What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

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It means he’s a pathetic person seeking validation from a TV show.

Shansha pleashe

AIDS in five

When minorities or women say things like this I understand somewhat. When a white guy does it it's just weird, condescending, and off.

It means he’s a beta pusspuss too afraid to talk to women or change a tire

>Not a main character
>still went through more hardships and had better character development then sansa ( a main character)
women will never understand him

Attached: edmure.jpg (400x400, 12K)

That scene was so painful to watch. He began to talk and the dialogue felt good, natural, and seeing him act again felt rewarding, like ACTUAL Game of Thrones, and right as I'm admiring this scene, it's

>uncle sit down plz

Why the fuck does Sansa treat her own uncle (and another lord) like this? She doesn't know anything about it, she's not present when he makes mistakes, and she's insulting another lord in front of all the other lords.

So fucking awful.

what did he mean by THIS


Because you know they're just trying to get in the good graces of said minorities and women.

Sansa is a genuinely terrible character though.

>If I deprecate myself and my race I'll totally drown in pussy, sympathy and upvotes
>I'm totally not a predator nor a mentally ill sociopath you guys

Telling BuzzFeed faggots to shut up and sit the fuck down adds five years to my lifespan

this but unironically

Just let them have their small victories

>giving a speech at your son's wedding
>best speech of your entire life
>niece pops up
>"Sit down uncle."

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And aids took off thirty years of your lifespan

Because he's a weak willed fuck up and he's always been

I'm grateful for this finale. Asking "What's your IQ?" is offensive but I can ask "What did you think of the last two seasons of Game of Thrones?" I'm going to ask that whenever I'm interested in dating someone or trying to make friends. If they say they liked it, I'm not going to pursue a relationship with that person. It's the perfect litmus test...

Attached: littlefinger-might-still-be-2155469.jpg (2000x2400, 452K)

She told him to sit down because she wanted Jon to be king. Why are these people so fucking stupid?

> A white guy using the mediocre white man meme

Oh wee mayne.

>(((sam stryker)))

>Sam Styker, Former Senior Writer/Editor (((BuzzFeed)))