How high is this thing gonna go before someone of substance acknowledges it
How high is this thing gonna go before someone of substance acknowledges it
It could get 6 gorillion and no one will care and nothing will come of it just like everything else on that change website
before i plreplay to this post or your mother dies tonight
to infinity and beyond. D&D are up their own asses and will never admit or acknowledge anything
HBO wants this whole shitshow to just blow over
the cast and crew probably agree but mentioning it would get them blacklisted
Millennials are so embarrassing. And they have the nerve to call boomers entitled.
Who's going to remake it?
This will never happen.
grey worm said it's rude
The cast and crew only care about their paycheck, faggot redditor. And they got it.
>Tfw remember Dragon Ball GT airing when I was a boy, and being anxiety ridden at the fact that that absolute shitshow was the ending to DB for good
>Super fixed it and made me love DB again
>Tfw have same anxiety now about Thrones almost two decades later
>Nothing can fix it
Bobby B. will be the screen writer.
Game of thrones was seen by 13million people, not including the pirates.
How egotistical can a million people be to think they could actually make a dent? They's not even a fourth of the total viewers
>Competent writers.
That'a a huge amount. It's not about remaking it either, it's just about making a statement.
I signed it too but I hope no one actually believes it will be remade.
Why not remake the whole show with competent writers?
It will get to at least 5 million
The fact that its at two million now should be proof this shit sucked
Why not remake me a sandwich? I’d like a sandwich
I don't think people want to change the "what" of season 8, they want to change the "how." They're not so much upset at the way the entire story ended, they're pissed that no energy was taken to have the story get there naturally and the entire thing is hugely contrived. People want the same story, just told better.
Will Trump tweet about it?
Have they remade The Last Jedi yet? No? Ok, so nothing will happen.
so did the actor that plays Bran. Not sure why most people only blame the writing not the acting.
>Why yes I did sign the petition to remake season 8 of GoT. How could you tell?
Very based and hi test
>an online petition
What's wrong with the acting?
the actors should be given awards for remaining in-character despite knowing that the writing the past few seasons has been absolutely atrocious
Cringe. Take my downvote
Sansa's part of it makes the least fucking sense. The North would never follow a Queen, she would have to marry a king or they would overthrow the bitch.
that's not even 5% of GOT viewers. Seething snowflakes gonna cope
>What's wrong with the acting?
Nothing, I missed a comma. I was saying not sure why the actors are fighting back because people blame the writing.
then they should have been mad a long time ago
>only a million
>t. Zoomer
>Super fixed it
Mel gibson
yikes and cringe
I think a lot of people expected D&D to be in a hurry to get to the end part of the story. As in, they believed that they were rushing to the story they really wanted to tell and when the last season was just as bad as 7 they were confronted with the reality that the showrunners just don't care.
You'd have to go far earlier than S8.
I'm just waiting for GRRM to finish the books so we can get Game of Thrones: Brotherhood.
A bot will take random words from Yea Forums and make a script from that
It would need 2 million I think.
Tbh though, if you cancelled your HBO subscriptions for a.. week, that would actually get the attention you'd want with changes to follow. You'd only need half a million accounts to do it too.
Season 7 had 17 million viewers on every night just in the US, people around the world are signing for this shit. So much more than that
fuck off
>Just shut up and give me my millions.
The petition is pointless sure but all these people cite a lot of "hard work" as a reason not to criticize the end result. Hard work doesn't make up for making mistakes. Fucking every NFL team puts in a lot of hard work, there are still teams that have super shit seasons despite all their hard work.
And quite frankly a lot of people aren't even questioning the quality of the acting or other production employees. They are specifically calling out the writing.
fuck you
>pic related
That annoyed me so much
>super fixed it.
holy fuck no, it just took everything bad about the direction Z went and amplified it. Power level bullshit was the main downside of Z and Super just kept that going. Goku is one of the strongest beings in the entire universe so they just made other universes for him to fight.
