Be with me. Build the new world with me, this is our reason. It has been from the beginning...

>Be with me. Build the new world with me, this is our reason. It has been from the beginning, since you were a little boy with a bastard's name, and I was a little girl who couldn't count to twenty. We do it together, we break the wheel together.



Attached: its not fair.webm (1280x720, 2.51M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Every Caesar has his, or in this case her, Brutus.

You could have just said every Caesar has their Brutus

Friends, Redditors, shitposter, lend me your (you)s;
I come to bury Daenerys, not to praise her.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft unadapted from the books;
So let it be with Daenerys. The talented Dabid
Hath told you Daenerys was a tyrant:
If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
And grievously hath Daenerys answer’d it.
Here, under leave of Dabid and the rest–
For Dabid are talented writers;
So are they all, all talented writers–
Come I to speak in Daenerys’s final /got/ general.
She was my waifu, pure and cute to me:
But Dabid says she was a tyrant;
And Dabid are talented writers.

She hath freed many slaves at Slaver's Bay
Whose chains she did break without payment:
Did this in Daenerys seem a tyrant?
When that the poor have cried, Daenerys hath wept:
Tyranny should be made of sterner stuff:
Yet Dabid says she was a tyrant;
And Dabid are talented writers.

You all did see that in Winterfell
She was instrumental in the defeat of the Army of the Dead,
For which she asked no recompense: was this tyranny?
Yet Dabid says she was a tyrant;
And, sure, they are.

I speak not to disprove what Dabid wrote,
But here I am to speak what I do know.
You all did love her once, not without cause:
What cause withholds you then, to mourn for her?
O reason! thou art fled in favour of subverted expectations,
And characters have lost their development!

Bear with GRRM;
My hopes is in the books there with Daenerys,
And I must wait until they are released to me.

Attached: you failed her.jpg (998x698, 31K)

Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept. Accept.

Attached: __daenerys_targaryen_a_song_of_ice_and_fire_and_etc_drawn_by_twomix__c857585ee32c1ce500284b98e13ed22 (2480x3099, 1.28M)

How the fuck did Dany not see him pointing the dagger at her when she went to give him a hug?
God damn that soundtrack, 0:50 just makes you feel like you would follow her to the ends of the earth to build her new world

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stabby stab and then ride dragon to sunset


we need to start raimi posting but with dany

manlets always come with dagger in hand its easy to miss

>qt 10/10 waifu
>Have glorious sex daily with Dany as the queen
>Chill out and drink wine cause no one fucking with the dragon queen
>No worries for rest of life


>Kill her
>Go live up North in the coldest place on the fucking planet
>With only Thog and Ung as your friends
>Who can only speak in grunts
>All the women are ugly and have STD infested vaginas

Attached: 1557869084400.png (498x351, 347K)

I've been enjoying the Rome/Shakespeare posting myself

imagine if those hacks d&d let dany emote and have to make tough decisions for the previous 7 seasons. shes basically the reverse cersei who started as a really compelling character and then degenerated into a stonefaced le wine sipping bore

That was probably on Emilia being an inexperienced actor at the start

Fucking Jon. The more I think about it the angrier I get at that piece of shit.

Attached: Dany1.jpg (405x338, 12K)

Alas, it was not meant to be.

>mel doesnt rez jon, she instead goes to dany and convinces her to help against the NK
>everything turns out either the same or better



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Are there any movies where the hero just says "fuck it" and accept working with the villain in the end?
Plenty of those in videogames, even some where you play as the villain and make other heroes work with you, but I don't remember seeing that in a movie or show, other than background shit or flashbacks, and yeah this disqualifies shit like the prequels.
I guess Watchmen sort of has that, but they didn't really work with or joined him, more like they were too late.

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1. accept a romantic and tragic campaign against the world as epic lovers united in conquest of known civilization

2. tragically sacrifice your lover in the name of a greater good and give up your chance of a new world in exchange for a life of cold solitude in a frozen tundra

Accept every time out of 100

Why was Jon such a cuck anyway?

Because hes a retard

Only Chad answer


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Thats the secret ending


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Number 1 isn't a real option. Jon is going to disagree with her decisions and it won't be long before she decides he's too much of a liability to keep around. Sansa is also going to be a big problem and will likely have to die to keep the north in check.

