Why dont normies like this?
I feel in real life only neckbeards dig it
Why dont normies like this?
I feel in real life only neckbeards dig it
normies, no brain power
>Why dont normies like this?
What reality are you living on?
Are you retarded? TDK is the #1 normie movie. There's not one normie out there who doesn't consider it a masterpiece.
A lot of them think its too dark
Either bait or truly a brainlet comment
We need a new rule:
Everyone who posts here needs to at least have talked to someone besides his parents.
go back to pol thats where the retards usually hang out on this website
Who is them faggot? Soccer moms and 4 year old kids?
>Number 3 in IMDB's top 250
>Ledger still praised by everybody today
>90% of this board is gone
I won't admit I even watch this movie IRL
This movie was extremely popular op and the HL joker is one of the most iconic movie characters of the past 20 years
Fuck I hate zoomers. You were probably 3 when this came out and every single person was talking about it and memeing it.
what are you talking about, everyone liked the whole trilogy
I was 12, lots of jock and frat guys dont like it
12 in 2008. Zoomer confirmed. Also, what kind of jocks/frats are you talking about? That was a total lie.
Idk, its 2 edgy makes them uncomfortable (2 personal experiences)
It's an overwrought, pseudo-profound grimfest that seems almost embarassed by its comic book origins, which is ironic because its primary fanbase are the comicon manchildren desperate to pretend that stories about superheroes in rubber bat suits are really mature adult meditations on the human condition and not signs of stunted emotional development.
It's also the most egregious example of the "dark and gritty = deep" fallacy that plagued pop culture for awhile.
On the plus side, it's well-made and entertaining by capeshit standards.
>makes them uncomfortable
Are you retarded shitloads of people were walking around my college campus with Ledger Joker shirts on. It was extremely mainstream.
Nolan directs the way that Modernist architects construct. The Greek Revivalists had a better plan and structure, while Corbusier left his designs to suffer leaks... It seems that many modern directors are more a part of nature, even if they pay lip service to Classicism.
Is there an edit of INCEPTION without all of the explanation?
Yeah, the trailer
Wasn't there some sort of Greco-Gothic organic quality in Batman v Superman? At least centered around the Lex Luthor character?
Some artists like Fairfield Porter have contrasted this aesthetic with the Moderns. aaa.si.edu
my father was a gamer... and a NEET
1. Normies love that movie
2. It's really not that good. The fucking dialogue, nobody talks like that in real life, they just throw metaphors and moral lessons at each other. Also the action is weirdly filmed and has no sense of location.
They're right though. It's aged better than most marvel movies
>Why dont normies like this?
not enough comedic relief