Yeah they stopped caring. Probably gonna fuck up Star Wars too.
Go back to where you came from, this is old as fuck news.
What an autistic excuse too.
>muh hours
Who thinks like this and calls themselves creatives? They just wanted to fuck off to star wars
even HBO knew this shit needed Miss episodes and seasons
>Probably gonna fuck up Star Wars too.
Can't fuck it up worse than its current state.
can they really fuck it up more than Rian Johnson?
I blame Disney for this.
Imagine rushing years of build up, so you could grab that Disney money just to make another shitty Star Wars movie.
They're creatively fatigued with GoT. They just wanna be done with the show and move on to something new.
Oh no! Will they ruin the lasting legacy of Rey and her bumbling black sidekick? How will Rose Tico recover!
Why didnt HBO just fire them and get new writers?
why don't give the show to another group?
I don't understand. How exactly did those two have more say so than HBO executives?
All of that is being scrapped I think. The next movies will be a different settinf with different characters.
then they should have given the show to someone who cared
That only happens to creative people.
They own the TV rights to the fat man’s work.
Yep they knew they could piggyback off this to the next thing so they just did it as quickly and sloppily as they could. I honestly cannot imagine why Disney would hire them after what they did to GoT, but they hired Rian Johnson and Kathleen Kennedy so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I should be thanking these people. They have made movies and tv so bad that they are forcing me to stop watching and get a job.
>be me
>tell my employees good news, I'm giving them a bigger budget for their television show and extending their employment contract
>they decline
>okay, let me rephrase that, I'm your boss and you're going to make two more seasons or else I'll find someone who will
yeah it's really dumb and dumber's fault their boss was a spineless coward
Pride, maybe. They started this fantasy show that only a handful will like, mostly the book fans. But then it got big, and so did their egos. Yeah, they could've handed it to someone else, but they probably thought it's only fitting that they should end it.
I don’t think that’s how a network runs though? If HBO try to strongarm them they can take the show to a different channel, presumably it’s their own production company that owns the rights to making game of thrones
I hate the with all my heart
you don't think is right
that guy is pissed about his nerd show
Apparently they have a bullet proof contract. HBO can't even do thrones without them.
They're doing Old Republic. Get ready for KOTOR to be raped
Since fucking when do show runners get the final say?
Isnt it always the opposite with the purse holders calling the shots? Why the FUCK didnt they just force them to make it longer and better?
>we always believed it was about 73 hours
This statement makes me laugh. As if D&D were saying since season 1 "yeaah I think this will roughly be a 73 hour show". Like why 73 hours. Watching it you can clearly see it was rushed. They could have expanded on so many other plots and storylines but they didn't. Its just a statement to try and make everyone believe that they are some super geniuses who planned everything out from the start, when they so clearly didn't.
73 hours is how long they spent making season 8
HBO is notoriously run by by morons who overly value the "Creatives", just look up the absolute shitshow that was Vinyl or their dragging their feet to get into the world of streaming you want to see more of the business illiteracy from the mongs in charge
I mean it all depends on who owns the rights. D&D must hold something because they were the ones who convinced GRRM to allow a tv adaption to be made. They must at least have some kind of guarantee to be involved. Ultimately game of thrones is unprecedented that such an obscure little fantasy show became the biggest thing in tv history.
I don't think having more episodes would have helped. The real problem is that Dan & Dave are talentless fucking hacks! They ruined the greatest TV show of all time. I will never forgive them for that.
I can't wait for them to prove you wrong.
They actually didn't play their hand too badly. The Red Wedding is what they really wanted to do, they earned maximum fame and respect for that. So that's probably when they started putting feelers out. However, they couldn't go after it too strongly because it was clear a lot of show was left. So they do Season 4 semi competently still using good book material and having even more ebin twist. By season 5 they could start seriously talking about post-thrones, especially since they originally only wanted seven seasons. Disney notices that Star Wars fans and GOT fans line up a lot, and would love to have what has become a popular brand for fantasy as their own writers/directors. I'm sure by season 7 this was all lined up pretty nicely, with announcements taking place last year in the in between. Finally hype was supposed to be built at the start of this season leading up to its conclusion.