Attached: JC.png (432x454, 247K)

>Number 1 isn't a real option. Jon is going to disagree with her decisions and it won't be long before she decides he's too much of a liability to keep around.
Watch season 7 brainlet

Also snitchers get stitchers

This meme has been sufficiently run into the ground. Nice job redditors!

this. it's not like a bunch of toothless peasants give a fuck who rules over them. life sucks for them anyways.


>Kill Lady Hitler, go North, go on adventures with your doggo and bro, and fuck all of the Wildling pussy one could ever ask for.
What a difficult choice!

Jon was a mistake. Ned should have drowned him.

>2 is the normal ending, 1 is the """bad""" ending, 3 is the true ending
>D&D rushed everything and only got the normal ending

fucking casuals

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she would have killed him because he's the rightful king, brainlet

How could you kill a girl who sacrificed so much to save you from death in defense of a population that waged war against you for years because of what a midget who always schemed for the enemy said something?

Accept, no matter what!

Do you have a single fact to back that up?


Attached: crazy wojak.jpg (662x712, 51K)

>Go live up North in the coldest place on the fucking planet
>With only Thog and Ung as your friends
>Who can only speak in grunts
>All the women are ugly and have STD infested vaginas


chose to freeze to death with the Wildlings.

White Power Worldwide. Don't be like Jon.

So, what the fuck is the point of Jon's story?

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Nigga, you drunk? Tormund's a bro, and he can take a redhead to the hot springs around there.

>With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.

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The moral is that you should marry your cute aunt

>So, what the fuck is the point of Jon's story?
He's the true hero. Sometimes, heroes only get a bittersweet ending.

Why didn't they at least let her beg for her life or scramble away from Jon? Something to make the scene more horrific as in - or even

you posted this already in another thread nigg

You forgot that dany cant have children, which makes it even better. Just nutting it up her tight snatch every night without even the slightest fear of consequences.

>Only tyrants need worry about tyrant-killers. And you are no tyrant! Haven't you told me SO MANY TIMES.

You could have just said you're a colossal faggot.

They hinted that this might not be true a few times in the show but didn't matter lol

>Why didn't they at least let her beg for her life
Watch out with all that edge, you gonna cut yourself

>a new world made of shitskin raping white people
Jon did the right thing.

Imagine denying THIS. Just imagine being this much of a faggot. You can literally see the lust in her eyes -- this poor girl was sex-starved and frustrated, rightfully so. And what does the manlet do? He kills her because of a literal dwarf whining about "muh family" and "dude she's cRaZy cuz coin flip lol". Honestly, don't lie to me, if THIS walked up to you and asked you to join her Fascist empire, don't tell me you wouldn't have bent her over that throne and railed her up the ass for the next three nights. So what if she torches a bunch of peasant villages and kills your cunty sisters?

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>kills your cunty sisters
1 sister that stole my arc and other sister who can't keep her mouth shut, nothing of value would be lost

She slaughtered thousands of Aryans and brought in a bunch of shitskin sandniggers. She was irrevocably cringe and bluepilled.

>Nameless accursed undead unfit to be cinder, and so it is that ash seeketh embers.

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Castrated slave soldiers are of no concern. Besides. there's no reason to defend the eternal Westerosi

Fuck. This was a god damn video game rpg ending.

Angel, to a degree. He and his group voluntarily work for their archenemies, the demonic law firm Wolfram & Hart, in order to use their resources to do good on a larger scale. It all goes to shit by the end of the series though.

>Kings Landing

They were never even his sisters to begin with. Dany was of closer relation and didn't try to use Jon as a weapon to destroy the rest of his family.

The Starks were (i.e., Tully fucking shits) were the bad guys all along.

What about all of the filthy horseniggers? Was it part of her master plan for to start a new Reich by having white women raped by disgusting sandniggers?

I absolutely love Dany now.

Kill all Starks. No need to bother with Arya because that dumbass is going to die anyway.

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She made them stop the raping

Stab her every time with no regret. Kill Grey Worm, free Lannisters, free Northmen. Absolutely rape those Dothraki and Unsullied savages polluting Westeros so hard that it causes Bran's dick to work again.


This is the same excuse Merkel uses. Care to look up recent rape statistics in Germany?


Based and redpilled

Jon is a fucking idiot.

Who the fuck cares about Merkel nigger, this is a fantasy story

t. Retard

I will take that as a no, you fucking faggot

This legit would have been less of a troll ending if immediately after this, the episode had just cut to a giant image of goatse and then formatted your hard drive.

