Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
#532 ALADDIN'd Edition
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Bless this thread with Holy GETs, /comfy/ vibes, free /healings/, and free /repairs/.
starting the fresh bread off right!
These references are getting so internal to this general I love it.
You're the most underrated poster here I love you.
Hello new bread. Please be healed by Arita tucking her hair behind her ear.
Someone post the webm of Alita's face twitching in anger right before Zapan stabs Hugo
>tfw you'll never have cute Audrey gf
This is unreasonably cute
>tfw this guy says this every thread yet i'm still not healed
Bless this Alitan with Holy GETs, /comfy/ vibes, free /healings/, and free /repairs/.
be honest
You thought I was an Alitan, but it was I, JEROME!
Now i've FINALLY got my hands on your /healing/ powers. You're FINISHED, Alitaposters! You hear me! You're FINISHED!
voted; was honest. Never have been nor ever will be attracted to the character. Eiza Gonzalez however... That's a different ball game.
>not realizing the plan was to heal Jerome so he'd become one of us after all
You need to brush up on your 4-dimensional chess, my friend.
>"return those /heals/ IMMEDIATELY!"
>Not rosa
I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bruh, have you SEEN Nyssiana? Prepare yourself.
save lewds? yes. fap? would never.
patrician answer
is the alita manga lewd? lets say, as lewd as berserk?
literally cancer
yes, weirdo
Alita is the cutest tumour ever
Eiza is ridiculously hot but I'm still more attracted to Rosa just based on her personality
Hiya briefriend I hope you're well
You're the guy who wants Rosa to spit in your mouth aren't you
I don't want her to spit in my mouth but it's not a deal breaker
really, berserk level?
Rosa's personality is too tied to Alita for me to see her anything beyond cute. hence why Nyssiana is fair game.
Autism General? I also have trouble having sex
Alita- for hold hands
Rosa- for hold bepis
Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.
Im straight but the more i watched Alita, the more I felt like kissing and cuddling to Hugo.
I felt like hugging Hugo and carassing his hair
i can smell the magnets
why couldn't this fight have just been fiiiiiivee minutes longer?
So it's never going out on DVD or VOD or what? It seems like they're cutting losses.
depends on what you think is lewd
>I'm straight but I felt like kissing and cuddling Hugo and caressing his hair
So yeah... about that
Alita/Tron crossover when
July 23rd for bluray, early July for digital release
>why couldn't the fight be 5 minutes longer
Grewishka ran away too soon
sexual contact
hello "HI FRIENDS" ritual poster friend!
he had Alita on the run for most of the fight; they could've dragged it out just a tiny bit more.
How many times did the average Alita user watched the movie when it came out?
I think the average user here was in the double digits. 17 myself.
1 but I had 7 people with me
Lucky 13
I saw it 12 times in the theaters.
Scrub-tier, I know. Forgive me.
>newly formed Pikachu generals don't hit bump limit
>these still do after fucking hundreds of them
Fucking why?? Pikachu is a much better movie.
lol more relevant than ever
hey I tried to help out over there but people seem weirdly aggressive to any hint of "Alita". I liked Det. Pikachu but it's nowhere near as good as Alita.
Im not attracted to his penis or have any interest of it.
But as a person i wanted hugo to hold me and put my head against his chest
Hi, VA. Did you hear me do the Tanji lines?
nobody said anything about penis
So you're heterosexual but bi-romantic then
it's asexual hetero-romantic, DUH
He’s an attractive young man and a hard worker. Vector isn’t gay and even he himself couldn’t resist the temptation of thrusting into his thick bottom. He said he’d do ANYTHING to get to zalem. And you know what that mean
Yeah I stopped in to say hi but they were assholes
Well the original use of the phrase "I'm straight but..." implied a sexual and romantic interest in women, not asexuality
That's not saying much considering they are both mediocre movies
Wow! Looks authentic
You could say this, but i never felt like hugging and kissing a man before hugo.
