If he could warg into Drogon and mind control it to find it, why didn't he do so earlier to prevent thousands of innocents from dying?
Bran the Asshole
He was busy
trash. absolute trash
quit leeching on trends
>If he could warg into Drogon
He can't.
>and mind control it to find it
Warging into ravens and other animals, hoping to spot Drogon isn't mind controlling Drogon.
For the 100th time, Wargs can only warg into living mindless creatures. This excludes all White Walkers, all Wights, all Dragons, every living character that isn't Hodor or similarly simpleminded. Wargs can't possess intelligent living beings.
>trash. absolute trash
We're not talking about your family right now, user.
You're retarded and making shit up.
shut the fuck up, faggot
You're right, I forget Yea Forums is all showfags who shit on the lore.
Let's hear your stupid dabid based reasons.
he warged into a perfectly normal hodor and turned him retarded because he was panicking
>implying it wasn't him that warged into Drogon and burned thousands of innocents.
>implying Drogon didn't break free of his mind control when Dany died and destroyed the Iron Throne in anguish at what he'd become.
nigga they are
dont you remember the tyrion and dragons scene
or you could read the books
We're talking about a tv show, dunce, not your faggoty books. Get real. After you get real, figure out how paragraphs work if you're gonna be up your own ass about it. Fucking virgin nerd.
Drogon could smell the Targaryan genes on Jon and could not harm him in general (because stories about royalty are racist like that). It was also some meme symbolism regarding "the persuit for the throne killed her".
>this dragon operates at the same level as a dog
>SO SMRT!!!!!!
No one asked you, Jamal.
He clearly didn't want to warg Drogon, he wanted to offer him a seat on the Small Council.
He was warging and greenseeing into the past while in a LAN party with Brynden Rivers. Then tried warging into the present day Hodor.
Have sex, incel normiefag
All three dragons can also communicate non verbally with Daenarys and they recognise people much better than dogs do, even recognising their bloodline. They also seem to understand human speech in Valyrian.
Have sex brainlet
>incel normiefag
Try thinking before posting next time.
>says the retard who still reads books, an outdated form of communication
>Wargs can only warg into living mindless creatures.
Yeah, let's just ignore that chapter where the warg flees into the woman's mind, fighting for control. And, you know, the part where Hodor was a normal fucking man until Bran warged through time and space and made him retarded as a side-effect. He totally couldn't do that with a dragon, nosiree.
>Brynden Rivers' historical nickname is now the title of some immortal mystical magic being
This is one of the dumber small changes in the show.
He's evil. They didn't explain it well enough to let it sink in. He's preposterously, insanely, mindbogglingly evil. He is a broken child who was given the power of a God... so he manipulated and sacrificed thousands, and made himself king.
He's on the level of Palpatine in terms of psychopathic villainy.
In your very post you confirm that an intelligent host can fight off a warg's attempt to control.
It is unclear what happened to Hodor (being possessed by a future entity?). It could as well have been Bran's attempt at warging while greenseeing Hodor made Hodor experience a (greensight) vision of Bran's POV: the future Hodor. So Hodor experiences his own death and remains mentally destroyed and unable to resist Warging, but yeah it leaves open a loophole that could be exploited to similarly mindbreak anyone or any dragon.
You're too much of a showfag to not be a normie visitor, and too much of an autist to not be an incel
There is no reason they just want to set up some more stupid imagery for the prequels
Can god make something so heavy he cant lift it?
You people argue for no reason. He could have just taken over Dany to prevent the city from being kill.
Are you illiterate?
Is Dany not an intelligent creature? Dumbfuck.
>Is Dany not an intelligent creature?
This is book reasoning, though. In order to reply to showfags you must use Dabid logic.
she's a woman so...
You are not a smart person
because in that timeline he doesn't become king, does everything need to be fucking spelled out for you?
His historical nickname is Bloodraven.