The point I’m making is you can’t teach a savage sandnigger not to rape any more than you can teach a dog not to pant. Even high fantasy has limits on suspension of disbelief.

Stop saying things in such pretentious ways.

You can tell in interviews that she really cares for the character, and was putting as much as she could into it despite zero direction from the showrunners

At least her character was assassinated with a bang. Kit was cucked the entire season and Dinklage has been laughable for years.

Dany saying she can't afford mercy was also dany saying that, sooner or later, she'd have to bring her justice to Sansa and likely Bran and Arya too. Jon made the only choice he could.

I mean, it's almost worse. Dany only had a couple of moments of just being insane and out of character, which gave Emilia all the more time to stress about how she could rationalize the character she was playing. Meanwhile, Jaime and Tyrion's actors clearly knew there was nothing to salvage and could stop caring a phone it in.



Jon made the right choice

What's Bobby B's reaction to the the irreperable targing jon's gonna give the wildling genetic pool?

>The most beautiful woman in the world that's desperately in love with you vs. a bunch of unwashed disgusting barbarians

Nah m8

if he accepted she probably would have killed his sisters

Considering Bobby B let go of his Targaryen hate on his deathbed I assume he'd find it a chad move


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>ones a cunt that would kill jon if he was in her way of becoming a queen
>another one whose a face swapping assassin that answers to no one and would kill you if you look at her wrong
If they were still their younger self id protect them, but not now

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>their younger self
sansa has been a turbocunt since the very beginning, joffrey did nothing wrong

Caesar actually got a chance to rule though, Brutus didn't just stab him the day after he marched into Rome.

>yfw the entire point of everything these past few seasons was to get Bran to the Iron Throne
>everything that has happened was to further this goal
>fucking Bran expected to be put on the Iron Throne

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Joffrey didn't kill the bitch when he had the chance. You kill the father, you better be ready to kill the rest

I am a needy cuck, so I would have said yes immediately.

> 3. [Glass her]

Have dragon-riders ever received a good ending in any media ever?

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why would they? they are too destructive to LIVE IN A SOCIETY

No. Never.

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>le edgy subverting reddit taro game
Of course note

Only that DreamWorks movie.

Reminder that Jon murdered Dany the same way Ramsey murdered Roose.

>did I mention that I couldn't count past twenty when I was a child?

A daring synthesis

Wouldn't mind seeing some GoT/Berserk fanfiction desu.


Yeah 16 years ago when it was actually edgy and cool. Then he gave Automata a happy ending and people complained about that too, based Taro.

Last Exorcism Part 2

"Is that dagger or are you just happy to see me?" -Danny thinking she spotted Jon's boner and is being clever

>Plenty of those in videogames, even some where you play as the villain and make other heroes work with you
Give me some names


Or else suffer a lifetime of being lectured by a woman who thinks she's god (not uncommon) who also happens to own a flying nuclear apocalypse machine (less common)

I'm not a cuck. I know that a eutopia can only be built on a foundation of corpses. 8 seasons and the Starks still didn't learn how the game of thrones is played. Sure they "broke the wheel" by having kings elected not born. But conflict will just resume after Bran dies, lords will all be slitting each others throats since now any one of them could decide who gets to have all the power. Dany did know what was right and Jon was a pacifist cuck who paved the way for future wars

>*becomes a kingslayer, queenslayer, and oathbreaker then fucks off to live with a bunch of dirty savages in the wastelands north*

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>sticking it in crazy

Imagine being so starved for pussy that you dream about that.

Kids really wouldn't be a problem if you're an emperor of earth with a billion servants who can take care of them

He's right you unquenchable cum whore



Well done

That was the opium talking
Bobby B is smashing Rhaegar through the seven hells for eternity

Her pussy will get boring after a while and her crazy antics would cost him his life sooner or later. The only mistake he made was confessing the murder. He could live the Bobby B lifestyle.

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Fuck Emilia desu, she's on the YAS KWEEN train and treated all ruthless and cruel actions of her character as empowering. She liked D&D's writing as long as it made dany a hero

have sex

No u

Who would want to live in her world of ashes where all beauty and tradition is burned away if she doesn’t like it. Fuck her and all her screaming entitled invaders.

Works for me.


Fuck Jon is retarded. Instead of tough ruler they decided to play "Let's elect king every 10 years".

A recipe for annual civil war every decade....

