Leave medieval kino to me.
The Witcher
Other urls found in this thread:
I can tolerate Geralt's visuals, but the girls are too much
why fucking henry cavill he's not even a good actor and looks nothing like geralt
OP is faggot
You are now picturing Cavill sitting in his underwear playing the Witcher
>americans pozzing european culture
The games are already basically movies
Naming it after the book series it’s baded on would be more audience friendly
Sure fire sign it will be garbage
34/100 on Metacritic incoming
Has any show or movie actually portrayed magic in a non-cringy way?
Like, actually casting spells. It always looks gay as fuck to me.
>Christopher Poole
wtf I hate moot now?
they do this since WWIi tbqh
What's the correct order to read the Witcher books? I've heard that there are short stories and novels. Which come first?
Geralt gets killed by a pitchfork wielding peasant in the final episode. Haha enjoy watching it now dumb inceloid.
Only when it's done in a subtle fashion does it work, like in LOTR it was stupid as fuck when Gandalf and Saruman fought and did the old man breakdancing thing but it was cool when he was just summoning rays of light from his staff or other minor shit.
>What's the correct order to read the Witcher books? I've heard that there are short stories and novels. Which come first?
The short stories come before the novels, and are the best part of the series.
*Polish culture
>short stories come before the novels, and are the best part of the series
yeah I really liked those. the other books not so much
only gamefag incels like the short stories more than the novels
god fucking damnit, what the hell were they thinking dude? the party city contacts, the JUST hairline, that fucking wig. he's got the same half-gazing, mouth agape look that a sedated gorilla has - is that his fucking geralt face? what is that? i take one look at his fucking munted up face and wig and, if THAT is the quality to be expected, i smell death on this absolute circus in a single season. take the fucking piss
Isn't his death already common knowledge? I've only played the games and I know he gets killed in some riot at Rivia.
Im a gamesfag only and figured it would be a big spoiler. Oh well. I personally don't care about the books. Would love to see TW2/TW3's stories on netflix tho.
John Boorman already blew you the fuck out
He doesn't die. Ciri uses unicorn magic to heal him, and sends him and Yen to the isle of Avalon so they can live forever in peace and quiet. The last sequence of the books he's in he's very obviously alive.
i would have traded for a black geralt if ir meant they would have left the girls ALONE
>90% of the people who play the games and read the books are male
Yet the showrunner is a girl (and an outspoken Twitter SJW/feminist) who naturally filled her writing room which is well over 60% female and who are also all Twitter SJWs/feminsts.
If you think this will be kino you're sorely mistaken. It will be on par, if not worse, than your typical CW trash (and it's no surprise her feminst/SJW writing staff who have little actual experience worked on CW trash before).
This will be shit and don't even get me started on Triss and Yen, you don't even need to bring them up with how bad the staff behind the scenes are and how you already know we're going to be getting a woke feminst she version of the Witcher.
that sounds super gay to be honest
It's European
This, we could’ve gotten BLACKED kino
The Witcher is already woke feminist shit. Geralt spends an entire page of one of the books going on a pro-choice rant to a Queen unprovoked.
>He played the games and think it's a spoiler geralt dies.
You're not only a gamesfag, but a gamepleb, it's common knowledge geralt dies you imbecile. You clearly never played the first game you faux fan.
im actually ok with this. Legacies isnt too bad. even tho i miss my classically handsome white leads
Because the show is being written and created by outspoken Twitter feminsits and SJWs who don't care about or respect the source material or fanbase. Good look up who is creating this shit, it's going to be awful.
>the first game
>mouseclicking when an arrow turn\ yellow for tens of hours
no plot is worth suffering through this 2bh
You have to read the entire series to truly understand it, but it's actually a very happy ending. Geralt and Yen finally accept their love for each other for good maybe a month before this in universe, and get to enjoy it, Ciri is no longer bound to the Witcher world because of them and gets to escape from the lodges bullshit and goes out to adventure throughout the universe as the Witcher girl she wants to be, and it's also the moment where Ciri fully accepted who she is, reclaims her ability to use magic, but to do good, and gives her "parents" a more or less happily ever after ending.