I guess seeing alita fall in love so strongly made me see hugo as a person i wish i could love as well
Yeah. I want to bang alita and rosa till i die
Oh god not this again
WOW, fuck. Every bask in glory of this OC. It's gonna be hard to top.
Totally not a reddit thread
>go into fledgling general thread for nice movie
>encourage and try to be supportive of it
>get shit on for it
well all right then
Wew lad. Same.
They're just tired of you guys shilling Alita when it's not that good
I wonder if Hugo rested his head on Vector’s chest and confessed to him about his family’s past and how much it means to him to get to Zalem.
Who cares? After the GoT fiasco, it's pretty clear Yea Forums is just one big fucking subreddit now.
Nah man that’s just called being a fucking homo. Not that complicated.
What does that have to do with anything? I would think that's more in tumblr's domain than reddit.
Honestly this goes to prove that nowhere has the magic that we do. I'll always support generals but clearly there's something special about us
> go to pikachu general
> excited because the movie was comfy and Ryan Reynolds was great
> try and show my support by posting some OC
> get shit for it because I’m from /ALITA/
Still love u pikachu but they were dicks
We're just talking about the movie, if we were shilling we'd be all over the site
Bug eyed bitch Alita is WAY creepier than Will Smith Genie
>They're just tired of you guys shilling Alita while they're trying to shill their movie, a movie that isn't even half as good.
haha that was me
>Yea Forums general thread is nothing but waifuposting, shitposting and Why are these threads still on Yea Forums? The movie isn't being discussed anymore.
I'll take one random user having a crush on Hugo over dozens of anons publicly lusting after Bran's actor when he was like 10 years old. Yea Forums is diseased and we are the cure.
i am the music asshole for these threads apparently
Is it really good? I've been meaning to watch it
Yes it's better than Alita
>alitautists think the pikafags were being mean to them
>mfw it was me that followed them into the pokemon general and was mean to them
>Eiza is ridiculously hot
she also has an incredibly talented plastic surgeon
not that she wasn't cute before, but honestly her younger self barely looks like what she looks now
Shitty cropped memes and waifuposting is not movie discussion
>No Pokemon battles
Ok then.
Not me
But hugoposting is based
Didnt hear the tanji lines.cant rn either, filthy phoneposting from work
lmao they sure are angry no one likes them
Maybe all of you can fuck off
Yeah it really hurts being shunned by an entire GoT subreddit. How will we ever recover? Sad! If only Yea Forums liked us!
Action it or STFU, Jerome.
Because mods post here and create content.
I didn't say it was only that it's clearly not shilling
We would discuss the movie if only you turbo spergs would stay out and stop derailing our threads.
>tfw Jerome used to just be a few guys
>now there are multiple Jeromes
>a whole legion of Jeromes
You can (not) stop us Alitans
It's one thing to have some cause to be disliked and it's something else to have people be a dick for no reason
With every action comes an equal and opposite reaction. Your push only makes the fans more dedicated.
Kek you actually made me laugh
Then why were you guys crying when they told you to fuck off
This might seem like a small thing but even though I don't often look at your songs I appreciate you putting the time and effort in to sharing them fren
time to switch the tape Jerome
Trolling still gives us bumps
You guys make these threads reach bump limit and offer a punching bag when discussion slows down so we'll always appreciate your delegation here.
wow are you mad for being called out?
eh, don't care honestly.
Yes, just like the rest of Yea Forums, /alita/ is a monolith. Yes.
>Yea Forums is reddit
>not this clearly reddit thread
>You can (not) stop us Alitans
you have that backwards, friend.
I don't care about bumps and shit, I'm just here to have fun and watch the world burn. I'm the joker baby
I don't much care either to be honest
it's like a walking of work of art
It's very hard for him to use his brain user be nice
>punching bags
lmao that's too much
> Hugo tried to stifle a noise somewhere between a moan and a grunt as he feel Vector’s smile through a kiss. He broke off and stared deeply into his eyes.
