Queen in the North edition
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Queen in the North edition
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The show is over, stop making these threads.
In the end, was he the most Jewish and subversive character on the whole show? He tried to cede the entirety of The Reach to a horde of shitskin invaders for no good reason.
The unsullied were really stupid to think Bran&co wouldn't free Jon so he could go live Eskimo life the moment they left Westeros.
Also I'm surprised the Dothraki were okay with their Khaleesi being murdered.
>I can't believe they actually chose me for the show! im so excited user!
nth for the CUTEST boy of the show.
if you give me the source I'll fap
both of them are shota teir desu
Eddard Stark ate Rickon Stark
>What about all the other people who aren't liberal yet think they know what is good?
Go complain in /ALITA/
I'm not a pits guy but I would fucking DEVOUR those pits and nut hands free
dumb ugly bitch
my nihha you did not pick that up from the mens section
she needs to be raping me aAsap
Enjoy lad
its a tv show user, nobody was trying to make a political statement
Holy shit!
>unironically liking Sansa
Could Smaug kill all of Dany's dragons?
What an idiot. He desperately wants a part in the dying franchise that is Disney star wars
What was the point of this character?
Jon should have a 1x1 against NK with flamingo sword though
For the incel audience, they all like him for some reason
Rana isn’t in the last episode of the normies? Wtf is this shit?
see i guess thats what would have been epic for you
To represent that you can't always get over addictions/unhealthy relationships
>implying going full anime wouldn't be kino
Alys Karstark is the greatest rack in Westeros.
>mother of burgers
Said the same thing.
Also where is the (((Burlington))) reactions. It's eerily slow. It must have been a full meltdown there.
How can Westerosi girls compete?
characters are necessary to advance plot. after tossing bran out the window, he was totally useless and without purpose
>spinoff starts, apparently its just a slice of life show, not many stakes
>eh i'll flick it on
>first episode starts up
>notice in the credits a name
>Schmephen Schmillane
>hmmm whats really going on here
>first scene revolves around a feast at Storm's End
>oh hey look it's Une
>he stands up, clinks his glass
>Ahem. I'd like to say a few words. First of all, fuck Targ Fucking Shits.
>Now that that's out of the way... Lord Tyrion, at the Kingsmoot at King's Landing..... reminded me of my duty, when all I could think of was my rights. I had the cart before the horse, Tyrion said. I was trying to win the throne to save the kingdom, when I should have been trying to save the kingdom to win the throne.
>oh jesus christ
>Une raises his hands to his face and pulls it off
>holy mother of god
>it cant be
>it can
>He looks directly at Gendry, who makes a move to grab the warhammer, but Lightbringer is already at his throat before he can reach it
>Bend the knee, young nephew. Bend the knee or be destroyed.
Does ANYONE have a completed image of everything Brienne wrote in the book?
God they fucking ruined Sansa these last 2 seasons, these writers have no idea how to write a smart character so they just make every other character dumb as shit whenever she's in a scene. Fuck this show
Robin Arryn is the greatest chad in Westeros.
I get the feeling that the guy between Sam and Edmure when they decide on King Bran is meant to be Howland fucking Reed.
>literally 1 day after the show ends
>generals are dead already
big yikes from me dog
sorry for late answer, user
the first ones of this thread are also GURM's maps
Since when did this show give a shit about addiction?
first image of sophie i've seen where she's attractive
you only get to see it for a few frames, but I saw it. any sane man saw it. that fertile oasis of womanly musk. that immaculate eden, shimmering with moisture. that perfect, lustrous sheen so cruelly hidden. gone so fast, unable to be gazed upon. i cannot fathom the ecstasy one would experience just from touching the tip of his tongue to that armpit. what godlike transformation would one undergo, then, if he were to passionately kiss that armpit like a lover? lick and suck and slurp and devour it entirely? such a thought should likely not even be entertained, but we unruly fellows shall entertain it. we are and we shall. for this impeccable specimen of womanly beauty does corrupt the mind. to suggest that one could resist even for an attosecond that magnificent axilla would be to deny the very core of the nature of man; so, my brethren, let us dine on the divine tonight, and let us cherish this unending heaven.
Sit down and shut up incel. This board is now rightful /got/ clay and owned by my wife
They were all sterile you fucking MORON
so what happened with samwells land? did he give it up?