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I was use my dick and convert her truly to a representative democracy.

She's a bit of a brainlet for no realizing where Dany's story arc was going but D&D still fucked it up by having the decent to madness happen in less than 30 mins of screentime

The three eyed raven is going to be alive for a few hundred more years


Rhaegar let bobby b kill him on purpose. All according to plan

>why do you think I came all this way
Fucking hell that bothered me so much.

I mean he can literally see the past and the future and he engineered every event so that he could be king. He could've instead made a future where everyone in KL didn't fucking die for no reason.

Fuck Bran and what they've done with him, worst character in the show by far.

You can literally see the effort she has to take to keep her eyebrows under control

Jon is a dumbest faggot in westeros.

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Jon arc revolves around sacrificing himself for the sake of others. That's what hero do. They make the hard choices. He also ends the targ dynasty by leaving up north, where he belongs.

Yes, because elective monarchies based on noble houses for advisory and power-balance roles, but a rejection of heredity for executive power never lasts.... wait...

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Not him but I can think of a few of the NIS games but they seem to love doing this. Goes with the territory I suppose given the setting. Disgea. There's another game from them where you play as this demon and can choose to go full on overlord making people work for you.

But NIS games are pretty much all strategy titles so if that's not your thing then, you know...

She was a fucking commie mate. Commies gotta go. Pussy or not.

They never tell you how they all shit themselves. They don't put that part in the songs

Oh God.

...who would she rape? Would it be Jon in front of Sansa?

absolutely, and it will be beautiful

Nah, I'm actually batshit insane and was with you for shits and giggles all along. Fuck society.

1. Accept Daeny's offer and fuck the genocidal maniac out of her. Refuse to ever mention that I'm Targaryen again and condemn Sansa who breached the trust I placed in her. Continue fucking my aunt to save her and the world over and temper her dangerous impulses through compassion as she had numerously exhibited before. Engage with her regarding military tactics and ethics until there's a noticeable change in her perspective. Continue fucking her and fuck her some more.

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> Plenty of those in videogames, even some where you play as the villain and make other heroes work with you.
Name a good game that has that?

What's bizarre is if Jon had any fucking balls and stood up to her and told her they were getting married a rule "as equals" or even claimed he'd take the reins, she probably would have gone for it and he could be in charge, anyway. She always listened to what the men around her told her to do until Tyrion became so fucking stupid you couldn't take his advice any more.

If Jon had just been a man and not a pussy, none of this would have happened.

>5 years ago
>brother is talking about an episode
>mentions edmure
>I ask who that is
>he says "Brutus"
>I understand

>we break the wheel together.
>wheels end up in charge

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>annual civil war
>every decade

Requesting the drogon vertical where he says he killed "violence" instead of Jon.

>killing your husband and the father of your children while you still have a dragon hanging around
Yeah I don't think do

> 1.
> 2.
What's stopping Jon to have both? Dany was giving him the whole world.

>falls in love in 5 minutes
>turned off when he finds out its incest

i don wan im

And also her sisters get Dracarys'd for not bending the knee and he dies on her first mood swing

That is the Northern way for you. You ever wonder why so many Stark allies betrayed them?

As much as I'd love to sit around ruling shit and smashing dragon pussy it would only ever be a matter of time until the mad bitch killed me, so fuck that.


>every decade
Spend a few nights a week scanning a dictionary for a few minutes, it'll improve your understanding of language greatly.

As long as he's fucking her, he's safe. Had he just fucked her before the battle, she wouldn't have torched King's Landing. This applies to real life. Keep your woman in line by sating her pleasure.

That's the worst way to learn a language, dork.


*Daenerys will remember this

>normalfags turn on Dany the minute she's explicitly a villain
They have the worst taste.

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The only good thing this season was evil Dany

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Most games that allow you to join the villain always screws you over with it or have the story pull the rug from underneath you and negate the choice. Only game that doesn't do that is KOTOR that I know of.

Imagine killing someone this desperately horny for you

Attached: Dany_jon_last_kiss.png (1280x720, 557K)

all I want is for a woman to look at me that way


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it's the Starks in general

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3) bend the knee and be her pusyslave

What was that manlet problem holy shit

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Dark Messiah aka best kicking simulator of all years
New Vegas allows you a lot of freedom in choosing who you support (you can even kill everyone), Portal 2 has you working with a tsundere GladOS, Prey 2017 falls a little into this category

Cute is justice

You cucklords.