Their only mistake was assuming normies would stick with them, and they were right until like three episodes ago.
Who the FUCK negotiated this contract? They don't even own the original story, it's from a book series. Why the hell couldn't they sack those morons for literally anyone else? This clown world
>make a 1:1 copy of a scene written decades earlier by a better writer than yourself
>praised to high even
>ruin the rest of the show when you run out of shit to steal AND leave out other shit in the same timeline because muh 73 hours
Honestly pretty smart, albeit kikey tactics. They didn't even put Lady Stoneheart in because they were checked out.
They are under contract to make the new start wars movie right NOW. That’s why.
What a mess.
rip mandalorian wars
I admire your optimism
>Who the FUCK negotiated this contract?
This fat fuck. D&D tricked him into thinking they are competent.
I don't think you understand how fucking retarded the HBO higher ups were. Dan and Dave lied about their experience in order to get funding for the show and then essentially blackmailed HBO into keeping them on after they filmed the most expensive and notoriously bad pilot in tv history. The Game of Thrones pilot was a $10 million dumpster fire that should have killed the series and killed D&D's careers, but the clever bastards leveraged the fact that the idiots in charge of HBO would have to answer to investors about losing $10 million because they gave a massive amount of money to virtually untested novelists and script doctors to force HBO to give them more money and let them reshoot the pilot. The higher ups at HBO bought into the sunken cost fallacy and gave D&D a full season hoping that they could recoup the loses from the pilot.
There is a reason why HBO had to be bought out by AT&T and why Richard Plepler had to step down and the reason is that Plepler and his ilk were fucking retarded.
Everyone keeps saying they stopped caring like this season is only bad 'cause they didn't try. The show has infamously been worse since they ran out of source material, Benioff is a known hack, and Weiss has never done anything else and only got this job because he is friends with Benioff from college. They aren't good at what they do, whether they care or not.
Any more info or clips from this shitty pilot movie?
>being this stupid
>hold my beer
>HBO now owned by ATT
not anymore user
People said the prequels were bad, then Rian came along and made the prequels looks like timeless classics. It can happen again, just consider how much it's the current year is injected in movies today and project that forward to 2022-2026 for the D&D trilogy.
That's actually amazing considering the last season felt like someone at HBO had a gun to their head demanding that they cram 14 seasons' worth of material into one shortened season.
Unfortunately, no. We've got the two scripts, a few pictures like one of George dressed as a Pentoshi merchant, and a list of actors that were replaced but nothing more.
D&D have literally admitted to lying about their credentials and using the sunken cost fallacy on the HBO executives in interviews.
yeah, I'm cautiously optimistic about the future of HBO now that Plepler fucked off and they sacked Bernadette Aulestia.
>offset writing to some good writers
>check that everything is like you want, fix what isn't
>took an extra year off
>hbo suits begged them to make more money
>they chose the story over money
>they chose the story over money
wow. imagine how bad it would have been if they had chosen money over story
Stop spreading rumors. This is 100% NOT what happened. Take your meds conspiracy theorist.
He gave it to them because they correctly guessed the answer to a question that hadn't even been answered in the books at that time. They somehow figured out that Jon was a Targaryen when they first met with him back in 2010 so he gave it to them. And then ironically enough they did nothing with that very same plot point.
>pictures like one of George dressed as a Pentoshi merchant, and a list of actors that were replaced but nothing more.
This feels like I'm being trolled but I'll believe it for the picture
But if they did 10 episodes then they would have to do some actual writing instead of having characters teleport between GRRM's plot notes.
>Rush the last two seasons
>Cut all the best characters including pic related
>Wonder why everyone is dissatisfied
lets be honest
they were out of ideas lol
DnD wouldnt want to have to go crawling to grrm for help so they choose to end it
>Probably gonna fuck up Star Wars too.
It's was already fucked.
it was a good ending, why you dramafag much? you want a fucking kumbaya ending?
They had deals with Star Wars by this point and wanted to wrap up their jobs so they could go ruin another series. It's HBO's fault for not taking the show from them and getting new show runners
>Do you want an ending where all the suffering is given a reasonable cathartic conclusion?
