ITT: Post your weather girls

Attached: IMG_20190509_171308.jpg (729x729, 163K)

Other urls found in this thread:

lol faggot

Damn son

best one i could find

Attached: weather.jpg (854x480, 50K)

>2019 watching tv

Attached: capture.png (1328x1050, 1.39M)

>He lives in a flyover

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Are their any lesser attractive weather women and what percentage of them are the equivalent of diversity hires?

she looks like she fucks chinks

Considering she's Canadian, more than likely she does.


She doesn't look like a weeb girl though

>he lives in a third world country

Our local wheather whore.

Attached: 0000064950.jpg (770x433, 70K)


Attached: mayte carranco.jpg (1280x720, 131K)

dios mio

Nah, if you watch the videos she has saggers. The bra is doing all the work. It comes off and those tits are past her belly button. Might as well fuck an old lady.




If the 5th biggest economy in the entire world is a 3rd world country, what does that make the shanty town you live in?

just outted yourself as a virgin

I'm not in it for gravity, I'm in it for grabbity.

i love big, saggy tits

No little virgin. No one likes nasty saggers. It means the tit fat is mush. There's no firmness to it, no perk. Just tube socks filled with jello dangling from her chest.

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sure thing, incel

>tfw you can tell a poster has only fondled their grandma

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Any fellow high test Mississippians here?

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>lowest standard of living in the country
>shit and needles on the streets
>home of the fags

Most of LA was a shanty town, but I blame that on niggers and spics

Try it. You know you're curious. You've always wanted to know what it felt like. So get to it.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

>tfw you can tell a poster has fondled their own tits

Attached: turtle butt.gif (262x323, 1.34M)

thats just fat, cletus

Attached: Xdd+so+funny+lel+top+kek+xdxdxdxdxdxdxdxd+_db75f275bd5776b3bf149cae8452ad65.jpg (599x449, 38K)

This chick looks like she's really fun after a couple beers.

Image being this dumb.

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she got fit

Attached: Mayté-Carranco-Feet-4062138.jpg (699x699, 72K)

Good lord I want more

Attached: file.png (780x405, 830K)

I don't care what anyone says, you beaners are alright.

This is complete bullshit. No woman in California has worn a dress or a skirt in over 6 years. They only wear pants and shorts.

Lyndsay is so sweet

Low test, small penis spotted

am i supposed to be impressed by that "ass"?
fuck off

In my country there is a transgender weather"girl" on one of the channels. My dad won't watch the channel anymore because of it. It has a Adam's apple the size of a rooster's head.

imagine unironically living in a state with a mexican name where like half of the cities also have mexican names and basically everyone is mexican even your weather girl lol

Germany? Sweden? Canada?

I love all the spic ones, brainwashing girls everywhere to dress like whores

That's what the kikes want for every single city in the world, immense urban sprawls filled with cheap brainwashed consumerist subhuman labor, while they and their cryptokike servants live in the hills or high rises behind guards and gates.


>All I can do is spout memes I heard from other shitposters
>Where I live is so shit I try to make everywhere else seem like a shithole too

It was nice talking to you friendo

>u-ur just memeing!
kek we all know it's true, fag
cry more

Yes to the first.

why is the mascot disappearing

le thanos face

Attached: c43.jpg (1200x1173, 201K)

Based and Buckspilled

>having a weather girl instead of a weather man that actually knows what the fuck he's doing and giving you actual first hand knowledge real time

Attached: IMG_20190509_171838.jpg (1494x1619, 373K)

>here, read this
Hard job.

Would rather be a virgin than fuck some saggy skank

Wish granted

My sister is a weather girl

Post her ass and/or titties.

Just wait until I get my powers

Webm please

Post her feet and/or tummy.

seattle reporting in

Attached: DaWc-jhU8AAMkPi.jpg (1080x1094, 128K)

Post her liver and/or fava beans.

Attached: Sky.jpg (800x828, 102K)


Attached: janeb.jpg (576x576, 223K)

Forest Heights checking in bros

Attached: 1557278812078.png (289x175, 99K)

She’s got huge assets

Attached: 44DC67D2-9D39-4690-B4D5-60EF048A4F53.jpg (554x554, 49K)

Based and Lecterpilled

Fucking hell

>fava beans
I just ate some

Why no gifs or webms!?

