So...what the fuck happens with the Dokhtraki now...?

So...what the fuck happens with the Dokhtraki now...?

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They peacefully immigrated to Westeros and mixed with the locals, helping bring down the tyrannical system of kings and leading the way to a mixed race democratic paradise.

Grey Worm drops them back off in Essos I guess?
They sure as hell aren't going to Naarth, and no one mentioned them staying in Westeros

Fucked every westerosi woman and gave them beautiful mixed race babies

They go to the undying land with the unsullied, the dragon and dany's body

They go extinct

They peacefully go home and give up on the idea of world domination as a crazy pipe dream

It’s true. Westeros women have Dokhtraki melanin receptors all over the insides of their pussies. It’s why dicklet Westeros men can’t please them and they decided to allow the Stallion Dokhtraki men to say. D&D confirmed it in a post production interview.

they're going to rape some wives and enslave some children

Their usefulness ended so they kinda forgot they kinda forgot they all died at Winterfell.


They return to being useless sand niggers

what happens to drogon will he search for some dragon pussy or just eat the entire ecosystem until he has a heart attack

Attached: drogon.jpg (1920x1200, 420K)

They were walking around all peacefully at the end, showing that immigrants integrate immediately and perfectly. Westeros was DOTHRAKED over the course of the next 200 years and white tyranny was ended forever. The end.

have sex

They became doctors and engineers

Westeros just sort of forgot about them

Any good gay porn of Dothraki guys?

dabid's going to put them in the next star trek.

They convert to Islam.


Weren't almost all the Dothraki annihilated? Most likely scenario is that the ones left just became mercenaries, probably in Essos since Westeros sure as shit wouldn't want them hanging around. Controlling the massive Dothraki Sea with what few numbers they had left seems impossible.

Of course, D&D decided it wasn't important to let us know what happened to these people who had been around since season 1, so I guess we'll never really know.

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Dragons don't fuck in GRRMs world, they lay eggs asexually like snails

What was Dothraki supposed to represent in real world? Turks or Mongols?

>desert savage nomads
>cowboy leather boots
Holy shit this show was garbage.


member when game of thrones had other colors except gray?


Bad writing

they go home as fucking legends lol, for real these guys have been pillaging and raping the world for the last 8 seasons and have some serious body counts. they will be hailed as gods in their homeland

Mongols + Indians

mongols or tatars

Mongols mixed with other various shitskins

Ehat the hell are ypu talking about?
Snails do fuck even if they are hermaphrodites.

They became peaceful farmers and put the sickle to the corn.

They just had a 10/10 vacation, clearly go home with some sex slaves.

i dont get it is casterly rock not kings landing


Attached: swecucks.webm (1024x576, 2.99M)

Dothraki followed Jon beyond the wall, since he killed their khaleesi, he is their new khal now

Tatars are Mongolized Cumans.

Man, westeros is so small. It's like they were fighting over england this whole time and even if the dead killed everyone in westeros, they wouldn't have been able to travel the sea to mainland europe so it didn't really matter in the end. Arya's gonna go find america and create the glorious US of A.


It takes up a third of the known world so I wouldn't call it small

They became Doctors, Teachers, and Businessmen.

>Arya's gonna go find america and create the glorious US of A.
If only she can past Kurast a.k.a. Sothoryos.

The 5 Forts looks like possible kino.

Jon killed their Khaleesi and became their new Khan

They become the new crows and serve the king in the north

Love this pasta everytime

>the known world

That's just to westeros-centric thinkers. The world is vast and there's a huge landmass to the east of the map with millions of people with more advanced civilizations they don't even know about.

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Why are the Dothraki seen as actual threats besides large numbers, which they don‘t really have anymore? Unlike the actual Mongols and Huns they don‘t seem to have tactics that go beyond „ride them down“, which is a pretty shit decision when we see the even the Boltons being able to use shield walls. The southern kingdoms have advanced weaponry and armor compared to the Dothraki, it seems line their reputation mainly stems from attacking merchant cities which could only afford small mercenary units and thus were at a major numbers disadvantage.

Martin isnt known for his subtletly

Conan the barbarian

you know they represents all of the steppe people. parthians, scythians, turks, mongols, huns, the list goes on.

By right of conquest shouldnt they and the unsullied be following Jon?

the dickless niggs are literal NPC mercenary for hire they follow whoever owns them

>season 9 is Arya race mixing with some brindled men

they despawn

>The Dothraki now go back to Essos and round up some slaves to sell to Meeren and Astapor which have now gone back to their old ways
Dany accomplished nothing!

um, they're seen doing shit that the steppe people did like standing atop their horse in strange positions to fuck people up. this was done by the steppe people regardless of inferior armor from antiquity.

look up the mongol invasions of poland and hungary where they rekt medieval armor-clad knights two days apart from one another.

