Big Guy Edition
Chernobyl Gallery:
Last Disaster:
/RBMK/ - Chernobyl
Who is that actor and why does he play a cunt in everything?
thinking bout that za
>With the immediate worry of the flooded basement taken care of, the next problem was the earth beneath Chernobyl. Miners were brought in to dig a 150 meter tunnel underneath Unit 4, where a special refrigeration device would be installed below the building, in an attempt to cool the core. Scientists worried that pneumatic drills would stress the building’s fragile foundations, so the miners were ordered to dig their tunnel by hand. They worked 24 hours a day and achieved their goal in a month, but many of them later died from exposure, and their refrigeration device was never used - the core cooled down by itself.
can I get an F for the sacrificial chads?
only took 3 episodes for sjws to ruin another kino show
Would you lick the graphite rock if it meant your family got $1,000,000?
>dubstep machine
>vangelis live
>fidget spinners
fucking LOL
can you just fuck off?
If you mean ben mendelsohn, that is not him
how so
no lmao fuck my family
can i send them to lick the rock?
Do I get to kill myself shortly after?
Put your trip back on.
God you whiny niggers are literally impossible to please
Go complain in another thread
reminder that this show is funded by the CIA to make the soviets look bad
I don't like 99% of my family to do that, and my dad is on his way out so he wouldn't be able to use it
The Soviets make the Soviets look bad.
No you have to suffer it
>On the other end of the spectrum, Legasov’s opponents, including Chernobyl’s deputy chief engineer Anatoly Dyatlov, believe that Legasov shifted the disaster’s blame towards the plant’s staff in order to shield its real culprits: the designers of the power plant from the Kurchatov Institute. In the estimation of his critics, Legasov’s choice to sign a statement issued by a Soviet government commission wrongfully incriminated plant staff and shielded the disaster’s perpetrators from justice.
>Both his supporters and opponents acknowledge that Legasov had the fortitude to go to Chernobyl and take responsibility for the disaster’s aftermath, all while spending more time at ground zero than anyone else. Although he was allowed to leave, he stayed there, day and night, trying to pick up the pieces.
>he thinks $1,000,000 is worth those sort of questions
let me guess... flyover?
desu i honestly think the soviets did everything right after episode 1
they appointed an expert and took his advice seriously
Based CIA saving television with the most kino show in years
How was ep 3 comrades
I wouldn't get within a kilometer of that thing.
if this happened in USA, you'd have inbred hicks being against euthanasia for the terminal patients
> women shown in poor light the whole episode
> clumsy nurses hurting brave firefighters
> negligent nurses breaking rules
> stupid wives ignoring pleas and putting babby at risk
> Dumb woman scientist 155++IQ doesn't realize she lives in a police state
> socialism and communism shown in pure detail
> Brave Men fixing problems
> Brave Men sacrificing bodies to keep water moving
> Brave Men supervising and not letting melodramatic women in control
WTF I love CIA now
How was episode 3 SJW?
I think showing the impact of the radiation sickness on the loved ones was pretty apt.
The series was pretty fucking kino IMO. And all of the filming in former Commie bloc countries would be cheap as fuck for HBO.
excellent comrade
you could make a case for it being better than episode 1
reminder that ALL chernobyl threads are brought to you by Pizza Hut and Pepse
Ron Jeremy is that you?
Has Stellan Skarsgård ever had a role that he didn't excel in?
Dude is an unacknowledged legend
Are you paying for all the medical bills too?
A little burnt concrete never hurt anyone.
And yet you still give them attention. You're just as bad as them.
absolutely based, top tier miniseries so far
Finally something my taxpayer money wasn't wasted on.
Where was Iodine waifu bros??
A million dollars isn't that much money.
I actually agree with you but it's time to go to the infirmary to slowly rot away into a cheese pizza
hospital number 6
pretty good
I wonder what it tastes like
I can't even imagine putting that level of work in with how spooky the place probably was. Some of them at least had to know they were doomed.
in the hands of someone who isn't incompetent it can be easily turned into 10 million and then 50
How painful is dying of radiation exposure anyway, and what kind of pain is it? Burning, stinging? It's difficult to imagine
Reminder: If you don't happen to have a butter and caviar sandwich, then you can get the fuck out of my room.
