What was your favorite part of the last episode? Pic related.
What was your favorite part of the last episode? Pic related
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When Dany was alive, smiling and telling Jon the history about the Throne and swords
>Elects a man anyway
What's the point of this twitter post.
Holy shit BASED
Ramsay did nothing wrong.
I want to put a baby in Sophia.
Is that an Indian or a nogger? Asking for a friend
It's been on my mind for a while, bros:
Are women even human?
when he took the throne
>be Edmure
>Fight your whole life for the Tullys and Starks
>Be a caring and compassionate husband and a devoted uncle
>Your bitch niece who was rapes, did nothing and somehow is an icon of feminine power tells you to sit the fuck down
>You do it like a little bitch because the script says you have to
What a botch job.
if you have to ask..
depends on whether or not you consider NPCs human
Show Edmure was a fucking joke. He deserved the putdown
Drogon burned down the iron throne.
But then it dawned on me. The Iron Throne isn't handicap accessible
Mine was when she said "... Ever since you were a little boy with a bastard's name and I a little girl who couldn't count to twenty."
I finally understood what this jonaerys stuff was about.
>tfw she will never humiliate you in front of your peers
damn lads
I knOw sO fuCkiN pOwerFul..
HaVe SEx lol
Sansa is low key one of the biggest Mary Sue's I've ever seen.
People in general are mostly shit but let me say it that way: If 30% of men are cunts, then 90% of women are cunts. The chances for a woman to be bitch are a lot more.
Women are a meme
Most of the women who post shit like this usually end up alone and bitter. Either that or they coincidentally become bi or political lesbians, then carry their unpleasant attitude to whichever woman they’re dating.
cool story thots
>was manipulated the whole show and then given free land through nepotism
wow what a strong female
BASED and empowering. I'm so inspired by this I'm going to get 2 more abortions
She's even worse than a Mary Sue because generally Mary sues do stuff. Sansa does nothing at all, ever, and the script outright pretends that she has. It's just written so that forgetful normies think she had any impact at all until season 6 where she was also irrelevant and made a terrible play that got rickon killed and dozens if not hundreds of good men because she decided not to reveal her plan.
So she's not even a Mary Sue, she is a downright bad character, an idiot who stumbles into some power and immediately fucks up with it. But the script just says, forget that, she's a genius and a great leader. Here is a scene where another character says so! :^)
Why didnt they say 'and I was a little girl being sold off to a warlord as a prize'
Can i get a run down on the good Sansa has done vs the complete failures she's responsible for? Only good thing I can think that she did was fuck over Littlefinger
How does this meme help them kill children again?
There is basically nothing. She wrote a raven to the vale to get soldiers for the battle of bastards but didn't fucking tell anyone so they had 0 battle plan whatsoever and took heavy losses including Sansa's little brother, who she completely failed to grieve over. This was presented as a huge win for Sansa. Literally just writing a letter.
She also voted a man into the highest position in the land.
How fragile do you have to be to get offended at some random fuck on Twitter posting a shit meme like this?
>depends on whether or not you consider NPCs human
How fragile do you have to be to get offended at some random fuck on Yea Forums posting a shit meme like this?
I unorinically clapped when the "uncle" got fucking destroyed. That was some fuckin' QUEEN OF THE NORTH right there.
It was to allude to a time even before that. A time when they were little children. It was a way to say they came from nothing to meet at the top of the world. It's kind of love confession, that with destiny and all.
They are literally fighting for the right to murder their children. These "women" are not human as we currently define human.
Is edmure a typical Yea Forums incel
Remember that scene where she told the blacksmith how to make armor? That was some true leadership skills.
men do not have "men"s rights"
we just have what is right
>they reuse the same line twice in 2 minutes
What the fuck do they pay these writers for?
I liked the part where I didn't watch this fucking awful show
Was he at the Battle of the Dead I can't remember
Rate my OC anons
I'm not offended in the slightest, as evident by me not having a big fat cry over wahmen being mean to me on Twitter. When your mother told you that the bully shoving you in a locker was just jealous, it was a lie, buddy.
Jon and Tyrion’s talk about killing Dany was good. I realized those characters can have a good scene together because they were introduced in the first episode and for a long time their only scenes together were from the show’s prime in season one so by the time the show went off the rails and they met again the charachters didn’t have enough time together for their relationship to become a meme like most others on the show.
What happens when the leaders of the great houses aren't such amicable pussies and some people with actual ambition come about? There's bound to be wars if there isn't a unanimous consensus on the new king.
He hasn't appeared since he helped the Lannisters take Riverrun.
No but seriously why did drogo not attack Jon and instead burn the throne? It has the intelligence of a rottweiler I doubt it even knows what the throne is let alone the symbolism that comes with burning it.
Women are dogs.
Men are the true women.
my favorite part was it made people seethe
I only derive enjoyment from other people's suffering
I guess m'Lady Sansa was right to tell him to fuck off then
In real life Westeros edmure would have come back with a Churchillesque quip, immediately dehumanizing and dismantling Sandra in the process to everyone’s glee
>ah put a sock in that gash you whingeing Ramsey fuckpuppet
>be a fuck up all your life
>sit among people who have done far more, far better than you
>make a fool of yourself trying to say how you'd be a good king
>get saved ny your niece
No, Tyrion and Jon became caricatures of themselves. Neither were the bastions of goodness and morality the show tried to make of them. The show took away all of Tyrion's shrewdness and Jon's cunning.
shes married to the imp but and has a better claim to the throne than bran. but lets all forget that.
