Why did grey worm let Tyrion off so easily? The hand of the king is considered a high level job. How is it a punishment?
Why did grey worm let Tyrion off so easily? The hand of the king is considered a high level job. How is it a punishment?
Why did Grey Worm allow anything? Answer: He's a moron.
why wasn't grey worm punished for being a murdering sand nigger?
He isn't even going to check up on Jon. He's like a million miles away.
Why did Jon stay in exile if Grey Worm was just going to pack up the unsullied and leave?
Varys literally got killed for conspiring. Tyrion is an asshole.
Why did Gray Worm even get a say in anything when he's an outside invader? The guy from Dorne didn't get to vote for who was king but he has more interest in what happens in Westeros than the Unsullied.
Because Greyworm has no balls
Why werent the Stark soldiers punished?
Jon should've executed this moron when he had the chance.
No reason,well other than shitty writing that is.
Grey Worm just kind of forgot about Tyrion.
He realized there was less than 15 minutes left in the show and he stopped giving a fuck. Gotta get to Naarth to ensure everything I bargained for in Westeros will be guaranteed.
you tell me. he should have offed himself out of shame for what he did to V and he didnĀ“t even have the guts to kill daeny himself to make up for it.
Grey Worm is a fucking terrible character. Diversity hire at best.
>this is not enough
*Just cut the scene and fade to black llol*
He's a black slave and the lords of Westeros are traditionalist white aristocrats.
Plus he is going to the flesh eating butterflies. Unsullied be dead in a few years. Also what happened to the dorthaki?
I have not watched a single ep of GoT. I have only absorbed the plot from these tv threads.
How did the show end?
they even managed to butcher the actual GOOD characters. Grey worm never stood a chance.
This is the biggest head scrather for me, like the four Stark kids are just standing at the port all somber and shit about Jon's new exile but the unsullied are literally leaving the country three docks down, who fucking cares about the deal at that point? They are literally crossing the sea and P.S they dont have a single dragon anymore so fuck are they ever gonna do if they find out Jon stayed at Winterfell?
Dany kills hundreds of thousands
Jon kills Dany and fucks off to the nightswatch again
Bran Stark is king??? but doesn't seem to give a fuck
Tyrion is his hand
The rest is just character closure.
Creatively it made sense because we wanted it to happen.
>The Unsullied and Dothraki let the murderer of their queen live for weeks until a council of people they don't know democratically vote too let him free
>Bran Stark is king??? but doesn't seem to give a fuck
All that shit, and the random kid gets to be King?! That sounds like such a rip off. I would have been happier of the dwarf got it.
>Queen Dany starts sieging King's Landing, Greyworm follows suit
>Queen tells him to execute Lannister soldiers, Greyworm follows suit
>Queen murdered by lover with claim to the throne, Greyworm doesn't kill him because lack of Queen + succession question + Queenslayer = take him prisoner and allow the council to bring justice due to conflicting situation
Greyworm is honor taken to the nth extreme. Like Jaime was taken prisoner for killing his King and not murdered on the spot by Ned, Greyworm didn't murder the Queenslayer for various honor and succession reasons so there'd be a trial of sorts.
It's not rocket science.
>supposedly mad queen gets murdered
>his lackey in chief gets to walk scott-free and has a say in the kingdoms' deliberations to boot
why wasn't he thrown in jailed or murdered with the rest of the unsullied again?
it should have been obvious that the one character no one suspected would ever sit on any throne would be the one to get it. in the show it makes no fucking sense because aside from Sansa and tyrion no one there has a single fucking clue who Bran is or what the fuck is a three eyed raven so they have absolutely zero reason to vote for him.
of course the entire thing goes the shit with the North going independent anyway. Dorn and the Iron fags would have done the same fucking thing in an instant and in the case of Dorne there wouldn't be jack shit anyone could do about it since their forces are mostly intact while everyone else is weak as fuck
Unfortunately, the filmmakers decided "Oh, just do a simple fade to tie up the scenes" was the best technique.
My assumption is that Jon willingly turned himself in and confessed to his crime of assassination (very much in character) in a situation where no one could kill him. Maybe he turned himself in to Davos or his Northern army?
As far as Tyrion goes, he didn't actually assassinate the Queen and it was her choice to put him in the cell until she decided what to do with him and she died before she got the chance, so his chance of survival was slightly higher than Jon's.
What was weird to me was how they were letting a prisoner in chains lecture them on how to run the Kingdom, but maybe Sansa smoothed things over for him.
>and tyrion is hand of king
Did Bran warg black worm or something?
He was reasonably the highest ranking person remaining to represent Dany's army
Why did Grey Worm go to Naath, considering his flesh is gonna fall of his bones and he's gonna die in pain and suffering?
