Master Infiltrator Edition
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/RBMK/ - Chernobyl
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Fuck what an awesome show
great ep but that wife is frustratingly stupid. i hope her lips fall off.
So many キノ shots in this episode
>tfw you will never be a chad USSR goal miner
Man why the fuck even live at this point
>unless you happen to be a butter and caviar sandwich FUCK OFF
based Dyatlov
Reposting from last thread ... I understand that they cannot keep them in a chemically-induced coma or administer morphine. If someone living in the U.S. today received the same dose of radiation, is there any way they could medically OR legally mercifully euthanize them? Or is it literally just a given that you WILL die the most torturous death imaginable?
Based Chad Miner for General Secretary of the USSR.
>Mary Sue starts teleporting around
Okay now the incels have a right to be upset
>whoever is left will beat the living piss out of ya
>Three Mile Island is shutting down for good
God damn it. Nuclear energy is our future and even if something went wrong I live near it and could live STALKER for a bit. I already had cancer
Caption this
i wish i had a qt gf who cared more about me not dying alone than her and our future child's lives, which would clearly be meaningless in my absence
They were normal people who stepped up because they were the only ones who could do the job. If you get the opportunity just have the courage to step up too
I can't imagine being so absolutely incompetent that I can lie in a hospital with ARS and still be a whiney cunt.
>is this the way it works?
Based Crozier/Lane Pryce.
>when you nut but she keeps suckin
I only have one comment.
>you will never have to visit Moscow Hospital #6 when it's full of melting radiation patients
feels good tbqh
>thinking about that 'za
in b4 obligatory Ouchi photo argument
>the actual communists were the regular people looking out for each other
was government a mistake?
God damn it
god this thread works fast
one of them needs a lei
post КИHO.
I'd like to believe that the family could be given the option of agreeing to euthanasia, but it's hard to say
>honey i TOLD you to wear sunscreen
Sorry dear, I forgot the sunscreen.
I basically always thought this was the Soviet equivalent of the Three Mile Island Accident or the Fukushima Meltdown
I didn't know the planet was fucking fighting for survival and the Slavs were the equivalent of Bruce Willis
Would probably depend on your will/legal guardian and all that. But that depends on living in a state which isn't just totalitarian and secretive about such things
i like how the track is in shot and it works bc there would be one there
In any other similar situation one of the nurses would just put you out of your misery. However, since there have been so few cases of severe radiation poisoning, they will keep you alive as long as possible in order to study you. Yes, you will be a live, concious, decomposing and rotting guinea pig. Sweet dreams.
feel you man. Do any of the dem candidates for president have pro-nuclear in their platform? Fuck Andrew Yang's neetbux I want a reactorchan for every household in america
tfw the anarchists were right all along
weekend at burnie's lmao
>What do you think about nuclear power?
>I'm fine about it, as long as safety is put head and shoulders above any other concern, financial or whatever. If you keep safety as your number one priority at all stages of planning and running a plant, it should be OK.
If a fucking Chernobyl survivor can still vouch for nuclear energy, then why the fuck are we so scared of it
Put it in your last will and testament, "Should I be exposed to 30,000 siverts please put a bullet in my head."
Poor Hickey. God damn.
what happens when you have sex without running the safety test
The Fukushima meltdown was just as bad as chernobyl user
>tfw you will never spend your final weeks of life digging through irradiated rock surrounded by your fellow sweaty, nude Chad comrades to save a country that won't even recognize your sacrifice.
>Nice night for a walk
I think ARS that turns deadly is so uncommon that the people caring for you think you can recover. But by that point you're gonna turn into a float bag of soupy organs and blood. Making it impossible to give you pain meds or put you into a coma.
Such a nice symbolic scene.
TMI is several orders of magnitude milder than either Chernobyl or Fukushima
More core-chan needed in this thread
I like how they disappear in the dust.
TMI was a partial meltdown but there was very little release of contamination.