This type of weird shit was done by the steppe archers all the time. they'd also swing down to one side of the horse and fire arrows from underneath the horse's chin.

>besides large numbers,

>A key feature of the invasion was the speed and uncertainty of the Mongol advances. Though the full Polish forces were far larger than the meager two Mongol tumens (12-20,000 men)[2] assigned to defeat them, the Mongols attacked from multiple axes before the Polish armies could merge into one united force. As a result, the Mongols defeated multiple piecemeal Polish armies in various battles and skirmishes who lacked the time to properly organize.

cavalry archers have a major advantage due to their speed and mobility. they can be flinging arrows at you as they charge at you, as they retreat from you, pretty much at all times they will be flinging arrows at you like a swarm of fucking bees.

not to mention their favorite tactic is the feigned retreat and subsequent flanking.

faster troops ALWAYS will flank the shit out of you.

Honestly I thought they were building up to Dany having them all killed in her big speech scene, with her thanking them for fighting for her, then immediately starting to talk about how there's still evil and tyranny in the world that needs to be dealt with. Considering how the Dothraki are just a bunch of murderous raiders, and how they were partially responsible for how massive the slave trade in Essos was with all the civilizations they pillaged. Could have been one last good moment to show her really going over the edge by butchering men who are all loyal to her because of how they were evil in the past. Instead they did nothing with them, and just ignored what happened to them after Dany died, even after having a whole season showing how incompatible they are with other cultures.

The Mongols were actually intelligent human beings that afapted to their enemy though, the Dothraki are only shown doing the same thing over amd over again, with dragon artillery and Unsillied infantry to do the actual damage.
The Mongols also had the major advantage of attacking the Rus kingdoms after a string of bloody wars, so they gained a ton of land from an already weakened enemy. The Dothraki meanwhile lost their leader, their only capable ally who supplies infantry and the dragon artillery. They can harass small settlements like they used to, but akin to many nomad tribes in history they would just get stomped on by an actually organized army.
The nomads beating the civilized meme is horseshit, the few famously succesful nomadic tribes always fought a weakened enemy. Nobody remembers the countless nomadic tribes almost every emire in history just exterminated at the hight of their power.

Welfare programs and lots of milk of the poppy.

The main reason the Mongols beat the Rus wasn't that the latter were weakened, it was because the various princes couldnn't get their shit together if their lives depended on it (which they did). When you have half the army deciding to pursue the enemy while the rest is trotting five miles behind trying to get to the field of battle, shit is bound to go awry.
Plus many adversaries were in quite a good shape when the Mongols showed up (see Kwarzemians)
Lack of leadership and falling over and over for the feigned retreat is what allowed mongols to wipe the floor with everyone, being "weakened" doesn't really mean anything here.

Teue on the leadership front, but the Rus really wouldn‘t have had a chance even with competwnt leaders adter all the infighting.
However, my main point is that the Mongols were actually intelligent actors, unlike the Dothraki. The Japanese invasion may have failed but the Mongols at least tried it (a few times too many), the Dothraki wouldn‘t even dream of crossing water before dragon bitch showed up. There‘s no way the Dothraki are an actual threat to Westeros, they probably all got slaughtered after the Bran scenes while they were still in thw city.

>The nomads beating the civilized meme is horseshit,


>The Huns were a confederation of Eurasian tribes from the Steppes of Central Asia. Appearing from beyond the Volga River some years after the middle of the 4th century, they conquered all of eastern Europe, ending up at the border of the Roman Empire in the south, and advancing far into modern day Germany in the north. Their appearance in Europe brought with it great ethnic and political upheaval and may have stimulated the Great Migration. The empire reached its largest size under Attila between 447 and 453.

not to mention the Xiongnu that prompted china to build their great wall int he first place.

the mongols were the ultimate steppe people. they represent the most refined and best of thousands of years of steppe nomads. they were also a pure meritocracy.

the Rus victory is not as impressive as that of Hungary and Poland. They absolutely rekt organized formations of medieval knights.

You're right that they adapted to siege warfare and broke into China starting their own dynasty under Kublai Khan, and could have fucked Japan if it wasn't for the typhoon.

But we can't forget that the mongols are the product of thousands of years of steppe adaptation and improvement. Oh and then there's pic related.

Attached: 220px-Subudei.jpg (220x330, 24K)

They vanished into thin air.