6'3 what a fucking chad
based miners
back to r*ddit
Go lick the tip of a pencil and find out
The Soviets are gone
If they want to spend their money making the best television series of the decade to shit on an empire that no longer exists instead of making another hundred thousand guns spontaneously go missing, then good
boris has become the best character
will dyatlov topple him when he gets more screentime?
literally feeling your body decompose, the worst pain your nerves are capable of conveying combined with unending nausea and internal pain
yeah, now we know that reactor melt downs will not melt though the concrete since it expands and cools down.and just becomes a elephant foot.
It's not the same
Mary Sue BTFO by based shoe man
probably pretty painful until the radiation eats away your nervous system and your brain doesn't even process it anymore
I hope she's okay. She was touchin' those firemen's clothes and shit.
>this show is funded by the CIA
wtf i love glow in the dark niggers now
He was great even in the glass house, which says something since that was a shit movie that was only watchable since he and a young leelee was in it.
Great actor, he's going to kill it as the Baron Harkonnen
you're welcome :^)
Is Boris the miner? I'm good with faces but can't keep any of their names straight
I only remembered Vasily, but, well...
ignore nu/pol/ posts
disregard nu/pol/ anons
he's even better in river.
well shit
Is there even anyhting you can compare that to?
You taste metal?
>Bryukhanov and Fomin are credited
>They don't appear
Do not mix and match Soviet kinos, user, they are like beer and liquor.
>tfw no qt wife that will support you even when you're a horrifying pus monster
Only if you let me kill myself after giving it a good lick.
these two are based and I hope they get way more screentime
Help I can’t stop thinking about that mine full of dirty sweaty naked men
Professional fund managers don't get those kind of returns.
Warren Buffet doesn't get those kind of returns. Are you smarter than Warren Buffet?
i'm on a cut sorry
you ever burn your hand or arm?
try that x 100 but everywhere constantly
There is no comparison comrade. Nothing in nature is capable of affecting your body in a similar way.
1 mil isnt even that much money anymore
no pain
your nerve fiber tend to be too damaged to feel pain
t. medfag
>no fans
Well I honestly didn't expect a screen fulla dicks when I got into this series either
of course he is
he read infographics on /pol/ and participated in at least 4 seperate threads on /biz/
It is literally the worst death I've ever heard of. You could spend weeks or months MELTING. One day you try to lift your arm and half of the flesh slides off like a sleeve of jello.
no, boris is with legasov and only has 5 years to live and is crestfallen most of the time then super optimistic when something works. then legasov tells him more ways everyone is gonna die then he's crestfallen all over again.
that's smart investing and venture capitalism
not being a retard living off your capital gains
that's why i said competent
graphite, not uranium.
something creepy I accidentally came across while googling for this show.
I don't know where you're getting your information but there certainly is pain. Pain so bad that 200mg of Fentanyl couldn't stop it.
t. Ouchi
look at that smug smile
you just know he's loving this
the chance to chad stride buck naked in front of one of the highest ranking government goons in the Union + some virgin science guy as well
Americans I swear to god
>muh billionaries
complacent retards who are risk averse
there is no reason why you can't turn 1 mil into 3-5 with the right mutuals in a reasonable amount of time
that's not how radiation works.
it doesn't work like regular burns. It's not destroying your matter, it's stopping it from replenishing. You slowly turn to soup from the inside out as you wither and rot.
The Thor movies. Especially Thor 2. But I don't blame him. No one could salvage that shit.
I don't care about my family and even if I did. 1M is nothing.
Technocracy btfo
Turns out she a good actress.
>it's tired, i'm going to bed
so now we're down from 50 mil to 3-5 mil
I'll trade you my inability to stop thinking about ARS
I'm literally about to sleep with a light on for the first time in almost 16 years
The head of the KGB gave me the fucking creeps. Look at the guy's face, it didn't change once during the entire scene, and you can barely see his eyes. He's like some faceless force of nature
He knows, without being told, that the whole area is a curse.
It's touched him. It's touched his men. And there's nothing that can be done about it.
And maybe the hole they're spending their very futures to dig won't even do anything.
So why not enjoy it by whipping it out to the Deputy Chairman of Fuel and Energy, a man who talks to the Premier himself. Because CYKA BLYAT.