Sansa was smart because she read the scripts beforehand. She was so brilliant that she plotted to have Jon usurp Dany without his knowledge, because being King-Consort of Westeros is more dangerous than being King. She is the smartest woman I have ever known.
The true genius was Bran, who manipulated everybody and got everything he wanted. Jon even bent the knee to him and apologized after Bran ruined his life.
>One beheaded
>One stabbed
What a waste of two prime cunts.
Wasn’t it given to Bronn?
jaime poops his pants
He's a homo btw
that scene of jaime crying like a little bitch to brienne about the mad king doesn't even happen in the books. d&d did that themselves. they just... forgot they invented that
>the brown wedding
D&D will get sacked from that Star Wars gig before the trilogy is finished.
She's been hot as fuck in the entire final season and I usually don't feel attracted to her.
The 24/7 tight BDSM gear must be whats doing it.
Highgarden was given to Bronn and by extension the Reach.
It's likely that House Tarly is now run by sister because he's a Grand Maester now.
one of the greatest and most talked about tv shows in the history of tv finishing a 10 year run and its only been 1 day. literally millions have yet to watch it via on demand or downloads
alita battle angel stopped showing in theaters may 9th and you arent crying about that thread that is up 24/7
Treenet & the children of the forest orchestrated everything to take control of their biggest enemy. Wake up sheeple!
>implying Miss Sunday's cunt and boobies weren't still intact
only her head got removed user
moar sophie plz
It's not started yet. They might do it ahead of time.
these tattoos are fucking disgusting. why they do this?
it's amazing the absolute hatred jews have for the goyim, they don't even want the goyim to be able to criticize their blatantly shit material
and don't give me the "contractual obligations" meme, you'll notice Dinklage, Kit, and Emilia aren't defending this shitshow, they are keeping their mouths shut because they know it's trash
>yfw Greyworm and the Unsullied go to Naath and all get killed by the butterflies there
>“You!” the iron captain called across the carnage. “You of the rose! Be you the lord of Southshield?”
>The other raised his visor to show a beardless face. “His son and heir. Ser Talbert Serry. And who are you, kraken?”
>“Your death.”
>"The silver queen is gone," the ketch's master told him. "She flew away upon her dragon, beyond the Dothraki sea."
>"Where is this Dothraki sea?" he demanded. "I will sail the Iron Fleet across it and find the queen wherever she may be."
>The fisherman laughed aloud. "That would be a sight worth seeing. The Dothraki sea is made of grass, fool."
>He should not have said that. Victarion took him around the throat with his burned hand and lifted him bodily into the air. Slamming him back against the mast, he squeezed till the Yunkishman's face turned as black as the fingers digging into his flesh. The man kicked and writhed for a while, trying fruitlessly to pry loose the captain's grip. "No man calls Victarion Greyjoy a fool and lives to boast of it." When he opened his hand, the man's limp body flopped to the deck.
>"Wizards may be well and good, but blood and steel win wars."
>"We are the ironborn, and two gods look over us. We will seize their ships, smash their hopes, and turn their bay to blood."
>Euron: "Perhaps we can fly. All of us. How will we ever know unless we leap from some tall tower? No man ever truly knows what he can do unless he dares to leap."
>Victarion: "There is the window. Leap."
>Euron:" It is a fearsome thing to sail beyond Valyria."
>Victarion: "I could sail the Iron Fleet to hell if need be."
>On wings of song I fly to you, Daenerys, the iron captain thought.
Would it have been kino if they brought Victarion in the show o would they have ruined him as well?
Hello virgin!
Jaime would also NEVR fuk brienne. Hes only ever and would only ever fuck cersei
Guys, it's over, let SW go. What they're going to do with the film past IX is going to make your head spin.
this actually could happen
Tell me about it. One of the easiest red flags to avoid. Along with non human hair colours and nose rings.
More like someone with taste you absolute pleb.
Have thoughts
you know he’s fuckin brienne in the books right? that’s why they had it in the show. one of the plot points grrm told them
>Pleb: Arya kills night king to subvert expectations
>Patrician: Jon 1v1's night king thus fullfilling his destiny as Azor Ahai possibly with the help of aa mortally wounded Theon.
>TRUE KINO: Bran enters a psychic game of cat and mouse throughout the history of westeros withh the night king until he gets a hold of the night king's true name mentally destroying him, forcing him to lose his grip on the undead allowing for the rest of the characters to easily pick off his generals.
choppp cersie leg
>I was about to stab the cripple on his chair when he shouted
>If he had lived he'd be in here complaining about all the nobles scheming and funding the building of brothels
(IIRC there were stories of WW drinking blood isn't it?)