Learn to write, fat fuck.
it's because even they know they are hacks and couldn't do it properly so they decided to give us mercy and end the shit show as fast as possible. the better thing to do would have been let some new writers take over and finish but Dumb & Dumber have massive egos and couldn't allow that. the very fact that the fat fucking moron picked them to write because they were able to guess the most obvious secret in the fucking books shows how incompetent everyone involved is
>This feels like I'm being trolled but I'll believe it for the picture
here you go, user
they have literally admitted these things in several interviews, the most detailed on the disastrous pilot being their interview with Variety.
they were to arrogant to give up the show to other writers
fuck you, I'm Norwegian and don't need to satisfy you, amer*nigger
cool so you read their contracts? what else did it say?
stupid question but wasnt rian johnson liked before star wars?
why did disney choose him to write and direct?
This picture is from the pilot, you can tell because Theon's hair is lighter and Jon's is short. There's VERY little footage of it that's been made public. This, very few shots that retained for the aired first episode like Tyrion being blonde, and is about all there is.
Will they nerf Rey in the future Starwar?
>fucking up a series that has been fucked since 1999
You're fine, he dumb.
At least the prequels had some soul. Now it's coorporate trash
Hello Dragon Demands. Your videos are well-researched but you should work on repeating yourself so much and working yourself into a nervous rage
>73 hours
How did they arrive at such a precise number?
>GoT is garbage and ends in the worst way possible
>suicides over it
>they destroy Star Wars permanently
>nerd culture is effectively destroyed
>mass suicides
What a beautiful time to be alive
The worse it looks, the more excited I get. Watching this shit burn is far more entertaining than it was when it was "good"
Hey, at least it wasn't REALLY obvious that the last 2 seasons were rush jobs, right?
That's some proper sarcasm right there.
Probably some satanic numerology about it.
How up your own ass that you are ok with people calling you D&D
If I'm HBO exec(s) green lighting and funding this show, I'm demanding the right to set how long it runs / how many episodes. Because I'm not a complete idiot.
Said that after Empire, said that after Phantom, said that after Clones...
if they're experienced scriptwriters they probably know how long certain ones are, then its just doing the math. id be a lot more impressed if i hadn't seen the condensed story in its final form. it just could have been so much more, but i suppose they didn't feel like putting in that much effort. oh well.
Fantasy is a boring genre anyway. Time for some sci-fi kino, I say.
The final seasons, especially this last one, might have killed their careers
If they didn't want to do it they should've given up the rights.i don't know how any exec can watch the last episode and think they're in good hands
HBO needs more plain sci kino.
whats more to fuck up? starwars are fucked beyond repair already
That's also a good idea.
Read the books you retarded fucking faggot normie
"They will wait forever"
-Roose Bolton in histories and lore short before getting knived and his house being destroyed later the very same season
Because that's not how it works. The only reason the show exists is because they pitched it to HBO, but with them producing and writing. The entire production contract bases of the show would have to be rewritten, and HBO would have to pay them off to get them to leave.
Lawyers WAY smarter than you drew up contracts that both sides signed, that made "firing them" impossible.
Because they own and run the main production company that made the show. HBO just paid for it. With shows like this, HBO is just a bank, and then is the platform to distribute it. Same structure as a rock band - the label can't fire a musician from a band because they don't like the songs they write. They hand the band a stack of cash to go record something, and when they're done, they sell it.
You have to understand, D&D don't work for HBO. They're independant contractors who are funded by HBO.
HBO bought the TV rights from Martin. But the contracts almost certainly gave D&Ds production company free will in creative decisions.
What's worse? Bookfags never getting an ending, or Showfags getting this ending?
I mean lets be real, it was corporate trash at return of the jedi. but it was like marvel, corporate trash but still good. I don't care if a higherup is involved unless it makes the story worse.
>it was corporate trash at return of the jedi
Imagine believing that.
Bookfags somehow getting a worse ending in 13 years when GRRM has dementia
I've long since reconciled that we will never get an ending to the books, so probably Showfags getting this ending.
Literally doesn’t matter. The show made HBO tons of money while everybody liked it and even if it’s remembered negatively by the public, they can’t lose the money they’ve already made. Now just having the showrunners’ names attached to any project will pull in a crowd, and that kind of brand recognition is what Disney values most. They don’t need people to remember a movie, they just need people to go see it. The quality of the product does not matter. At all.