>It's not destroying your matter
cells that are too genetically damaged do apoptosis
so yes it does destroy your matter
anyone have any screenshots of legasov and boris in that trailer?
This epsiode was really great.
By the pacing...are we going to see the soviet trials after?
>no Sitnikov
shit episode
Yeah, i get you. I'm not going to sleep at all until i fall unconscious on my keyboard i think.
I see
thanks lads
here she's pictured with her baby in episode 5
Bruh i think this tanning bed is busted
Nursefu or Soviet Mommy?
why was everyone concerned about the guys going into the water when like all of them survived for a long time afterwards?
They talked about trials in the 3rd podcast, should be episode 5.
I find her way too annoying after watching war and peace
>we need a reddit character
>Episode where the two main women characters were either interviewing irradiated goblins or giving themselves and their baby massive doses of radiation from Mr. Peperoni Pizza
>/pol/tard sperg still mad about MUH SJWS REEEEEEEEEEE
nursefu all the way.
I'm loyal to nursefu 100%
Depends on the time frame.
The average stock return is 10% a year. if you have one million dollars you can make it 45 million dollars in 40 years.
Last ten years I have done much better then that, and even the last 20 years. Sadly did not start with a million.
elephant's foot and sarcophagus next ep?
He's melting in some room in Hospital 6. He dies on the 30th. Ulana might talk to him but that's very unlikely, sorry.
>when you go to the kinoplex and robert gives you the disability discount
I'm going to marry this man.
That will be fun.
Was this episode any good? The chick in the last one kinda put me off.
Episode 5 probably, 4 looks like its going to mostly be clean up.
I love how Legasov is slowly getting more cynical by the government as he gets assraped by bureaucracy as Shcherbina teaches him the facts of politics while Shcherbina slowly sinks into deeper despair as the science just crushes his hopes into smaller and smaller pieces as Legasov schools him.
It's a cycle of depression.
Cartel flaying/torture? But even that hardly comes close, it seems.
Nah, next episode is the cleanup. Final episode will probably be about the aftermath and include the sarcophagus and the trial, maybe elephant's foot.
you like the manliest men on earth and body horror?
Yeah there's no way the three divers survived more than a month after opening the valves
>o-one of them died in the 2000's and th-the other two are still alive!
Horseshit. Pure commie/slavshits propaganda. I don't believe it for a second.
>kino show
>nice threads (usually)
>good OC
>core-chan pics to masturbate to
this is truly something to remember
What's the requirement for a show to be SJW at this point
as far as I can tell it's now reached the low bar of "have woman character who does things and is assumed to be a feminist insert even though the fact that she's a woman is literally never discussed once"
Why do I even watch TV with you spergs
just kidding, I know why. It's because I have no friends
Best episode so far
Everyone in this show is kino.
Legasov is kino, because he is continuously forced into spending lives like a general. He hates it, every second of it...but Chernobyl will not let him stop.
Shcherbina is kino, because he is forced to make the same decisions as Legasov. He doesn't mind the expenditure of life, but more and more the faults of the system and its responsibility for the disaster are made bare to him.
Khomyuk is kino, because even the writers' clumsiness cannot defy Chernobyl. Even the Mary Sue is left powerless and half-mad by the disaster.
And Chief Gluchov is absolutely kino. It needs no explanation.
Episode 3 might be the best yet. As for the lady, she's a lot more bearable now, zero complaints.
what's wrong with americans?why celebrate statistics?Soviet men died on a massive scale, American men didn't
no it's even worse in this one
Fuck everything about this I don't like it at all
which one is she in? the one with the grantchester guy?
I mean the female scientist is literally the definition of a feminism insert since shes the only fictional character in the show
My great grandpa was a coal miner in the pacific NW. I never got a chance to ask if he ever mined naked.
yeah I know its like a blast from the past when Yea Forums was actual quality and not pure cancer
>1 million
That's really not much anymore. 100 million would make people think about it more.
The show is good and I don't care.
>history based sires
>only fictional character is a 250+iq womanz
gee I wonder why
Based retard.
a Geiger counter has got to be the scariest fucking noise on the planet
She's much more bearable once she gets arrested and also comes face to face with radiation damage instead of doing math from her ivory tower as she chuckles about silly boys.