>TIER BEYOND KINO: Stannis show up with lightbringer
Lel just imagine
the ending was so bad it's almost parody tier
>unsullied leave 5 minutes after sentencing Jon, literally no way to enforce it
>nobody cares about North independence
>talking about brothels while fucking 100k bodies rot in the streets of king's landing
>"it truly was a song of ice and fire"
>Pod somehow on kingsguard
>voting a cripple from the north as king, the place that just left the 7 kingdoms
>fucking Bronn is lord of highgarden over the Redwyne's and hightowers
i've read better fan fic endings. Westeros would break out into war again within a week of that ending
she doesn't even have a face anymore because a cannibal ate it
kino would be bran and NK having to fight for control of the wights, IE Bran can take over clumps of them since they are basically just dumb reanimated corpses. This would have explained Arya being able to sneak through for the kill
instead we get Bran doing literally nothing
>On bus bored and sick
>See a cute girl get on
>She catches my eyes and gives a little smile
>Hold my gaze and intensify
>Two minutes later she looks back and smiles again, bigger this time
>Attack, attack!
>Go sit next to her
>What's your name?
>Sierra :)
>My name is user Dayne, but men call me Darkstar and I am of the night.
>I grab her hand and kiss it (possibly infecting her, i feel kind of bad)
>she giggles and gives me a "what the fuck" look, then asks "Why Darkstar?"
>Don't hesitate a bit
>"Would you like to find out?"
>She giggles more and makes :3 face and we small talk for a bit
>When we reach the transit she follows me to my number and asks for my number
>She puts me down as Darkstar in her contacts
Three spinoffs bitch we're here for another decade
>things that would never happen, not even in GURM's fever dreams
>i clicked
I thought they were looking at mutliple possible stories but only picked up one?
He looks like he eats gabagool at Yankee games.
>GRRM lets of a rip roaring fart
>”there’s your winds of winter!”
>the Alitautist janny thinks he is FINALLY rid of /got/
>40 thousand spinoffs in production
He must be so angry
I hope your story is true, user.
>I clicked
Would it be kino if 40 year from now when they do the reboot/Bobby's rebellion prequel they picked him as Jon Arryn
I like Bronn but why the fuck did D&D ride his dick so hard? I don't think his character would even want to be master of coin, way too much responsibility and too few real personal benefits. Littlefinger was a good master of coin because he was a scheming little kike with amibitions and hatred for the people around him. Bronn is just greedy and wants to sit in a castle and fuck bitches. I mean the dude can't even read.
>brutal, terrifying
So this new government manages to clamp down on rapes?
if they had bran do ANYTHING it would have been better.
He's legal too
Most boring series finale in history
>Jon, I'm pregnant!
>get some tissues
>the rape..... you need some tissues i assure you my friend..... the rape....
Wtf Isaac is really keeping this method acting up longer than he needs to
Only positive from Bronn in charge of money is him refusing to pay back the Iron Bank's loans
>Lino Facioli
It checks out
LF was a terrible master of coin who nearly bankrupted the crown, cause he just constantly got more loans instead of turning around every so often and saying, No we don't have anymore money stop
>And me? I’m still here, and I’m still busy. As a producer, I’ve got five shows in development at HBO (some having nothing whatsoever to do with the world of Westeros), two at Hulu, one on the History Channel. I’m involved with a number of feature projects, some based upon my own stories and books, some on material created by others. There are these short films I am hoping to make, adaptations of classic stories by one of the most brilliant, quirky, and original writers our genre has ever produced. I’ve consulted on a video game out of Japan. And then there’s Meow Wolf…
Imagine thinking he's even doing a page of TWOW a month with all this other shit he's wasting time on.
I think there was talks of bobby's rebellion being made into a movie around season 6 don't know if it was true though
Too bad Jon is pro choice
Imagine if she said that the same moment he stabbed her
>D&D threw in a ton of setup for her to be actually fertile in S7
>forgot all about in S8
Can someone tell me that why the fuck didn't Gendry become the king? He has the strongest claim to the throne easily now that he was legitimized. I have no idea why Daenarys even did that, she literally made an enemy to herself.
Hell, Davos is also there with Gendry during the final meeting of the Great Houses. Davos should've spoken up.