Netflix has only made like 2 or 3 kino movies or series, so the odds aren't good.
what porn is this from?
This will be terrible unless you think inexperienced Twitter feminsits and SJWs can create a good Witcher series.
The Magicians sort of touch upon a decent magic system, but then they just jerk off about how cool it would be to have magic party drugs and forget that magic is supposed to be super complicated to perform in their setting.
if they had to randomly change the race of the characters why couldn't they at least get attractive people
shit will be doa
I'm kekking imagining Geralt as an antifa neckbeard with a pink pussy hat chastising medieval villagers because of their backwards views. he already kind of does this in the games at least.
David Benioff wrote X Men Origins: Wolverine. One of the worst movies ever made.
It's all about the source material. Even a dunce can adapt an already decent source material.
Have faith. This is Netflix's stab at the GoT audience. They've got a huge budget, this is their #1 priority right now. I feel it's going to be great desu.
>David Benioff wrote X Men Origins: Wolverine. One of the worst movies ever made.
>It's all about the source material.
And they're giving him and the other guy a Star Wars trilogy?
Yep. It's going to suck dick. They think that giving the GoT guys their franchise will turn it into... GoT? Star Wars is already a top tier franchise in popularity. I don't see what they're going for here. These 2 guys are super unprepared for the task imo. You can tell how bad they are due to the quality drop post Season 4.
Books too. He slaughters a band of raiders for raping a farm girl, and goes out of his way to rescue Angoulume just because she reminded him of Ciri. The very first thing he did after leaving Kaer Mohren initially was saving a maiden in distress because he wanted to play hero, and he regales Yen with tales of how he stood up for the rights of women to Vilgefortz in between fucking her. Geralt has massive mommy issues and spends almost the entire series either protecting Ciri or trying to make women (Yen) approve of him
>superman? NO MORE
>this absolute tranwreck of a netflix series? SIGN ME UP
what the fuck is cavil and his agent thinking
>to the isle of Avalon so they can live forever in peace and quiet.
isn't this literally the ending to LotR
or did you not actually mean "forever"
>main character does heroic things
stop the presses
No, it's from The tale of King Arthur like a lot of stuff in the series. If you mean "forever" in the sense of immortality, then it's never really explained other than they're in a weird half-reality that even Ciri can't timehop to.
Geralt isn't the main character of anything but the short stories and he's certainly not a heroic figure.
He's a fan of the books so he was probably pretty keen to play Geralt. It's not his fault the showrunners are shit.
gonna be as gay as jessica jones or agents of the shield
this shit wont pass season 1
>chris pool
>It's not his fault the showrunners are shit.
Trainwrecks usually have a shitload of redflags before theyre finalized. Who knows how many red flags went on behind the scenes but I dont see how someone like Cavil could look at himself in the mirror with that bargain bin gettup and go "yea this is fine"
oh my... so which ones the main love interest in the story?
how big is the guy he's looking down at
It's Tom Cruise, so 5'8"
Yennefer (middle) is Geralt's main love interest, but he sleeps around with pretty much every female character at some point.
depends on your choices in the game but middle is the most popular. Don't know who's the love interest from the books tho.
the last unadulterated remnant of the magnificent continent
triss >
>but middle is the most popular
not really as far as the game series goes
Triss has stared in all the games, Yen is only in the last one unless we're including the opinions of brainlets who only played the third game
awful casting.