Fukushima was also a partial meltdown with some release, but not nearly as bad as Chernobyl.
Can’t believe there are already only two episodes left of the only good thing on tv right now.
Can't believe they buried them alive like that.
I dont know. I emailed our Governor and never got an email back. I have from other politicians on other issues. The only people who seem pro Nuke are Republicans which is fucking clown world. Like even if they may not believe in climate change at times they usually champion the only tech that can help combat it. It's ironic.
A republican here was trying to save TMI but it's done now. There is no money in Nuclear unlike other energy because we don't let it have the same kick backs that solar and wind does. The republican wanted to add Nuclear to the same list of green energy that gives benefits to companies like solar and wind do.
>holding his shoes because his feet were too swollen to be buried wearing them.
based nips actually built a containment building around their reactor before it melted down. Also Fukushima was an act of god rather than slav retardedness.
I thought she was going to jump in desu
Each generation must know its own suffering.
>i was wondering why you would take off your clothes before digging a hole
Do you think core-chan is lonely after all these years in the sarcophagus?
>is there any way they could medically OR legally mercifully euthanize them?
Gunshot to the head if someone is feeling particularly brazen and willing to risk a murder trial. Euthanasia is one of those topics nobody in America wants to confront until long after it matters.
This was actually a very touching scene ;__:
You could use a nebulizer with morphine to dose them through the air.
Or just old fashioned opium smoke.
Jesus this is fucking hard to watch
, how come radiation does not effect the brain as much as the rest of body?
She was in one of the metal coffins
>the virgin scientist hand raise
>the minerCHAD stride
Miniseries are the future. Everything else turns to shit after the first season now
unbelievable how he survived while his comrades were literally melting in the next room
>holding his shoes because his feet were too swollen to be buried wearing them.
>now THAT was a meltdown
>you'll will never Gorbachev hang up on you
kino episode
It was worse, three reactors partially melted and a fourth reactor was unfuelled but the fuel storef above could have caught fire
>like dad used to do
how is it even possible to keep stepping up the kino with each episode?
it makes me extremely angry that this show won't get a fraction of the attention in the mainstream culture that horse shit like GoT did
What happens to the wife and unborn child that couldn't listen and stay behind the curtain?
>is there any way they could medically OR legally mercifully euthanize them?
yes but inbred bible thumpers wouldn't allow it
wife survives
child doesn't
The issue is that current generation reactors are not economical without subsidies, and no one (gov, business) is willing to invest enough money into Gen IV or fusion reactors. Both are definitely possible and will happen eventually but it's gonna be too late for most of us sadly.
better than
>way too many seasons
>a crammed movie that can't get everything done
*three(point six) comrade
The core is gone, yer grace
that was quick.
Goddamn KGB spooks are well, spooky.
Honestly the most satisfying scene for me.
Not even radiation can figure the infinite complexities of the human brain
his reactions are the best, him being told he only had 5 years left was kino of the highest order
At that early stage? you would be lucky if the child looks human when it's born.
I think it has to do with how fast your cells need to regenerate. Stomach lining and intestines are the first to go which is why vomiting is an early symptom. Then skin legions, followed by marrow and blood issues.
Oh damn man. If she'd listened and stayed away, would the baby have had a chance though? Or was it already screwed?
One of the few shots from a tv show that truly does look like a painting.
Maybe it has something to do with brain cells being unique and not having to regenerate as frequently as something that is constantly under physical duress?
Just guessing
radiation primarily affects cell reproduction, which is why it hits the skin and hair first. The brain is a fairly static organ, so lasts a bit longer, but is of course likewise affected given the entire body starts to melt.
>is there any way they could medically OR legally mercifully euthanize them?
Gunshot to the head if someone is feeling particularly brazen and willing to risk a murder trial. Euthanasia is one of those topics nobody in America wants to confront until long after it matters.
