god damnit
God damnit
Other urls found in this thread:
when the role offers start drying up, she'll show her cunt and asshole without hesitation
they all do
So just topples then?
We aren't losing much.
>battling with her weight
is she exchanging gunfire with it or something
This. Bitch hit the wall at full force.
To bad it's her goblin face that is the real problem.
>sucked dick to get roles in show business
>refuses to do bikini scenes
Reality check when?
You'll always be beautiful to me Sophie ;__;
Fucking whore's built like Gwendolin Christi, fuck's she even bitching about?
Nobody forces you to do cocaine, suck cocks and eat your insecurities away, you fucking spoiled subhuman cunt.
Sophie hiding her milkers is not good for my mental health.
but I like poochie bellies
All you uggos/fatties/incels in this thread need to leave
based bloatmode boomer
How is eating less so hard for them lmfao
Fuckin' boo hoo. So many people stay fit and healthy just because they want to and this bitch can't do it for fame and fortune and cries to the media for easy sympathy from clickbait hacks?
/Diesoon/ :D
I doubt she even puts any effort in the blowjobs she gives producers.
she is literally battling her weight, cant you read? stop fat shaming for once, its a serious issue
Neither is she apparently
Good, she is disgusting
>qt girl from work gives me her phone number after talking with me as much as possible at work
>start texting, couple make out sessions in my car, rounding first, second, third base
>sneak into her bedroom at her parents' house
>snuggling in bed, put my hand on her belly
>she wriggles away, saying all kinds of no, that she's too fat, not to touch
>slide hand back under her shirt
>"but it's so soft and warm and cute, babe"
>unamused, she pushes my hand away
>puts a pillow between us
>no more touching, just sleep
>wake up, discover she slept on the couch
>see her again two weeks later because she wants her CDs back
>the end
Christ I cringed so hard I actually felt physical pain in my temples
IF she wears a bikini people will be able to see her cock
Battling between being super-hot and being just hot.
Bitches be crazy, yo
And nothing of value was lost
Hopefully that's a tumor
bikinis are hotter than lingerie
Takes one to know one
Its not a toomah
how fat is this fucking cow?
Her eye isn’t even over the viewfinder
just show us one tit before you get old you bimbo
Tight t-shirts are hotter than bikinis
is this achievable natty?
>cant you read?
No, as a matter of fact I can't. Thanks, dick. Try thinking about how other people might feel before you say shit.
Pic related. It's you.
stupid bong women sit around drinking pints of beer and eating Greggs everyday and have never seen the inside of a gym in their lives
I doubt these people care about that stuff. They are merely baiting you for your attention.
>bikinis are hotter than lingerie
Prove to me that a baby doll isn't the hottest lingerie known.
I won't post that picture of Kiernan Shipka but you know what I mean.
Just don't have that extra serving of chips you dumb slag.
They're called crisps in the UK
how much calories in cum?
>Can't put the fork down
>It's not good for my mental health
JUST imagine hitting the wall at 23 and deluding yourself into thinking it's okay and taking care of your body is not necessary
I'm really starting to feel like I would bang Maise. Her body looks really good in a lot of pictures, but I can't tell if they're just good pictures.
They're called freedom fries in the US.
about tree fiddy
From left to right:
1,40m 1,65m 1,70m 1,75m
Lauren Drain was a member of Westboro Baptist church? I think her dad still is and has disowned her.
I am unaware of this picture.
it's hotter when a woman wears that skirt thing around their waist too. Change my mind
Here is young Lauren Drain.Apparently she was banished.
Wish she wasn't painted like a whore with stupid bang and eyebrows though
and then her mother smothered you with her distended spic belly
>entire profession revolves around body work
>whoaaaa why do i have to be in shape :^C
I can see why
She wants to turn into a fat slob lazy chubby whore
you assholes made her sensitive about that and we'll never see more. This is legitimately worse than the GoT ending. Sansa teasing her body for years and we'll never see it, instead we get to see the ugly troll's. Fuck all of you.
she has been self conscious about her height throughout her teenage years, and it is still there.
show business wasn't good for her.
Does she have any association with Pierce Brosnan?
Give it a year's slide into irrelevancy and she'll have the girls out every other shot.
Like I need to see that body, I've seen enough.
Men in Hollywood work their asses off to stay in shape.
Women in Hollywood can't stop shoveling food in their mouth enough to stay not-fat and most of them suck at acting.
>no slightly chubby sophie bikini pictures
why live?
all women are whores.
Why do I get the feeling at least one of them will spiral down into the next Lohan.