Everyone needs a bosom for a pillow

Link video

I don't know it's true. Cite your sources.
>infographics and image macros are not sources

Attached: mayte carranco 2.gif (400x225, 1.9M)


Praise Mexico for putting these sluts on the air.

i love how roasties get this easy job with high pay. and they still get orbiters craving to service them.

it is the best thing next to porn

Attached: 497.jpg (177x278, 9K)

Every rich guy wants a trophy wife, even if it's just the weather girl

This is my Milwaukee weather forecaster of choice. Also, sup SE Wisconsin anons lol

Attached: g5fs0-1496454249-61115-blog-10532129_G.jpg (640x360, 41K)


That bitch is homely as fuck

imagine the semen leaking form her puss

Maybe the browning of America isn't TOO bad.

wtf did she eat a cloud

Attached: 1553374214063s.jpg (118x125, 2K)

Looks like she haunts a library

Sup bro. What channel is this? CBS58? I'm a fox6 guy.

for me, it's Dagmar

Attached: DekMmepUwAA8oc3.jpg (814x1024, 194K)

cute as a mugg, i want to fugg

We also have a one-armed weather girl. For body diversity, I suppose.

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Are you sure she hasn't been in an adult film cuz GOD DAAAAAMMMMNN

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Based Rosemary

Attached: werwer.gif (450x288, 533K)

>Dr. Weatherman? I’m BUCK

God I love Latino television, they practically get pornstar looking girls for their news shows.

Attached: one armed weather girl.jpg (736x413, 41K)

I don't need her for her hands anyways.




She's a Bong weather girl, if that's what you're unsure of.

You lads are forgetting about one of the best buts in the bussiness.

Attached: yanet.png (730x401, 123K)

You just KNOW

>I still only fuck Chads, sorry anons.

I don't know why she wouldn't, she's still hot. Not that any adults actually say "chads."

Sorry. Forgot to also post this.

Attached: YanetGarciaass.gif (279x500, 2.71M)

This gif always makes me smile. Cool trips btw

Ah, un homme de goût

> It's a Brittany Chase scene

Attached: 1558275871432.jpg (410x452, 22K)

>Hi, Ant. Call me!

Attached: jill_nicolini_6.jpg (400x266, 43K)

>When she doesn't want you to have a job
>or play video games
>or watch prime kino

so do all you little 3 foot goblins sit at home and beat off to this?

Pretty cruel of them to not green screen her another

>no Dylan Dreyer and her perfect ass


holy crap I'd wife and pump full of bro-gurt every night

Pretty much this.

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Fucking go outside for once then, incel. See for yourself.

shes not a weather lady idiot

fucking hell lad

Tom Hañks

Attached: funny-gif-Tom-Hanks-dancing.gif (320x197, 1.86M)

wtf i love sinaloa now

i want the wall built and illegals deported

but god damn the year i spent in mexico working was amazing. i would literally eat shit out of the asses of half the woman there, goddesses

this was in monterrey and the locals i was working with told me the areas we were hanging out in were richer/whiter than the rest of the country but still. it was amazing

Do weather girls worldwide exist exclusively to arouse the sexual urges of horny TV CEOs and directors and aging grandpas too old to use a computer?

Finding a weather girl wearing anything that could be described as remotely profesional is like finding a straight unicorn in a galaxy-sized haystack.

Attached: file.png (1170x600, 748K)

based and mestizopilled

how else do you expect to get up in the morning?

No you retard. They’re there to promote the station and attract attention. We would even be talking about it if the women weren’t hot / notable.

>Implying I'm gonna get cable exclusively to watch some fucking news channel just because there's tits and ass on screen telling me to put on a rain coat cause my pp is making it rain from how hot it is.
Cable is dying and I have Pornhub on my pc.
You can even watch it on your phone.

My penis tells me when it's time to fap.

Attached: weatherwoman.jpg (1024x576, 493K)

She's got some of the worst knees I've seen since Nam'.

Not messing around

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Fuck off to /s/ with this beta virgin fawning cancer.

fucking lol, looks like she just got picked up from the beach.

so fucking hot

This 100x

I agree with you. Deport em all, but goddamn I would fucking love to ravage some Castizo if I ever went to MX.

> Goblina face
No thank you

t. white roastie

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>100 posts in before Yanet gets posted
Fuck this Reddit board

>americans actually watch the weather report because thots
you guys are weird

Plebians OUT

Attached: download.jpg (780x464, 54K)

>make fun of Americans
>half the weather sluts here are Mexican
Oh my god, the absolute state of anti America posters.

It's just incredibly insincere.