I really want this show to be good. But theres a very high chance it will be completely SJW'd
>play 2 and 3
>take superior non-human path
>let letho go
>he tells me they saved yen and she tried to seduce his mates
>treat her like the thot she is when I see her in 3
>triss also acts like a whore midway through the game and there's a quest where she flirts with her ex or something
I mean jerald isn't exactly known to be a celibate but jesus christ why can't he bed anyone who isn't a sex crazed witchslut
begone retard
I never played or read it and I know that Yenn and other witches were originally ugly as sin. She was hunchbacked and other shit. But magic lets you transform yourself to look amazing. So if you think of her as an ugly girl suddenly made beautiful then her sluttiness starts to make sense.
reminder that Henry Cavill has already proven himself in medieval kino
I don't think Henry is the complaint
lol the books are sjw trash to begin with. I honestly dont know what you guys were expecting
Kys, The Witcher is DOA
the last kingdom is medieval kino
>nig nog propaganda
>that's a good thing here's why
Like clockwork
they got the most attractive poo they could find, the black woman on the other hand is ugly on purpose
They really are all just trained drones.
He was one of the worst actor in the tudors.
It flopped already, I mean just look at it, fan made stuff looks better than that. I don't even know what they're thinking, the entire witcher series were MADE for young males, why would they find this blacked garbage appealing after playing the games?
It's going to suck with 90% certainty
>All these ugly "people"
Are the UK casting agencies just shit, or do they really have no other options?
Its not even the fact that suddenly they have Kangz everywhere, but everyone just looks awful.
And you faggots have the gall to criticize the Amerimuts on their casting choices.
I fucking hate Americans have been getting away with trampling other cultures by calling it progress as of late. At least before it was clear they were just ignorant assholes but the people that are producing this probably think of themselves as progressive and enlightened. But in the end nothing's changed, they're just getting better at justifying their actions.
don't act like that's not where part of this story started
Yeah made for soiboys. You clearly havent read the books
This is an English production...
Netflix is american.
Of course they havent. They could have just done a straight adaptation and these retarded niggers who don't know anything about the series except the games have would cried about how SJW the show was because they have no idea what the source material actually is.
Yen dies while trying to heal him. They are both dead when the unicorn carries them off
No she doesn't and no they aren't. All it says is that she passes out. Sapkowski literally goes out of his way to make it obvious they aren't dead, by having them showcase all the senses (they see each other when Geralt wakes up, feel each others touch, hear each other speak, smell the apple trees all around them, tastes her when she kisses him.) and its never ever stated that either are dead. The passage ends with them just wondering where they are, and not giving a shit because they have each other.
The pocket dimension they get carried off to is actually just an afterlife
and it turns out they were in purgatory all along
end book
very hard hitting stuff
I really hope Netflix is succeed. The Witcher Cycle has so-so narrative. But the Hussite trilogy is great, if the Witcher pays off, can someone buying the rights to the Tower of Fools.
At least Ciri gets to hang out with Galahad
Except that Yen straight up never dies, and is outright stated even in the original Polish text to just pass out, and Geralt wakes up and feels pain and is still slightly bleeding from his wound which specters don't do.
Ciri sends them to Avalon to heal up and escape everything together just like in the legend of Arthur which Sapkowski has a massive hardon for.
Was embarassing watching these tards cry to CD Projekt Red about the show
lmao it’s a FANTASY series and you guys are triggered by the inclusion of blacks? Fucking nerds
>that one sudden explanation of handheld crossbows that is a thinly veiled argument against easily acquired guns
90's Poland was quite something
She literally - Holy grail. And if you recall the legend of Galahad, he will leave with her to travel between worlds in the end.
Just because you fantasize about being around colored people doesn't mean we do, faggot
Netflix is cancer. Who the fuck is paying for this shit?!
What fucking third world are you from? Speak English properly or do not speak at all.
Not to mention he follows Yen around like a puppy even after she cheats on him in what has to be the worst way possible.
>fucks Geralt at night
>fucks Istredd during the day
>for months on end
moot wtf
Friendly reminder that geralt fucked the left one because she reminded him of the middle one
>and pale with a truly deathly, morbid, utterly ghastly paleness...
>cast the darkest person you can find
The show should be based on the games CMV nobody cares about the faggoty books
It's common knowledge to everyone who read the books or played the games you mongoloid
The fuck is that thing on the bottom right?