I can tell you a fairly personal story as an anecdote if that means anything to you. My grandmother was diagnosed with terminal cancer and her health degraded rapidly. She named my aunt her executor and was discharged into my aunt's care when her condition implied she had mere days to live.
One of the home-care nurses instructed my aunt how to use the liquid morphine to euthanize my grandmother via overdose in the event that her pain became unbearable. They weren't legally allowed to directly suggest the idea, but medical professionals become quite proficient at skirting the rules during their career.
if it even gets the chance to be born, more likely she's gonna have a spontaneous abortion
Really? I remember that shit being on the news for like a week then it vanished from the cycle. Just how bad was it? I assumed since it was Japan, the country had its shit together.
Possibly, however just the fallout they were exposed in town would be enough the cause issues.
It’s a five part series, not six.
>You're in the CNPP and this guy slaps your girlfriend's ass - what do?
He was previously severely irradiated in an incident involving a nuclear reactor on a submarine.
>the virgin walk
just finished watching the epsiode.
Good stuff.
Each generation must know its own memes.
My stream died in the middle of the episode plz halp
Mining day tomorrow, nothing clean!
>threatens to expose the lax standards of a few nurses and the doctor on duty
>gets arrested
Sorry, but wouldn't that make you melt faster? It's not like you can build up tolerance to radiation right? It's cumulative damage to your cells.
>the chad stride
This shit is really gut wrenching though.
HBO has really knocked it out the park, but fuck man, it’s brutal.
Man that's hot
She looked damn good in this episode.
Nice night for a walk
How did she know that Hickey's girl was pregnant?
Guys my peepee is getting a funny feeling. Whats wrong with me?
Based miners. Is there any stories like this? Based and brave boys telling party cunts and soldiers to fuck off.
this is the best site i've found
The contrast between these two comments is the probably the best example of an autistic perspective and a human one
There should be a new party that incorporates positions from both Democrats and Republicans, both have way too many retarded positions mixed among their good ideas that I don't think the average person cares about that much. My ideal party would be respecting the 2nd Amendment, promoting nuclear energy in the same way that renewable energy is getting all of the government subsidies right now, cutting taxes for the middle class in a way that isn't blatantly tilted toward the rich in the long run, and examining different healthcare models to incorporate the best pieces of each one instead of just making the system dude free healthcare lmao
Instead you have have no choice but to take the somewhat good with the absolute shit
yep, blown system control tank
welcome to the soviet union.
Imo, Because maybe 1 person died, they did not want to alarm people that they destroyed the ocean in that region.
Yeah it was as bad, if not worse, luckily the reactors in Fukashima had containment units and the cleanup was a lot safer (but still intense and extremely dangerous.)
So I got a question for all of you: Since nothing gets out of those lead coffins, what would happen if you dug one of those graves today?
What would you find inside them?
Fukushima reactors had Core Vessels.
Core Vessel is an inch-thick bottle of steel with no seams and a belly full of concrete. It's designed to tank a meltdown. And it did. 3 times.
The release at fukushima was radioactive steam - the fuel in all 3 reactors remains bottled up inside their steel shells.
I can't believe Yea Forums flips shit about this show being feminist propaganda when one of its main characters is a woman so deliriously in love with her husband that she will ignore her own safety and even that of her unborn child because she just can't bear seeing him suffer alone
Nobody itt will ever be devoted to any other person enough to willingly die just to ensure their final agonizing moments are a bit brighter
Fuck, lads
Let’s all get naked and dig a hole together Yea Forums
No, but he was only exposed to a dose that would result in a 50/50 chance of death. You can recover once you stop being exposed. Really surprising that he didn't die of cancer though, that damage is cumulative, but not the burns.
spidey senses
>FUCK boys put some clothes on your bird is hangin out
They skipped the part where she stealth-assassin'd a nurse and stole her uniform like Agent 47.