> “How bad do you want to get to Zalem?”
> The desire burned in Hugo, behind his fear, there was passion. He had one goal in mind. The alcohol involved eased him into it.
> Vector ran his finger across Hugo’s chest and into his mouth. It was warm and wet, but all he could see was the deep stare and fiery passion in his eyes.
> “I-I’m afraid.”
> “You must have a winning attitude. You have endured enough pain; this is merely like an injection compared to what you’ve been through. You have enough credits. All I need from you, is this.”
> Hugo’s sexual awakening with Alita could not compare to submitting to the man with the most power in all of iron city. The pleasure he felt giving into him felt like ecstasy
> “ I want to feel you close to me Vector. As close as we can be.”
> The words sent desire spiralling through Vector, for he knew the forbidden fruit was no longer out of reach. He wrapped his hands around Hugo’s neck, sliding passionately, thrusting... his eyes turned blue, and the night seemed to go on forever...
>We live in a society
Nothing I said was untrue. Nothing is more surface level, more plebian and Reddit than GoT. You can't refute this. I know you're lonely and would rather stay in here but just take a moment to look at the catalog. KEK
Alita is
Sorry, *speed bags.
That thread literally only exists to be spit in our eyes and nothing else. It's not a real thread. It's a bad meme.
You should into eva
>Hugo would never do this!
>I'm gonna fucking kill you user
>I'm just here to have fun and watch the world burn. I'm the joker baby
lol that's so lame
I didn't hate it, but no, not even close
>let's make a Pokemon movie but let's remove what made Pokemon Pokemon
all right anons, I need to sleep. Keep fighting the good fight. Stay comfy. it will always prevail.
... for cutes and cuddles and kissus in the moonlight
*I'm the loser, a baby
Sleep well user. We will endure for we are eternal. Do not worry for us; pray instead for the souls who have not yet come to salvation.
Vector x Hugo is canon
Sleep tight user.
>mods post here and create content for /alita/
That explains a lot about why /alita/ content has been trash for the past few hundred threads.
>admits /alita/ no longer discusses Alita: Battle Angel
It doesn't matter why the movie isn't being discussed. What matters is that it isn't.
But also for rough robosex too
Typed without a hint of irony too, truly a sight to behold
Well at least you admit it
Only thing that looks different is her nose, everything else is just from losing baby fat
>actively contributes to making harder the thing they want us to be doing
Let me talk about how Alita's core anti-matter heart would allow here to generate enough energy to kick your ass aoubt half as much as I'd like to.
Yeah, I do admit you are a loser and a baby. You're so right.
What do you call something that's big-eyed, has a long lifespan, and flops all over?
Hair pulling and biting is canon. I hope you like being thrown around user.
>That logic
Jerome is sub 80iq confirmed
I am actually ok with joker posting here
Wait speaking of that- what was Ido's plan for the doll body without the Alita heart? Like does the body have it's own internal power source? We don't see one right
>hat's big-eyed, has a long lifespan, and flops all over?
You got two of those descriptors right. She's definitely big-eyed and has a long lifespan.
>Your push only makes the fans more dedicated.
What fans are you referring to? The dozen autists that spam these alita threads 24/7?
>without irony
I'm going to break character here and let you know that it was a quote from The Dark Knight, and has been a meme for quite some years now, friend
>He says as he unironically posts in an Alita thread
Same, honestly.
Hey its two dozen
I think what happened is that he built the legs for his daughter, but after she died, he built an entire body, as a way of taking his mind off her death by being busy with his hands and by almost trying to recreate her and bring her back from the dead by building a total body. It's unclear in the movie Another user had a theory that Alita Ido's disease began with her legs but would soon spread through her whole body (fucking polio?)
have a lot of shit, so its no time taken up. fun to share things some anons might not know about. just nice threads, so i try to do my part after i stopped lurking.
Oh that's a super cool theory I like that a lot. Especially since Alita makes the comment about a pair of "fast legs". Degenerative disease makes a lot of sense.