If Titus Pullo had been in the room for Dany, he’d have seen the knife and given Simpering Jon Snow a sound rogering with the business end of his gladius.

Having been saved by Pullo, our Dany would have become as wet as October and would have immediately mated with Pullo, thus solving the succession issue.

being a moralfag

Attached: triumphant Dany.webm (1280x720, 2.45M)

So, are we getting the alternate endings in the BD?

>Tfw had a dream that Jorah was coming to kill Daenerys after going psycho and I had to protect her as Jon Snow

>Tfw she realised she went mental after Jorah dies for it

>Tfw cute

Better than the nighrmares I have 80% of the time

>When the dragon dick tickles your cervis


What does kissing a woman feel like? Seriously. Seeing someone kissing this perfect non thot woman makes me feel in love and hateful towards my life at the same time.
Jesus christ if it weren't for my loving parents and their pain I would seriously kill myself today.

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how good would this have been if the leaks were all misdirection by the craft Jewish D&D, and Jon accepts her offer with some preconditions, and the one final season 9 is revealed?

Attached: dany crazed look.webm (920x1080, 2.91M)

She certainly kicked it up a notch in the acting department

Jorah took being cucked by Jon pretty well, too bad it was all for nothing

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good enough to redeem the Jews as a cursed people

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Jon accepting her isn’t a good ending either. Pretty much the only happy ending for them is the one where They run off somewhere together

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This image made my day.

Kiss your hand, its almost the same thing. Its not about Kissinger its about the feeling you have about the person your kissing

Loool it's funny cos no lad here would deny her


Fucking manlet. Dany's love was real and pure yet he couldn't get pass "eww incest". She really did love him more than he loved her.

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I think there may be more Emilia threads that GoT threads right now.

Dany no...

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Why is ruling not a happy ending?

outside of that would anyone here not accept considering the following could happen:

1)Unsullied led by a non retarded Grey Worm would take control and start another war
2) Dothraki would either side with the Worm or go hog wild raping
3) Dragon would start killing everything and everyone randomly

1 - choice meant for söiböis, nu-males, and faggots
2 -- choice meant for actual men

He knows nothing, we got that the first time.

And they writers didn't even have to courage to go through with him. Had they made Jon be in love with Sansa too it would be more meaningful then this lukewarm shit where he just rejects out of eww incest

>and railed her up the ass for the next three nights
Prior to propaganda telling you that anal is the best, women actually used their sexual parts the vast majority of the time.

Don't be a tool.


I don’t think Jon would choose another woman over Dany, he just chose the realm over her. Like he says, she’s his queen, now and always

>Jon be in love with Sansa
Ew. Jonsafag pls go

Who was Augustus's?

almost as bad as sansan shippers


His bitch wife

I would suggest Arya if he wasn't a goblin.

Poland and the Holy Roman Empire had elective monarchies, they didn't have regular civil wars.

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Because she really is going to burn everyone

she's still going to die either way

She could have died at the age of 80, in her own bed with a belly full of wine and her mouth around Jon Snow’s cock

how to train your dragon

>Because she really is going to burn everyone
Maybe Jon ends up enjoying it and she pulls out his Targaryan'ness.

Jon said what he did didn't feel right.

I think Jon could have been turned.

You'd think Jon would go a bit easier on her at that age

>Join me Jon, and we can rule the world as aunt wife and nephew husband

>the dragons all fuck off and leave the world forever

>Why do you think I came all this way?
>Because someone rolled you here Bran you had no fucking choice.

>>Join me Jon, and we can rule the world as aunt wife and nephew husband
Well, in Star Wars Anakin tried to woo her to the dark side.

What would it have been like if she accepted?


High IQ bait

yes, another lord of the rings reference we know.

truly the patrician's choice

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>Daily sex

Pick one.

Tormund also has two daughters, which will likely end up marrying Jon.

Love is the death of Duty.
Jon chose duty. and in the end regretted it.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>Number 1 isn't a real option. Jon is going to disagree with her decisions
All she has to do is turn him into a mad Targaryan like her. It's in his blood.

Haha rekt well sweet heart in this case every Brutus have an Octavian

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I know. A tyrant would have just thrown bodies at her enemy not caring for there lives. Dany was on that Dragon quick to go save the disposable foot soldiers at Winterfell. While Jon just sat there. The Starks are evil.