>Who the FUCK negotiated this contract?
Really good, expensive entertainment lawyers.
HBO did not own the TV rights and found D&D, they pitched the idea to HBO, and I would guarantee you that a stipulation of the contracts was that they had creative control. Again, HBO is not a studio, they don't have writers and directors or anything else on staff, they're a cable channel, who hires other companies to make content for them. They didn't tell Chase how to write The Sopranos, did they? Fuck no.
>GRRM living for another 13 years
haha get real
I'd say the decision they made was right. Did you miss the part where the show became a massive hit?
Did you miss the part where he said HBO got bought out?
At best they try to pour more gasoline to the dumpster fire
there idiots
>muh 73 hours
how tf did they come up with that bullshit number
you dont sound like the 'creative' type you wouldnt understand
>D&D are not only fucking up Star Wars, they're fucking up it's best era, The Old Republic.
except HBO didn't get bought out, all of Warner Bros did.
It's not even confirmed that is Old Republic it's just rumors
>creatively fatigued
They got lucky with GOT, but that doesn't change how stupid they were for getting roped into the situation in the first place or that the model was bad enough that AT&T decided to start making major changes after initially saying that they were going to be hands off
What happened with vinyl?
>firing jews
In what world
>rock band
That example you gave is straight out of the 1980’s but even then a label could get out of a contract pretty easy if they wanted to. If they have you for 6 albums they could make you record six live albums in 6 days, never release them then say bye.
1.- They funded the pilot because they knew it was going to be big and they were right, Game of Thrones is ten times more popular than the MCU right now and sells more merchandising
2.- 10 million is literally nothing for HBO.
3.- ATT bought the entirety of Times Warner not just the HBO for almost one hundred BILLIONS, to say a 10 million pilot they recouped within the first three months of airing is what caused the merger is to be more retarded than the average GoT whiner
>while nerds are crying over GoT HBO releases the best show in years
Fucking based
Imagine a con job of a book without an ending having a shitty ending in the show adaptation. They where working with book source material then probably had to start writing a script at the end for themselves. It's pretty obvious Martin didnt really have a direction toward an ending when he started all of this and just wanted to be cool like Tolken. He could have just kept cranking out books in the story until he died with this lack of direction. Even the Show ending feels a bit open ended as if the YAAS queen couldnt be revived by red witches or some crap. Bran wargs the dragon so hard he has a seizure and dies. Becomes the dragon and burns shit. The Golden company non plot line is secretly to sneak in the targaryen guy. Major characters are beheaded. the final ending is a major character beheading to hark back to the ending of season one in the movie adaptation and fin.
They weren’t creative to begin with
I told you fags they were phoning it in since Season 4 was halfway over.
Think about how women and POC feel, don't be so insensitive. This forum is full of insensitive manbabies who will make fun of anything except Tolkien.
VINYL is gold. it ran into issues with licensing music on such low budget
Didn't they do 6 so they could use the the higher budget per episode on CGI?
read a book
the only reason i own a tv is because i won it in a book reading contest.
The original plan was for 70 hours, which would be 10 hour long episodes for the seven books, which they would've gotten that info from George's plans.
But, just like GRRM, the telling of the tale lead to more space needed than planned, but the showrunners didn't budge because of muh star wars money so we got the steaming hot pile of garbage that is season 8.
> "From the Makers of Game of Thrones..."
> Libfags = Oh you mean those white male sexist racist pigs that killed MySundae and Dany! #toxicmasculinity
> Everyone else = remember how those jews ruined the last season of GOT? Nah fuck that noise
Seems like HBO lawyers weren't THAT smart.
Disney is going to fire them and pretend it never happened
>free will in creative decisions
Obviously not completely true.
>DnD: We're doing this, it costs x million bucks
>HBO: No, too expensive.
Do writers even own a share of the project?
I am actually excited to find out.
That's not even the point, you pathetic neckbeard.
But it is true
>HBO: do ten seasons of ten episodes
>D&D: Nah, we're done.
Oh, look, spoiler; you're completely wrong.