Your posts are appreciated friend
2 dozen at 1:46 AM Yea Forums time ain't bad at all
I feel like this opening scene of Ido first putting the pieces together with Alita is vastly underrated. This is the first really cool shit that sucks you into the movie.
Sure, plus the thousands on other platforms. We'll be laughing all the way to the sequel
>Imagine the SMELL
Also I didn't understand the kind of worried look that Gerhard gives Ido when they first put Alita in the doll body but you can tell even then that's she's worries about Ido going kinda loopy on treating Alita as the replacement daughter.
smellposting cracks me the fuck up every time
None of that was from The Dark Knight except the part about watching the world burn, so if it was just meant as a reference then I got it but if you were actually trying to quote it then you failed hard.
Why is it my fault these threads no longer discuss the movie and mods make shitty OC?
Honestly wonder if these degenerates are like this IRL
Well most of them are people shitting on this thread so maybe its actually just a dozen like that user said
>Ido going kinda loopy on treating Alita as the replacement daughter.
Exactly. She was uneasy about how he was so desperately distraught about his daughter being gone that he was willing to take any suitable replacement.
But, I think she took a shining to her. Let's face it, Gerhad is the closest thing Alita ever had to a mom.
dark nipples
I'd like to take a Class 3 Rest between those legs
Since we are on the topic of songs, here are some songs I like to listen to while I am memeing on you guys. Perhaps you will acquire some TASTE.
I appreciate the music posts too fren
I sometimes do it even though I don't care for it just to honour my history as a /fit/izen.
Video related is me @ you
Yeah once she proves her independence I think Gerhard gets a lot more comfortable with their relationship in general.
She has pink ones kek
Still not from the Dark Knight
Goodnight frens
All these posts:
Are talking about the movie. I didn't even point out OC or anything.
We've never had mods in theses threads, we've had one janny, and he's never wiped anything that wasn't obvious spam or NSWF
Now, I'm going to continue talking about Alita: Battle Angel.
>Gerhard gets a lot more comfortable with their relationship in general.
And so does Ido. Notice that when Alita first hugged him he was like 'okay', that's enough, and pulled away. He too was felt reservations and the tension between wanting to be a father again and treating her like an unfamiliar young lady he just met
Sidenote, but did anyone else find that scene at the bar adorable where he they're like
"Alita, when we get home we need to have a little talk..."
Alita: "We HAD our talk!"
>resets your clock to PM hours
There's your dark night bro
Oh look another picture of Rosa posing as a whore. At least she is honest with her social media presence I guess. How embarrassing though.
Night fren sleep well
I've been with several whores, and I can tell you none of them dress like that, and they wait to hold the magazine until AFTER you've cum, not before.
>alita janny never wiped anything that wasn't obvious spam or NSWF
You are a lying sack of shit and you know it.
Kek underrated post
Oh yeah the whole moment of Alita feeling guilty for ruining the bar is great
Stop renting cheap whores and spend a little more for classier whores and you won't have those issues.
Night night fren
I meant the one who specifically is a regular here. I can't vouch for every fucking janny, smoothbrain.
Where she ducks her head down in guilt and embarrassment, hiding behind her hair like a foster child.
>too expensive
>doesn't want it, thinks he looks cool and is willing to be blind in one eye
i sneezed and farted at the same time while reading this post.
Im not sure if your post was the cause or if it was a coincidence.
Thanks for the update user
Please redpill me on the meme. What does Aladdin have to do with Alita?
Well, they're both flops, you se
i like this
more than this
I dunno, user. It's pretty painful.
People kept finding showtimes for Alita in IMAX in late May but when they would go to buy tickets it would be for Aladdin instead due to a glitch
But Aladdin isnt even out yet. You mean to tell me they were trying to sell Aladdin tickets several months in advance?
I always knew Rosa liked roleplay
Wait I'm retarded, I didn't see the part where you mentioned late May. Makes more sense now.