I’m a Jonerys fag, and god Jon was so fucking stupid this season. If he even talked to her once they could have worked it out

Pre-S8 Jon would never had killed Dany the way he did

He gave her mixed signals. One moment he's telling her he loves her and kisses her but then pulls away when he remembers they're related.

You missed one crucial point here. She's his aunt and those sisters are like his third cousins.

>be a bitch sex slave to some psychotic cunt who will send your ass to war to fight her retarded battles


>go North and hang around your bros populating it with all the slags who are thristy for your turbo chad cock while doing whatever the fuck you like

Hmmm tough choice

It was more like.

>1. Yes, my queen
>2. No, my queen
And both choices end in you stabbing her.

3. Dragonglass her

Jon should have killed the Night King;
There would have been foreshadowing for such an end.
Subversion, and subversion, and subversion...

>could conquer the world with a qtie hot gf, dragons and giant wolves


>go to the coldest place in the world with literal savages and get gangbanged by giants

>taking video game "storytelling" seriously
wew. get a load of this guy.

Yes user, keeping the leftovers of a psychotic cunt whose pussy got ravaged by mongrels and badboys after it hit the wall and decided to keep you as a pet slave for giggles is much better than travelling to unknown wastes, conquering shit, brawling with your bros and making young pussy wet at your sight.

Honestly, once you've had one crazy girlfriend it's easy to imagine.

Methinks there is much reason in this autists sayings

Crazy girls are loyal as fuck, i miss mine. Had to move out of the country and lost her, she would ride to hell with me if needed

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It feels different every time.

A first kiss is full of excitement, of nervous wonder as you explore each other and discover a sensitivity and electricity you have not felt before; kinda like a massage of your face when you're relaxed from a day at a spa/sauna.

Except if there's no chemistry; then it's like two meaty flaps being slapped together and a weird tasting spit dribbling into your mouth and you're wondering how soon you can make a retreat without hurting her feelings too much.

>Crazy girls are loyal as fuck, i miss mine. Had to move out of the country and lost her, she would ride to hell with me if needed

I've known only disloyal crazy on

Get fucked, retard.
Death rarely is clean and instant and GoT leaned on that fact once. You don't just instantly "shut down" from being stabbed once - her reaction to being "et, tu?"'ed and the resulting meltdown after being stabbed would be a highlight and make the scene instead of that bland shit.

>Crazy girls are loyal as fuck, i miss mine. Had to move out of the country and lost her, she would ride to hell with me if needed

I've known only disloyal crazy ones. Yes they'd ride to hell with me, but probably with anyone.

Soul Nomad lets you go full evil and even fight every last ablebodied person alive in the end.

>m-muh adventures muh doggo
Remember previous seasons. North of the wall is unforgiving and almost desolate, and there's not much to do. In your head it looks like a solid deal, but we're prolly looking at freezing your cock in the middle of night when you can't see shit rather than going on ebin adventures with le lads. There's glory in braving an unkown world, but it's not as comfy and fun as you'd making it out to be.

Dany's deal isn't all sunshine either, you have some good years before she decides to kill you/both die in battle, but you'd be living a tragic epic romance conquering the known world. Books would write you for years to come and you'd become the stuff of legends.

At the end of the day it's like, do you want to be Lewis and Clark of the Snowlands or Mark & Cleo + Dragon?

>Dany's deal isn't all sunshine either, you have some good years before she decides to kill you/both die in battle, but you'd be living a tragic epic romance conquering the known world. Books would write you for years to come and you'd become the stuff of legends.
Seems like a solid option to me

Especially when cut in the stomach. Takes hours to die that way. Even a punctured lung doesn't kill right away.

And honestly, wouldn't it have been great to see how she dealt with the betrayal? Whether pleading or breathing fire like she did outside the gates of qarth? Pleading like she did with the merchants? Going mad shouting dracarys? Brapping in his face just to spite jorah in the afterlife? Asking why? Accusing him of wanting the throne himself?

Epic 10/10

>in a game of thrones thread

>It's not about Kissinger
ara ara user-kun~

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The north was a mistake. It's probably why nobody cares that they fucked off to be their own kingdom since they are all fucking retarded and bring down the rest of the realm.

The closed fist ending of jade empire was alright.

If thou consider rightly of the matter,
Daeneyrs has had great character assassination.

be a dragon with me

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This should have been the real ending

when was this?