He fucked the right right because of that. He fucked Triss because she literally drugged and raped him during one of his many fights with Yen.
The Witcher series will be pure shit. Mark my words
>making Istredd black
They knew what they were doing there lol
>The short stories come before the novels, and are the best part of the series.
People say that but they mostly center around characters I wasn't invested in and never had time to become invested in and lacked the politics and grimdark I like about the series. After reading Baptism of Fire it's obvious where Witcher 3's war torn Velen got most of its influence from.
Vilgafortz and Leo Bonhart were good, intimidating villains as well.
>be Poland
>WW2 starts because you were invaded
>you were on the winning side of the war
>be given to the soviets
>mass murders and mass rapes
>revolutionaries who fought against germans were executed as nazi collaborators
>others were promised pardons for putting their weapons down, then killed on the spot
>massive deportations to gulags, some estimate 70% of intellectuals were killed
>fast-forward 60 years
>have a national success
>the same communists who fucked your country take it, and put a bunch of feminism and africans in it
And you wonder why Poland hates westerners
No one cares about the first two games either
>racism bad
>racism bad
>tv show
>racism bad
Except the writer of the series viewed said takeover as the right side winning out over the stupid barbarism, racism and backstabbing of the previous and made an extremely obvious allegory to it in the novels and actually hates most of the fanbase for not viewing it that way
The games are just a power fantasy where the MC runs around destroying everything in his path and women randomly fall in love with him left and right. If you want to see that on tv, go watch anime.
Daily reminder that THIS is the Witcher writing staff.
The books are clearly anti-racist though. That entire storyline with the squirrels and the dwarves fighting on the human side made that pretty clear. Not to mention references to prejudice against half-elves.
Two goblinas and a negrita lmao
No chance.
I never read the last book. Gerald ending up with the woman who cuckolded him is garbage.
>that single guy sitting down in that comfy ass chair
I dont know why this is so funny
How do you get teeth like that?
Witcher 2 was kino you fat fuck, but who cares the Witcher 3 was about adventure, slaying monsters and slaying beautiful pusy, that’s all I wanted from the show. The fuck is up with the choices of women? This will flop.
He is the alpha male, he gets to sit
He probably fucked everything in that room with a biological vagina
>he follows Yen around like a puppy
He literally doesn't.
I do thanks very much, it’s kino af unlike this garbage for onion boys.
The fuck is wrong with writers? Why are they always like this?
The Witcher 2 is one of the most poorly written games there is as it regards to the characters from the books. It was good capturing the setting and tone of the books but nothing else. The character writing was fucking abysmal
Geralt literally remembers Yennefer and Ciri exist and then basically says "Eh whatever, hey Triss wanna bang in this elven pool?"
the books are pretty pulpy trash overrated by slavniggers that made for good video games and would probably make good normie bait as a tv show, but there's no way this show is going to be good.
>Why are jews like this
And the answer is because they just do what their rabbi tells them to do
>book in the bottom right corner
>"From Cecile Richards, the former president of Planned Parenthood for more than a decade, daughter of the late Ann Richards, featured speaker at the Women’s March on Washington, and “the heroine of the resistance” (Vogue), comes “an enthralling memoir” (Booklist, starred review) filled with “practical advice and inspiration for aspiring leaders everywhere” (Hillary Rodham Clinton)."
The books are nothing like the games. The games are literally comic book action hero bullshit with boobs. The other dude was right in that they're literally just anime schlock with a western setting
the witcher isn't anyone's culture
Most people didnt even know about the series until the third one
Hang on is Temeria not a real country?
He does
>Geralt literally remembers Yennefer and Ciri exist and then basically says "Eh whatever, hey Triss wanna bang in this elven pool?"
Geralt fucked Fringilla for months when Yennefer and Ciri were in danger.
Power fantasies sell, this shit is DOA with that babadook lookin thing as a love interest.