>only organic material can pass through
>would be just a brain tumor
>Now the release date is August.
Don't worry we'll just cover her in skin no problemo
no i dont want to..
For Smurfs 2 or Alita Blu-Ray?
>Hugo I don't feel so good
Nah it's still July dw
Or is there an explanation of how the T-1000 moved?
Important news about the release of the film "Alita: Fighting Angel".
The 20th Century Fox company shifted the official release date of “Alita” on disks to August 27, respectively, and in Russia, ND Play will not be able to release earlier than this date.
Feels bad to be a bear today
>Fighting Angel"
Battle angel
>I M A G I N E
Alita: Fattle Angel
Its going to be a disney movie
>Ido is way more badass in the manga compared to the movie
why did they water down /ourguy/ bros?
If this concerns only Russia, I will only be glad.
I can buy the disc in August, but I will still watch the torrent edition.
Keshiro needed a line of Ido psychopath, so it was something to close the manga if its publication stops.
She disappears in the second volume.
To make him more of a sympathetic father figure and less of a creepy obsessive potentially predator type.
We know Rosa has pink nips, but does she have a nice brapper?
Yeah I do think it's a shame that we have less of bloodlust Ido but I prefer him as a kind but misguided heartbroken father than like, obsessive 30s doctor
That's pretty smart actually
Hello friends!
I assume you've seen this by now
>Smurfs 2
no one disrespects Avatar on my watch
you can now pre-order Alita for streaming pedes
Hnnnnnnngghh *crashes car*
>tfw alita will never flirt with you by tucking her elegant soft black hair behind her ears in an innocent manner.
it hurts anons..
Oh, look, it's generic army action man
Why so sunburnt
>tfw you will never get to tuck Rosa's string behind her ears
The showtimes did show up many weeks in advance though, so it caused quite a bit of confusion - especially since you could even buy tickets saying “Alita” in the beginning. They soon fixed it at the AMC site, but it’s still broken at Google and
>mfw finally breaking into the milk duds I bought last last night
If he grew up without that eye, he might have become used to it before he could afford a cyborg eye. And by that time he might not care anymore, even if the brain could even accept the extra eye.
Best discussion about the Robert Rodriguez directed 2019 film Alita: Battle Angel that I have seen all thread. This general is TRULY necessary. We haven't even BEGUN to plumb the depths of how deep this movie is, and how much there is to discuss.
You are unironically correct about that. Here's another discussion about Rob Rod.
yes Cameron often has archetypal characters, glad you figured that part out
but he uses them well
I assumed that the body was nearly ready, but I like the idea of Ido keeping working on it and Chiren finding it creepy.
Except in Avatar
I like how Chiren implies that Ido was supposed to have destroyed the body for some reason.
AS IF someone would put that much care and work into a legitimate piece of art and then just destroy it because the original intended recipient died. It's a very expensive cyborg body, not a delivery pizza.
I think that gives a clue as to how out of touch Chiren was.
It’s an ever present reminder of a traumatic memory. If they sold it, they would be highly likely to run into a stranger wearing their daughter’s body. It’s understandable, at least, that she would feel like that. Ido might even have agreed, and kept it a secret.
He has one but it includes an illegal built-in plasma cannon so he doesn't want the factory to know he has it.
do you have any actual arguments?
while money isn't in direct correlation with the quality of a movie, you don't make 2.788 billion dollars, drive positive word of mouth and re-watches if you don't at least have the basics rights
Avatar is pretty much a perfectly constructed blockbuster, it didn't have the most memorable characters, but they all served their purpose right
Her reaction to meeting Alita for the first time says as much. Chiren's just like "what the fuck".
looks like the pregnant wife in chernobyl
This is now my favourite interpretation of the glass eye.
>264 posts
>38 posters
fucking cultists
Night frens stay comfy
Don't let the thread get archived early again
I'm not sure what this argument is even about
>actively having to try and keep your general from archiving
You're on your last legs boys ahahaha
>it didn't have the most memorable characters
Or story...or plot. or anything.