>Literally NO ONE mentioned that Jon was the rightful king at the grand council
Seriously why
At least he said
>I don't think I get a vote
No Davos you don't neither does Brieanne
>And Grey Worm is the father!
There's no more claim.
I think they were looking at 5 but picked up 3. Then I thought one or 2 of those was canned in favor of different ones.
I don't know what they are now
>dany becomes pregnant
>it changes her perspective on whats important unlike Cersei's meme pregnancy
Gendry was prolly already too overwhelmed by his first few weeks as high lord and didn't speak up, dunno why Davos and Brienne (former Baratheon loyalists) or Une (prolly one as well) didn't speak up
>. I’ve consulted on a video game out of Japan. And then there’s Meow Wolf…
the raw symbolism brings a tear to my eye
I don't think that's possible
>claims meaning literally anything when a Lannister has been on the throne for years and a Targaryen has just taken it by conquest
He's a little to late by a small margin of an entire war of five kings to be trotting out muh bobby b claim
Whats his tax policy
ah I didn't remember that, I just remembered littlefinger being viewed as extremely competent.
You know nothing Jon Snow
Has Davos still got that lordship Stannis gave him all those years ago? Maybe he could still take part int eh discussion, even tho I don't see him voting
Same for Brienne if her father decided to let her represent him
I don't remember, but I damn hope Arya didn't get to vote, now that would make no sense whatsoever
How are taxes levied in the Seven Kingdoms?
fugg, the ride never ends
So why the fuck is he named but the other 4 lords aren't? Why did D&D name him?
I assume he does, that puts him over Brienne, at least.
Actually, isn't Gendry both Davos and Brienne's leige lord now?
Jew and jew wrote for those Burlington freaks too, I appreciate they didn’t cater the ending but it kind of serves them right for bringing those people in in the first place. They won’t work again because of them.
That reminds me, the show never followed up on the Iron Bank's story at all.
I can't remember, did the show even show the Iron Bank reps funding Stannis?
None of them will have even close to the popularity of GoT, even less after GoT has been ruined by this last season.
Aren’t there more than seven kingdoms in Westeros?
i find it so absurd how sanda was adamant the Norf go sovereign when a fucking Stark is king of the realms anyway
>GRRM basically confirmed the FROM Software game
So disgusting
proofs or btfo
I know that Cersei payed off the Iron Bank with the Tyrell money.
>literally every episode is the lowest rankings ever for the show
how do you fuck up so bad with unlimited budget? I think they were so worried about leaks that they didn't do any audience testing or bring in enough writers, same for all the quality control mistakes like the water bottles and starbucks cups
And this, fellow students is why these specimens will never get any form of sexual interaction with a female.
audiences liked him so the studio demanded he get more screentime
Yes, I assume that's why they sat there together
She lend more money to buy the Golden Company
>I'm sorry, wha the fuck is the 3-eyed raven and why is the imp saying we make this cripple King? >Why the fuck is he going on about "stories" and metaphorical shit when we're talking about ruling a kingdom?
>Has everyone gone retarded around here?
So why do they call it the Seven Kingdoms?
excuse me ???
But then she took a new loan to pay the Golden Company
what episode was the one where they went beyond the wall to get a WW?
if that is over a 7.0 I'm going to lose a lot of faith in humanity
Yes. It's just a title that comes from the kingdoms that Aegon finally ended up ruling. I guess since the north is one of the original 7 its not a total joke to reduce the title to 6.
Because at the time it was conquered there was only 7 kings there
No wonder that fat fuck hasn't finished the books yet. He is working in like a million fuckokg things. At least he is saying it WILL come. But I have absolutely no hope for ADOS.
Yes, A minor Knight holding a minor island doesn't get a vote in the great council, even if Brienne was Lady of Tarth, Tarth is another unremarkable island shithole, she doens't get a vote either, only Gendry gets one
he's too blown away from fucking arya then getting dumped via text to know what way is up or down now
they were getting rid of the Targaryen menace entirely
they didn't care about muh rights they were forming a new world order devoid of dragon nigger invaders.
They named Quentyn. What did they name that guy?
Because they were Seven when Aegon conquered them
(well he didn't get Dorne but he didn't care anyway)
its at 4.2 now
More and more women I know are getting tattoos by the day, and shitty ones at that. I feel almost like I'm wrong for not liking them.