He's been sighted observing her intently from distant rooftops. The images were blurry, but there's evidence to believe he was carrying a large bag of cheeseburgers alongside him.
good lord, I would still do fantastic and loving things to her like kiss her inner thigh and stomach please post more if you got it
Good for her.
>she wants her CD back
Youre a 30 year old boomer virgin arent you? Thats the last time you touched a girl wasnt it? You got fat and autistic after the rejection didnt you?
>ywn be Pierce Brosnan sitting on a swivel chair on a rooftop
y liv bros
that she looks like a swimsuit model from the 80s?you faggots have been brainwashed by negros to look for distended baboon rumps
One piece swimsuit > bikini shit
>thin hair
>that hairline
Poor girl.
her stomach comes out further than her ass
80's or not that's fucking undesirable
be less desperate
>comparing actors to full time instagram fitness thots
>"if they can do it, why can't everyone else"
Different priorities maybe? Not everyone wants to spend half their life in the gym on some shit ass diet.
>battling with weight
fukken white people, everything's a battle or a war or a challenge to be overcome. only thing keeping them from being the whiniest, most pathetic race around is we still have _____
If she sent me nudes I would print literally every one of them out and give them a cum tribute at least every day.
No, she was a waitress at the strip club at which I was one of the DJs, and we used CDs as backups / alternates / to bring music into the club mostly, and she used them in her car, as isn't uncommon even now.
How did having a totally open southern border and normal northern border become all the rage in this country seemingly over night?
>24 hour hunger strike
is this satire?
Love the beer pooch and prison tattoos. Women are such whores.
with luck they'll soon turn that fight to something useful; the extermination of all subhuman shitskins
Evan Rachel Wood is the only woman on the planet more insufferable than Brie Larson.
lol, Bran is taller than Jon Snow by at least a foot. Fucking manlets.
That's at most a two feet difference mate.
You have weird standards user
>literal x-men tattoo
This isn't Lord of the Rings, you dumb cunt.
Man, when you choose to be an actor you better be fucking comfortable with your body. It's pretty much what you are selling.
Why do women have so many bruises? It makes them look like strippers in seedy clubs
If you think that's bad you should see my ass
It's a goddamn crime that Sansa never had a nude scene.
How about anal?
women bruise easier than men, most women tend to have a bruise on their thigh
she looks like absolute shit with any extra weight on her because it goes right under her chin
I wonder how Rickon's actor feels seeing shit like this. Robb's actor at least got a few seasons of screen time
Probably anemic, not enough iron in their diets from constantly starving themselves.
Thats a happily married man, yo. Doesn't even fucking look at her.
Normies don't even remember who Rickon was.
She is attractive. Too bad she has tattoos and a shit personally.
>no ass or tits
lol, what a mess
women tend to bloat in their lower abdomen during their period, look at the angle of her back, she's fairly trim.
have you been outside lately, 66% of american women are medically obese.
unf dat front butt
whose mans is this
is the implication that her body isn't good here
they lose a lot of iron from menstruating, that is why you should feed them steak and liver at least once a week.
>role offers
minus the tattoos, I'd marry her
>those tattoos
yikes indeed
This sort of minimalist tattoo isn't really that off putting to me. It's when they get tramp stamps and huge, colored tattoos like sleeves that make them look like shit. I understand not liking these though.
have sex
>beer pooch
Pretty sure it just means she ate breakfast that day man
at least she is not maisie
wew fucking based guy
Why do girls get the most retarded looking tats?
What movie is she being asked to do bikini scenes in?
The absolute state of
She's a fucking actress, how difficult is it to stay in shape ffs
Yeah I agree she doesn’t have a 100% perfect body. On the other hand, I don’t see any point in obsessively talking shit about it. It’s like she’s fat or deformed.
Must have meant roll offers, but even that doesn't make sense; chunky bitch is obviously doing it to herself.
This has literally happened to me three plus times.
>dat 80s high-cut bikini aesthetic
Doesn't seem very body positive to me. What's wrong with being fat?
all tattoos are wrong, on women more so.
It wasn't long ago that only sailors, prisoners and prostitutes had them.
Depressing that so many fell for the fad.
>durr everyone has to be perfectly fit and healthy, no one can ever struggle with things durrr
Fucking virgin neckbeard alert is off the charts here
She’s in shape. She’s probably concerned more with her frame, which is exacerbated by her small head, and she will never change that with diet or exercise. So I’d agree that subjecting herself to further scrutiny is bad for her mental health.
/fit/ banner fucking when
It's the hypocrisy that's annoying. One the one hand crying about fat shaming and unattainable standards and on the other hand actively promoting these ideas by claiming bikini scenes cause mental issues. Go for one. You think nobody should give a shit about your body? Start with yourself. If it really does matter to you though, don't talk shit about people who think it matters as well.
