Imagine being this assblasted over a tv show.
Twitter is dark and full of seething danyfags
twitter is cancer that should be banned from the internet
>lindsay ellis complaining about a character killed before her plotline could develop when she killed her child before it could physically develop
Men are logical while women are emotional if a man kills a woman he must have done it for a logical reason.
I would stab Dany in the chest with my cock
>More than a third of the women intentionally killed in 2017 were killed by their current or fromer intimate partner
well yeah when you fuck 200 guys before 25 there's bound to be some murderers in there
>I don't like it and thus it shouldn't exist
I hate twitter too, but take a step back and reconsider
Twitter is the entity that has that view. Twitter is an anti-thesis to free speech. It's just "liberals form mobs to try to ruin people for wrong-think"
You're right it should just be banned from 4channel
Don't read OPs image. You'll turn into a faggot. Nobody cares about seething normies who use the word "toxic"
Where are they getting these numbers? There were only 17K murders total in the US in 2017. Is she talking GLOBALLY?
Either way far fewer women are murdered than men, not that they care
what a stupid bitch
why the fuck are white males soo pathetic, grow some fucking balls
I fucking hate Twitter. After bloviating leftist garbage that gets a gazillion likes and retweets they take a break and won't shut up about some stupid normie show. Game of thrones is over so they'll crawl out of their pot stenched basements and protest for some leftist crap like some criminal ape getting shot by police.
What about violence against men tho? Also what the fuck are thermians?
Nigger I’m not reading all of this shit
Twitter shouldn’t exist but more specifically the ““““““people”””””” who use it shouldn’t exist
reverse violence doesn't exist
I guess no one cares about all the woman Danerys burned ?
>Is she talking GLOBALLY?
Literally says
>across the world
I want to hateful 2011 Lindsay Ellis.
They weren't woke enough to live.
xe(?) is right you know
it's a bad trope
I never expected her to go as far as to defend a fictional mass murderer just because she's mad that her boyfriend killed her, but here we are.
>imagine being this ass blasted over a tv show
I don’t have to imagine it, I can come here anytime any Disney/Marvel/mainstream movie with a predominantly black or female cast is coming out and just read through any thread
>pulling out real life crime statistics to make a point about a medieval fantasy dragon show
My guess is she posts on Yea Forums
>this show depicted a scenario where a woman is killed by her lover for going crazy but because of the specific context youre sympathetic for him and what he had to do
seriously what the FUCK is wrong with these people? why do they always jump to such extreme conclusions like this? Its like they believe that every piece of art has to make some sort of grand political statement, and when they cant find one, they go off the rails and manufacture one that they dont like to feed their degenerate dopamine deprived brains
like seriously how the FUCK do you infer that theres some sort of grant political statement that murdering women is cool just because a female character was murdered in a context where it was probably for the better?
>Imagine being this assblasted over a tv show.
I'm on Yea Forums. I don't have to imagine
I don't disagree with some of her points here but she's a legit brainlet. How can anyone take her seriously?
>it kinda makes you go "hmm"
>what if a man does a stabby
God, what's with americans doing their best to sound like a bunch of 5 year olds.
>I don't like it and thus it shouldn't exist
Everybody has that opinion on *something.*
>seriously what the FUCK is wrong with these people? why do they always jump to such extreme conclusions like this?
Their reaction proved that the show was right.
If you throw a fit over the mere suggestion that you might become a tyrant, you have no business being in any kind of position of power.
I bet she clapped and cheered when dany killed poor retarded drogo. Violence against braindamaged individuals is always played up as some noble thing "oh no i HAD to kill him, see, he was retarded now!"....
>Twitter is
Who gives a fuck?
Are you some kind of millennial?
Who cares about Twitter?
Kill yourself.
>Are you some kind of millennial?
We all are.
>im not a millennial
youre probably one of the oldest people on this entire site lmfao, yikes
Millennials are in their 30s and late 20s at the youngest.
Kill yourselves.
The melodramatics of this bullshit is making me want to get off the internet till it dies down in a few months.
Honestly sick to fucking death of everyone's whinging and melodrama.
Kill yourselves.
Probably because people like her do nothing but consume media all day and paid for it. The nostalgia critic, movie bob type have nothing in comon with your average Joe who needs to bust his ass to pay his bills.
Women shouldn't be allowed to have phones
shut up boomer
Ideologues can't understand fiction. For them all works of all kinds are inherently propaganda, making statements only about the real world. All that matters to an ideologue is whether a work of art is the "right" kind of propaganda.
have marriage
To keep it X-Men related since she mentioned them
>but it's okay for Mistique to seduce a guy and roofie his drink then lead him into a stall with the anticipation of sex but then jabs him full of iron so her best bud Magneto can rip it out of him later
but the vast majority of people have no idea what is good or even good for them, meaning the commies are right
speak to the average npc boomer and tell me they know what is good for themselves or society
If Dany was communist she would had slayed the bourgs and collectivize all farms to re-distribute them to the peasants.
>we live in times where weebs are infinitely more tolerable than normalfags
Kinda shocking, ain't it?
femcel cannot understand storytelling
thinks tragedies shouldn't exist because they show bad things happening
I'm 20, can't be one.
That's a spicy take. Someone needs to @ her on twitter with this.
>meaning the commies are right
Commies are even more retarded than the average people.
Would this idiot care to outline her preferred ratio of intimate murders versus murders by strangers?
>it's uh...
>or whatever
>Like if
>deeply troubled
Almost every single faggotry bullet point. If I had dragons I'd burn all Twitter users.
Legitimate question, why bother with Twitter? It's nothing but garbage.
Change your Twitter profile pic it looks like shi .
Because these kind of people try to make everything a political message for their side. If it's not with them it is against them.