And the books are just commie garbage
That is quite literally the entire point of Geralt's character.
Ciri herself was "Something More" because she was the one thing that could finally let him give Yen what she always wanted but neither could have in a child.
Lets be real the books are shit
>Power fantasies sell,
Men might like power fantasies but they don't sell
If a man likes a tv show or movie he will just pirate it
Meanwhile women will subscribe to Netflix, HBO Go, go to the movies and watch every ad that comes on
Sure, I’m just saying Witcher 2 and 3 have similar atmosphere. All I want is a fantasy show with that atmosphere and recognizable characters, not Caville banging goblinas shouting “refugees welcome” with each disinterested thrust.
He abandoned Yennefer after 1 year because she was too possessive.
>And they're giving him and the other guy a Star Wars trilogy?
It's thought they'll be adapting Knights of the Old Republic
GoT was a male power fantasy until it went downhill CMV
The TV series is absolutely doomed but don't pretend the games writing is actually good. The Witcher is actually a fantastic example of why no one actually respects video game writers, because they took a babby's first young adult level novel and turned it into a retarded medieval batman with his harem of cocksleeves and couldn't even keep them slightly in character while doing it.
>implying anyone in this thread has read anything beyond the last wish
Right but the show is based off the books not the games
Because he thought Yen turned traitor on him and lied and Ciri was dead.
He hears Yen is alive and in danger and within an hour demands everyone leave and go save her
The main audience of GoT were women since season 2
Every guy I know pirated every episode, while every girl I know had HBO
I made it all the way to Time of Contempt before I gave up. Ciri is just a really boring character.
The first two games had great stories. The 3rd not as much but it was still a lot of fun.
I only read the first short story collection and the first three novels btw. They were interesting enough but strange. I don't have high hopes for this show but I like that Cavill is a fan of the games. I think he'll take the role very seriously.
>They were interesting enough but strange.
The novels make no sense without the 2nd book.
>The first two games had great stories
>gearlt you have amensia and forgot everything except things that we need you to remember for plot reasons like how to speak and understand elven, and who your friends are, and how to fight, now go get our macguffin and avenge this guy you knew for 2 weeks, while all your friends ignore that the two most important people in your life are mysteriously absent and never remind you of this.
>oh and also everything that happens outside the main plot of Ada wanting to overthrow her father for no reason and then everyone forgetting about this also for no reason, will just be horribly basterdized or allegored versions of things from the books
Truly peak writing
>Yea Forums died for this
What the fuck Moot?
They have a contract to write the first movie of the new Star Wars trilogy.
Ironically a lot of the drop in quality came because they signed a contract with Disney and were eager to get started on Star Wars. They cut a ton of essential plotlines from the books, which led to characters having no real motivations beyond just bouncing from one plot point to another.
t. netflix
is that an italians arent white jab on the down low from cuckflix?
You dimwitted motherfucekrs are the exact same as the facebook crowd. Willing to believe any fucking thing they see if its an image.
Your on the internet, why don't you use it and verify shit for once. Coming back to this board was a mistake.
Why did they pick someone who doesn't even resemble either the book or the video game version of geralt?
>a art
Can't even speak the language properly Jesus Christ
Faggot she-goat poster.
Oh, so that's what that was about. I remember that part feeling a bit off.
There's a big difference between being a soft liberal in the 90s and nowadays.
Why does the author look like sam hyde
Warcraft movie did it quite well, i suppose. At least it was like how it was in the game
See ya tomorrow, simp! Nice dubs btw
Why are we pretending to be surprised
B-but she promised!
>muh fictional characters are being changed from interpretation to interpretation
It's called fiction, sweetie. It ain't real
>Lauren ((Schmidt)) ((((Hissrich))))
this image is sad. only because it exposed so many newfags who dont realize its fake
I guess viewership is also just a number and doesn't really matter
this is what selling Yea Forums does to your brain
>Trusting a Jew
Man her name literally has the sound snakes make in it
Snakes man
I leave fantasy cuckporn-melodrama to you, thank you.