No one gives a shit about the weather. If you really care about the weather you can just go to and look up relatively accurate statistics and prognostics about it and actually have time to look them over before they're off the screen.

If they really cared about the shitty-as-fucking weather they'd display the info as it is.
But no. One day, someone horny invented this strange ritual where hot-as-fuck women must occupy half-of the screen and pretend they're not meat put on display while they happily blare out data nobody watchig gives to dicks about.

I've yet to see a porn where the whole plot is set on a news studio and all of the newswomen get railed by big, producer cock.
But the day will come. They day will come when Mankind will deliver.

It's not Americans from the US, but everyone in the whole American continent save maybe for Canada, and I'm sure plenty exist on other Thirld World countries.

Attached: file.png (634x629, 513K)

She's on the BBC, user.

I'm American and even I know that


Nothing hotter than a woman with massive tits trying to cover them up with conservative clothing

Attached: Mallory Brooke.png (309x387, 226K)


my country is pretty lame when it comes to weather girls but at least even the ones that are actual meteorologists are cute

>I've yet to see a porn where the whole plot is set on a news studio and all of the newswomen get railed by big, producer cock.
>But the day will come. They day will come when Mankind will deliver.
I have seen at least two JAVs with this exact premise. One with Kaho Shibuya.
I'm at work right now but if this thread's still here in 11 hours I'll post you the magnet

Couldn’t find a tv shot but here’s a good one

Attached: 99833E2D-04FC-4216-9D4F-CEF93EF2199E.jpg (1080x1350, 148K)

Attached: 1523456.webm (1000x440, 2.87M)

Maybe actually getting her tits out and edging a man's frenulum with her nips on live tv would be hotter idk haha

We're gonna make it, hermanos!

best girl

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Jesus fucking Christ. This thread is going to kill me.

reminder this thot's BF dumped her to focus on playing professional /vidya/

>reminder this thot's BF dumped her to focus on playing professional /vidya/
Well, shit. How bad of a GF do you have to be to make a guy want to focus all of his time on professional gaming?

reporting for duty. gladly leave this world by letting a healthy sized, corn fed mommy weather girl sit on my face.

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What do her panties smell like

kys you stupid fucking nigger kike

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so your weather whore is a jojo character

Top mommy


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lmao fuck off, dumping the hottest weather girl in the world to play vidya is an alpha chad move, she came back to shitty beaner morning tv shows

Yes. It's great.


Attached: turn to the right.gif (500x750, 2.87M)

i can see my home town

dios mio

she sometimes does weather but Canada usually has women dong traffic.

Attached: Jordan Hertner.webm (960x540, 2.89M)

Best girl.

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she cute

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In my country all the forecasters are actual meteorologists so there's no actual whores, have a meme guy instead (the guy fucking about, not the mustache man)

Yo, mind if I make yours infinitely worse real quick okay thanks

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My local wall hitting roastie

Attached: maira-rothe-geburtstag-3.jpg (840x614, 62K)

>tfw he's the nicest dude in the world
>tfw his brother is the piece of shit that ran Enron
The Skilling family is really strange

The full title is “My Little Sister is a Weather Girl in This Demon Lord’s World”

Attached: UlGXQxN.jpg (1200x675, 76K)

Half the girls posted ITT are meteorologists, just hotter.

I see my weatherman every friday at the local dive bar.
Dude is super chill and plays good songs on touchtunes


Attached: naked news.gif (330x250, 1.36M)

Local weather girl, yes she is very hot.

Attached: FB_IMG_1558414377428.jpg (1080x1350, 166K)

also nude leaks because reasons

Attached: Leotta.jpg (768x432, 40K)

Post her penis and/or balls


>No Pamela Longoria
You had one job

god i wish i were a weather roastie

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This mad lad.

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would fucking hate dating this

Name and where do you live?

Ha ha no way that’s crazy! I gotta see her. Name plz. Or post a pic I can’t believe this lol!

it's not fair that latinas have such amazing thighs/hips

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Midwest mommy

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forecasting heavy precipitation in my pants


I love watching her

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Fuck that's HOT

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Attached: liberte-chan_86828.jpg (1080x1080, 749K)

Disgusting hag

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does she point with the stump


>6 and a half hours later
How long did that thought take versus how long it took you to type it?

Something about news/weather women.. i wanna fuck them all bros

God damn, easily the hottest here
9/10 face
10/10 body
10/10 feet

She (Demetria Obilor) was our traffic chick here in Las Vegas for a while and a bunch of ugly fat cunts on Facebook or the news website would call her outfits inappropriate.
They just couldn't handle this thicc ebony goddess in the morning.

