any kino about southern american culture?
Any kino about southern american culture?
Other urls found in this thread:
>go to south
>expecting OP pic
>actually meet the nicest people on the planet
>beautiful cities and great food
Which state?
Bama near Auburn and Savannah, GA
Buenos Aires
If I lived in the south I would retire in Savannah absolutely based open liquor law
Why are all white nationalists and racists ugly?
You would never see Chads be racist.
>absolutely based open liquor law
Cause good fucking luck getting a car down those streets
I'm pretty sure the Falkland Islands are Her Majesty's territory sir
moved from Vegas to North Carolina for work and its better in everyway.
i think its because out here southern whites and southern blacks basically share the same culture. and there are no mexicans.
the simpsons episode 231
topkek, have they sold yet? I heard they were worth like 100, 150k ? LOL
texas chainsaw 2
>Why are all white nationalists and racists ugly?
You kinda answered your own question.
They have nothing in life to be proud of so the WN propaganda really gets them going
>The teams have been auto-balanced
My cousin vinny
Chads have sex. He barely knows anything about politics.
Incels waste their time /pol/ garbage and blame women and minorities to cope.
If niggers and spics acted white this country would be a better place
JT isn't.
>and there are no mexicans.
you should see the foreign ones
I know it's a western and all, but the beginning of the Outlaw Josey Wales is some of the best Confederate kino ever made.
I dont disagree but the people in the OP pic arent really advocating for anything good. They are no better than nigs themselves
>Be Me
>Live in southern state
>Car breaks down, walk to gas station
>Guy stops offers me a ride, take it
>Get gas
>Walk back
>Another person, a woman offers me a ride to car
>Friendly folk, want nothing in return.
>Happens all the time here, people look you in the eye, say hello, helpful, no need to be scared or suspicious
Try that in New York or LA, they eventually will find your body in a shallow grave.
Mississippi Burning
Who was in the wrong here?
The difference is that’s a very small percentage of whites where 95% of blacks act like niggers to varying degrees
Give me white trash over these fags, any day.
Savannah is nowhere near Alabama. It is all the way on the opposite side of the state, WTF are you talking about?
Not all southerners are like this.
Two separate cities, genius. I didnt said I was only in one place.
Auburn, AL
Savannah, GA
Reminder: By global standards all these people are rich and even by domestic standards they're all middle class at least. All demand the state give them more.
Cold Mountain, here's the only scene you need to watch
Pic related are dutch neo-nazi's
little better, maybe worse
Which Japan would be better for the native Japanese?
Japan #1 - 98% Japanese
Japan #2 - 50% Japanese, 20% Hispanic mestizo, 15% Sub-Saharan African 10% Muslim Arab, 5% Jew
Birth of a Nation
Gone with the Wind
fuck off weeb goblino
japanese respect the jews for their intellect and power
Do attractive people naturally make attractive friends?
Jews fear the samurai.
total incel/weeb meme
Too scared to answer the question, pussy?
Serious question here: why do gays love communism? I don't see how they connect but I am a brainlet.
Any WN who is a successful person doesn't expose their political views to the public, because doing so would result in them losing their job (ex Mike Enoch, married and had a good job, had to give up both upon being doxxed). Therefore, only people with nothing to lose show up in public.
Richard Spencer is undeniably a good looking guy as another counter-example, but he only can act like he does because he has fuck-you money.
To answer your question and ignore that this is just a shitty b8 thread, Gone with the Wind is the peak of Southern kino.
Kek, what are you doing on Yea Forums?
underrated kek
Hitler winning wouldn't have prevented you from being a fat incel nobody likes
Gays are mentally ill. You have to be mentally ill to think communism would work. That’s the connection
I wanna fugg the fat cow in the bottom left. I wanna give her a McFlurry enema
Why are neo-nazi rioters so laughable? They're always these short little pudgey waddlers doing ridiculous stuff
>Average /pol/tard
Nothing wrong about being racist and hate jews desu, but majority of /pol/ related people are just bitter and ugly incels
>but yer forgettin' one thing
>what's that?
>the arrogance of youth
movie is the picture of kino, absolutely underrated.
You will never get laid, nevermind have a family
You're also not white
Jokes on you. I'm Chad.
I just moved to Georgia, it's pretty legit. People are actually civilized out here, even the niggers (compared to cali standards)
Both for being an identity politics fag
kind of defeat your own argument there because Germans wanted a eugenics program to make genetic abominations less likely to be born
Wrong again, bitch boy.
>unironically calling someone an incel
The firemen. There is nothing to worry about, so they don't need to be there.
I’m white and my pregnant wife is reading in bed while I shit post.
You’ll never be a woman.
Antifa always gets their shit pushed in when they go up against the Right.
>you will never be anyone goyim
True Detective
How do I act white.
>Love to use slurs
>gets butthurt when someone post incel on a chinese yu-gi-oh forum
Bro, you know incels always end up becoming sissies trannies, right?
>You're also not white
I never understand this phase
>hates white nationalism and white identity
>hates diversity
Make up your mind, what is it then?
whoa sexy ripped black guy. nice download
You must not live in north Carolina there are plenty of Mexicans. I imagine it's better than a hell hole like LV here but it's not really great or even good. Live in Raleigh right now and I'm black.
>muh identity politics
>why can't everyone just be atomized individuals like we were back in the days when the country was 85% white and discrimination was still legal?
You're too late for this shit, bucko, now go clean your room.
Fuck your own ass with bad dragon and be a beta low testosterone
Those are Swiss user.
Start by reading a book
>image with no relevance
Opinion discarded. Please dilate.
>t. someone who has never been to the south
Don't act like a nigger
>image with no relevance
what about "I came here to laugh at you"?
Keep butthurt, sissy incel, just do your parents a favor and kill yourself as soon as you start using chasity
Lived in Southwest, Midwest, and Southeast...
The South is arguably the best place in the United States with the friendliest folks as long as you aren't in Blacklanta
>bashing a communist with the American flag
You know what, I'll allow it
There was this show I was watching a few days ago that treated themes like this.
Specially in regards to southerners reacting to foreigners.
Fuck I really want to experience some southern hospitality. California is a fucking shithole
this has to be shopped, right?