>Yet the showrunner is a girl (and an outspoken Twitter SJW/feminist) who naturally filled her writing room which is well over 60% female and who are also all Twitter SJWs/feminsts.
I'd say in this case that's appropriate because the books themselves are choke full of SJW stuff.
Shouldn't "Christopher Poole" be a dead giveaway that it's a joke
>expecting zoomers to know that name
>expecting them to be able to read past a headline
yup looks about right
So yenn GOT BLACKED huh? Since Istredd is yenn ex
The Witcher will be the most feminist SJW show there is. They already cast so many nigs for white characters
Yea but show Yen isn't white so it doesn't matter
So why is cousin of Nilfgard emperor is nigger?
20000 zł
I don't even blame the niggers anymore. Fuck kikes and White cucks.
I have a trustworthy source that says Nilfgaard will be changed to Niggaard in this adaptation
Can't wait to see Fringilla cousins
>The Witcher will be the most feminist SJW show there is
so it'll be a faithful adaptation?
kill yourself newfag
How can murican fanatsy makers even compete
literally 10 times better than fucking D&D
reminder to read the book and stop referencing witcher 3, the show is based on the last wish
>no cat pupils
>shitty wig
>the armor will be some shitty generic leather stuff
>the story will be worse than the one in TW3
Have video games finally lost their place as the shittiest medium?
So why Fringilla or Triss are in the show?
so Yen get's BLACKED in the first season. Kek.
they both probably show up in a scene where the lodge of sorceresses meet, it all depends on what the writers decide, but they explicitly state that it is based on the 1st book
Have they cast mommy yet? Please don't tell me she's a fat black woman
The lodge doesn't even exist in the first book.
>last wish
>lodge of sorceresses
go away mouse shill
And more than that Geralt gets cucked. Should be some easy publicity for the show, they can take screenshots of the inevitable freakout on Yea Forums and make deadspin/kotaku articles about it.
I will not be watching this shit. I will instead be furiously masturbating to my own erotic classy drawings of Triss and no they're mine and you will not see them.
Also, why is Ciri even cast if they'll focus on the last wish? Season 1 should be about Renfri and how Geralt meets Yenn and that's it
Go watch Sword Art Online or something then
my bad, but they keep insisting that its based on the books, so the game designs of the characters do not matter at all
>Single issue costs 20 000 of something
Look at the casting and explain why e.g. Ciri, Vilgefortz, Istredd, Fringilla etc. are already cast if it's based on the 1st book
Also why is Nenneke, Velerad, Foltest, Adda etc. not cast then?
It's all over the fucking place
>and that's a good thing
kino as fuck
>so the game designs of the characters do not matter at all
But the game designs are based on the descriptions in the books for the most part. Sometimes they're exaggerated, like Triss' hair being bright red instead of a more realistic Auburn or Geralt looking like a fucking male model, but for the most part they're faithful.
I don’t know why Netflix would trust them to cast this. Their track record has been atrocious.
Main series is weird and boring
Prequels (which this show will adapt) were wayyy better
This is very unlikely because first, they're called black ones and second Ciri is white so Emhyr will be too
They will probably changed Fringilla whole back story
you are aware that Sapkowski is progressive himself, and is supervising this show?
then why does everyone use images from the witcher 3 as some kind of concrete baseline of authenticity? its a fucking mess
>They will probably changed Fringilla whole back story
Well then the showrunner is proven to be a fucking liar "story comes first" my ass
LOL supervising
that bitter drunk cunt left the show when creative differences arose, he's a "consultant" now at best
same as GRRM on GoT8 and that turned out fine didn't it
Because they're much closer to the book descriptions than this. You can nitpick stuff like "Triss's hair isn't that *shade* of red" or "Geralt is a little too good looking", but when it comes to the basics they're more or less on point. The show isn't even close.
Author of the books is a feminist you nerd.
because the witcher 3 is the only reference half these people have for the series, the earlier games weren't massive and about five people read the books.