You'll just have to wait until the spin-off. Une will be a MAJOR player.
Was he a Stannis man who survived the battle at winterfell? Or was he a Renly man?
We need to know the lore behind Une
Whatever happened in S5 that people dropped the show before the season finale
If you're already swimming in $ why do you have to do work still?
I doubt the Iron Bank can call in that Loan, they supported the wrong side their side lost, loan is void, same as the loan Stannis got, The Iron Bank has had a really shit few years
It's 4.5 now and the IMDB scheduled task only run once per day. Maybe we will see 4.3 tomorrow
>Jon pls, just cum on my face one more time before I die
sand sneks
Shouldn’t they just carry on calling it the Seven Kingdoms then?
He was seen as competent because every feast and tournament Robert had simply seemed to be paid for with magic. In reality LF was putting loans up, likely to help spread chaos once Bobby B died and no one could be paid back.
Hardome hype, followed by Shireen and sneks.
The loan is to the institution, not to the side controlling it
>imagine being hired just to say "aye"
>House Gardener
Man, Dabid worked super hard on this season. I think we can forgive one little bit of lore silliness.
>this appears on your screen
>wtf dropped
Gay pilled and cringe
oh yeah why didn't bring the second sons instead of magically spawning doths and eunuchs?
Also the loans were to the Crown not LF himself and every time they had tournaments he would make a fortune from his brothels, he knew exactly what he was doing, still makes him a terrible master of coin
they never even really addressed the stormlands after season 2
kind of retarded desu
>I'm a fat lazy boomer and no one can make me work!
Dabid probably thinks it is actually just the 7 kingdoms
So Cerseis loan is still valid but Stannis's is not? seems like a pretty complicated situation
Yes, they were made extinct by Aegon who then gave the Reach to their stewards the Tyrells
I don't have time to read that. What's the quote?
>is actually a blog
the king of the subversion
I had a choice,/got/.betray you, or betray the bobbyposters.You brought an army of Redditors into our lands.An army of sansafootfags and danyfags.If I had to do it all over, knowing where I'd end up,I pray I'd make the right choice again.I fought.I lost.Now I rest.But you, /got/ you'll be whiteknighting their queen forever.
Is Brienne pregnant with Jamie's baby?
>How DARE you assume I managed to progress using these last 8 years!
both of those threads need to fuck off, you're both cringe.
house gardener sounds like a job title lol
George's world is more interesting than his story about the magic mystery prince and his destined dragon princess. I don't blame him for getting distracted.
So this is my theory and I'm not sure if it's already a thing or not since I never come here.
Anyway. The dragon was never really tied off, so I'm not sure if the gender was ever specified or not, but it'll probably lay eggs, maybe 3 or so, and the process will start all over again. New tree, new kingslayer, new Mad Ruler, special understanding with the north, a city is in ruins from a dragon attack.
History repeats itself again and again. At least the Night King is dead.
He consulted on a game from Japan
Yes, unless maybe they can call in Davos to pay part of it with money form his patch of land somehow?
Was he the one that took Gardner's wife when they brought her to him all naked?
Yeah Cersei loan was too the Iron Throne, not a upstart so Bran has to pay it unless he wargs a Bravos Banker to waive the loan the Iron Throne owes.
Well they claim to have invented farming in Westeros, and until Dornish shandniggers killed/destroyed it they had a dope actual living tree as throne, so I guess it makes some sense
I bet they actually broke down and cried or started throwing things
Fuck she is so perfect
But technically, there's no more Iron Throne.
he could argue that
new dynasty = new kingdom
which is generally how it works
but their is no Iron Throne anymore, checkmate atheists
There's possibly several dragons out there where no one goes.
Considering Victarion is a badass killing machine warlord who is already a fucking idiot, I think he was tailor-made for the show.
Nope, that's Orlys Bartheon with the last Durrandon daughter in the Stormlands
Dude will be 7 feet tall by age 15. Blonde with green eyes like Gregor with skill.
Are the Iron Bank aware of the concept of collateral?
tattoos are disgusting on women. just because the only gf you could get is an inked up butch doesn't mean the perception of beauty is universally changed
I know there's supposedly ice dragons that shatter when you kill them.
Why would Davos be responsible?
sand sneks were fucking trash, we got this instead of Victarion and young griff
Why should they care?