Savage underrated post/10
Remember that lemon cake scene of Lisa telling her a story about Catelyn getting fat? I think it was just the producers' way of hinting that she should lose weight without having to directly tell a teenage girl that she is getting too fat for the role
Too much ass.
she looks like this guy
men have turned into faggots/women that obsess over minute details of celebrities. 90% of this thread must buy cosmopolitan.
that's literally disgusting
fuck british genes
Are those Game Boys? i'm intrigued, what's he doing there?
Unironically sounds comfy
good lord she looks like a cancerous granny
> battling with weight
The famous Battle of the Fridge, nevar forget
how about an all-bean diet?
um can you stop talking about me please
here's her with her mom
two beautiful women :)
probably this
I agree with that, but if she’s not cut out for it, she’s not cut out for it. No one who is concerned with this seriously contemplates what “realistic standards” are. We either have idiots who expect actresses to look like fitness models with breast implants or idiots who want us to celebrate diseased lard asses.
No homo Lino was hot as fuck in that scene, not just looks but the body language, dude is clearly a chad.
In universe Sansa was probably regretting everything, and tried to show how much of a good partner she would be with that independence talk. Robin didn't even look her way tho.
at least shes not afraid to be herself
imagine being ugly, knowing your genes are trash, that you are trash
how do these people continue living and even insist on reproducing, why god why
Well, she wouldn't have ballooned up if she stopped doing so much coke.
She needs to get thiccc
christ, he really is a manlet
women don't seem to understand this, they are either sticks or landwhales none of em are just 5-10pounds overweight. its like fucking a unicorn.
Yeah, a wall of cocaine.
bran got so JUSTED by puberty, that schnozz is an atrocity. maisie was always ugly, sophie is qt af.
yeah the two extremes are the problem.
modern talking points only cover extremes though, everything is polarised.
I wonder if he was annoyed about arya laughing about the death of his milk-giver. the guards must have told her.
women have it so easy, literally just don't be fat and you're set
how do they fail to hard
post the original
what a fucking trainwreck
heavy drinking does that face swelling. its common in alche girls in their 20s.
any sticc can look 3 months pregnant if you feed her enough pasta in one sitting
EUUURGH 1/10 someone burn it with fire.
>this is what some faggots actually think
She's top quality.
British genetics at their finest.
You don't have to spend half your life in gym to get fit, fatty. And a famous actress like Shansha should be able to spend some time and money on her body.
It looks like somones soul is trapped in her right ass check and trying to get out.
That is the original. That's unshopped m8, you can even reverse image search it
>fat strip club waitress
>living with her parents
lmaoing at your life m8
based pasta force-feeder kidnapper
you should see what happens to them when you feed them a bowl of eggs
I architect girlfriends all the time, only one really caught on. Easiest way to get a girl to gain weight is ice cream shakes, she needs like 2-4 a week, If they ask why you always go out of your way to get them for her just say you like taking care of her. alcohol is another easy way but it hurts health so. im 30 been doing this a while.
earlier some faggot said she can defeat Evangeline in a fight
ha ha ha ha ha
She's 23 years old. that is NOT a good body for a 23 year old girl who's been a high paid actress for years. by the time she's 28 she's going to be a fucking trainwreck without serious work.
>that face in the leftmost pic
octacoon? def not full white
I actually noticed that a lot with some people who drink heavily, especially when the swelling reduces once they grow out of the drinking ages.
>kit 5'9
>Sophie is 5'9 but is wearing 4 inch heels
>Isac 6'2
everything checks out here.
she'll be fine, as long as she dumps the jew she's with.
please tell me this is satire?
Actors (at least big ones) can work their asses for 2-3 months then enjoy the enormous paycheck. ALSO, big actors can probably ask for gym time and proper facilities. It's a job like any other but they make a shitload of money and can take a pay cut for some benefits, because instead of 5 million they'll make 4.95 million, it's not like a dude making a 9 to 6 job that needs to feed 3 kids.
So fuck her
I bet Sophia struggles with depression, hence why she eats so damn much (if that's really the issue here).
I mean, you can look at her eyes and tell she suffers with something. Always looking sad and shit constantly.
>pretending this is bad
You idiots really never do leave the house do you?
She looks hot as fuck.
>hitting wall by 25
made for my BBC
Marijuanna is a class B drug in England, carrying prison time of 14 years. How is this okay?
That's actually British women age, they're like cardboard under heavy rain, after a certain age they just wilt.
God I hope so. I’ve been waiting 10 years for this.