It might sounds harsh but it's better to get a massive dose and it dies at birth than to take a small dose and have born disformed and living struggling.
>Now you look like the minister of coal
Based Jeor Mormont
I'd give her a surviving child if you know what I mean
Mutants waiting to escape
probably soup
>those miners
Bless them. Fucking commies these are the workers that your shitty system is about.
>My dick tastes metal.
I get sad when I see all of the cute dogs in Pripyat
A lot of dogs are still living there as I understand it
Ionizing radiation will damage and destroy cells, normally your body can replace these damaged cells.
The real problem is that it will also rip holes in your DNA, meaning that even as the cells try to replicate they cant. That's why ARS deaths tend to liquefy. Cells just fall apart.
which were retrofits/measures taken because of experience gained through chernobyl
honestly a chernobyl anywhere in the world was inevitable, people don't take shit seriously until they see the consequences
>everyone claims woman scientist is a Mary Sue
>can’t see she’s an amalgamation of the scientists in Chernobyl
>gets arrested by her own fucking government, when all she’s attempting to do is tell the truth
friend head shooty no jutsu
Someone post the melted firefighter
was this episode kinda boring? it left me just feeling too depressed
Ew.... humid.
You're silly to expect anything else from /tvpol/
Give praise to the The Glow for it's light is the proof of knowledge
Give praise to The Glow for it's light is the bringer of change.
Give praise to The Glow for it's light is the creator
Give praise to The Glow for it's light is the destroyer
Give praise to The Glow for it is the future.
I know we can medically induce a coma which is probably the most you could hope for, especially since they'd want to run tests on you.
>a woman so deliriously in love with her husband
can't blame her. It's Hickeyfu but not evil
How can I achieve this body type?
Eh I didn't mind that bit since Legasov clearly gave her permission to go to the hospital. The problem wasn't investigating the accident, it was Khomyuk getting a puffed up head thinking she could play whistleblower. The KGB was totally fine with her interviewing people so if she wasn't allowed in the hospital, she wouldn't have been let inside in the first place.
Dyatlov was a radiation sponge, watch the interview of him in prison or whatever a few years before he died, he looks 30 years older than he actually is. The radiation still affected him but not as much as normal folks. IIRC after the submarine incident he had a son who developed leukimia.
>forgetting shoe factory party boss
a lot of those guys moved up
>Using official Xfinity stream
>Subtitles say 1000 when they say 1500
What is this show?
being an amalgamation of everyone is what makes her a mary sue brainlet
I thought it was the best episode so far.
>“Sometimes, duty is the death of love.”
I hope I can step up if I'm ever put in such a position, I keep thinking about whether I would
I think I'd ask for a bullet once I start to feel my goddamn bones liquefy though
>listening to the podcast
>get to the part about Akimov missing a face
>suddenly get one of the worst senses of dread in my entire life
it's not looking good for me, lads
They're having complete autistic meltdowns every time a woman shows up on screen
I loved all the miner stuff
fucking annoying we couldn't see akimov's "face"
this is a normal reaction, do not succumb to alarmism.
chernobyl on hbo
100% kino
meaning the character has to teleport around between Heroic Moment after Heroic Moment, while everyone else gets to have actual depth and nuance
it's not feminist propaganda, it's just a writing misstep
fuck I wanted more kino
we did everything right
Work really hard in a physical labor job, but eat what you want and drink alcohol too.
Someone post the firemen when she goes inside the plastic and he is white/purple
I concur, it's really giving Ep 1 a run for its money. It blew ep 2 out of the (feed)water.
>tfw my local pizza hut is already closed
The real redpill is that it is objectively impossible to have a female character without her being a MarySue.
Three mile island had a containment vessel and that shit happened before Chernobyl was built.
i can't tell which is which
does that make me autistic?
how do they make these concrete rings?