>that scene were he screams for the nurses to take his peeling skin off him
Not great, but not terrible.
they should make en epilogue episode or two that shows the construction of the nsc.
someone needs to do a before and after of this guy
The soundtrack keeps making me want to play some stalker
Chernobyl will always have that power.
It breaks you. The burning truth that is mankind's greatest and most permanent mistake.
It burns away your DNA if you touch it. It burns away your soul if you try and stop it.
Chicken/Egg. There just isn't any quality tv/film to discuss. The quality of discussion is low since we can only talk about endgame and got nowadays. Once in a while we get graced with an event like Chernobyl.
How the hell did the three divers survive for so long?
what this user said, she no longer a mary sue since she was knocked down a few pegs and didn't understand how the reactor failed.
>What's the requirement for a show to be SJW at this point
well that depends on who you're asking
>to your average deranged leftist - a show is never SJW enough, you could always do with some more disabled black women in your 80s USSR
>to your average /pol/ack brainlet - any form of cinematography that isn't Triumph of the Will is inherently SJW because muh kikes muh feminazis muh world conspiracy
>to the sane majority - it would be when a woman character stops being a character first (meaning personality, flaws, motivations etc. go out the window) and starts being a woman first (meaning a feminist strawman)
So how many Game of Thrones actors have you guys counted so far? I've noticed 3.
Obvious one is Maester Luwin/Zharkov played by Donald Sumpter
In this episode I noticed 2 more. One of the miners was James Cosmo (Jeor Mormont), and one of the guys at the Kremlin during the meeting was Ralph Ineson who was Dagmar, Theon's #2 when they took Winterfell
ep 4: liquidation, biorobots, doggos
ep 5: court trial, sarcophagus, legasov and mary sue wikileaks
is that it, lads? it's all coming to an end so quickly
What's with spooks sporting this mustache? Used to work in the D.C metro and a lot of the old guys had this.
the classic guy
i'm actually gonna play metro 2033
but why? wouldn't it make things worse?
It's just the standard 80s mustache.
HBO exec here, with Game of Thrones over we need a new hit show to keep us afloat. So give us your best pitches for Chernobyl Season 2.
I think Toptunov played Orell (the wilding that got cucked by Snow)
Just fashion in the 60-80s.
80s porn 'stache my lad
The feel i get from this show is the same from that scene in K-19, when they give out chemical suits instead of radiation ones.
Except this is the whole show, not just one scene.
you die of radiation poisoning 2 weeks from now
>you're a big girl
>There should be several full episodes so a bunch of literal whos can fuck about and figure something out to advance to plot just because it is "history based"
Literal retard
protective gear and apparently water is pretty shit at absorbing radiation compared to other shit
how the hell did Yuvchenko and Stolyachuk survive?
Yuvchenko was literally melting from touching the yellow door
Here's an RBMK original. Make it happen faggot.
you could just watch one of the kino docos for that
It would.
His nerves don't know what's alive and what's dead anymore, because the answer is that EVERYTHING is dead, it just hasn't stopped moving.
It is the sound of a man being made aware of his own decomposition. A pain only the dead should know.
Chernobyl gives it to the living.
they actually had protective suits.
Recall that some of the plant workers who made sure to shower and change clothing (per radiation rules) many times lived.
Lot of the firefighters went in with no protective gear and didn't remove the fire fighting gear till they were already at the hospital. Also a few of the firefighters got massive dosages as they were fighting the fire when all the highly radioactive but short half life stuff was still flying about.
The shorter the half life generally the more dangerous it is radiation wise.
Fukushima, Hiroshima/Nagasaki or Three Mile
Probably better if you do something else along the same lines of faux history disaster series though. Worked well for Chernobyl and The Error.
c h a d
Future Neo-Chernobyl
I would do it for free as long as it was RBMK graphite
just do the chinks next
>before this you were a shoemaker
oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize we were comparing past lives, so what exactly were you before being a physicist?
>Freeze frame
>Yep, that's me. You might be wondering how I got here.
>with Game of Thrones over we need a new hit show to keep us afloat.
hbo has made it no secret they're pouring all tier money into westworld, watchmen, and his dark materials.
Who gives a shit, this is a got free zone.