You don't get the way the feminine mind "works," user. Girls aspire to be thin as fuck. They look at their body, noticing every little normal piece of fat they can grab, any paunch or bulge as a serious problem that needs to be fixed. If they're 10 lbs heavier than skeleton - what we would call "thin" - they're out of shape. So your sweet spot is 15-20 lbs heavier than a girl thinks she should weight, in her frazzled little brain.
Being 20 lbs over where you think you need to be is a wake-up call, a come-to-Jesus moment. That's where they either decide to start starving themselves, at which point they lose 5-10 lbs and perpetually feel the need to lose 10 more, or they give up and just pack on another 50 eating whatever because they'll never be thin so none of it matters anymore.
A weird thing is, when you say that about a woman it's usually received like you just said that person is a worthless human being with no inherent value or something. When you say the same thing about a man, nobody gives a shit, like, yeah sure that fatso needs to work out a little. To me that speaks of a deeply rooted assumption in society that women are incapable of improving by making an effort. It is generally expected, even outright demanded, of men, but never for women.
Talk about gender bias in society that feminists do not like to hear about.
>wake up late on the weekend
>no food
>too lazy to leave house
>get drunk and go to sleep
>mfw accidentally 24 hour hunger striked to protest border enforcement
I always go for that belly user literally the best part
yeah I think so too. she seems to be a shy and quite down to earth girl who wasn't meant for such fame. she's also bright and well educated, meaning she's more prone to being affected by it all.
good thing she has maisie or she would have had trouble.
She look like those alien niggas in Men in black, you know the ones
>tell she suffers with something. Always looking sad and shit constantly.
Its called being British
lol yeah ... Right... Meanwhile short men have literally less opportunities in almost every aspect of their lives and can't even point this out because people berate them even more.
But she is tall and this is supposed to be an issue?
This bitches roid it up. None of them are clean.
Too true. Take Dayne Johnson for instance, filming schedules in his movies are actually built to accommodate enough time for him to pump some iron and get his meals.
>the joke is that she looks like Boy George
>Always looking sad and shit constantly.
That's cause she's always drinking and on drugs. Hangover and coming down is a bitch
At last, a man of taste
I've done it so many times I lost count, just from forgetting to eat
>walk into room
>see this
>what do
derp you just answered your own question.
women don't like being taller than men in general, they stoop to cover it.
she isn't overly tall, so it might not be that, but she's self conscious about something.
Anyone got some good architectural concept art of this slag? Asking for a friend haha.
She looks so old in this picture especially
Me in the back btw.
1. stammer a bit then have a heart attack
2. fall instantly in love with her
3. burst through my trousers with the force of a thousand dolphins jumping
4. all three of the above
I'm sorry, I was looking for Sophie, your granddaughter.
Germanic elegance of features and proportions.
Would start a new reich with.
Wow, shit luck. I was with a "recovering " bulemic girl who had a little belly since calming down the purges and she let me rub it, tickle it, and blow on it all I wanted.
Reminds me of Rowling lel
haha wouldn't it be gross if she sold her poop on ebay yea that totally weird haha whoever buys that is weird.
Peak jaw aesthetic. I'm fucking jelly.
Crazy. I've been with two anorexics and one bulimic, all more or less recovered, and they've all had serious hangups about their body. Heaviest one was still only carrying around 20 lbs extra, and she wore a baggy sweatshirt literally everywhere, even during sex she had that dumb thing on. Others were more like 5-15 lbs gained since quitting the starving / purging, but they were all kinds of not-okay with it.
why would he feel something about that image? What are you getting at
Except Rowling is a top tier mommy with heavy hangers.
Nice. I’ve been getting her iced coffees. The kind with cream, chocolate syrup, and whip on top. Practically a meal itself but she thinks of it as just her morning coffee.
I'd hug her and tell her that everything is going to be fine and that she still is one of the most beautiful women in the planet.
I know this website is contrarian as fuck as a principle, but come on, Sophie is goddamn beautiful, and only the most top-tier queers would say otherwise.
I'd sell my soul to wake up next to someone like her every morning. You guys that are looking for minor blemishes... whatever. No woman is perfection.
That's dumb. Paparazzi already put it on display for free. The difference is the studio would help her get fit then film it in a way that makes her look better. Win/win.
Yeah, it is weird now that I think about it. The best idea I have is that I'm just such a sweet guy that all her insecurities and inhibitions melted away while she was in my arms.