Totally forgettable, mediocre popcorn film with dazzling state-of-the art CGI that doesn't matter because nobody cared about the story or characters. The end.
Thanks for the compliment.
It's better than Alita
you sell us short with that word
It has only happened like twice so far, I know there will be one when I wake up either way
Once in a lifetime fren. There were what, 100 of the 150 threads in the catalogue being GoT threads when that happened. At least we have until the next GoT comes along but that might be a while.
I prefer heralds of the new Alita dawn but I guess cultist is close enough.
Sounds like something from the Star Wars EU or something.
>278 replies
>84 images
This hasn't been the most comfy thread, has it?
oh it's not too bad. we actually had a pretty good discussion up top
nightynight user!
>New Alita Dawn
>New Alita Dawn supports
We need our own organizational morale patch.
I actually enjoy discussion at least as much as the pictures.
definitely not
I think just Alitans or Alitists is nice
less shitposting .so its pretty decent i'd say
great score, well directed action
well constructed world, great attention to detail
"dazzling state-of-the art CGI" you're right about that
It's almost like it was great spectacle, like what you pay for when you go see a movie, why shit on that?
people did care, a lot
and they will have the chance to see more again soon, except it won't be anything like the first one, because Cameron knows how to innovate
Alitists sounds a lot like Elitists. I'm not sure how comfy that is, even if it might be accurate.
Here is Alita in a pot to count towards the image limit.
I do like Alitans. I'd also go for Alitizens but that's a bit of a stretch.
every time I see this it reminds me of the Louis Cultivation Kit mod
Alita didn't even make ONE billion never mind almost THREE
Avatar is king
late night shitposting
will that plant eventually grow into a peaches tree?
is this a shop of VA
>like what you pay for when you go see a movie, why shit on that?
No, I pay to be moved emotionally and intellectually, to be wrapped up in characters' stories and their struggles and their overcoming of obstacles and the evolution of their arc and their eventual triumph or resolution. If I wanted a mindless pretty show, I'd go to fucking Disneyland or even the local Chuck E. Cheese's. It was not a very good film. So many people went only because of James Cameron's name and that it looked fun enough from the trailers. But, honestly, it was just okay and not a great film at all, and it's certainly not better than Alita. Avatar is 7/10, tops, and that's being generous. I love Jimbo, but Avatar is his worst film ever.
>people did care, a lot
Spoiler alert, out of dozens of people interviewed, only one person could name one single character.
>making more money means more good
>especially nowadays with the super-inflated dollar
Nah his objectively worst is Piranha 2 and subjectively I think True Lies kinda sucks despite some decent one-liners.
>falling for this bait
True Lies is his worst film ever and that's not even up for debate.
>Nah his objectively worst is Piranha 2
>a James Cameron film
He directed all of a few scenes, like less than 5% of the finished film, and he fought to have his name removed from 'director'. I can't really argue with you if you say it's "directed by James Cameron", because that's what it is on the books, but I wouldn't call it a "James Cameron film"
Fine, Avatar is the second worst James Cameron film ever
withdraw that statement, blasphemer!
>inb4 think of your political career, damn it
Imagine being Arnold in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jamie Curtis, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Arnold and not only sit in that chair while Jamie Lee Curtis flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JAMIE LEE CURTIS LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Arnold. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
>arnie pasta etc...
prime JLC unironically makes my pipi big but honestly, the movie is barely watchable.
she was legitimately hotter than Brie Larson
That's not saying much
IMO she was also hotter than Rosa Salazar. Rosa is considerably more fridgemode.
Nah man I can't do it power to you guys but I just don't see it
bread baking
>hotter than Rosa Salazar
That's not remotely true though. Curtis is good looking but Salazar is a keeper.
i'm glad people still post this
>umm, over at channel 84 we refer to them as ‘Alitinians’
>i wouldn’t expect you to know that, not being a professional broadcaster and all.
Of course, i'm just the professional educator is all