>He could've instead made a future where everyone in KL didn't fucking die for no reason.
If Dany didn't butcher King's Landing, Jon wouldn't have killed her. Bran came up with the perfect scenario to remove all other claimants and weaken the kingdom's armies to prevent any rebellion for at least the first few years against him. By then everyone would've gotten used to him as King and not need to rebel.

>third cousins
literally first cousins you absolute brainlet

Lyanna is Ned's sister

>Fuck Bran and what they've done with him
Why is there this overriding urge for everyone to assume characters are good or evil.

No characters are good or evil.

>a eutopia can only be built on a foundation of corpses

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You don't really join the Villain in KotOR 1, you still overthrow him you just replace him instead of letting the Republic take back control.

>80 year old Dany
>not still horny for Jon

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>implying the crazy bitch wouldn't incinerate his incestuous ass within 10 years because of Sansa chimping out
>implying she wouldn't decimate a few more cities with Drogon along the way
and finally
>implying the true north has STDs
Not based and definitely retardpilled.

>>implying the crazy bitch wouldn't incinerate his incestuous ass within 10 years because of Sansa chimping out
She clearly loved him and wanted to rule together
>>implying she wouldn't decimate a few more cities with Drogon along the way
And how exactly this would be a bad thing, Aegon did the same shit

Bran doesn't have complete control, he's just kinda omniscient. We don't actually know how much of the future he can see also.

>Its not about Kissinger
[boomer political references intensify]

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>plenty of those in videogame

still my favorite game in the serie cause of that , mixed black flag ship gameplay that was great with the giant redpill that the templars are the good guy

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>Build the new world with me
He could've guided her but NOOOOO
>stab stab

literally only episodes of this shit I watched were the last 2 after reading threads for months out of curiosity, Jon should have just let his crazy waifu do her shit and have a "bad guys win" end, every piece of media ever is too pussy to have a bad guys win end, I just want a bad guys win end to something.

>even a person who watched only 2 episodes know Jon should have just turn into the King of Ashes with Dany
That's how you know how much they fucked it up

Why did Dany die instantly when stabbed in the stomach? Jaime, Arya, Euron, etc. all either lived or kept going for a while.


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edmure's redemption arc

It's clear that the shows ending showed Jons failure more than anything.

He failed to protect his wildling whore letting her die and then he failed to help guide the girl who would die for him and instead opted to murder her because of a conniving midget.

If he was going to kill her he should have killed himself at the same time via a sword that went through both of them.

She did. She felt guilty and let Jon kill her.

I don't speak your filthy language

to be fair dany probably had bunch of stds herself, she had sex with 2 shitskins (what's worse both known for sleeping around before they met her)

Jon fucked her raw on the boat and didn't get any sickness

>jack off while she angrily questions what I’m doing
>strap her to a big wheel toy
>kick her through a cathedral style window

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syphilis, hiv and many others take years to develop any symptoms

"A true dragon does not burn - when she pees"

Anyone else feel like Jon could've calmed her down if he had a moment to sit and talk with her after the battle of Winterfell? Why is it that all of their scenes were left unresolved?


3. Persuade Dany to stop being a greedy bitch and just rule Westeros in peace now that she got what she wanted.

This is one of the pettiest remarks I read on this site and that's saying something.
Back to faggot
May Mexicans and Spaniards bugger your bumhole.

Wait, didn't Dany warged into Drogon after she died?
It felt like it
"She" burned the throne because it cost her everything.
Even Drogons scream sounded nore like hers than his

The objective was to capture King's Landing and secure Iron Throne, thus rule 7 kingdoms.
What did she do?
Raised King's Landing and vanquished subjects, decided that whole world needs liberation.
Its Failbaddon and Cadia at this point.
And all because of what? "Noone loves me" and "i am entitled".
Johnny did the right thing. You see, it was all about 7 kingdoms. Without our boi, 7ks would become nothing but land of whitewalkers and undead. Yes, Danni would be fucked, as everyone else. After NK got "teleports in front of you" treatment, Danni got on a power trip, that was amplified 100x by incompetent writers killing off a dragon and Jon denying her sex.
Bitch was crazy from the beginning.
>mother of dragons
Any Targarien doing what she did could spawn three hungry flying lizards. Hell, not even they are needed, just some really hot fire.

They had to turn Jon in to an ineffectual cuck who could say nothing but “ah dun wan it” and “ur muh qween” exactly because of that.