If someone doesn't pay up they jus finance their enemies
>There are characters who never made it onto the screen at all, and others who died in the show but still live in the books… so if nothing else, the readers will learn what happened to Jeyne Poole, Lady Stoneheart, Penny and her pig, Skahaz Shavepate, Arianne Martell, Darkstar, Victarion Greyjoy, Ser Garlan the Gallant, Aegon VI, and a myriad of other characters both great and small that viewers of the show never had the chance to meet. And yes, there will be unicorns...
lmao imagine how mad you guys would be if there were unicorns on the show
You like the good writers, but you need the bad poosay
>Burlington soibar still hasn't uploaded
Did we break them?
Episode 6 from S7. Rated a 9.1 there. Totally insane. I confidently believe it is the worst or second worst episode of all time prior to season 8. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken being down there with it.
At this point though, season 8 is just such a mistake that it's not even in the same tier as Game of Thrones.
He pledged for them to finance Stannis and assured them the debt would be paid
I want to see all of their asses lined up and ready to SNIFF tbqh friend
The iron bank funded Stannis and he got a merc army near the end of season 4, losing it in season 5 to the Boltons. The Iron Bank was paid in full by Cersei after the Lannisters sacked high garden but then she indebted herself again that same season by hiring the Golden Company with a loan given by the iron bank.
Does the iron bank just ignore that they lost a shit ton of money or would they be audacious enough assholes to demand either Westeros or the Golden Company to pay them back despite the fact that the side that borrowed lost against the current regime, or ask the mercenary company that lost out on thousands of men and resources, possibly even the gold they were promised to pay them back?
the dragons in the books can lay eggs if they are male or female gender
Why is Vic agreeing to blow the Dragon Horn for Euron? Didn't he see it killed the first slave that blew it? Didn't Euron rape his wife?
help bros... I'm being hypnotized by whipsnek's ass
Sounds like a fast way to go bankrupt
Forcing Bran to do anything would be nearly impossible at this point, his advantage is huge maybe even better then dragons
I'm so fucking annoyed at the lack of guns in this series.
and I'm talking about like cannons, along with shit like fire-lances and hand-gonnes
there's so little depth, westeros is the most boring fucking continent I've ever seen, holy shit it's so fucking boring and homogenous (medieval europe had a fuckload of strange obscure and now extinct dialects and cultures and shit).
that poor costume designer who got killed by a lion died too soon, the person who took over was a fucking hack
>Black Leather
>wearing your suit of armor fucking everywhere.
am I the only one who wished to see more "tights and pointy shoes"? Or at least some more interesting instruments, like a hurdy-gurdy
Isn't it the same with public debt during regime changes basically? You hope the other side isn't an asshole and pays up, otherwise you refuse to finance anyone from that country to slow down their investments in general
Skagosi unicorns are shaggy flesh-eating monsters
Dragons supposedly can change back and forth between sexes, which is why Valyrian nouns have indeterminate gender and why Targs are all bisluts.
I hate that they got rid of all of the overt heraldry in the characters' clothing.
Ideally Euron would warg into Vic and then blow it, remember Vic is literally retarded
after season 4 it really doesn't even feel like the same show. It used to be about the politics, dialogue, and character growth. Now it's about big SFX budget, battles, etc
I remember when the explosion for blackwater bay was considered amazing, they didn't really need all the fancy shit until the final seasons to distract the smoothbrains because the story was actually good
IIRC they also stop funding/ask to immediately pay up to Lord Paramounts/high lords/small lords who are using Iron Bank money for various investments to put pressure on the crown
Honestly she deserved to die for wearing a fucking neck scarf. What is she Fred from Scooby Doo?
Since when did Arya ever have any interest in exploring? Especially in this Columbus "go east by sailing west" shit.
There was a throwaway line with the actress that played Cersei a few seasons ago IIRC
So is King Bran the Autistic a show invention or will GRRM end his books the same way?
The characters are supposed to be more flamboyant then Bretonnian Tourney Knigths.
As for gunpowder, it's explained as chemically not existing in the universe
I don't really know how to describe Vic, but I wouldn't really say retarded.
Got a theory that a show can only go on for three to four seasons and still have a satisfying ending.
One or two seasons is too short: people want another few seasons to wrap up.
Five and beyond makes sure the show goes on far longer than it needed to and it inevitably gets worse over time, leading to a horrible ending.
/got/s favorite eps are battle of blackwater, hardhome and battle of the bastards
I want to say that she asked what was west of westeros as a kid. That might be pretty much it.