Bad writing is the answer to any questions you could ask about this shitfest of a show, writers who couldn't be bothered to read and probably found in dumpsters
>considering his flesh is gonna fall of his bones and he's gonna die in pain and suffering
all is permitted in love and war you dumb fag, a lil bit of sackin' and rapin' is perfectly normal when you invade a city
Naath is the only place on the entire world that's pacifist, and that's because it can't be invaded because it has a special breed of butterfly that Naathi are immune to but that causes anyone else to sweat blood and their flesh to fall off after they writhe in pain for a few days.
Tyrion was supposed to become the Hand as a punishment, because he didn't want to and would be reminded of all his mistakes and the grief he caused. The problem is that the writers are so incompetent that instead of showing him as a punished and somber man, he's literally back to making jokes in his first day of the job. Which means that Tyrion hasn't grown or learnt anything while getting away with it yet again.
same here
>mfw the writers just avoid doing a scene where GW, unsullied and Dothraki all let Jon live after they find out what he's done, for REASONS.
Sansa started the conspiracy, and gets to be Queen of the north.
'Oh, sorry Jon, we REALLY tried to get you something too!'.
You kidding? With the forces at his command, who were supposedly all true believers, he should have DEMANDED Jon and Tyrion's deaths - or even better, have just made the decision himself when there was no-one to stop him.
Plus jon could build up his wildling army
He actually followed dany for obvious reasons. He never pledged allegiance to the council you moron. Plus blackened shit isn't even relevant to his own culture/rules. Why would he let them do that to Jon?
Ned had big reasons for also wanting his king dead, exactly the opposite of Greyworm and Dany.
because he currently had possession of Jon and Tyrion? The others were the ones negotiating with Greyworm, he had all the pieces.
He should have just killed Jon and Tyrion right away instead of waiting a few weeks for the northerners to wander down.
None of it makes any sense. They've broken the wheel! But it's still one king for the n kingdoms, just with the north being special now because Littlefinger II demands it.
>Plus jon could build up his wildling army
>tfw Season 9 is going to be Jon conquering Westeros with Tormund et al
No shit. Didn't Varys help save Tyrion's life after the trial at King's Landing? This show is an assload of shit-covered balls.
Bran would make a wonderful king :^)
How could Bran even send him into exile when he wasn't even his subject to command? The North was independent and Jon was still its king.
Jon welcomed his exile and didn't want to come back. He killed the woman he loved, after naively waiting too long to betray her for the greater good, and never wanted to be in a position where he'd have to make that type of decision again. Thanks to his lineage and reputation, if he stayed in Winterfell or King's Landing, he would repeatedly be called upon to lead. What's more, even if he navigated those things, his descendants would still be a potential threat to undermine the rule of both Bran and Sansa's descendants depending on how widespread the knowledge of Jon's heritage became.
Grey Worm had Jon and tyrion as hostages. Apparently, the lords gathered there wanted to get the hostages and the city back, and were willing to negotiate with Grey Worm in order to avoid bloodshed. Grey Worm's terms turned out to be pretty reasonable, since he was apparently willing to fuck off if Jon was punished.
JON wants to go there, idiot. Plus Dorne and the others still want Jon's head. Jon was tired and wanted to see his buds, he even invites Arya to come over but she's going full Columbus.
varys is the main one
it was just varys and jaime that freed him
tyrion should have saved varys
>I'm not going to swear an oath I can't uphold. When enough people make false promises, words stop meaning anything. Then there are no more answers, only better and better lies
>Lords of Westeros wants Jon on the throne / will kill the Unsullied if he's harmed in any way
>Unsullied and Dothraki's want him dead
>Let's compromise and send him to the wall
>The Unsullied leave Westeros forever
10/10 writing.
Did you miss the whole "I got an army stationed outside this wall" threats from Sansa? If Jon was touched, Sansa was going to war and she has anime ninja on her side while he lost the dragon.
No, Jon and Davos even discussed how North and Vale together had fewer than 10,000 fighting men and we know the Wildlings were practically massacred before the Vale came at the battle of the bastards when they were maybe 2-3,000 fighting men. Then they fought against the dead. Wildlings are weak as fuck
>Lords of Westeros wants Jon of the throne
Literally who? Only Sansa and Tyrion (who was a prisoner) wanted him there. The rest were indifferent or demanded his fucking head for killing Dany. His sisters were shielding him and had made alliances to protect his ass.
The Ironborn (and Dorne?) want him dead too. Sure they can't go toe to toe with the rest of the continent... but word gets back to them that Jon's walking around Winterfell all willy-nilly, you can be sure they'd hire a Bronn type guy to kill him.