
Solar currently has a larger carbon deficit due to manufacturing than even coal. Wind turbines have a high carbon deficit to kW output ratio.
kek where the hell do you think the materials come from?
you won't be able do to anything about it by then. I know it's irrational but no one shoulf have children until they've asked them if they want to live.
That's right goym, keep reproducing so that your descendants may know the heat death of the universe. It's totally worth it, you dumb fucks!
>keep reproducing
You got it.
That's just because it's a fringe technology at the moment with almost zero subsidies across the world compared to traditional sources. Give it a couple years after world governments announce their plans to abandon coal and you'll see some very interesting advancements in efficiency in production, including nuclear technologies as well.
>kek where the hell do you think the materials come from?
This is a disingenuous argument because our current infrastructure is based around traditional energy sources. Of course it requires the current infrastructure to create a new infrastructure but it'd be worth it in the long run.
Get fucked you stupid middle class Yank "life is suffering" fag.
because he took the red pill?
I don't trust shoplifters.
True freedom.
Where are you going to get the resources, how are you going to smelt them, purify them, and cast them into the needed shapes.
>know you can beat inevitability!
Time to kill yourself bro, it is inevitable, not killing yourself just ousts you as a loudmouth pussy.
Yes. We should nuke all those countries desu.
>Children = meaningful life
Sound like a retarded Shapiro fanboy
oh shit. thats fucking awkward
Fuck keanu reeves, ain't nobody care about my buddy Georgie who lives in the alleyway on 182nd and sherman?
Under a theoretical utopia where the infrastructure existed to manufacture more wind, solar and nuclear without coal? The premise answers the question, without coal.
It will require non renewable resources to create that infrastructure but that's because we're operating under a flawed infrastructure that needs to change.
Ben seems alright. Haven't watched nearly a 20th of his stuff, but yeah.
>be user
>be 14 years old Rick and Morty fan
>decides to fight against his lowly biological urges
>stops going to toilet
>stops breathing
>is full of shit and hot air
Don't have sex.
Sex is overrated anyway.
I get you user. It's like Civilization games. You need coal to create nuclear but once nuclear infrastructure is in place you can use the nuclear infrastructure to create more nuclear.
>who would be worse off without me
I sincerely doubt it.
have sex
>he's too stupid to have sex without avoiding biologically shackling himself to some roasty's spawn
>m-muh clitoris change
Back to chapo cucksucker. Did you limperisted berniebros switched to endless waffle about environment, because unlike the working class, the environment cannot tell you to eat dick and kill yourselves?
It is when you are fat manlet with 3 inch cock.
seething simpletons
>will die childless
Fucking kino.
>hurr durr the meaning of life is to have kids
He almost had a kid even though there is no inherent meaning to life.
His daughter was born dead, and then his girlfriend died in a car crash months later
I wonder why people can't seem to realize Keanu is basically living in a permanent state of grief and sadness that they attribute to being chill
fat dicklet Bill Nye educated intelectual
> On December 24, 1999, she gave birth eight months into her pregnancy to Ava Archer Syme-Reeves, her child with actor Keanu Reeves. The child was stillborn. The strain put on their relationship by their grief resulted in their breakup several weeks later.
> On April 1, 2001, Syme attended a party at musician Marilyn Manson's home. After being driven home by another party guest shortly before dawn, she left her home, reportedly to return to the party. On the morning of April 2, 2001, Syme drove her 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee into a row of parked cars on Cahuenga Boulevard in Los Angeles. She was partially ejected from the vehicle and died instantly. Syme was 28 years old. Syme is buried next to her daughter in Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery in Los Angeles.
Son of a bitch
Ah, so a fantasy land then
it was decades ago
he should get over it already
Reminder different looney Intruder bitches got into his home
Keanu was meant to Charlize, but the bitch fucked up adopting those black nigro nigger kids
If a virus could speak, this is what it would say
>tfw met many men who had lost their unborn child this way
No one ever talks about this
Viruses aren't alive you absolute cretin, go lick windows somewhere else
He lives for Motorcycles, brah.
He's an ultimate doomer
>that last graph
>vertical spike at the end
you BTFO'd yourself denialtard
No, in a reasonable world where we put a year of oil subsidies towards R&D towards a better future. Pretty damn reasonable.
Fuck big oil and the goys that enable it.
Stop making shit up retard. Wind and solar are both very low-carbon compared to conventional fossil fuels. For full life cycle they reduce carbon emissions per energy harvested by 60% or more (wind is over 80%).
This is flawed logic
> someone has something I don't have that I think it will make me happy if I have it myself
> is he stupid for not enjoying it? What's wrong?
You would probably be happy having those women and money but he is more than probably fed up with hoes, Jews and unsolicited attention everywhere he goes
He's a tranny chaser. All hapas should be sterilized anyway. Like oxen.
his children are all of us who watch his movies and will remember his name for generations to come
colbert has also had a lot of loss in his life. thats why he asked you dummy.
A lot of traumatized actors pick parts to help themselves mourn. Charles Bronson and Liam Neeson both started doing a shitload of vigilante operator movies when their wives died.
>If you think life and giving life is so insignificant why don't you fucking kill yourself?
Holy shit, get a load of this edgelord
didn't he date a tranny from netflix for a while?
methinks he doesn't care about his seed going dry
This desu
Your argument is literally that the temperature of earth is disconnected from reality, that it just changes for absolutely no reason at all, so we shouldn't look into it. Have you ever heard of cause, and effect? Every time the temperature has changed previously it has had a cause. It might've been a volcano eruption, or an asteroid impact, but there was always a cause. There cannot be effect without cause. Tell me, user, if it isn't human intervention, what's causing the climate change now? Did Yellowstone erupt while I wasn't looking, or something, you utter fucking irredeemable shit smeared drooling retard?
He already has kids you don't know about. It's what high level members of the black aristocracy do to protect their children from being kidnapped.
hes gay
river phoenix and him used to suck each others dicks, and wasnt he dating that tranny from Sense8?
Every good looking woman in Hollywood is either
> a bisexual loony,
> a negro/insectoid adopting mess,
> a silicon valley gold digger,
> a metoo prostitute in denial
IRL women are undateable for him
What's left? Having to take selfies with randos every single minute he is out in the streets, reliving his past everyday because those randos tell him about how good he was in _____, and freaking out with 40yo lunatics trespassing in his very home
Now add the Reddit retards
What's left? Motor bikes, hooking up with old flings, and John Wick.
Please Keanu, don't get into YouTube and cringe
Escape the matrix, knock up Theron, and leave forever
>a strong urge to have children is just you compensating for your own failed life
The picture of Dorian Reeves?
Why would he waste his time on children? He's going to be remembered for longer than any of the breeder fucks.