At least GT had a good idea at the start even if it was poorly executed in the end. Having it be like OG Dragonball but in space was probably the best thing they could have done.
>Sansa: "And the north will be an independant kingdom"
>Tryion: "Alright done"
>Every other lord: "Whoa whoa whoa, hold the fuck on. How come they get to be independent just because they asked for it? And why did she even get a vote in who should be the new king of our kingdom if she was going to immediately take half our land and crown herself queen? Not to mentioned she voted for her own damn brother. This is bullshit. Either she's forced to stay or all of us want independence too"
Expectations: Subverted
hes right super is kino
Almost million and a half butthurt LMAO
Look kids. If they ever get SO STUPID to remake the season 8 just to satisfy what people wanted it will be like getting back together with your ex. It may look like she is trying to fix shit up but you will always know that she cheated with the entire rugby team and that's the real her
Have these petitions ever done anything?
I don't think there's any more accurate way to detect a person being mentally retarded than signing a petition and actually expecting it to do something.
ESPECIALLY a petition over fucking pop culture media and not a new government law or something.
Watch the interview clips where they all hint at disappointment. They probably signed a contract forbidding outright negative remarks.
>stop thinking too much and consume our products like a good boy
Her being a Stark, plus all the shit Westoros has been through, probably made it more likely. I'm not a feminist shill, just sayin'.
I literally only got HBO for GoT, every other show on there is degenerate Jew trash.
She could use her Stark reputation to rule as a queen, and take a husband from another house like Tully, since they're closer to the North. It would be like in the UK where Elizabeth's husband is just called "Prince Phillip".
Well there you go, Akira Toriyama should direct a new season 8 of GoT
Shows over, hypes over, this stupid petition will be over soon too, along with all these got threads on Yea Forums
I mean.... they COULD do an omake season and have a completely different ending. It's never been done before but there's nothing really preventing them from doing it except it would make it look like they were shitting on D&D. Most of the actors didn't like the ending anyway, and this is the highest paychecks they are probably ever gonna get, they would be on board.
It probably won't happen, but they could do it if they wanted to.
sansa didnt vote for anyone she just declared they are independent
I hope you mean only the current HBO lineup.
>The Sopranos
>The Wire
>True Detective (Season 1)
All shows worth having HBO to watch
despite being only 13% of the fuck niggers and fuck jannies
The point of it is to shit on D&D, not to actually make it happen.
Everything is fucked because they didn't kill John fucking Snowflake. Drogon couldn't kill him? Fine. Let Daenerys army have a go at him.
>Seething Daenerys fanbois would feel avenged
>Targaryens are over, Bran can actually be king
You should know by now they've completely abandoned the medieval norms that were strongly enforced early on in the show.
Curb ypur enthusiasm is degenrate jew trash done right though
David Chase
Never. Just accept it like ME3 when you were a child, Naruto as a teenager, Dexter as an adult and now GoT as an empty soul
I think that we should let people to decide
Rian Johnson
It's all jews involved, they can care less, unless of course it hits profits somehow, the series is over, normies didn't cancel HBO after s5 or s6 when the show went to shit, D&D got away with it and scored a bigger deal, nothing you can do about it. Episode 6 has a 4.5 rating on imdb for fucks sake, and the previous few episodes were rated very low in comparison to previous seasons. It's basically crying over nothing, it's done, they got away with it.
MEANWHILE, the writing was on par with a daily mid afternoon soap opera, no fucks given to anything, all slapped together.
Idris Elba
Curb is the show I was gonna use to counter him but I don’t know if I’d even call it degenerate. Larry doesn’t even do many thing that /pol/ would call degenerate. He actually does shit that they would praise him for. He rarely smokes weed, only drinks in social situations, doesn’t see race as a protective shield that should make others immune to criticism, and constantly calls people out for degeneracy. The only thing they might be able to call “degenerate” is how he fucks women before pregnancy, but who the fuck cares when he even paints himself out as a degenerate, despite doing very little wrong?