>Is Brienne pregnant with Jamie's baby?
We’ll probably find out in the sequel.
phaggits are disgusting
>Expecting the writing for season 8 to be consistent with long established characer traits and motivations
Congrats, your expectations have been SUBVERTED
There's so much more going on in the books I seriously can't believe they'll end in some similar fashion to the show. Despite what George says.
never watched got in my life, does this bitch ever show her tits or what
Did Yara kinda forget she is the queen of the iron islands and thus no say in Westerosi politics?
t. jealeous jawlet
Why wouldn't "A Song of Ice and Fire" in the show mention Tyrion? It seems like a pretty big omission to not say anything about such a pivotal figure.
Iron bank kinda forgot about their debt
Cause they had to have a shot of bronn sniggering
Would've been funnier if the joke was about Bronn.
A fake Sansa on the show shows her tits, but not her.
I would
>"The silver queen is gone," the ketch's master told him. "She flew away upon her dragon, beyond the Dothraki sea."
>"Where is this Dothraki sea?" he demanded. "I will sail the Iron Fleet across it and find the queen wherever she may be."
>The fisherman laughed aloud. "That would be a sight worth seeing. The Dothraki sea is made of grass, fool."
>so there's an empathy there that makes me love even people like Victarion Greyjoy, who is basically a dullard and a brute
t. Gurm
Thoroughly based and dragonnigger-pilled
Rate her overall performance as queen
For me season 5 is just a Hardhome waiting room. I just suffer through the episodes waiting for the prize at the end. Season 6 is personally one of my favorite seasons and the finale was really good. That could just be me though.
Fighting can be good sometimes. I think Hardhome is a pretty great episode. Tbh my favorite part of that whole scene was the tension and fear at the beginning leading up to it. The change in weather, dogs barking, etc. Then the pure chaos when people know what is going on.
one could argue that none of dany's declarations stand after her death and small reign but then you would have to ask why gendry is lord of the stormlands
>As for gunpowder, it's explained as chemically not existing in the universe
think this is kind of stupid imo. it'd be more interesting to show how gunpowder doesn't solve everything and give the setting some sense of "forward momentum" that isn't held down by destiny nonsense.
It was lit senpai
>i saved this city.... and all your worthless lives
>i should have let dany kill you all
What was her tax policy?
consider your expectations subverted
Jon was a dumbass and turned himself in anyway. He could have just snuck out of there and nobody would have known where the fuck Daenarys went.
K I N O / 10
The High Sparrow storyline was the final thing they could do to wrap up the stupid progression of power Cersei had, and they let her blow up the Tyrells minus Olenna, the fucking Pope, and Kevan Lannister Hand of the King
What if the show was canceled and ending we got was season 4 finale?
She had a lot to say, at Tyrion's trial. Let me guess, you're shitposting about the show, but haven't watched it?
Nigga their tech is stuck at the same point by literal millennia, I wouldn't expect anything from those dumb people
They are just goats
>mfw we never will know her tax policy
>they didn’t even let dany sit on the iron throne
Because Varys said no one would remember what he did
Well the decade long winters also fuck up progress.
That's why the universe has a mishmash of all kinds of shit.
The Summer Islanders have carracks, but because they don't have gunpowder, they use their special goldenheart wood longbows to arrow spam
Jesus I like tattoos and that's some terrible "I'm so quirky uwu" trash-tier ink. Why do slags do this?
The Jon and Stannis parts of season five are some of my favorite scenes in the show
no episode 7?
>named wolf nymeria
>loved the stories of nights and adventures as much as bran did
>hated lady training and always wanted to be out getting dirty or practicing weapons
>wander around the the tunnels of kingslanding
Good, she is disgusting
we wouldnt get to see qt dany go crazy and burn KL
bad ending, wouldnt watch again
Yeah but all those characters she blew up were sort of annoying and shitty, so it was great
imagine being this brainlet right now thinking she just made a badass point.
She is still married to Tyrion so technically he is King of the North. Or at least he has bedding rights and his/their heir would be king.
Most beautiful woman in westeros
>when dat dothraki nuttz up in ya
they managed to make it as far as they did, long winters would've prevented the development of standardized armor and ballistae before preventing the development of firearms
High Sparrow was good, Faith Militant was kinda fucking annoying and had no place. Kevan Lannister was good though