Would like to hatefuck her.
So (((diverse))). You'd think that if diversity was such a good thing they wouldn't have to force it so hard.
those count as white people in america these days.
I take the Iliad and the Odyssey aren't part of anyone's culture either then. Damn shame.
lets just hope for good makeup then
nobody in poland is claiming the witcher as some cultural touchstone, it's a little trash fantasy series, barely popular enough to translate into english until the videogames put it on the map, Yea Forums and /pol/ are the only ones pretending otherwise.
>Source material states skin' color & races play important role
>Cast random nigress
Thank Neflix. Very progressive
I would honestly.
Sapkowski would do anything for alcohol. He whored his work to CDPR for a bottle of vodka, so.
>barely popular enough to translate into english
i don't know a person here who hasn't read witcher
t.normalfag from poland
Imagine being this wrong, Witcher is massive in Poland, it's a well known series of tales/books since 90
I can see negroid and mongoloid features just looking at their faces.
You're an arrogant loud-mouth faggot that knows shit about shit outside of your little cosmopolitan onions bubble. Just shut the fuck up and eat your ethnic food, stick your dragon dildo up your ass and die of AIDS.
yeah, they're white americans.
The owner of Facebook
I know you're mad about GoT not ending how you wanted but there's already enough threads for you to cry in.
>Hussite trilogy
A man of culture I see.
>Taken from Sword of Destiny - A Shard of Ice - Chapter 4
The Witcher wondered for a moment and decided to finish him off.
‘For the reason,’ he shot back, ‘that last night she made love with me, and not with you.’
Istredd pulled the skull closer to himself and stroked it. His hand, to Geralt’s dismay, did not even twitch. ‘HAHAHA geralt nigga, you a dumb motha fucka, what rights you be thinkin you gets from that cracka?’
‘Only one. The right to draw a few conclusions.’
‘AHAHAH,’ the sorcerer laughed. ‘I fucked you bitch this mornin homie, she finna suckin on muh dick too. How you like that you mufuggin albino ass whiteboi’.
I already know its gonna be a pile of flaming garbage, oh well.
Something made in the former Eastern Bloc country does not authomatically make it a commie grbage m8
I have read all the books so many times I know them literally by heart
>looks nothing like geralt
You're saying that like there's a canon face for Geralt. The author of the Witcher books never made a sketch of Geralt IIRC.
you forgot the part where he reminds Geralt that she went home and kissed him on the lips right after swallowing his black seed.
As long as we're not leaving charisma to Cavill
jokes on you i stopped watching films and just come here to shitpost
>medieval tavern music
>*lute chord snaps*
>So, you're probably wondering how I got myself in this situation... let me tell you
I don't get it. Is that a meme or americans really think Witcher books are feminist?
I hope Geralt spends at least ten minutes per episode talking about how hard it is for him to find work and how little money he has
Dear lord, has that man ever smiled before? He always looks like he's got a stick up his ass.
>let's rewind a little bit
>*a screaming 12-year old Geralt being forced to undergo the witcher mutations*
>woah, not that far back!
He's literally anything but.
Not feminist per se, but Geralt really is extremely progressive when compared to the world around him. Maybe it's just his outsiders perspective and himself being an outcast, but it's kind of jarring sometimes.
whats that nuke scene from ?
it's the eternal polack
Dansei ga daisuki
Also the woman (mostly) don't fall under traditional fantasy gender cliches. Yennefer, Calanthe, Philippa, etc. would all count as "empowered" characters even by 2019 standards.
boku no pico
It’s the second season of Ore wa geida
It was the other way around.
True Witcher, fuck burger version.
>games are the reason this series got big in the first place
>most people interested in this have played like one or two of the games
>those people will most definitely hold the series' portrayals to the standard of those games
>durrrrr guys why you bringing up the vidya
it's basically a video game adaptation or should be if anyone at netflix has an iota of common fucking sense but they're just as retarded as you are
yes there's a modern spin on them, but powerful female sorceresses who are more powerful than men is a traditional fantasy cliche (Morgana is the most famous) and crops up in a lot of slavic folklore too.