Literally looks hot here, you sheltered fucks watch way too much porn
I hope Maise keeps getting /fit/ to the point she's got rock hard abs when she realizes Hollywood don't want her while Sophie keeps going between WAH WAH I EAT AND GET FAT then occasionally starving to get roles in X-Movies.
mm, those sweet tiddys
Christian Bale becoming a skeleton for his role in the mechanist wasn't good for his mental health. Tom Cruise doing all his own stunts wasn't good for his physical health but they do it anyways. Know why? Cause they have integrity.
that's a lie. the true reason is that she was part of NXIVM sex cult and they branded her
I would wreck that
it's either literal faggots to roasties.
any right minded dude would crawl across a field full of sumo-wrestler's diarrhoea to be able to spend a day with her
This is a mixture of roids, photoshop, angles, flexing and lighting. If you saw her in motion or irl it would not be the same body or face
looks like someone already did
pure reddit post
go back
Wow what a scoop. I'm sure irl she's fat and ugly and you aren't just coping.
>I'd sell my soul to wake up next to someone like her every morning. You guys that are looking for minor blemishes... whatever. No woman is perfection.
I didn't say she was fat or ugly, it's just not the same as the picture. I've dated on of these insta thots and she was a fitness one. She almost never went to the gym except to take pics. I took most of her pictures and she showed me how she messed with them and everything. They always have the same few poses and angles. It's crazy how just standing still is a marketable skill for most women.
lmao, funniest shit I've seen all day.
Where is this from?
She’d rather be a little chubby and enjoy getting fucked by her Jonas husband. I can’t blame her
whos DIY synth here?
Must be a beach up norf
this made me laugh and idk why
>extreme dieting for a year
how fucking fat was she before?
>the average American past age 25
I'm gonna die
>kind of a slob
I see no downside.
>ruins a perfect ass shot
His timing is impeccable
Imagine cumming all over those manly shoulders
I hate how Kit has them shop all his photos for general release, man should take pride in his size
>the chocolate one is bigger
Lads his work cannot be denied
jon's so neat and trim
need to see sophia nude vagina
why not just wear more clothes in public?
24 hours without an avocado toast is an eternity for this vapid cunts
This is why I love Christian Bale and Rob McElhenney.
Dios mio...
Fucking christ my sides
WTF is this shit. I thought this was Yea Forums not Reddit. why all the sympathy for this chick? She's literally a rich celeb who could have a banging body with an hour workout a day and eating delicious healthy food prepped by world class chefs. Instead y'all are siding with her about her weight issues when in reality it's pure laziness on her part. Think about how much alcohol and good food she has access to 24/7 and because she can't resist she's limiting her bread and butter career options. Your literally empowering her lack of self control. Didn't know there were so many beta cucks in /tv
Just eat one Ice cream treat and you won't be such a fatty
>she's limiting her bread and butter
that would be a good start t b h
>tub of lard with a leg
This is a gay test and all these faggots who replied failed
I did not even notice that fat fucking mountain belly because of those hips, so wide they could birth a 500 IQ megabrain
>I did not even notice that fat fucking mountain belly
looks like you did though faggot
Why is there a corpse on the beech?
That's just plain anorexia
Oh, who else has done this?
oh god, lmao.
What's wrong with her head?
how old is she again? because that is the ass of a 30 year old woman.
Fucking dying. Absolute unit
what in the fuck, hahahaha. GODS THATS A PATHETIC ASS.
just think how many girls won't hang themselves in their closets because of this decision. very brave.
Get out
>All the dyel's saying that this is roids
>implying that Sophie Turner flaunting her disgusting body wouldn't boost self-esteem as girls think, "well damn, at least my ass and body doesn't look like it's coming unglued from my skeleton"
Hempstead is 5'11 according to google, I imagine he's actually 5'9 since they always had to actor's heights
I'm sure her career will take off after Dark Phoenix comes out.
>bong genes
> (OP)
What will happen to her if Dark Phoenix bombs?
When I watched it the first time you retarded kikes
Obviously I watched it multiple times...for research purposes
>inb4 smuggies meme on gay reddit phrases like "for research purposes (no research will actually be done)"
She's a bad actor, I watched that x-men movie that she was in and my fucking god she can't act.
He's just like a penguin
Wow, I didn't know Maisie had a sister!
I saw an ad and thought it was a b-movie, maybe a syfy feature. I'll be surprised if it does even 50 mil at the box office, though what do I know.
>budget 200 mil
she looks like she is 30+, when she is currently 23 . Imagine how she's gonna look around 27-30.
>I'm proud of being blind
>damage control
there is literally nothing gay about that vid until you posted. You are a closet case desperately trying to prove you aren't gay. You most definitely are LMAO
is he /ourguy/?
>funny video
>immediately goes on a rant about how its a gay test
Stop projecting lol
>tattooed whore
in to the fucking trash it goes
Why does this gentlemen look so weak?