>doing anything ever
also, if petitions did anything, even if I liked the last season I would sign that shit just to get more GoT, so...
Peter Jackson
Doesn't matter in the end. GoT is done and they won't retcon it.
It wont happen
Production has long since wrapped up and is working on another show
The actors have other obligations with other series and films too
Plus the contracts have been fulfilled
And HBO greenlit the series finale meaning they were 100% content with what they got
That's fucking nothing, if you want something to be done about it boycott DnD's Star Wars flicks
>b-but that hurts our based mouselord!!
How the media reacted to TLJ being shit compared to GoT being shit is telling as fuck
>super fixed it
You think the writers or HBO cares? Writers got a fat paycheck and moved on to ruin star wars (even further). HBO already got the views.
You'll get spinoffs, nothing more.
It could get 10 million votes it's not going to do shit.
Oh please no. Just let the turd that is GoT remain dead simple as that.
it is not going to be remade, but it is good that a little scorched earth campaign by the fans puts a little fear in the faggot writers and producers not only from this show but also from other unrelated shows. The tree of good writing must be watered by ruined careers and anger from hacks and fanboys from time to time
Me and this guy
guys, i'm going to teach you an extremely valuable life lesson right now:
once you spoil something? you can't unspoil it.
>it's bad and wrong to be mad about luke
>it's good and okay to be mad about got tho
The majority of people who signed this shit doesn't give a fuck about shit writing, they just wanted their kween to rule. If it's any indicator for how they'll handle future shows it's gonna be absolutely horrid. Instead of Subverting Expectations you'll have popularity contest, when fan favourite is infallible perfect human being with plot armor and fans get to choose the direction of the plot because otherwise, god forbid, something they don't like might happen
D&D can remake it after the books come out.
>1337... not one mention...
They're hiding behind the innocent civilians, pretending to shield them from the reactions of their own fans.
That's fucking low.
You do realize Westeros has been through a lot of shit right? Oh, wait, you're a show watcher acting like you know what your talking about haha
Nobody cares what whiny bitches think.
The US government funded by tax dollars, of course
>please make another product for us to consume
Is HBO funding this poll or something?
Why did Tormund act like he never rode a dragon before and it was some singular thing Jon did?
Why did the Dothraki and Unsullied suddenly respawn?
Why was there a coffee cup on set?
Why wasn’t Danaerys on Drogons back in that one shot?
Why did Tyrion and Bran have a conversation about Bran NOT being Bran, only for Tyrion to pronounce Bran as king?
If Bran didnt want it and was forced, and Tyrion didnt want it and was forced, why wasnt Jon forced to do his duty as Aegon Targaryen?
Why did Dany kill children?
Why was Drogon a fucking dumb animal burning down Kings Landing one moment, but was smart enough to know what the Iron throne (something he never saw before) was?
Why didnt the Night king just wait a few years and starve winterfell out?
Would be a better use than that wall.
Based normfags. It's never going to be remade because of this petition but I want this to go down as one of the biggest controversy. D&D should be blacklisted for this.
Yes, my horse will be the chief editor
Why did Greyworm arrest Jon when just scenes earlier he was saying anyone against the queen is put to death?
If the Dothraki follow the killer of their khal, why didnt they follow Jon?
Why was the night king so afraid of fighting Jon 1 v 1?
Why were there water bottles left on set?
Why did Bran act like everything he did was for the crown?
What was the point of R + L = J and Varys spreading the info if Jon just fucked off?
Why was anyone listening to a dwindling army of unsullied and a war criminal instead of marching on KL and taking Jon back?
Why wasnt Jon given a trial by combat?
George Lucas
This was garbage from season start to end
Sansa becoming a queen in her own right (not really tho) was probably the biggest anti female thing that D&B put in the show and no one seems to have realised it.
The three eyed raven, Bran Stark, the living embodiment of the old gods of the north, a living breathing omnipotent chronicle of their history contained in the body of Ned Stark's oldest living son becomes king of the seven kingdoms.