Season 7 Jon WAS talking her down, and season 7 Dany told him she hopes she deserves his loyalty instead of “I know what is good.” They has to ignore everything that came before to make Mad Dany work

Yeah, him being the rightful king.
Thats what powertripping psychos would do - there can only be one, and thats her.
Also, if it was not for Lyanna Stark, the whole shitfest would have not happened. So yeah, down the line, she could guilt-trip Johnny into an assisted suicide.

Waste of trips.

She had chances to turn against him. Ep3 she could've fucked off from Winterfell left him to die. She could've "accidentally" attacked him during the battle. But she never did despite everyone telling him she would

I don't get it, how is sacking a city out of frustration that they refused to surrender while your close friends and family got killed, considered madness?

It's the most calculated albeit cruel thing to do and done with intent. Generals get frustrated with the people behind the wall and teach them a lesson by letting loose to break the people into submission.

Not to mention her entire army joined in. Are the Northerners now also mad as the Mad King since they wanted payback? If there wasn't a Stark in Winterfell they'd probably think the New Queen is alright for letting them slaughter those Lannisters who killed their buddies at the Red Wedding.

The leaks were so ridiculous that I didn't even take them seriously until all of it actually happened, and these events are still disappointing. This has to be the least interesting ending they could've written. Even the death of Jon or Tyrion would've been more appropriate than ONLY killing Daeny, who had previously defended innocent and tortured people at her fault at times. This ending is pure garbage and uncharacteristic of the writing quality found in this series.

Nope, best proof is the final scene. If she had been plotting to kill him or viewed him as a threat she would have been distant. Dany was completely blind to Jon until the moment she was stabbed because she couldn't imagine them not being together and loyal to each other. Dany didn't want his claim to be known because it would mean others would use him against her, and that would force her to kill more people, but never him.

Caesar overturned a Republic and Brutus was a Catonian, in GoT there was no orevious background of subtext similar to this. Honestly GoT needed another 5 episodes or so to justify Dany's murder.

If she had chances, she wasted them. Because she could not fathom the fact that noone needs "liberation". She only realised it when northmen followed her out of agreement, not because they loved her. If anyone saved the day, it was Jon.

>waste trips
Read the post you pillock.

>completely blind
Did you miss the frames where she is mighty pissed that a lot of people know that Jon is the right heir?

>those Lannisters who killed their buddies at the Red Wedding.

Lannister soldiers weren't involved in the Red Wedding in any way. Those were the Freys, Boltons, and Tywin. Everyone involved with the Red Wedding was already dead. They even heralded Jon as the Red Wedding's avenger.

The Northmen had no reason at all to take part in what happened after the surrender. Just more garbage writing.

This poster has irl marriage XP

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bretty güd

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>Yea Forums loves dany now

you contrarian fucks

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>Yea Forums is full of such pathetic lonely virgins that they'd rather have a relationship with evil than do the right thing


Yea Forums never hated Dany but how feminists latched onto her, Yea Forums hated her being YAAAAS QUEEN SLAY the character, but the shit writing is even worse.

Yeah, when one person thinks that one knows far better than anyone what anyone wants
>they dont get to choose
There you go.

Looked like he pulled the dagger from its sheath while they kissed.

>Holy Roman Empire had elective monarchies, they didn't have regular civil wars.


go back tranny

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This is why Jon's choice is tragic. He chose to be selfless, he chose duty. The worst thing is his sacrifice won't receive the true recognition it deserves. He killed the mad queen, and forsook his love, and people hate him and send him to the wall. He's a hero, like the boss in metal gear solid. But the show doesn't convey it properly.

She was stabbed exactly in the heart or very near it. I saw the angle the dagger was when Jon left Danny in the floor and it was pointed towards the heart, from below the ribs and sternum. Jon knew his art.

I dont think that people who liked Dany before S08 hating her right now, so where is the contrarianism? Its hard to hate her because the writing of her this season is absolutely retarded and make 0 sense, its not Dany fault that D&D are fucking retards. I always liked her and i like her even more, at least Emilia had better material to work with and was one of the few shining things about this shit season.

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It's an old time medieval feudal society, that shit needs a strong leader, a strong sexy leader who can sit on Jon's face.

What kind of retard wouldn't pick 1? She's basically gonna solve all the feudal issues by wiping those fags out, then in 50 years time when a new generation has risen, it'll be a time of peace.