Jon was always a morally good character though. Tyrion maybe more morally grey
You misunderstand me. They were both ruined, especially Tyrion. But I said their relationship wasn’t. Compare Jon and Tyrion to what they did to Varys and Tyrion or Bronn and Tyrion. It wasn’t memes with Tyrion and Jon, it was a real relationship based on understanding and not cock jokes.
Seven Kingdoms were an agnatic primogeniture monarchy. Aka oldest male child inherits. Women only inherit if there is literally nobody else. Or they illegally steal power.
Now it's an agnatic elective monarchy. There was nothing about changing the gender dynamics.
Imagine electing a double divorcee, who's only achievement is being raped and getting everything handed to her. Imagine electing someone that isn't even part of your realm by her own hand.
She has no claim to the throne, and even if the Starks did have a claim then Bran would still have had the better claim because men inherit over women in Westeros.
>It has the intelligence of a rottweiler
all these years and you haven't noticed that the dragons are the smartest characters in the show.
Nice projecting
He was good but he was never a slave to his goodness. His whole time as lord commander was to show he can be leader. Book Jon might not have forgiven Daenerys but he would never have killed her in coldblood.
I was surprised they even remembered him enough for him to be there.
>be a fuck up
Robb lost the war when all Edmure did was follow his orders so who's the real fuck up?
Desperate retards holding on to any YAS QUEEN moments they can
Jon is a Targaryen, dragon fire can't hurt him. Not sure about getting chomped though.
Christianity, Judaism, Islam:
Grego-Roman myths:
>"Women were a punishment from the gods after fire was stolen"
Targaryens can't be hurt by dragons even with teeth
>Book Jon might not have forgiven Daenerys but he would never have killed her in coldblood.
Book Jon wouldn't have fallen in love with her out of nowhere and would've killed her before she burnt down a city.
He got burned by a lamp in season one though.
That is true about love, but he wouldn't have killed her. There are two defining traits about Jon's character: his appreciation for duty and his love for his family. The only times he broke one was in service of the other. That is important because it let's you understand Jon doesn't do things out of honor or in search of glory. Jon would never, ever judge someone to their grave if it wasn't absolutely his duty to do so. Even being a threat to his family is not good enough.
Edmure was a fuck up long before Robb
Congratulations you paid more attention to the show than 90% of the people who watched it
Neither, it's a nigger
Giv belinda gf pls
>Stark, a northerner, becomes king
>another Stark northerner says "hell no we want independence"
>only the Stark is allowed to be independent
>everyone else can go fuck themselves
Am I supposed to believe this isn't a recipe for disaster and non-stop rebellions?
>tfw no alphabitch gf
As soon as that Edmure scene happened I knew that niggers and fags on Twitter would be all over it. I can't believe they had all those characters together and they still needed shitty jokes to fill the runtime.
That's so messed up to think about
What if men did that. Jesus
They do. I've paid for 2 abortions. She was on the pill too, I dumped her 6 months after the 2nd one.
Let's be real if I got pregnant I'm aborting it, if you don't like it I'll smash your hands with a hammer
They're a necessary evil. And I don't mean just for births. We need women and they need us. It's a toxic symbiosis but one that you cannot really do without. It's not that they'll help in wars, politics, any of that. But the old Grek Myth about two halves is more or less true. They're emotional leeches that at the same time purify and straighten you out.
Condoms would've been cheaper
Jon petting Ghost
Jonerys makes Cersei/Moonboy seem like the most romantic relationship.
Give it to me straight, is sneedposting a psyop?
D&D hacks cant write good romance, Dany & Drogo and Jon Ygritte were written by GRRM.
The idea behind Jon and Dany was good.
capeshitting manchild who who wears underpants from the kids section
Yea she was definitely "on the pill." Trust women less in the future.
You can tell Edmure didn't want the throne, which is why he was uncomfortable.
Still, he had a duty to the kingdoms. His bitch cousin wouldn't shut her whore mouth because she was going to break away anyway but before that she had to open her pie-hole and be a bitch one last time.
Edmure was our man, not Bran.
So...Jon went to live beyond the wall, Sansa finally became a queen and Arya the adventurer and warrior she always dreamed of being.
Rotten last season or not, it has moments that shine, and this has to be the one that eclipses all others.
The three most unlikely survivors finally finding their place and closure from all the war.
Truly beautiful.
She was, I saw her take it daily. She was just as pissed as I was. Some folks are just fertile.
Edmure was told to hold his position and not attack the Mountain directly so that when the Lannister forces heard about their position they would chase Robb's forces east so they could surround, defeat and kill the Mountain and his forces. That would have dealt a serious blow to Lannister morale. Edmure was a retard who thought a mill was worth not killing a towering figure in enemy forces.
yes but the execution bad, they werent even talking together... Jon is literally "you are my queen" "i love you" their lack of communication led to a tragedy. Fuck D&D
women can't even come up with an original sexist joke
but he literally fathered a child on his wedding night.
Not him, but yes. Probably JIDF Kabbalists working their jew magic and children thinking they stumbled upon something good because of how it pisses people off.
and if it's a nigger woman it's a Hell No
Yeah I bet you watched. Watched her take the “blackpill” if you know what I mean, and you do. You’re cranking your tiny wiener right now thinking about those sultry nights, cuck. Do you feel it? Your little white noodle in a vice? Your ancestors shrieking at you from beyond the void?