Anybody know if this is available anywhere? I checked ptp but the site's down. it was briefly mentioned on the podcast
it was the soviet union in 1986, she was probably barely allowed to have an education, and the state was keeping all details of the danger secret. vasily was a firefighter too so her assumption was he just had bad burns, which she said to the nurse, and no one was allowed to tell her "no it's deadly radiation." I doubt any similar person in the same situation would behave differently under the circumstances.
>defending sjw shit
god you're a fucking retard. yet another show ruined by dumb women and kikes.
imagine the smell
We thank you, oh Feedwater, for revealing the cunning plans of your enemies to us.
May your light shine down on the souls of the brave soldiers who gave their lives in service to your will.
Onward warriors of the Feedwater, avenge your fallen brothers, blessed as they are in their eternal union with the Feedwater.
Bring death to those who spurned the holy power of the Feedwater.
> 30 year old Wizard
They went 100%. Absolutely no mercy, that is as close as you can get to depicting a man falling apart from the inside without actually irradiating him.
Like the flesh was all gone?
Absolutely Lovecraftian
he sorta resembles a slightly overcooked mozzarella chicken breast
based pizza man
She has flaws you moron. She was foolish to think she could rely on just science in their government.
my nigga
Didn't you see how fucked up his feet were? How distraught Ulana was?
>Hey I'm starting to feel better
>I'll be able to rebuild my life with my beautiful wife and soon-to-be-born child soon
Something I don't understand about radiation burns: why are they 'burns' and not just necrosis, like flesh eating bacteria or various venoms? Isn't it just because the cells are fucked up and failing to replicate so after a few days you start developing "burns" and various other open melty bits.
Shit like the firefighter's hand with the graphite presumably started melting right away because the radiation was so extreme the cells were actually killed immediately instead of left to die later?
>this is the same guy that played the psycho faggot manlet in the terror
at least post the right version
Welcome to the USSR, comrade. Endanger the work of the people and you get silenced.
Guys I just read something really spooky related to Radiation Poisoning
"The Therac-25 was a computer-controlled radiation therapy"
"It was involved in at least six accidents between 1985 and 1987, in which patients were given massive overdoses of radiation."
>look in the core
>no biggie i feel fine
>playing cards with my buddies
>go to check on someone who saw the core before me
>domino's pizza lying in his hospital bed
>yfw you realise you will become like him soon
that Freddy origins reboot is looking promising!
TMI did not blow up though
Three mile island wasn't bad enough to demonstrate the consequences of ignoring nuclear safety
since no reactors blew up in the 90's its safe to say the issue was addressed
>irish genetics
the way the writer described it, by the time Akimov died all of his skin had turned charcoal black
he didn't go into much more detail than that though
>wake me up inside
anyone got a DL link?
Will solar be viable as an energy source any time soon? It seems like it's the next best option if fossil fuels trash the planet and nuclear energy doesn't get enough support because of incidents like Fukushima and Chernobyl. I read relatively scholarly research all the time in various fields as part of my job and it seems like there has been a lot of progress in solar energy efficiency and that prices are starting to fall enough to be competitive with fossil fuels
Energy variability is still a problem it seems since the sun is obviously not a stable resource
Her great character flaw is that she is too good at what she does.
That is not the right version.
A year from now no one will care about honkler.
Ten years from now this show will still be the most kino thing HBO has made in a long time.
Holy shit what a chad
>Nobody itt will ever be devoted to any other person enough to willingly die just to ensure their final agonizing moments are a bit brighter
My sister refused cancer treatment so she could be heathy enough to spend time with her husband who was in a tractor accident.
He later died of the wounds, and she went to hospice.
RIP both of them.
Nevermind got it
Thanks comrades
>Yea Forums
Literally just one tripfag that everyone told to fuck off
It’s literally a burn just caused by ionizing radiation instead of thermal radiation. In either instance your surface cells are instantly destroyed.
it has nothing to do with science
she was going to criticize the hospital people and tell everyone state secrets
how does it benefit science to start a panic?