>but the Rus really wouldn‘t have had a chance
You never know, user, Jawal Ad-Deen managed to beat an entire force with a bunch of rag-wearing Afghans he had found in a tavern the week prior after fleeing in exile. But that's an entirely different debate, although the Mongols are a fascinating topic
>There‘s no way the Dothraki are an actual threat to Westeros
Of course not, they wouldn't even be able to mount supply trains for their arrows, let alone build siege engines
>Germanic petty kingdoms

Based subutai for greatest general

>a third of the known world

We don't know how big the actual world is. This could be nothing.

turks were not steppe people you retard

>>Germanic petty kingdoms

these were roman kingdoms you know? the huns were fighting roman provinces. both western and eastern rome.

>melanin is oozed by the penis skin in every intercourse session

Lmao. Are you retarded?

dragons can be male or female in martins world, gender switch if needs to be done

They were though. Or do you think Turks originated from Anatolia?

>turks were not steppe people you retard
The state of amerimutt education

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>thinks modern day turkey is where all turks have lived in for eternity

jesus christ, read a book or at least wiki

ctrl+f 'turk'
27 results

shit, you should at least know the uyghurs christ.

>They fought an army of undead shits and basically conquered all of Westeros for at least 5 minutes
Honestly they were the only guys who had fun


>Subutai's first chance at independent command came in 1197, when he was just 22 years old. This boon occurred during the war against Genghis Khan's most hated enemy, the Merkit. Subutai's role was to act as the vanguard and defeat one of the Merkit camps at the Tchen River. Subutai refused Genghis Khan's offer for extra elite troops, and instead traveled to the Merkit camp alone, posing as a Mongol deserter. Subutai managed to convince the Merkits that the main Mongol army was far away, and they were in no danger. As a result, the Merkit lowered their guard and limited their patrols, allowing the Mongols to easily surprise and encircle the Merkits, capturing two generals.[10] This is evidence that even in his formative years, Subutai was a highly unorthodox general who found innovative ways to cheaply solve problems with few casualties. He also served as a commander of the vanguard with distinction in the 1204 battle against the Naiman that gave the Mongols total control over Mongolia.

this is some duskendale selmy shit man + 20 good men + i don't even know

Bronze Age Aryan invaders.

I think we can‘t overlook how essential the meritocracy aspect was, and Gengis himself of course. That‘s why the Mongols are a bad comparison to the Dothraki, who are basically nothing more than a bunch of brigands with horses.

Yeah, the Huns managed to poke the cadaver that was the Western Roman Empire. Literally everyone did that, including the Romans themselves. At that point you could become emperor if you had two friends and had acces to at least one pointy stick to stab someone with.

Eh, Afghan magic, those damn mountains are cursed in some way.


These vicious, domineering people who recognize nothing but strength gave up and peacefully left Westeros after their monarch died.

Casterly rock is the Lannisters home I believe, whereas Kings landing was the capital, where the king resided.

I don't see them beating shit on this map. Actual grand scale battles with the Empires were pretty rare, and the most important one ended with the Huns getting eternally BTFO.

Attached: Hun_Empire.jpg (618x473, 69K)

Why are Americans so fucking dumb, bros?

parthians or scythians. basically, indo-aryan steppe nomads.

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Hopefully someone will kill the flying rat and hang his head on a wall.

>unsullied did this but have no balls
>Grey Worm's face when

Mongols mixed with various Native American memes. The series is written by an old white guy so he threw a few brown people cultures in a melting pot and called it a day

This. BBC wins again whitebois

they were beating everything on that map, which forced the germanic tribes towards rome, which forced rome to fall.

one can argue if it were not for the huns, rome would have lasted another 300 years easily.

>I think we can‘t overlook how essential the meritocracy aspect was, and Gengis himself of course. That‘s why the Mongols are a bad comparison to the Dothraki, who are basically nothing more than a bunch of brigands with horses.

i agree that the mongols are a bad comparison in particular. however, the mongols are part of a long long history of nomadic steppe people who rekt shit everywhere they went.

Eat goats and sheep, burn thatched roof cottages, hoard gold and treasure, terrorize peasant villages across the world for eons until some some random knight eventually slays him miraculously. Pretty much your standard run of the mill Dragon shit.

g*Rmans + huns

Drogon will get a job as the oven at Hot Pie's new bakery.

well Danny the Khalissi named all riders bloodriders so if her khalissar follow the tradition, they should all kill them self when Danny died.


have sex, pajeet

It's suppose to be of the same size as south America

Yes they are, in the same way the Romans or British were part of a long history of civilized people who rekt shit everywhere they went. The winner usually is decided by factors outside the battlefield, like political stability, disease, etc., and competent leadership. But I guess in terms of GoT one could make the argument that nobody left alive is competent, so I guess whoever gets a cough first loses.

funny. the myth of the centaur came to be when the first men tamed and rode the horse in the oaxis valley. before then, all the other faggots just used horses for chariots and other shit.

