Hmmm, really makes you think...
Hmmm, really makes you think
Yeah, we need a conservative voice in comedy. I'd laugh at that motherfucker.
Fucking whites
I still like Conan
Reality has a well-know liberal bias
>Fucking jews
>conservative comedians would be so much better
christ imagine how bad it would be with not just insufferable liberals, but insufferable republicans being unfunny and annoying on tv
Really makes me think
alex jones exists
>"What's up with all these libtards thinking that 2+2=4? Didn't they hear Trump say that it's 5? They're all a hivemind, I'm an original thinker."
>all of comedy and/or news is these same dozen or so people
Who the fuck cares? Do you actually watch all of them?
Letterman wouldve voted for trump
Weak tea post, user
ill admit i laughed
Literally only the 3rd point matters
First two are obviously asspained choices
They also believe the Earth is a sphere meaning they believe in reality. Reality has a left wing bias, anyone who has above room temperature IQ would vote Democrat.
and jewish
Haha...literally none of this triggers me...but if I were to say the opposite... you'd be seething. Fragile indeed.
You don't have to imagine, Mike Huckabee's comedy show is alive and well :^)
Whatever happened to Larry the Cable Guy and Ron White? We need real men like them making us laugh again
2 scoops, 2 genders, 2 terms
These people are all part of a monolithic enemy that would see us all enslaved to their will or dead
who cares about late night hosts. most of the things they talk about are like stupid tv shows or pop songs. and anyway conservative comedy is all just about making fun of snowflakes and millennials and how not mad they are. how is that better
Trannies living in your head rent free, i see
Intellectually dishonest and memepilled.
Not so, "trannies" pay a lot of money to stay in the media spotlight, corporations spend lots of money to push their agenda. Rent is quite high
i don't think about trans people at all so maybe you have a problem
Suits give us legitimacy!!!
>oh no all these people are intelligent and actually know what they're talking about! this is awful!
end yourself pol
As much as I hate Jimmy Fallon, he doesn't belong on that list. The guy has tried so hard with to be family friendly / neutral on top of on not being funny that it stuns me he even has a show.
all the same person
ah yes the pigeon hole
Im pretty sure Jimmy fallon at some point though of himself as a conservative.
Honestly though Trump is fucking abhorrent to most decent human beings.
>Honestly though Trump is fucking abhorrent to most decent human beings.
I think he's awesome, but then again I'm a Heterosexual.
What the fuck I love Hillary now?
t. calls everyone discord trannies
Can someone explain the appeal of these shows? Is it supposed to be a mix of comedy and the news? Is it all satire? My country doesn't have them at all, so I don't really get it.
>Honestly though Trump is fucking abhorrent to most decent human beings.
last week tonight is funny and most of the time its a good show
the rest are kind of boring to me at least
Turncoats will not be spared on our day of victory. You and your retarded lot will hang from the gallows mark my words
>unironic DRUMPF BAD posts on Yea Forums
leave and never come back
ohh another one
Aren't most trumpers on here proud reddit migrants though and the true original /pol/ers are the ones who know he is a kike puppet
I agree, fuck Zrumpf!
Are you saying conservatives needs to be affirmative action'd into comedy?
Ah here, come the snowflakes. Cant handle any word of dissent to poor old baby Donny
name anyone who would actually get elected wouldn't be a kike puppet?
sorry but that's an alt right meme, you're not alt right are you?
I have to send huckabee tweets to my mom because the jokes on Yea Forums are too raunchy
I've seen this guy before. I know he is blacker than this. Why is he pretty much white in this picture?
Why does the left never question all the other left wing white comedians?
Does race only matter to them when it doesn't fit their narrative?
Exactly, since when do we idolize elected officials just because they pretend to be white nationalists yet in reality have done nothing to promote the cause? Y'all got got by the kikes and their 5D chess games hard.
>conservative comedians would be so much better
>this is a direct quote of OP
fuck off
What does two scoops mean?
Is this the ice-cream pill?
Jimmy Fallon is a Republican
They were on at bedtime before the internet was invented and people could be on the phone before bed.
Johnny Carson dominated late night for years in part by deliberately avoiding political humor.
The dozen nobodies in OP's pic related illustrate why.
Thats a pretty common term used to describe little bitch thin skinned faggots who cry at the least amount of pressure from the outside world.
Those aren't people. I've never seen any of them before. This is an image produced by an AI using photo programs to generate "deepfakes." Instead of an AI generating pseudo-natural conversation, this one makes up fictitious celebrities.
This stuff is so impossibly gay
This guy's never heard Jay Leno's jokes about illegals.
>all have above 90 I.Q
like you're doing right now?
Can anyone post a clip of an actually funny right-wing comedian?
I am genuinely curious.
Commie commie traitor to our country
Sam Hyde
Larry the Cable Guy is one of the funniest, most creative comedians in history and completelty examplifies conservative culture. What more do you need?
So 91?
>fat tranny pedo
Don't care about anything other than the communism, burn in hell for that fagboy. Especially because communism hates pretty much all of what you stand for.
they exist mostly as platforms for celebrities to promote things like a new movie, TV show or record album. So they are basically commercials.
>same political party
Nah im just riding small wave of trolling i caused, totally unexpected btw .
Who thought we would be missing Leno so badly?