>right version
>Just watched Ep2
>That fucking ending
>the chad pat down
i understand fully
You're actually expecting someone in a /tvpol/ general thread to pay attention to the show with an understanding of the contemporary social fabric.
>liquidator kino next ep
>on the road for two weeks
You ain't seen shit yet
>On September 18, Alves sold the items to a nearby scrapyard. That night, Devair Alves Ferreira (the owner of the scrapyard) noticed the blue glow from the punctured capsule. Thinking the capsule's contents were valuable or even supernatural, he immediately brought it into his house. Over the next three days, he invited friends and family to view the strange glowing substance.
>On September 21 at the scrapyard, one of Ferreira's friends (given as EF1 in the IAEA report) succeeded in freeing several rice-sized grains of the glowing material from the capsule using a screwdriver. Alves Ferreira began to share some of them with various friends and family members. That same day, his wife, 37-year-old Gabriela Maria Ferreira, began to fall ill. On September 25, 1987, Devair Alves Ferreira sold the scrap metal to a second scrapyard.
You just had to say it. How do I eat my chicken now?
Reminder this show is funded by the CIA.
it's already viable, nuclear is vastly safer than any other form of power and the issues that resulted in Chernobyl have been addressed globally
thorium fission reactors also present almost no risks of uranium based ones
nuclear will always be better than solar in both pure power potential and actual practicality
sorry about that user. She sounds like a great person
What happened to his QT face anons????? Why won't they let me see him?
also, apparently they felt the description was so bad that they didn't even attempt to put the actor into makeup
and that scenes with Vasily were tightened up because their lingering shots on him started to feel gratuitous
If she was too good, she wouldn’t have gotten arrested. She had too much pride.
Fuck off phonefag.
>nice jacket m8
Can /pol/ really only speak in buzzwords?
That doesn't really explain the delay at all.
It's pretty obvious from the podcast that the guy who made it is a huge tankie
Was he a goddamn madman in his initial moments? Even if you're not an expert in nuclear physics why would you entertain flying over a fucking smoking chasm that's glowing blue as the expert is begging you not to
Hey man Im ok with my tax money funding kino
Then the CIA needs to fund more kino, they’re making the rest of the television industry look like amateurs.
anybody got a webm of that aerial shot over the burning core?
They gave them something better - hand cranked solenoidal flashlights.
Systems so simple even nuclear flux can't hurt them.
>we were so close to total disaster in chernobyl
>probably most of east europe wouldn't exist
K I N O in real life is the truest kino
another boring ass episode with some mary sue chick teleporting everywhere, why do people even watch this trash?
>Thinking the capsule's contents were valuable or even supernatural
Literally nigger-tier thinking.
>i'm in charge of the coal commission
>do you feel in charge?
The memes come fast now.
What was he thinking?. Sabotage?
How was radiation fucking up a simple flashlight? Must have been screwing up the chemistry in the batter I guess?
>both have way too many retarded positions mixed among their good ideas that I don't think the average person cares about that much
this is by design user that way the elites can do as they please while the peasants lose their shit over trivial nonsense
She got knocked down a peg in this episode and I was pleased
not him, but it's different kind of radiation
the radiation that causes the surface level damage isn't the same as the radiation that turns your insides into microscopic swiss cheese
fucking russian names is there a list with characters names and faces
>probably most of east europe wouldn't exist
fuck lads we need a time machine to go back and fix this.
That baby is just the first of the Mutants user.
About 112,000 people were examined for radioactive contamination and 249 were found to have significant levels of radioactive material in or on their bodies.
>in or on their bodies
>in their bodies
>In the cleanup operation, topsoil had to be removed from several sites, and several houses were demolished. All the objects from within those houses were removed and examined. Time magazine has identified the accident as one of the world's "worst nuclear disasters" and the International Atomic Energy Agency called it "one of the world's worst radiological incidents".
before this show, i would have thought that was an overreaction. not after this episode.