Everyone is going to have to wait 15 or so fucking years to get the novel version of the story, ungrateful pieces of shit.

I don't know about you but the Dothraki seem REALLY REALLY gay. You can't have that much masculinity without running into issues with all the musk 24/7 and eventually batting for the other side.

He is obviously going Yeen to fight giant apes and get someone to use blood magic to bring dany back

>I don't know about you but football players seem REALLY REALLY gay. You can't have that much masculinity without running into issues with all the musk 24/7 and eventually batting for the other side.

I'm not a detective, but I think you caught the gay

moreso the brits, french, and germans. i mean, the french were simply gauls and celts, and the brits were a mix of anglo-saxons, and late normans (ie. french). the germans, in particular, weren't even unified as a nation until 1871. yet their culture and blood goes as deep as that of arminius who defeated 3 roman legions in tuetoberg forest.

>civilized people
they weren't civilized, not in the sense that rome was. they were still 'barbarians' and mostly pagan, however they knew how to fight and in ways that the romans were not privy to. the romans excelled in flat terrain where their formations kept everything in order. this was not the case in this muddy forest on a narrow path with overstretched lines of roman legionnaires that were ripe for having javelins reigned down on them. not to mention having waterlogged shields and armor.

so who's suppose to be Prussia in this fantasy HRE?

Khal Drogo doesn't look Asian.

the steppe people had lots of interesting admixtures. for instance, genghis khan was red haired.

but yes, none of the dothraki looked even close to east asian/mongolian. they most likely were indo-aryans, which makes sense given their geographic location as persia is pretty much that region of essos if we were to consider westeros to be europe.

i'm persian and dressed as khal drogo for halloween 9 years ago and it was a perfect match.

biggest irony is that jason momoa is closer to asian (polynesian/hawaiian) than he is to being persian/indo-aryan. but yes, i agree with you for the msot part.


the huns and mongols pretty much look like your typical chink. So the Dothraki definitely don't look asian.

So is King's Landing multiculti now?

>genghis khan was red haired

Attached: Genghis-Khan.jpg (393x384, 23K)

he'll fly to erabor

why is a non-painted statue your evidence of him not having red hair?

look up central asians. they're an admixture of a bunch of ethnic groups, bro.

Lord Bran deported the wildlings, sullied, dothraki and all mythical creatures, and founded the Council of White Men to defend the realms of man.

Like you said, steppe people are a genetic mishmash. Some look more asian and some look more caucasian. It's the geographical genetic meeting point between the two major races.

Are you one of those non-Asians thinking they were Khans. Like blacks thinking they were kangz?

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huh? what? i'm persian, so i am asian. just not east or central asian. i have enough history, boy. no need to pretend to be kangz.

Not him, and I don't know about Genhis himself, but tons of people in western Asia look not quite white but not quite "Asian" either, with red, brown or blonde hair.

I read that as well. Then again, Muhammad also had supposedly red hair.

Yea and I also read the first Egyptians are Southeast Asian because they have squinty eyes.

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The few that stayed in Westeros will mix with the europeans and the dothraki race will disappear in a few generations.

honestly, my money is on scythians/sarmatians:

>Early physical analyses have unanimously concluded that the Scythians, even those in the east (e.g. the Pazyryk region), possessed predominantly "Europid" features, although mixed 'Euro-mongoloid" phenotypes also occur, depending on site and period.[115]

>Like the Scythians, Sarmatians were of a Caucasoid appearance. Sarmatian noblemen often reached 1.70–1.80 m (5 ft 7 in–5 ft 11 in) as measured from skeletons. They had sturdy bones, long hair and beards.[citation needed]

>In the late 2nd or early 3rd century AD, the Greek physician Galen declared that Sarmatians, Scythians and other northern peoples had reddish hair.[31] They are said to owe their name (Sarmatae) to it.[32]

>The Alans were a group of Sarmatian tribes, according to the Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus. He wrote, "Nearly all the Alani are men of great stature and beauty, their hair is somewhat yellow, their eyes are frighteningly fierce".[18]

>being this fucking retarded

I wonder what the first guy who saw that thought.

>Yea and I also read the first Egyptians are Southeast Asian because they have squinty eyes.

epicanthic folds are no where depicted in ancient egyptian archeological finds. they used eyeliner, that accentuated their eyes, but this is not what you think it is.