Do Fukoshima or Three Mile Island. Whichever is the 2nd worst Chernobyl.
that really pisses me off
Just this min finished Ep3, what a fucking episode
Right in the feels
3>1>2 for kino in that order
episode 1
HBO execs decide to crack open the sarcophagus and walk straight into it
the Ukrainan authorities then seal the gap
thats it thats the whole show
>I'm better than everybody because I'm a scientist!
yeah fuck off
If the woman they made up had been a man they made up, would /pol/ care about historicity?
>and his dark materials.
Isn't that supposed to be a BBC project?
>that tattoo
Typical slag
I wish they used actual slav qts instead of these anglo whores
I miss her so much.
Really that might be windscale.
>gets btfo
b but it is a sires they can't make it work only on this specific thing
cope leftie
calories are made up bullshit by scientists
>better than 1
hmmmm nah
it's close I'll give you that
but that reactor scene just makes ep1 10/10 would watch a million times again
The only problem with Asian settings is the language. Anything set in the USSR or the West, you can just have American or British actors do everything. But with Asian stuff, either you have to get actors from Japan or Korea or wherever and their English is awful, so the subject isn't taken as seriously, or you go subs and you lose a ton of the audience who don't have the patience for it.
There just isn't enough Asians working in Hollywood to do flawless English scenes without having to get other nationalities portraying the Japanese and getting Japan all assblasted.
>tfw you will never be buried in an awesome metal casket which is itself entombed by a visual reference to the elephant's foot
not nearly as much
I dunno about Stolyarchuk (I think he just stayed in the control room, and unlike Dyatlov didn't even walk to the exposed hallway), but Yuchenko was apparently just meaty as fuck.
He was a footballer who had gone to seed. Lots of muscle and fat. The radiation had to chew through all of that to get to the critical mass - his organs and bone marrow. His sheer size, combined with the fact that he never directly exposed himself to the core, meant he was just tough enough, and just lucky enough, to tank it.
Based Big Yuvchenko tanked Chernobyl.
unless you count factory accidents, chemical plant poisonings, deaths due to contamination of air and ground water by mountaintop removal mining and industrial activity, and being machinegunned while participating in strikes.
The Terror s2 is mainly asian so we'll see how that goes.
>Seething so hard that he can't even type comprehensibly
It happened in England so you can reuse the same actors and not have to worry about spending money on recasting
>only 2 more episodes to this god tier show
>less then 2 weeks of /RBMK/ left
fuck fuck FUCK!
Why would the post-Soviet system still persist with the propaganda?
The modern Ukraine would exploit the shit out of it if they could.
Shit tier
Ep3 definatley had more feels, but yeah 1 and 3 were on par with eachother I guess but for different reasons, they both had their own strengths
Fucking liquidators next episode
This thread was like going back in time. It's honestly the most well behaved I've seen Yea Forums in years. I'm going to miss it.
The scale says otherwise, but maybe.
well count them then
so did they exaggerate yuvchenko's radiation exposure in the show? the last we saw him he was barely alive smoking that cigarette.
Feed water.. now that was a good drink.
>man in the high castle
To my comrades that haven't seen this yet, I highly recommend it. plenty of soviet hi-jinks
here's one of my favorite scenes
One of them is still working in the nuclear power industry today. He was interviewed by Andrew Leatherbarrow.
So user, why did the deputy minister see graphite on the ground?
She's in one of the metal coffins at the end
Did Generation Kill have good threads like this when it was first airing?
>tfw im black
>actually LOLrd IRL when I saw all these tiny white dicks on my TV
I'm a sucker for convoys
these threads may persist a short while after the show ends but unfortunately they'll stop. eventually they'll occasionally be brought up again but the only people posting in them will be the angry retards who think these threads are reddit, and each /rbmk/ thread of the future will be saged on sight.
This is top tier
Don't joke about things like that.
post nips
And what of Good Khodemchuk?
don't spread these vile lies
All I see is >kino and brainlets asking questions they can google. Fuck off
Where can I watch holy fuck its so hard to find a stream apparently
Anything Iannucci makes is great stuff. I thought Veep was overrated when he was making it and garbage after he left, but it was still really watchable.
