Was it, dare I say it, KINO?
Was it, dare I say it, KINO?
I honestly don't care. As long as it triggers /pol/ though, it's fine by me.
bro she has black wings its like shes a demon
imagine how jelly the maker of this image was
dude shes like a dragon or something *takes bong hit*
What kind of person writes this? Not even SJWs agree with him now.
subtle, honest, profound
it was kinoish, dare i say: pop-kino
As soon as I saw this shot, I knew brainlets would jizz in their pants over it and use it to defend that shitshow. It's astounding how easy it is to appease some people.
I actually cringed when I saw that shot
Totally agree. Like this scene had so many powerful messages and symbolism. This is the legendary stuff that students have to analyse and write essays about. A masterpiece beyond its time.
shit was goofy as fuck
Yeah have sex incel
You're allowed to enjoy things not related to Dumb and Dumbers hackery, including the music and set design.
Yay!!! Cool CGI!! Fuck the plot, who cares
I’m so glad that cinematography is a bipartisan issue. What a time to be alive.
Why aren't they commenting on the literal Nazi imagery
in case you guys didn't get the scene, the wings behind her are actually symbolic
oh shit I SEE IT NOW! Okay, so it's almost like the wings are hers hahaha? Like she is a dragon too because she is the MOTHER OF DRAGONS and stuff?!! there are so many layers to this shot it is hard to unravel and express what is going on with mere words. absolutely breathtaking, Game of Thrones done changed the game y'all
I think you're looking into it a bit too much desu
Retarded piece of shit
So what, they got a real dragon in to pose for the cinematographer to film the shot? Or is it just that the cgi team added the dragon wings in?
It was cringe, like something out of a videogame.
Capeshit-tier. So extraordinarily fucking hamfisted. My eyes rolled out of my head just like the dragon-background cleganebowl. It might have been appropriate if her morality was still ambiguous, multifaceted or in question.
real dragon, of course
You must be great at parties.
>have a work got #slack group
>new guy at work posted this scene and said it was an awesome shot
>I commented something like "idk this feels like a film school third year student showing off to me" because it is exactly that
Fuck guys, that was the last thing posted. I kind of regret saying that, I need to hide my fucking powerlevel. I've also been shilling for chernobyl hardcore at work
Brave. The cinematographer should win a Nobel prize at least.
I love how people are so desperate to find good things about the finale, they won't shut up about the stupid dog and this fucking shot.
The retard's last retort when they're faced with someone with a double digit iq
user, you might wanna rethink that one.
>cheesiest on the nose shot of the episode
>has no symbolic meaning aside from, "hurr she dragon"
Why the fuck are "critics" so bad at critiquing art?
This is a good one.
>CGI passes for cinematography now
they could've positioned the dragon anywhere, made it do anything
We worship mediocracy
Hitler Danny was based
>tfw we'll never see her lead RWDS throughout the world
t. OP
A film school for braindead idiots for sure.
the funny thing is that this so called "shot" isn't even a shot. There is no camera move. Literally none. It's all an optical trick using layers in motion. This entire shot is nothing more than a glorified animated GIF.
Oh you thought that the camera was going up? oh no, we're simply pulling away layers of cg and slowly zooming in Daenerys using mask technic and good timing. What's that? stairs? what stairs? its all cg you idiot. the last step is exactly where all the layers meet.
>as long as it triggers /pol/
dickless wonder over here
The shot was perfect, they lined up the dragon with Dany, my god the perfect shot. ONCE IN A LIFETIME SHOT
I want to FUCK a real live dragon
I thought I was the only one who noticed this shot, I have a keen eye for this kind of stuff. The subtle symbolism in this show is absolutely amazing
In my experience the fuckers who ruin parties are the same fuckers who respond to wit and geeking out with
>just turn your brain off you think too much
this is nothing new in the art world or anyone with some sense of design and creativity, fucking normies.
it's almost as if the otherwise incompetent showrunners know exactly who their brainlet twitter audience is and how to use shiny things to distract them from shit writing
>In my experience
So nothing? Lmao ok
the dragon taking off is weird as fuck, he goes from 0 to full speed instantly without any sense of acceleration nor weight. They hide it with tons of cg snow using decent particles physics but it's there
Why would pol be mad? All the feminists and niggers lost.
Drogon appearing out of the rubble was worse.
Why do you obsess so much about /pol/?
It's called cgi holy shit what a faggot
which film school are we gonna rename
not wrong
they animate its flight like it were a chickadee or finch
>Imagine being soo mad about people liking a Thing soo vou dissect the thing frame frame thinking people Will care.
Its Just a cool shot.
The fags thinking its some complex cinematográfic feat is retarded as you fags crying over people liking It.its Just rule of cool
The way that cinematographer got the dragon to line up right behind her like that was amazing
It's lazy and predictable and uninspired.
"The cinematographer?" Fuck that. What about the VFX people?
damn, amy schumer looks like that?
How did they train the dragon to take off at this exact moment?
>t.shitskin nigger