Attached: do.jpg (400x400, 31K)

Lovely Northern lass.

I will never stop loving her.

Attached: chinatown.jpg (480x640, 48K)

Lovely chubbers

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Attached: zoo.jpg (768x1024, 183K)

They could even give her a robot hand

>mfw im not the samefag

Attached: bigstock-Fist-Painted-In-Colors-Of-Us-S-29676311-missouri-1200.png (1200x628, 153K)

>240 posts in
>No Marika


Attached: 2dc1242a0d30e6d78299582c393a3a95.jpg (1000x1501, 142K)

You're going to piss yourself?

Actually have sex

I bet that based little guy beat that pussy up later that day.

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muh diqq muhfugga uh fuqqin diqq muh diqq niqqa

This guy has been doing it for decades here.

Attached: qt.jpg (900x506, 72K)

And this is his son.

Attached: qtv2.jpg (750x499, 40K)


Attached: lb4KjP0[1].jpg (1394x745, 283K)

haha, I came here to post this

>Santa Rosa
>San Rafael
>San Mateo
>San Jose

Attached: weather girl.jpg (1366x768, 215K)

Uh hello

Attached: ornella-fleury.jpg (485x486, 35K)

>sarah knox
more like sarah knockers

any feet pics?

checked and kekked

SCOOOORCHIIOOO heth heth heth

Attached: scorchioo.jpg (480x360, 13K)


fuck /s/ those guys are literally who
is where it's at


Is that cheryl scott

my biby

Attached: theCUteNose.png (217x259, 105K)

She's a UK weather presenter who sometimes doubles as a news presenter.

Attached: keeley_don0van.webm (958x496, 1.75M)

Finally someone posted my weatherfu i unironically would marry her over anyone in hollywood

its weird how i like double clicked so it opened and closes real quick but just seeing her face for that 0.2seconds i knew she was british.
What is it.. i mean she doesn't look bad

lel, here you have to have a master's degree in meteorology (well, technically atmospheric physics) to be a weathergirl/weatherman

the bimbo ones can have met degrees. you can do like beauty pageants>met major at college>weather girl

>making me google pornstar when I'm at work

that might be a bit different compared to a uni level physics degree

Just like Milwaukee.

>fox weather
not spain

Better post your weather dads!

Attached: 13900849832220.jpg (720x576, 56K)

Midlife crisis weatherman

>college isn't like uni
you fucking idiot

the fuck you're even foaming about? lmao
none of these bimbos did calculus or real physics in school that's for sure



Attached: austria.png (1175x991, 1.79M)

best shelter thread on Yea Forums

shut up esl retard you don't even know what the words mean

>american education

But Missouri is a shithole. At least be one of the flyover states that commits.

Attached: 1552426339484.jpg (300x300, 10K)

moar like MAMMARY Brooke amirite?



Attached: Norm close.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

Dios mio

ITT: Americans are surprised that women in other countries show skin.

Holy shit I hate burgers.

give a name man sweet lord

Attached: 1549395861512.jpg (736x736, 48K)

She should cut the end off.

Many cute girls here, but my favourite useless woman on a TV is that blonde chick with the cheeky smile from those British gameshows
Her big fat ass isn't bad either


Attached: 9A8F49ED-C80D-42C8-A497-99D697AAA8D3.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

what african country is this?

maria sol perez

Attached: yQ4O4boYTnfLstFdefkBRj4g7rTmA-947o58yfkMlLw.jpg (644x767, 74K)


Also check em

Attached: 0000064945.jpg (790x444, 73K)

manufactured insta thot

Fox 2 Bay Area has some milfs. This chick, heather holmes, and gasia mikaelian.

yeah i was kinda disappointed after finding it out as well, nice ass tho

She looks like she fucks big bucks.

Post her wrists and ankles

Attached: 32423d9bf6376186eea4d879edfe260a--carol-kirkwood-bbc-tv[1].jpg (736x900, 64K)

77,000 piece orchestra set. Now, that's too big.

Grew up in lake Geneva

Is she still around 10/11 News?

Attached: c'est la M E T E O.png (894x521, 948K)


Wat? Wo?

Attached: neger_bitte.jpg (350x350, 13K)

That would be hilarious haha

what did he mean by this

Why do they report the weather for a part of Russia on Ukrainian TV?


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Best Weather Girls