How do we fix modern audiences?
How do we fix modern audiences?
Balkanize the united states and China with a series of civil wars and let Russia mass produce media
We stop trying to be cool by mocking people who are enjoying life.
Stop watching the electric jew
More jews
More brown savages in white countries, they love a good kino film.
If they were actually enjoying life, I wouldn't be mocking them.
What you're seeing isn't a collection of normal people having normal emotions. They're 100% completely hamming it up for the camera in order to get 'clicks' and views to make a profit.
In other words, actors, and I feel no shame in mocking and ridiculing these """people""" with every fucking fiber of my being until my last dying breath.
They are just as kiked as the us, maybe more so as putin was raised by Jewish people
if the crying guy was acting he deserves a fucking oscar
Wonder who could be behind this post tbqh
But /ourguy/ James is already uncucking himself
Thanks for combining those webms, I was going to do it soon but I was lazy
testosterone in the water to counteract all the estrogen
Healthier feed.
Zyklon B
Last is unironically more acceptable than the rest beside the first.
they all look cringe worthy except the first one who is a fucking statue
>No mans lie
>No mans buy
Fuck that game, AND the guy who hyped it up so goddamn much. They deserved every piece of shit that got flung at them
>overacting should lead to an Oscar
Leo you don’t need to be posting on Yea Forums come on man
>men in the year 2019
>homosexuality is encouraged
yeah because you can produce tears any time you want? If that was fabricated it is quite impressive, maybe a little over the top I'll give you that
No, that can't be it.
I can actually. I just think of something I consider very brave. If I think of World War II stories I can produce tears on command.
why does this make me angry?
What the fuck is that crying onion from?