His sister Salsa immediately wants to sow discord in the realms and declares that she wants to be queen of the independent north even tho no one would want her over Bran or Jon, and despite having no experience in statecraft or diplomacy. Her brothers Jon and Bran (all seeing God btw) rule the lands north and south of her realm and will eternally have to prop up her state where Bran isn't ruling it indirectly through his immeasurable influence anyways.
She wanted a consolation prize for doing absolutely fucking nothing and wanted it at the cost of the security of the 7 kingdoms. I know D&B done their best to drill home a theme of women being petty childlike cunts the whole series (god bless them) but even I thought this was a step too far. Too on the nose. How did no one catch onto that? Everyone is like YASS KWEEN IN THE NORTH but shes just a stupid petty cunt obsessed with being involved in affairs of court just as she was in episode 1.
Idk but someone absolutely has to do it
M8 every cunt on the planet could sign it and HBO would still tell them to fuck off.
Perfect answer. These online petitions are a joke.
>"I spent less than 30 seconds to complain about something on the internet, I am just like MLK Jr."
hahaha fucking nerds
I wonder what the overlap between people who REEEEEEd at the new SW trilogy and people who REEEEEEd at the GoT finale is.
Or the overlap between new SW fans and people who REEEEEED at the GoT finale
>some signatures will compel a corporation to invest a couple tens of millions of dollars, BECAUSE THEY CARE ABOUT WHAT WE THINK U GUISE, PRAISE OUR BENEVOLENT MEGACORP OVERLORDS
Lvl 99 onions
>he thinks Game of Thrones doesn't make a profit for HBO
This argument is so retarded. It's like someone saying "Why would McDonald's make a burger people wanted, just so they could BUY it?"
Checked the replies just to see if anyone had replied with this. Thank you user.
>>Super fixed it and made me love DB again
It's pretty funny since the actors mad ea gay little video thanking the fans
Obviously there wont be a remake of season 8 but I have to wonder if this will get them kicked off Star Wars. More controversy is the last thing those films need
>written by ((((Friedman)))) and ((((Weiss))))
>absolute relativist garbage dude subvert expectations bullshit
They are literally a cancer on the world
Why did it take disguising normies 10 years to realise they were eating shit? Is like the only reason they were consuming it for so long was because everyone else around them was eating shit. Now it's over and there's no more to consume they actually have to stop for a moment and actually ruminate on the taste of shit in their mouths
Instead of signing a retarded petition to remake the season they should be signing a petition to get that fatass to write the books
A Queen can’t make a King but a King can make a Queen. In Britain. Not game of thrones.
yeah it's pretty funny that everyone started complaining about the shitty writing after the second to last episode when they didn't get their yass queen moment and not like, four seasons before that
please, pay more attention
Sansa when Sansa told Bran she wanted to be on her own she rejected having a vote on the matter of Bran
all the other faggots should have been like "oh fuck, why didn't I come up with that before saying aye"
Let me in there you blokes
stupid pic
someone fucking photoshop that forehead
It will never be acknowledged and you have to be a retard to believe it will.
>he was pleased by Super
>The petition is pointless
This is the reason why they have a right to cite hard work. Because you can't change a damn thing about the show. You only diminish everyone who worked hard, as a means to throw a petty fit toward the writers.
It's like being that petulant child, yelling and screaming in the middle of the store, because something hasn't gone your way. Throwing a tantrum won't solve anything. You'll only bother all the other hardworking individuals.
at least it will make d&d never get work again. their star wars is not gonna happen any more
Damon Lindelof
Maybe the real iron throne is the friends we made along the way.
yep, pretty much this
>but even if it doesnt change anything, it'll still stick it to those producers and writers!