Do you realise that you can't EVER argue COMPLETE creative control this way? You'd have to list every possible decision. Plus you're ignoring the 'unlimited budget' part.
cause he did looper and that one episode of breaking bad that's a 10/10 on imdb
Anyne who watches anything d&d does after this should be ashamed.
but why didn't HBO just fire them?
News discusses once should never be reported again.... Go back to red dit.
If they had more time, we would have probably got an expanded Euron & had him kill use his horn to kill Rhaegal in some planned out trap
We likely still would have got the dumb shit with yasss queen arya killing the night king & that whole stupid battle
why the fuck didn't they just run 12 seasons?
Based dabid
D&D were hired to adapt books to TV, which they did a good job of (mostly). It went to shit when they ran out of source material and had to start doing their own writing. They had a clear way they needed everything to end that was originally given by GRRM and they couldn't write themselves out of a corner they put themselves in with some of the concessions they made with cutting out characters/story arcs. HBO bought the rights on the assumption that GRRM would get off his fat fucking ass and finish writing the books but he did not.
I give it 50% GRRM and 50% D&D for not having the good sense to hire an actual writing team to help finish it off and thinking they could do it themselves. Surprised Disney hired them to do star wars.
J.J already did that
They were never EVER good writers and they stopped caring about continuity, timeline, detail around season 3.
Can someone link me to the interviews where they admitted to lying about their credentials?
They didn't run out of source material they straight up skipped and rushed books 4&5.
Also they always put their ill fitting retarded OC in, since season 2.
It's 90% their fault, if they actually followed the books and followed Georges outlines ( they stopped caring about timeline , logic and continuity a long time ago) everything would make a lot more sense.
>creatively fatigued
but they didn't create anything. they were given an outline by GRRM for an easy A and they still managed to bungle it.
>Surprised Disney hired them to do star wars.
I'm not. I get why people don't like them, but I think they're actually really good at a lot of stuff. They're a million times better at working inside an episode than they are at the big picture stuff. There's a ton of stuff that they're really good at. You think about the CGI, the battle scenes, all the opportunities to really fuck up, and they sidestep almost all of it. Drogon flying around after Dany's death was kino as fuck.
George biggest problems are continuity and timeline, everything needs to make sense and be logical in the books.
The series stopped caring about that in season 2. It was so much easier for them to wrap it up than it is for George
Star Wars is already fucked thanks to the aptly named Johnson, adding 2 extra Ds won't change anything. Nice Order 66 dubs though.
You;re ignoring that both HBO and Martin wanted more seasons, and D&D said "Noooooope".
Go argue with them, retard. You'll be just as wrong.
I've read that D&D's contract is for them to produce Game of Thrones, no one else
if they don't want it it wasn't happening
D&D biggest accomplishment was putting the show together, they're fucking awful writers and their OC plots and characters always sucked ass. Over time they became bad at production too, they put all their budget into one big episode, the world feels so fucking empty and the costume designed turned into complete shit, everyone was wearing the same black stripes for the last few seasons
>Game of Thrones is ten times more popular than the MCU right now and sells more merchandising
what in god's name makes you believe this
you're delusional, game of thrones gets worse ratings than a random NFL game
They got out early as they could before it was widespread without a doubt that they are absolute fucking shit.
They're (((JEWS))) What did you expect?
I'm not sure in what way a shit ending do GOT will benefit Israel, but it will.
Regardless if this is true or not we should push it as a reason for normies to boycott star wars.
Glad I waited on buying the blurays. These lazy fucks don't deserve my money.
based D&D working the fantasy dorks into a seethe
>best show in years
Let's wait for the ending first shall we.
>fantasy dorks
GOT is normie stuff, you're the fantasy fag larping as a Yea Forums cool kid
yeah and my second dick is tired
The virgin network versus the Chad producers
At least Rian cared about the night king debacle because he had theories himself. Dabid is gonna dab on us all
>73 hours
That's the too specific. When you plan something you don't go - "man I better finish work in 47 minutes". No one says that.
wanna bet?
RJ did nothing wrong
Some scenes from the pilot made into the aired episode. Ned and Robert in the crypt for instance, Ned has shorter slicked back hair in that scene.
>age: 16
>bastard child of Renly Baratheon and Ashara Dayne