APEX KEK, masterfully done.
They're actually powerful, they're not "empowered".
Thank you for posting this image that isn’t relevant at all
>eats food right off the table
fucking poles have no manners
arent they always evil/monstrous though?
You are welcome!
>it's basically a video game adaptation
no, it's not. The games are a sequel to the books and the show is telling the story from the books.
>should be if anyone at netflix has an iota of common fucking sense
No, they shouldn't, as the stuff that video games have changed were changed for gameplay reasons mostly. These do not translate well to a non-interactive medium and there is a reason there has not been a single decent video game adaptation ever - while there is a shtiload of amazing books adaptations. Only an absolute retard would choose to adapt a computer game over a book.
the actual Dandelion for anyone wondering
Not what the thread is about, fuck off
>, the show is based on the last wish
no, it's not. They are compressing at least the first three books if not more into the first season.
Why would they cast Cahir, Triss, Fringrilla, Tissaia etc?
Is this what americans think or what polish yankee cocksuckers think?
kill yourself retard
Yeah blame the English once again like Game of Shit, when we all know who's really in charge.
>polish fiction from the 90's
>european culture
Freya Allan as Ciri looks alright
the tall british actress on the far left is pretty thicc
>why is everyone on TV not a supermodel? how am I meant to make MUH waifu threads now? fucking casting agencies casting for acting ability and to fit the theme of the programme!
have sex
I hadn't read any of the source material prior to playing the first game. It's been a while but I liked the plot.
You think it's not the Americans who have the final say with these choices? Nice deflecting, this is a 100% American production. To see British casting choices, see The Last Kingdom - vastly superior to America.
I had to look online to find a synopsis. It wasn't translated into English yet.
You want the Danny D version.
You can't get more SJW than the Witcher books. Perhaps you should have read them before getting your hopes up.
her and renfri are good casts, even though pic related would be a better yen
>The Last Kingdom - vastly superior
gain height
This show will bomb harder than anything we’ve seen before. It has no shot im thinking it gets a 2/10 review avg.
She was good in The Last Kingdom
Regardless of what you think of the show and Uhtred aside, the casting was very good.
So they will only adapt a few short stories to ease you in and then plow straight through the first novel? Just by the pacing this could be a big mess
That viking man was a pretty cool guy, though
Would befriend / 10
that's an awful casting choice for a King who had portraits done in minature showing he had blonde hair and blue eyes
not always, they tend to be seductresses and often extremely glamorous but are actually evil or just wild heathens who live in isolation. But they usually punish immoral people and act as the warning in a fable.
>complain about SJW and bugmen ruining everything
>passionately consume corny escapist power fantasies about some gloomy loner hero fucking and killing everyone on his way
Based Hollywood BTFOs nerds again. Read some real literature once, morons.
I thought goblins were a fictional race...
I wish they got the same production company in for the Witcher as they did for that, just have one lone writer adapting the novel with the help of the novelist like Stephen Butchard. Have Geralt bantering his way through the land like Uhtred. Just add magic and you're there.
>british casting choices
>vastly superior
Best actor and character in the show.
seethe more, amerimutt.
The best part of the books is the bit where Geralt's friends make fun of him for being an autistic loner
ya boilin’
yes even with those youtube vids that got like a few hundred views each, brits are still superior to the americans
>look at this bad casting
those are drawings mate.
The best part is when 15 year old lesbo Ciri rides a horse with some old guy and the Horse turns her on so much that she has sex with the dude after he gets hit by an arrow and bleeds to death while fucking that prime teenage pussy. I'm looking forward to that scene in the show.
Also when Bonhart comes to town, slaughters all of Ciris friends, strips her down and and turns her into his slave for gladiator cunny fights.
How could I ever forget Hotsporn?