Fukushima was 4 partial meltdowns
he knows its a design flaw now
fuck off /poltard/
which nuclear accident was he involved with the sub? It wasn't K-431 right?
>now you look like the Minister of Coal
Really seems like the working man is at the mercy of his government, doesn’t it?
don't you still have got threads to shitpost in?
>fuck lads we need a time machine to go back and fix this
>brainlet amerilard
Imdb, cumrag, i mean comrade
>/pol/ boogieman
neck yourself retard
he was thinking about that positive void coefficient and dem graphite tipped control rods, dawg
based boomer
If you took off your clothes would you die?
>Will solar be viable as an energy source any time soon?
If we can get a base setup on the moon maybe. Plenty of materials there for solar panels, and no atmosphere to block the sun or damage the panels. Still would be ludicrously expensive and inefficient compared to nuclear. I don't think we need to worry as countries like China and India are already heavily investing into nuclear power and will have new plants up and running in the near future.
(record scratch)
>Yep...that's me. Now you may be asking for yourself how, exactly, did I find myself in this situation?
> answer that, we're gonna have to go....back.
have sex incel
>any tv show that has a proactive woman character makes me reeeee and knock over my mountain dew can
>mommy mommy why aren't there constant 'splosions in my prestige
>reeeeee why are there members of half my species in this tv show
christ no wonder so many people from /pol/ an hero themselves or shoot up their school. Literally incapable of enjoying any media that isn't *10 HR HANS ZIMMER COMPILATION* or *BEN SHAPIRO ANALY DEVESTATES COLLEGE STUDENT*.
tl;dr: Don't have sex incels. We don't want you pissing in the gene pool.
20 years in the Tula coal mines
Basically a mummy, rich people in Europe used to get buried in lead coffins and they’ll find one sometimes
based af
Stop trying to force your shitty name. This thread doesn't need drama
Thank God the head of the Chernobyl plant with the thick dark curly hair and the voice that sounds like he constantly needs to clear his throat seemingly isn't a character anymore
Remember this was during the cold war, a lot of information on this subject was classified
whatever you say kike
feral ghouls
>mfw no cutie soviet mom gf
It hurts
Those mines have to be the most based men in the USSR. Haha.
vodka and soviet work ethic
Your skin does burn immediately but the effects of it aren't seen until the flesh starts to detach due to excess moisture and damage in the tissue (seen in the form of inflammation, blisters, edema, etc). Your body tries to flood these areas with lymphocytes but a patient who has just been irradiated to that extent won't have any so necrosis will start to set in if not treated with antibiotics/antivirals/antifungals. They also won't heal on their own because their DNA has been fucking destroyed by radiation.
Think about how a bad sunburn generally starts with redness which leads to blisters and eventually skin peeling as new skin appears below. Now imagine that where that new skin isn't coming and you're highly susceptible to infections.
>female boogeyman
Kill yourself
based glow niggers
chernobyl was such a collection of what ifs it silly to say that it was guaranteed to happen. Even if the night shift had followed the written instructions it would have not been a accident.
The surface burns are beta radiation, and then what, the ongoing issues are the physical radioactive material that they breathed in like the iodine isotope emitting more beta and alpha particles on the inside? So they get immediate surface burns from extreme beta rads at the reactor site, but then the inhaled/ingested material melts them over the next few days/weeks?
How far off am I?
it's fucking tragic the CIA has to fund new tv/cinema now that hollywood only makes capeshit prequels and sequels, but I guess somebody has to do it
imagine her babys smell
How do I convince the spooks to spend more of their money on kino?
i don't know if she's still alive but i know she lived long enough to give interviews and even marry again (and also have a son)
She was a good one. Her daughters spend the summer with me, nice thing about large families is that there are plenty of uncles and aunts to help take care of the kids.
