How bad can a cringey fanbase ruin an otherwise enjoyable cartoon?
/rick and morty general/
The 3rd season ruined the show, not the cringey redditors.
why did he turned himself into a pickle
the australian episode was the only good part
Was pickle rick a good episode?
It was fucking shit. The scene at the start is the least bad part of the show
I remember rewatching nearly every episode in the first 2 seasons and having no urge to rewatch anything from 3
How bad can a based fanbase fix an otherwise terrible cartoon?
All redditing aside, this episode was fucking hilarious.
Absolutely based
Second season was also kind of shit
it was killed by the B plots being hamfisted tryhard emotional family drama. None of it was funny or entertaining. Jerry and beth are terrible characters. Meg on family guy is more interesting than jerry.
pretty bad it seems
but its not as if this was the greatest show ever made
when you trick dumb people into thinking they're smarter than they are, you get into trouble
It's a fucking cartoon don't look too deep.
That goes for the people trying to find some deep meaning from the show. It's a cartoon chill.
I tries to hard to be deep sometimes though. And thats the worst part of the show
I dunno people keep telling me this but I didn't get that. You got a couple episodes with sad music but that's about it.
Came here to say this.
I've always defended the show despite it being extremely unpopular here due to association with some admittedly disgusting fans but I enjoyed the first two seasons.
The third season is a mess pulled in too many directions. It's like they lost control of the kingdom and now the nobles are running every little thing how they see fit.
Yeah. I just see it as a cartoon that sometimes makes me laugh. Sometimes they need to move the plot forward and play evil morty’s theme.
Only as much as you let them faggot :^)
Jerry did nothing wrong; he's just a man trying to live his life.
>Have stellar crew of writers
>Off them all because some SJW's made you feel guilty over the Internet
>Show quality tanks dramatically
It's a cautionary tale for future generations