You're quite a large chap
You are a fellow of considerable stature.
Not a soul was concerned with my identity until I donned the vizard.
The first individual to speak may remain on my aeroplane.
Should I watch the Wire just because Aiden is in it?
Of course
is an airship retard
I do say quite a bit of loyalty for a gun for hire
Alas, m'good fellow, you shall doth declare to me, for what particular purpose doth sir Baneius Maxim Dubbshire don his facial apparel?
For your persona.
plentiful fealty for a mere hireling
hearthy chuckle
for thou...
en garde!
But it is a more old-timey way to say it. Way to misunderstand the meme, autismo.
dead meme general? this shit is starting to get pathetic lmao
You're a rather loyal gent for a mere underling
inform me the location of the deceased corpse
Get thee hence warmskull!
so display me it's cadaver
no it isn't
This meme will never die faggit
Would it be quite agonizing if I pried that off?
Were I to remove said respirator, would one perish?
T'would be quite excruciating.
Indeed, dearest Satan, 'twould.
indoubably for thou
>dead meme general
this phrase has literally become a sub-meme of baneposting. baneposting is eternal. it will keep decreasing in volume but it will always see spikes and will have collabs with other Yea Forums memes.
>mfw there are actually people in this thread that have never heard of or seen Taboo
>mfw people don't remember HMmm careful posting
>mfw no face
You are a gent of exceptional girth?
Have sex, each and everyone of you
marvel fag wished they had one meme, that wasn't reddit tier
Ah, perro caca. A classic Yea Forumsee meme.