Hollywood is full of nepotistic faggots that have a lot of money. They don't give a fuck, they'll be fine and continue pushing out garbage until Christ himself returns or Kim finally grows a pair. I'm praying to Christ Kim was a Game of Thrones fan.
you're hired
>Fucking every NFL team puts in a lot of hard work
except the NFL is rigged just like "pro wrestling"
You fucking retard, not all victims were cremated. Are you daft? This is as stupid as saying 60 million people didn't die in WW2 because there wasn't enough bullets to kill that many. Go back to your containment board.
Imagine being willing to blacklist yourself from getting in on that star wars money by shitting on the head writers of the next trilogy
I don't remember much from school. It's been a long time. I'm in my 30s now. But I remember them attempting to teach us "the factory method". Essentially a system that revolutionized workflow, making mass production possible. So we did this assembly line exercise. Where we were all assigned these small tasks, and we'd carry them out, in a simulation of factory work. As it turns out, they were correct, you can get a lot more done, if one person specializes, and passes their work down to the next specialist.
So my point is, if I wanted to dispose of about 2.281 jews a minute, I'd set up a station for killing, a station for transportation, and a station for disposal. With men who specialize in pushing the bodies down the line. You could probably just dig a big ditch, and bury whatever you couldn't cremate. I image it would take about 5 seconds to hoist a body in a hole. So you could bury about 12 bodies a minute.
I keep clicking the picture and it just makes it bigger how do i sign this petition?
>food analogy
you're fat, take a shower and have sex you fucking idiot.
Jeff Bezos
>I took 5 seconds to sign an online petition because they didn't adapt my fanfiction, now they HAVE to remake it
>no Carnivale
what is Oz
Aidan Gillen
>disrespectful fans
we were pointing this shitty writing out since season 4, but normalfags were too busy "YASS QUEEN SLAYYYY" over dany liberating sandniggers and being perfect to notice.
they only (((noticed))) now because their favorite protagonist got BTFO. let them seethe, i had abandoned ship years ago anyways (and presumably so did most non-NPC people out there).
Vince Gilligan
Damn that's a lot of people who need to have sex
This. But this is sadly even more unlikely than the reshoot of S8
nice try nosenstein
Sit down uncle
If you are mad about s8 more than s7 then you are a normalfag and should go back to r/freefolk or r/asoiaf.
The only way ASOIAF can be properly adapted is if it's made into an animated series. It'll be WAY cheaper than live-action and animation actually allows more avenues of depiction than the best CGI can offer.
Ideally, you outsource the animation to the Nips but keep the scripts and direction under a Western staff.
dumb weeb
>implying I like those fish-eating zipperheads
I personally don't give 2 shits about Japs, but they're good for outsourcing animation like we did in the 80's and early 90's. They can draw it cheaply for us while we can retain all the major storylines and dialogues from the books.
>Gaymu no thronsu
>same people behind AoT
Might be good?
Western animation is even worse than weebshit. Any adult that watches cartoon should be shot.
How do you mistake an L for an I when you can see both letters
No no no. I fucking hate weebs.
The Japs can't be trusted in dialogue and proper character interaction. A US company has them do the artwork and some of the storyboards. US voice actors will be in charge of the speaking roles while US scriptwriters will flesh out the episodes.
Dude its way more people than the number you need for a government to consider a petition.
Who’s Kim
I agree that Western animation isn't quite up to par to what the Japs can do. They can draw some aesthetically-pleasing artwork, but they can't direct anything if their lives depended on it. The Koreans are better than them.
Peter Jackson
jj abrams
The fatman is better off if he hired some reputable writers of science fiction, fantasy, historical fiction, and even comic book writers/artists to release the last 2 installments in graphic novel format.
The problem with this, is that they'll try to go with a western animation style, and all of it sucks. And then they'll outsource the animation to some koreans for cheap.
Refn and Davis
An algorithm shaped by schizophrenic transgender Twitter users.
Here's how it will always be acknowledged, as all media failures are:
>think of the hard working crew, you entitled X fans, nice people worked on it etc etc
It's already occurred before, why would it be any different now
Seething cuck
Fine I'll sign it where is the link?
Black womyn I hope.