The main problem with solar panels is that they're made in china along with the batteries needed to store the electricity. And then, once these reach the end of their lives, they have to be recycled.
Other solar energy like molten salt plants seem to be a better option.
I'd say those 3 dudes walking into core were pretty based
Pm me :^)
Nosferatu vibes. Impeccable makeup fx in this show imo.
she took up too much of the episode
>go ahead, challenge my ability to seize your "property" comrade
>welcome to Soviet Ukraine
Why are the miners Irish?
Close. The surface burns are beta radiation, but there's more than one type of ray and some of them penetrate deeper than skin. You don't have to ingest a radiation source if the external one is powerful enough, like the core or the irradiated graphite chunks.
Imagine moving into an apartment, and everyone around you starts getting leukemia and dying, then finding out a few years later that a radioactive part of a dosimeter was buried in the fucking walls, and has been for years.
Different part of the body are effected at different time frames by radiation since radiation impacts dividing cells. Various organs and structures divide at different times.
Gut and hair die almost instantly. Bone Marrow and other organs die a few days later and then you linger and die.
wholesome user. I wish you and the senpai all the best
that, as well as gamma radiation just punches right through you
>1800 roentgen per year
How horrifying
He realizing there a design flaw, not just fuckups by the operators.
Any reactor can melt down or blow up if the people running it do stupid shit. And there was plenty of stupid shit prior to the explosion.
Sorry your girl lost
he was so used to being in charge that a scientist countermanding his orders wasn't "saving my life because he knows better" but "attacking muh communist authoritah"
>would the baby have had a chance though? Or was it already screwed?
Impossible to say with any certainty. Some people that get dosed come out fine. Other people get cancer and die in years. Minimum radiation exposure and an embryo can compensate. Kid will probably be at greater risk of organ failure or cancer during its life. But extended physical content with someone that's probably got radioactive metal dust embedded in his skin? Nah, kid's fucked.
Fake news. It was only 3.6 roentgens
Sure, but those coffins are soaking up with radiation from the inside.
>That's odd, the failsafe button made the reactor explode
>Maybe there's a design flaw here?
Radioactive flux interacting with a live circuit causes the solder in the battery to decay, breaking the circuit.
The solenoidal flashlights had no batteries, so no voltage for the flux to affect unless the flashlight was on.
Boris is the best character in this show.
I wouldn't even mind if it was old /pol/, since old /pol/ was actual anons with IQ above room temperature.
No, we get nu-/pol/, a cancerous abomination comprised of molten down boomers, zoomers, r/t_dfags and discord trannies.
Please for the love of God go back to r*ddit where you belong. The election is over. You can go back now.
Miners had more power over the USSR than the Secretary General. No mining = no production = no steel/coal = no USSR
The Disillusioned Party Bureaucrat usually is.
>ywn hear your own brain frying as you get a fatal dose of radiation
Feels great
fucking perfect body and this is coming from a woman
The funny thing is most people think its the graphite tips that the big design flaw, when really it the positive void coefficient. If it wasn't already having large amounts of boiling the scram would have just caused a power spike, not a explosion.
Running the test at such low power with so much Xenon is really much more of the cause, its why the main design changes after this was making it so no one could run the reactor at that low power levels.
hmm hmmm that's cute
now get the fuck out
Is it possible that his previous radiation exposure at least gave some of his internal organs increased resistance to rads?
Impossible, it was no more than 3.6
>Naked, like papa
Can't wait for the next episode when her half-melted fetus seeps out of her body
>dude just shoot yourself with smaller bullets
He was the only one out of all of them that didn't go so close to the core. His position inside the control room and then later the bunker saved him
and miss this kino and sexy bear mode miners? nah
Not likely. Radiation's not like a disease you can build immunity to.
What podcast?
post your feet
Skarsgard is really giving his oscar performance in this show
just type chernobyl podcast on youtube. The first three to go with the 3 episodes are up already