What's the most people you've gone to see a movie with?
What's the most people you've gone to see a movie with?
My entire high school graduating class went to watch Return of the King in theaters together. I think there was like 40 of us. Everyone loved that shit, even the roasties.
Sad to think that a lot of my fellow kinosseurs are now dead. Time sucks.
the ymca daycamp took us all to see fast and the furious. that had to be like 30 people
I went to a dinner theatre and watched "The Rock". Food was pretty good. I went with my girlfriend and her asian friend and later that night we had a threesome.
saw detective pikachu with a dozen children
you played golf at night?
Of my friends like 15. In school like 40 maybe
Me and my mom, so two
Whats your guess on the total weight of them all?
Most night courts won't let you her off until it's a foursome. Those lights are expensive as fuck.
>you played golf at night?
No, sex threesome, but my GF only allowed her friend to suck my dick. Her rules...I did get to eat her out. That horizontal pussy though, a bit distracting.
Eight, only eight.
8, back when avengers 1 came out. I just wanted to be out with people, but looking at a big screen is not actually interacting with people. unless you are black.
My fifth grade class went to see Revenge of the Sith when it came out. 20 students, three teacher/chaperones. Lotsa people walked out lol.
30ish? When I was in fifth grade we took a field trip to the local AMC to watch the first Harry Potter. Literally don't remember the movie only the journey to the theater.
Pokemon faggots
>5 years ago we went and saw a movie
>most are dead now
Was your high school on a nuclear dumping ground?
is the clit on the left, right or middle?
Back when I was in junior high, all of us in 7th grade history went to see Caligula in the theater. About 30 of us.
I used to live with this guy who was about twice my age and we went to watch a couple of the marvel films that were out that year, he was insufferable. Constantly talked too loudly, as if it was just us two in the cinema, and when something happened that he thought was cool he tried to explain how it related to the comics and stuff. I'm all for being excited and stuff but come the fuck on, man. Embarrassing
I was joking. It’s not actually sideways.
Sounds like a lonely dude. I get it, but fuck me shut the fuck up, y'know? Not a movie experience, but I was coming home from a shift at 1am and stopped in for gas. This old timer bought some chips and shit and we chatted waiting in line. Then I find him waiting at my fucking car to talk to me more, giving me his life story about he went to prison, how he has cancer in remission, all because I gave him the time of day for a few seconds. Fuckers like that make me so damn sad.
what a surreal webm, mike looks like the only human being and is surrounded by fat aliens
Movie came out in 2003 bro.
>Aeg, I dreamt that I was old