Really looking forward to Avenue 5. I hope it's more The Thick of It than Veep.
which is strange considering the real reason legasov was chosen to be part of the commission in teh first place.
despite the appearance that he was critical of the party in this episode, he was a card carrying member of the party. he was chosen because he was so ideologically attached to the soviety project.
Back to the infirmary you fag.
>Soundtrack isn't released yet
that's true love right there, or at least close to it
my nigga, and yeah well worth a watch
>those chad uruk miners
>that body horror
>that KGB
Top quality episode, on par with episode 1
Cringey /got/ tourists aren’t welcome here.
She's a pile of radioactive goop in a concrete tomb. Sorry bros.
Even though they didn't end up freezing the ground, they used the tunnel to pump out groundwater so it wasn't for nothing
it's basically a blend of STALKER and stuff from Adam Curtis Documentaries as far as I'm aware.
that's what it sounds like to me
Great episode. Loved the scene with the nude chad miners.
He was disillusioned by the accident, and his suicide kinda forced the hand of the government to admit they fucked up.
If he wasn't a card carrying member he would have never gotten as high on the scale as he was, no matter how brilliant he was as a inorganic chemist.
What’s the best documentary about Chernobyl?
just CG them nobody will notice
>boris and legasov bro moments
No she isn't! Corechan would never hurt Iodinefu!
Is there a movie or show about chad miners?
Is that so weird? I assumed being a member of the CPSU is similar to being part of the CPC today. If you're an intellectual or someone smart enough to have influence, you're going to be a member of the party like it or not.
I know people who live in America and are card carrying members of the party, and they shittalk China all the time and complain how their Universities strongarmed them to join the Party when they did something good academic-wise.
Based Yuvchenko coming through.
Hope he's back, but imdb just says one episode.
He nearly died IRL and needed most of his skin replaced.
Imagine what it feels like to think about how you were one door away from seeing something nobody living has seen and a fate worse than death + death
/got/ refugees welcome
>Set up a 30km evacuation zone, the core has played it's little trick it can only play it once.
But Comrade, the blast radius extends over 200km! Hundreds will die...
>3.6 Rontgen and everyones face slowly falls off
>the power of 400 x-rays
Wow crazy!
all of them, it truly is so fascinating it doesn't even matter how good the documentaries are
ask fomin
This one's not bad
There's a cheesy movie about the Chilean miners that came out a while ago.
One of them was pretty chad because both his gf and wife were waiting for him to get rescued
No. Fuck off.
This episode was absolutely horrifying, but I audibly kekd at the sunglasses
There will be blood
Based on a rec from an earlier thread, I am checking out Citizen X on HBO right now. It is a 1995 HBO film about a serial killer in Soviet Russia. Pretty fascinating.
I got Eastern Euro family and friends of family from countries behind the Iron Curtain and ones that almost fell behind it. It's fascinating to see what it was like on the other side.
that user can't be a brainlet, that's impossible
Another kino episode. I'm as genuinely aggravated as the next guy that they inserted fictional characters, specifically stereotypical strong female character, but to entirely dismiss an entire kino series purely based on that premise makes no sense to me. This episode gets a big old F to the based naked miners for their sacrifice.
it's funny how little they actually had to change the script for it to be historically accurate. if anything they had to tone it down or it wouldn't be believable.
3.6/3.6, comrade
Looks like one of those pretend-lesbians from T.a.T.u.
What the fuck did you watch, asshole?
This was the most manly man episode
>nice chode comrade
is the miners hanging dong historically accurate?
But sir.. I saw his post..
indeed, I thought it was going to be awful but It was amazing.
Always love a chance to post based Zhukov
He did it, user. He did it.
Burke and Wills Expedition. 1850s, British expedition to cross from the south to the far north of Australia by land with camels.
Don't use Australian crew, actors or accents. They are shit-tier.
podcast says there are reports of several that went nude due to the extreme heat but not necessarily all of them.
indeed, here a higher bitrate one.
>Kremlin domes
>a Russian confusing the Kremlin with St. Basil's Cathedral
If I put on this mask will I not die?
this man is delusional, get him to the hospital
This entire scene is what we call in Russia - klukva. It means laughably stupid stereotypes about Russia used by westerners.
Someone make the new thread please bros my ISP is fucking me over
I wonder what Russians and Ukrainians think of the show, or if their governments will even let it be shown there
but really though it's too easy a connection to make, despite the main factor of it being simply a kino shot of a brutal soviet anti-rad funeral
Those were very convincing screams. Great acting.
you must of missed the idea that the entire movie is a farce
you mean 15,000/15,000
damn KGB...
didn't realize this was a death of stalin thread
Chicken parmigiana
You're telling me Russian coal miners aren't stone-cold motherfuckers who literally give zero fucks?
The soot covered miners were spooky at first but turned out to be pretty based
due to the 3.6 roentgens the thread mutates now and then.
>reason of death: not released
from his own account of things
>he didn't know wtf was going on but he said he remembered staring at the sky with a another worker shortly after the explosion and they both thought the glow was beautiful
>3 other workers approached him looking for kodemchek and wanting to get into the reactor room
>he held the door for them but never went in
>he asked them what they saw after they came back and they just said "it's over, there's nothing to be done"
>he started walking back through the plant to get out and then started vomiting and eventually passed out
>he woke up in moscow hospital, said he remembered moving the sheets and seeing a black dust come off of them then he realized that was his own skin
>the side of his body against the inside of the door got super fucked cause the door was covered in highly radioactive dust
>they flew him to germany where they moved blood vessels from his leg into his arm
>it worked but he would have his arm bandaged and in a sling for 6 years still
he said the door saved his life so I'm sure he's thought about exactly that a lot
chernobyl be like
Who is this character? I don't recognize him.
based got a light? poster
You're overthinking user go to the infirmary
Well then why bother calling attention to it?
>no no we're not actually that awesome
Dyatlov without his moustache
t. non-tula affeminate city russian jelly of true russian countrymen
>/RBMK/ - Chernobyl
will make new thread
It's not surprising, GoT basically has every single non A-list bong actor in it. You see the same faces crop in a load of bong programmes
that was fast of you
>these men work in the dark, they see everything
how do they do it bros?
I would genuinely drink a pint of her piss, i'm not even meming, a big warm and foamy pint of her piss
This is the feedwater, and this is the reactor core. Drink full, and descend the rods. The horse is the blue of the eye, and this is the Cherenkov Effect. It happens even with minimal radiation.
>irradiated user travels back in time to create new thread
No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.
There is no reason to bring miners from fucking Tula because Ukraine has them too. There is no reason for a minister to personally go there.
Shcherbina had a damaged immune system (due to Chernobyl exposure) and was already ill when organizing disaster relief in Armenia in 1988.
The Goiana accident
>Inquire the engineer about the possibility of going to 105 on the reactor.
Holy fuck he looks like they pulled him out of an Egyptian sarcophagus.
Its the zone user
Maybe they want THOSE particular miners due to the conditions they're working in in Tula are similar or literally any other out of hundreds of reasons. Same with the minister going there, you can wave it off by just saying "and I dont want this getting out before it needs to, you go there PERSONALLY and make sure you get the fucking miners".
You're trying too hard to find errors like a cuck
I'm sure they are weirded out by the Anglos portraying them.
Bryukhanov died in 2001
I believe they filled the 30m x 30m cavern with concrete to strengthen the structure
They just wanted to mine like their grandfathers user
>tfw you realize Jarred Harris is the son of the original Dumbledore and his voice is turning into an old wizard's
>No mention of Fartonov Braponovich
ukrainian here
it's good. it's a bit weird with the accents but overall quite accurate
Why didn't they shoot those dying of radiation poisoning?
>Entire body decomposes and melts
>Painkillers such as Morphine don't work
>Takes 2-3 weeks to actually die.
Jesus christ. You think the Soviets would have no problem putting these guys out of their misery.
Whoa, comrade! We don't want to be cruel!
Probably kept alive to see how long you can keep them alive and document absolutely everything. You dont get people exposed to that much radiation every day to see what it does to the human body, and especially when there's a risk others will get poisoned soon you want to learn all you can.
My local nuclear facility, unfortunately it's not a RBMK
you mean 4 million/4 million
Why does your country keep electing Jews?
No qt Irish girlfriend larping as a Ukrainian qt.
Yeah, but she is a composite of other people, including women, who did exist, so no, actually.